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为做好2010年污染源普查动态更新调查工作,以全国第一次污染源普查及2009年污染源普查动态更新为基础,浅谈实际工作中积累的一些经验.  相似文献   

岳海波 《上海商业》2022,(7):223-225
目前,县区级城投公司发展困境主要体现在改革和融资问题上。本文以县区级城投公司发展背景为切入点,阐述了县区级城投公司发展困境,并结合实际情况提出自主经营、依靠外力发展、加快升级转型、拓宽融资渠道等困境突破对策,为县区级城投公司可持续发展提供根本保障。以供参考。  相似文献   

统计垂直管理改革对我国县区级统计基础建设具有里程碑的重要意义.对承担统计管理职能的县区级有关部门而言,如何在新体制下把统计工作提高到一个新阶段,使之适应统计改革的不断深化,是需要认真研究的一个课题.  相似文献   

基层统计,是统计工作的前沿,是统计信息的根源,统计基础工作是整个统计的“基石”,是确保统计数据质量的第一道“防线”,我国统计数据准确与否,关键在于掌握基本数据来源的县级统计部门的数是否真实,而基层数据的真实性主要依靠统计执法采检验,因此,在县级统计部门设置专业执法机构,可以经常性的开展执法检查工作,对提高基层数据质量,有效地遏制基层单位和个人的统计违法行为起到积极的作用.  相似文献   

当前,公共财政下的县区财政企业发展问题已成为一个社会性课题,如何才能更好地引导此类企业稳健发展,这需要各方面的共同努力.关于此,本文尝试着给出相应的探索,比如开展企业服务年活动,再如强调财政部门职能作用,又或者实践正确的工作思路和方法等.  相似文献   

在国库集中支付制度下,财政国库动态监控是防范和控制财政资金支付使用风险的重要手段。本文通过对汉台区财政国库动态监控改革主要做法和取得成效的介绍,分析揭示出该区在国库集中支付动态监控改革中存在的问题。同时,从加强制度建设、完善科学化精细化管理等五个方面提出了解决问题的对策及建议,以此来探讨该区财政国库动态监控改革之路,为切实加强财政资金监管、有效降低财政风险、提高财政资金使用效益提供一点思考。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,财政部门会计集中核算工作也在不断的加强,而财政会计集中核算的工作是与国库集中收付制度有着直接的关系,尤其是在当今社会经济高速发展的形势下,国家经济的发展势必会走会计集中核算与国库集中支付并轨的道路。本文主要针对县区级财政会计集中核算与国库集中支付并轨的问题进行了分析,并探讨两者之间并轨的思路。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,财政部门会计集中核算工作也在不断的加强,而财政会计集中核算的工作是与国库集中收付制度有着直接的关系,尤其是在当今社会经济高速发展的形势下,国家经济的发展势必会走会计集中核算与国库集中支付并轨的道路。本文主要针对县区级财政会计集中核算与国库集中支付并轨的问题进行了分析,并探讨两者之间并轨的思路。  相似文献   

基于动态能力的战略人力资源更新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
处于动态竞争环境的企业,需要不断地进行企业战略更新及战略人力资源更新,才能处于不败之地。但如何对战略人力资源更新与战略更新的匹配,是当前企业面临的重要问题。对海尔以三次战略更新进行深入分析,基于企业动态能力和战略更新理论,提出海尔战略更新和人力资源匹配模式,揭示两者互动协调的规律。  相似文献   

坐在街沿,木然的看着人来人往,手无力的挥着手中的报纸,漠然的驱赶炎炎夏日所带来的烦闷,更多的是心中的愁闷,无奈的问自己:明天在哪呢?大学毕业十多天了工作一直没落实,口袋里的钱越来越少,节约、节约、再节约,可每天的吃住不能少啊。  相似文献   

Volvo is convinced that there are great possibilities to create more effective job design solutions. The new strategy on production technology and works organization was developed in the early 70s. Since then the concept of flexible technology, team work and a spirit of collaboration has diffused to all the different product groups.The base for this development must be new technology, the capability and knowledge among the employees combined with a managerial approach that mobilizes the potential of good working ability. The changed directions both include moving toward craftsmanship in assembly operations as well as automation in manufacturing whenever feasible.Berth Jönsson, Corporate Development, Volvo.  相似文献   

Taking an approach to learning in the workplace as a phenomenon situated and accumulated in the course of work activities and everyday practice, the purpose of this study was to investigate how workers (development engineers and designers) themselves perceive the role of experience in work and learning. The empirical material consists of interviews with 18 employees in two enterprises in Finland. Narrative analysis of the holistic core stories yielded four thematic categories. The categories indicate that learning from experience plays an essential part in coping and learning along with other people, in understanding holistic work processes and in creating a personal perception of one's work and the learning that takes place in its course. It is suggested that the essence of learning through experience in everyday practice challenges the employers, first, to pay attention to the maintenance of a collaborative working atmosphere, second, to arrange possibilities for the continuous analysis of tasks within working teams and networks and, third to see their experienced fellow workers as mentors in order to harness the know‐how embedded in teams and organisations to better benefit all workers.  相似文献   

通过对南沙港区粮食码头工程项目的设计回顾,提出对项目设计的一些体会。  相似文献   

This research examines Generation Y employees' retail work experience. Based upon Brown and Peterson's [Brown SP, Peterson RA, Antecedents and consequences of salesperson job satisfaction: meta-analysis and assessment of causal effects. J Mark Res 1993; 30: 63-77; Brown SP, Peterson RA, The effect of effort on sales performance and job satisfaction. J Mark 1994; 58: 70-80.] job satisfaction model, Gen Y employees work experience framework encompasses the work environment variables of role conflict, role ambiguity, supervisory support, and work involvement to predict job performance, job satisfaction, and, ultimately, retail career intention. Drawing from the job crafting perspective in management theory [Wrzesniewski and Dutton, 2001], this research tests the mediating effect of job characteristics between work environment and job outcomes using structural equation modeling. Study participants were members of a national sample of students (n = 803) from 14 universities in the United States. The findings indicate that job characteristics have a critical mediating role on the relationships for Gen Y employees, suggesting a paradigm shift from passive to active employees who craft their jobs, roles, and selves within a retail organizational context.  相似文献   

Empirical studies exploring managerial views of organizational politics (OP) are scarce. Furthermore, the literature is replete with inconsistent results regarding the correlates of OP. In this paper, data collected from 302 managers were used to examine the association between seven background and work experience variables and managerial attitudes regarding the ethics, locus, affect of OP on the organization, and the motives behind political maneuvering in the workplace. The results, however, show that association between managers' background and work experience factors and attitudes regarding OP is weak. The results suggest several promising lines of inquiry for future research. Shaker A. Zahra is Assistant Professor of Management at the School of Business Administration of the Old Dominion University, Norfolk, virginia. His research focuses on the role of political factors in strategy development.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between supportive leadership and job characteristics and workers’ alienation in Cuba, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Russia, and the United States. One thousand and nine hundred and thirty-three workers and non-managerial personnel participated in the research. Supportive leadership and job characteristics were found to be related to alienation. Evidence is provided along with implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the ethical dimensions of Islamic bankers, with a reference to the factors influencing decision-making behavior related to ethical issues based on al-Ghazali's ethical philosophy. The findings reveal the manner in which Islamic banking practitioners brace themselves into situations that warrant the use of reason in making decisions related to ethical issues, where desires tend to dominate human choices. While the guidance of divine knowledge has been found to be ineffective in decision-making, the element of satanic force was found to significantly influence this process. The insignificant heterogeneous effect of work experience suggests that banking authorities should intensify the capacity building in the area of ethical teachings and the foundation of Islamic faith, regardless of the job tenure of employees. This study contributes to the growing literature on the ethical aspects in Islamic banking and organizational behavior by offering important implications for understanding and refining the ethical stance related to Islamic banking practices based on the Islamic perspective.  相似文献   

Using a new dataset on the stringency and enforcement of environmental policy, this study is the first to find robust confirmation of a pollution haven effect in a cross-country context by accounting for strategically determined environment, trade, and intellectual property right (IPR) policies. A simple game theoretic approach to policy determination is described which suggests an identification strategy based on other country characteristics. It is found that for the top 20th percentile of countries in terms of growth in U.S multinational affiliate value added, as much as 8.6% of that growth between 1999 and 2003 can be attributed to declining relative stringency and enforcement of environmental policy. The results are robust to a number of identification tests, weak IV tests, and third country spatial effects. Further, evidence is found that relatively ‘footloose’ industries are more likely to be affected by environmental policy than more traditionally ‘dirty’ industries and enforcement of environmental policies tends to be a more important deterrent than the stringency of the policy set.  相似文献   

This research examines how patient experience is affected by various generational cohorts’ perceived ease of use and usefulness of healthcare patient portals and how this experience, in turn, shapes cohort technology use. Results suggest that digital technology needs to be designed and implemented with cohorts in mind. This study complements research in digital technology and customer experience by highlighting the relevance of generational cohort differences, that is whether they adopted digital technology (i.e., Generation X) or always had digital technology, (i.e., Millennials) on a patient’s experience.  相似文献   

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