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We examine the impact of mandatory retirement on the retirement decisions of professors in Canada using administrative data. Estimation of a discrete time hazard model indicates that faculty members at universities with mandatory retirement at age 65 have exit rates at age 65 that are around 30 to 38 percentage points higher than those of their counterparts at universities without mandatory retirement. This overall difference in exit rates is found when the sample is restricted by discipline, professional rank and type of university. Similar results are found for both men and women; however, the magnitude of this effect is somewhat smaller for women. Restricting the analysis to include faculty members who received their highest degree at age 34 or older does not affect the magnitude of the difference in exit rates between faculty at universities without mandatory retirement and those at universities with mandatory retirement. The estimated survival probabilities indicate that only 22.7% of faculty members employed at age 64 at universities without mandatory retirement will continue to be employed at the same university at age 72. 相似文献
Countries with higher implicit taxes on continued work are associated with lower labor force participation rates of the elderly. This paper constructs a politico-economic model that accounts for this feature based on multiple, self-fulfilling expectations of agents. In this model, agents are identical at birth and can become skilled (or remain unskilled) through educational investment. When agents hold expectations of larger social security benefits, it provides a disincentive to engage in educational investment, thereby resulting in an unskilled majority. In turn, this unskilled majority supports larger social security benefits, which induces the retirement of the elderly and thus results in a lower labor force participation rate. The opposite applies when agents have expectations of smaller social security benefits in their old age. 相似文献
在高校中,道德环境从本质上说是道德价值观在校园共同体内的物化表现。道德环境与大学生之间的关系,实际上是教育者与被教育者双方价值观之间的互动关系。校园道德环境的功能和作用在于真正影响和指导大学生的道德价值认同,在建设过程中需要探寻大学生道德价值认同的路径:着眼于从道德环境的系统性渗透,全面激发价值认同;以校内媒介为主阵地,为价值认同营造良好的道德氛围;建立健全合宜的制度安排,为价值认同提供有序的制度基础;丰富道德实践的多样化途径,在实践中锻造大学生的价值认同。 相似文献
我国的经济发展、国际地位日益提高的同时,我国的文化受到全世界的空前关注。高校文化作为我国文化发展中不可或缺的重要一环,是学校所具有的特定精神环境和文化气氛,也是其发展的物质文化和精神文化的总和。本文引入文化及文化价值的概念,并从纵向深入的高校学院及学科建设,以及横向扩展的高校师生科研成果出发,把握两者相辅相成、相互联系的关系和丰富高校文化价值的共性,对高校文化价值进行系统、深入的开发。同时,在高校文化价值的开发及实现过程中,此次研究所坚持的原则是:深层次挖掘高校文化价值,并以高校文化产品为载体,融入高校文化,在呈现和保存高校文化价值的同时,为高校文化的发展指引统一、系统的方向。 相似文献
《Labour economics》1999,6(2):311-333
Using data from the first five waves of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we examine the extent and determinants of residential mobility for persons aged 55 or older, plus the subsequent housing adjustments made by those who move. The dimensions of adjustment examined are house value and rental costs, the number of `excess' rooms, and housing tenure. Relatively few individuals move house in later life in Britain. Choices do respond to one's own retirement, but other household changes such as loss of spouse and spouse leaving employment are also important. When a residential move is made, there is a tendency for housing consumption to change in a direction consistent with the correction of a disequilibrium position. 相似文献
We study the interactive association of press freedom, access to media and education with a nation's corruption levels. A free press generates unbiased information that greater access to the media helps propagate; and a greater degree of education, in the same context, helps individuals apply that information. This entire process generates a vigilant and corruption‐free economy. It is therefore important to consider these factors in conjunction. 相似文献
James P. Vere 《Labour economics》2011,18(5):676-686
This study uses panel data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS) to estimate the effects of Social Security income on elderly labor supply in the 1990s and early 2000s. The identification strategy takes advantage of the 1977 amendments to the Social Security Act, which led to a large, unanticipated reduction in Social Security benefits for those born after January 1, 1917. Despite the advanced age of the notch cohorts, there is a significant, negative and surprisingly elastic relationship between Social Security income and hours of work. This suggests that currently proposed reductions in benefits would induce Social Security recipients to work more hours in retirement, even through their 70s and early 80s. 相似文献
Tempel ER 《Fund raising management》2001,32(9):27-32
The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University's mission is to help non-profit leaders, fund raisers and others meet those needs by increasing knowledge and understanding of philanthropy--what it is, what motivates it, what impact it has--and teaching ways to improve its practice. 相似文献
本案例描述了香港珠宝大王谢瑞麟家族的创业历程.问题集中在创业领袖与从美国学习归来的下一代继任者在管理理念、经营方式和文化等方面的冲突上,同时,也反映出中国家族管理文化与现代管理之间的冲突.对于国内企业来说是一个难得的家族创业与继任冲突的案例. 相似文献
近年来日本经济低迷,在此背景下2010年却掀起了一场辣椒油热,商品一度紧俏供不应求。文章将从产品再定位的营销策略及合理的市场竞争等方面来解读这一现象的出现原因。 相似文献
This critical case study looks at the campaign led by Citizens UK and Unison to get the University of East London (UEL) to sign up to the London living wage (LLW). UEL agreed to pay the LLW after a brief campaign in November 2010 and it was subsequently implemented in August 2011. The study charts the course of the campaign and draws on mobilisation theory and new primary research to account for its success. What our findings suggest is that community organisers and union activists were able to organise and mobilise a largely apolitical group of migrant workers. This, we suggest, can be explained by the successful mobilisation of the community and augurs well for future broad‐based campaigns. 相似文献
James A. Roberts Meredith E. David 《International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing》2019,24(1)
One's religiosity (or lack thereof) is the touchstone from which people view and interact with the world. The presumed positive impact of religiosity on charitable giving, however, may be an oversimplification. The present study takes a more nuanced approach to the subject and investigates the impact of 2 potential mediators (attitudes toward helping others, AHO, and attitudes toward charitable organizations) and 1 moderator (materialism) on the religiosity–charitable giving relationship. Study results suggest that religiosity has a positive effect on attitudes toward charitable organizations, AHO, and donating to charity. Religiosity was also found to have an indirect impact on charitable giving via AHO. Materialism interacted with AHO, such that the indirect effect of religiosity on charitable giving through AHO is attenuated as materialism increases. Implications of the present research for better understanding charitable giving are discussed. 相似文献
Denni Arli Fandy Tjiptono 《International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing》2017,22(3)
As the population increases, more people are now aware of the impact of their consumption on the natural environment. Nonetheless, 1 important factor that is often neglected is religiousness. Studies of the impact of religiousness on individual behavior have become increasingly important because the majority of the world population belongs to 1 of the major world religions. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of consumers' religiousness toward proenvironmental identity, attitudes toward environmental issues, and subjective norms about the environment. Subsequently, this study investigates the impact of these variables on purchase intention of green products. Using sampling from Indonesia (n = 649), which has the largest Muslim population, the results show significant differences between religions. In general, similar findings were found in both samples of Muslim and Christian consumers, where intrinsic religiousness has a positive impact on proenvironmental identity, attitudes towards environmental issues, and subjective norms about the environment. The study also found that the 3 variables (proenvironmental identity, attitudes towards environmental issues, and subjective norms) are positive determinants of intention to purchase green products. Nevertheless, the role of extrinsic religiousness is different for the 2 samples. Extrinsic religiousness is negatively related to attitude towards environmental issues for Muslim consumers, where it has a positive influence on proenvironmental identity among Christian consumers. The results of this study have significant implications not only to managers but also religious leaders on how to encourage more positive attitudes toward the environment. 相似文献
《Information and Organization》2005,15(2):95-124
Ubiquitous computing envisions seamless access of mass-scale services over the multitude of contexts that users encounter in their everyday mobility. However, to be successful such computing must simultaneously be designed to provide transparent, integrated, and convenient support in localized use contexts. Thus, the issue of multi-contextuality makes the design of ubiquitous computing services and environments a challenging endeavor. While ubiquitous computing requires attention to the multi-contextuality of people’s mobile device use encompassing spatial, temporal, and social dimensions of mobility, the typical avenue for IS research studies has been the single context (e.g., team, organization, or inter-organizational).This paper reports on a grounded action research study with the objective of developing and testing design principles for handling multi-contextuality in an increasingly important ubiquitous computing environment – the car. Already supporting people’s everyday mobility and promising to provide ubiquitous availability of computing and communication infrastructure, the car is indeed a relevant setting for investigating the co-existence of different use contexts in ubiquitous computing. Contributing to the early stage of the ubiquitous computing research tradition, this paper not only empirically demonstrates that the car as a ubiquitous computing environment can improve the convenience of people’s everyday mobile device use by providing multi-contextual support. The paper also suggests our design principles and their associated socio-technical implications to be valid for other ubiquitous computing environments. Indeed, synchronizing fluid use patterns, scaling service manipulation, and signaling context-switches through awareness support lie at the heart of weaving ubiquitous computing environments conveniently into the fabric of people’s everyday mobility. 相似文献
本文阐述了工程实训基地的建设,网络化信息平台的建立和提高师资队伍的综合素质,就如何规范教学管理,实现资源共享,提升工程实践教学的效率和水平,促进工程实训基地建设的可持续发展等进行了分析与论述。 相似文献
This article focuses on the development of mid‐ to senior‐level HR professionals through a public program offered at the University of Michigan Business School. We suggest that developing HR professionals requires a theory of competencies about what HR professionals must know and do and a development experience based on those competencies. We highlight how we have created a competency model over the last decade and designed our HR executive programs to deliver against this model. We also show the pedagogical techniques used to deliver these competencies. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献