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<正>新闻发布会,简称发布会,有时亦称记者招待会。它是一种主动传播各类有关的信息,谋求新闻界对某一社会组织或某一活动、事件进行客观而公正的报道的有效的沟通方式。对商界而言,举办新闻发布会,是自己联络、协调与新闻媒介之间相互关系的一种最重要的手段。新闻发布会的常规形式是:由某一商界单位或几个有关的商界单位出面,将有关的新闻界人士邀请到一起,  相似文献   

高伟 《中国广告》2004,(4):92-94
2004年2月28日,南京希尔顿酒店云集了全国媒体界、广告界人士,一个"媒体自身"的新闻发布会在这里召开。本次新闻发布会是江苏卫视开全国之先河,成功定位为"资讯为核心情感为特色"的频道后的首次全国公开亮相。在经过了2个月的改版试运行之后,江苏卫视"以资讯为核心,以情感为特色"的频道定位已经深入人心,获得了观众的初步认可。整个发布会紧扣"情"字,以"万水千山总是情"为主题,大张旗鼓地在业界推出一个全新的江苏卫视频道。新闻发布会在上午9点准时开始,一个1分钟的《江  相似文献   

<正>在十二届全国人大三次会议首场新闻发布会上,大会发言人傅莹回答记者提问时说:"我这是第三次做新闻发布会,每次外媒都要问军费,据说我的前任也是如此,前任的前任也是如此,好像据说外媒到我们这个发布会来,主要关心的就是军费",可见每年的"两会"中国军费开支总会成为外界关注的焦点。一、今年中国军费开支增幅为5年来最低军费就是国家用于军事方面的经费。3月5日财政部提交的2015  相似文献   

<正>·活动组委会在北京人民大会堂新闻中心举行新闻发布会。组委会名誉主任、中共山西省委常委、宣传部长胡苏平和组委会主任、忻州市长李平社出席并讲话·忻州市委常委、宣传部长周如璧主持新闻发布会。  相似文献   

伊西科 《商务周刊》2010,(18):72-75
将中国称为"第二故乡"的跨国公司已不鲜见,但SAP公司9月初刮起的这场"中国旋风"还是让人眼前一亮。拜会国家工信部高官,将全球执行董事会会议及客户会议首次移师北京,以及召开Sybase收购完成后的首个亚太区新闻发布会,SAP两位联席CEO孟鼎铭(Bill McDermott)和施杰翰(Jim Hagemann Snabe)自年初上任后的首次访华,规格不可谓不高。  相似文献   

<正>从事过新闻发布会策划的人都曾有过这样的担心:举办新闻发布会的那一天,记者们会如约而至吗?如果他们来了,会不会唇枪舌剑般向新闻发言人质询呢?  相似文献   

疯狂的投资砰!郁金香形状的杯子碰在一起,红酒沿着玻璃壁流淌下来。杨勇和刘映东相视一笑。4.5亿元人民币,这可不是一笔小钱,不管怎么说也值得喝上一杯。更何况,祝酒可是任何一个融资新闻发布会的保留节目,身为主角,怎能错过。  相似文献   

白大华副局长在加强肥料农药种子管理新闻发布会上的讲话值此一年之春,全国进入春耕春种的农业生产关键时期,国家工商行政管理局配合农业部,在这里联合召开加强肥料、农药、种于管理的新闻发布会。刚才,农业部刘成果副部长介绍了有关情况,向大家通报了我局和农业部联...  相似文献   

2月18日,雪花飞舞之中第十七届中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会(CCBN2009)新闻发布会在北京召开。作为CCBN正式开展之前的最后一次重要的新闻发布会,此次发布会通报了CCBN2009的相关准备情况。  相似文献   

4月18日,国家工商总局支持山东"一蓝一黄"经济区建设新闻发布会在山东省济南市召开。受总局党组书记、局长周伯华委托,总局副局长付双建在新闻发布会上向媒体介绍了《国家工商行政管理总局关于支持山东半岛蓝色经济区和黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设发展的意见》的主要内容。山东省委常委、副省长王军民出席新闻发布会并讲话。  相似文献   

酒桌上,宗庆后一句"传位女儿"的戏言,让停留在迷雾中的宗馥莉注定要成为一个媒体追逐的人物,不仅因为她是富二代,更因为她是娃哈哈帝国的公主。  相似文献   

<正>【人物简介】●陈丹霞广州立白企业集团化妆品事业部总经理、上海新高姿化妆品有限公司总经理、广州澳希亚实业有限公司总经理、澳大利亚澳希亚集团有限公司董事总经理。2008年掌舵上海新高姿至今,带领品牌迅速晋升中国十大最有价值的化妆品品牌之一的行列,并在2009年全球金融危机时,实现品牌逆势飞扬的销售奇迹。  相似文献   

"Why are my eyes filled with tears? Because I love this land so much..." is from a poem written by Ai Qing, a famous poet in 1930s' China. Whenever I read the news about the May 12 earthquake, I can't help thinking of these words. From May 12 to now, three weeks have past, but the impact felt by China and her people is far greater than the time that has passed.  相似文献   

周南 《中国市场》2012,(47):20-25,4
<正>【人物简介】张庆,北京达博资产管理有限公司CEO,天宝世家(香港)珠宝股份有限公司执行董事上海财经大学国际金融专业获经济学博士,中国地质大学资源产业经济专业博士曾在国内大型金融集团内担任投资部总经理职务,负责资金的投资与运用管理;曾任职于中央企业,二届中央企业青联委员,三届中央企业青联常委,中央企业青年科技工作者协会副主席兼秘书长主要社会职务有中国收藏家协会玉器委员会副主任,北京市青联委员等北京达博资产管理有限公司是一家专注于股权投资及管理的专业机构,目前主要从事的有科技金融股权投资和文化产业投资及艺术品投资顾问服务,牵头发起了中国资源性艺术品基金等。  相似文献   

Signaling consumers that the company behind a brand is run by a family is increasingly observable in the marketing realm. One possible reason could be the emotional value signaled by the family nature of the firm. Brand signals carrying emotional value might contribute to a competitive advantage. Since we do not fully understand the effect of signaling the family nature of a firm yet and as family represents an emotional context, we examine this effect on consumer perceptions of the products being made with more love by conducting two experimental studies. In Study 1 (N = 371) we find that the firm's family nature triggers a strong perception of love being part of the production process of the brand, which leads to a higher willingness to pay. Specifically, in Study 2 (N = 280) we designed a process manipulation study to provide causative experimental explanation of the process of Study I. Thereby, we contribute to psychology and marketing research by showing that consumers consider a product signaling the family nature of a firm more strongly to be made with love and are willing to pay a price premium. This effect is driven by positive feelings related to one's own family.  相似文献   

The great design comes from the great ambition. Just as our CMH Group, we first have a good tradition in practice. As the leading enterprise in France and Lille area, the group always lays stress on the sustainable development of our company. This is the best development policy of CMH Group in realizing her double goal: develop and help others to develop. First of all, we help our customers to develop, as housing supply is not only the supply of walls and roofs.  相似文献   

On August 15, a special charity performance was carried on in Malaysia by IPC Shopping Services (M) Sdn Bhd, an ECommerce company based on Malaysia. It was special for "'May 12 Earthquake'" in China's Sichuan Province, and special tbr those suffering children in the disaster. Months have past, but moving and touching stories happened during the earthquake encourage the people alive to create a better life and never give up hopes. What the post-earthquake construction left to us is the human love and boundless love, which is also the theme of the "'8.15 Yu Miao Charity Pertbrmance".  相似文献   

As major clothing suppliers are being forced by competition to cut costs, is this inevitably leading their suppliers to cut corners in working conditions, and what ethical considerations are relevant? The author is completing her MBA at London Business School and has a background in the textile industry.  相似文献   

In the last few years there has been a lot of fuzzy talk, scientific discourses and comments of business life about the values, ethics and social responsibility of companies. Companies are expected to have also some other tasks besides that of gaining profit. A part of the tasks which management has, except for thinking of the benefits of their own organization, are things which work for the well-being of the whole society. Issues like this are, among others, working for employment, taking care of the environment, and promoting consumer security.While making decisions of their own action in the company, the management often has to face ethical solutions. The benefit of the company may be different from that of other business stakeholders. In this case, the manager has to decide for which part he should act, for the company or for the stakeholders. The ethical problems in deciding may appear also inside the company. In our study, we are very interested in the decision-making processes which are connected with the honesty of the manager and his/her being honest with the stakeholders both inside and outside the company.In our research, we have tried to create a framework which helps us to find out in what kind of situations a manager faces the problem whether he/she should tell the truth to the stakeholders or not. We have also studied the means which the managers use in their potential dishonesty. Further, we have tried to find out how the managers see themselves in situations where they cannot tell the truth or have to cover it.  相似文献   

Deborah Lunt had wanted to see a business building with her name on it since she was thirteen years old. She now wanted to build upon the reputation that she had earned through her twenty years in the hair-care industry. She decided to move from the upscale streets of Boston to the suburbs where she felt she could provide a more relaxed and personalized ambience. Deborah excels in hair cutting, color, styling, and her perceptiveness of what her clients want. She built her entire clientele through word-of-mouth and even after she relocated to the Boston suburbs, her clients continued to travel long distances to obtain her services. As Deborah sat in her office one day sipping mineral water between her appointments, she wondered how she could grow her client base. She started day dreaming and was suddenly brought back to the present with the “ding dong” at the door, and one of her clients and friend, a marketing professor at a nearby university, walked in for her monthly appointment. As Deborah cut and styled her client's hair, she shared her thoughts and dreams with her. The professor knew that Deborah was ambitious and hardworking, and that if she had a clear marketing plan, she could succeed in growing her business. The professor also knew that, although Deborah had left her job at an upscale hair salon in a high-end retailing location in the city (the most expensive street for shopping in Boston) to startup her own business, Deborah had done so without a written plan and only a vague vision for the future. The professor suggested to Deborah that she needed to put some effort into developing a viable written marketing plan.  相似文献   

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