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随着环保和可持续发展的观念日益深入人心,环保意识和环保消费创造了新的市场需求,不仅在制造业领域,而且在服务业领域都应当重视和实践可持续发展式的经营管理。将可持续发展的思想用于服务创新理论的理念,对实施可持续服务创新具有重要意义。归纳总结可持续服务创新的主要途径,旨在引起服务业对可持续发展思想的足够重视,为实施可持续服务创新提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

一对一:新世纪市场营销发展的新趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张志平 《商业研究》2006,(1):147-149
当今市场营销范式正从大众营销向一对一营销转变。和大众营销相比,一对一营销注重顾客份额而不是市场份额,细分顾客到个体的程度而不是群体的程度,与顾客对话与协作而不是“我说你听,我做你买”,将产品传递给顾客而不是将顾客推向产品。实施一对一营销要创建顾客管理机构,识别顾客的需求和价值,整合顾客数据库,进行批量定制生产。  相似文献   

Service quality measurement in Internet banking services is an area of growing interest to researchers and managers. Building on a synthesis of the extant literature on service quality in traditional services and that of Internet delivered services, this study develops a battery of measures that can be used to measure customer service quality in e-banking services. The study shows that service quality in e-banking can be measured using twenty-one parsimonious measures spread across five dimensions, namely, access, Website interface, trust, attention and credibility. The article discusses the importance of these findings for practitioners and for future research on service quality in Internet delivered services.  相似文献   

商务服务业:社会发展的新动力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商务服务业是社会经济发展到一定阶段社会进一步分工的产物.该行业将是就业潜力最大的市场之一.企业业务外包促进了商务服务业的兴起,全球产业结构已呈现"工业型经济"向"服务型经济"转型的趋势,发展商务服务业,不仅有利于提升生产企业的核心竞争力,带动传统服务业的升级改造,提高整个社会的经济效益,还能产生积极的社会效应.  相似文献   

消费者敌意研究指出国家间的经济和政治矛盾会影响购买意愿,由于历史和国情等因素,我国与美、欧、日等主要贸易国长期存在类似矛盾,但是还没有从营销的角度得到学界和企业的重视。为了帮助企业界认识、理解和应对消费者敌意,文章从消费者敌意的概念、影响因素、结果变量和理论基础研究消费者敌意的特征和作用机理,进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

会展产业:现代流通服务业的全新拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,会展产业是商品流通服务业在现代发展的结果,它提供的服务目的在于缩短商品供求之间的社会性距离,从而创造价值和利润;它不是单纯地从商品本身的意义上来推介商品,而是更注重推介一种商品所内含的、或与之相联系的需要消费者去认同和体验的文化价值,是以这种商品为载体、为符号的一种审美情趣,一种生活方式,一种消费理念;会展的功能最集中地体现了现代体验式消费经济的特征,会展产业是体验经济时代特有的产业,是现代流通服务业在这个经济时代的全新拓展.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children recognized advergames as a type of advertising and the efficacy of an advertising literacy program. Results indicated that without the advertising literacy education, about three-quarters of the children did not recognize advergames as a type of advertising. However, those with advertising literacy education showed a significantly enhanced understanding. Also, a series of mediation tests showed that recognition of advertising was an indirect-only mediator between the advertising literacy and skeptical attitudes toward advertising. Only those who viewed the advergame as a type of advertising demonstrated more skeptical attitudes toward it.  相似文献   

Prominent scholars note that current approaches to leader development in business are insufficient in at least three ways, and call for approaches that teach leaders to process and reflect, take personal ownership, and develop their capacities for both proficient and morally centered leadership. This paper explores three related research questions: Can we use evidence from management research to build a process-based model of leader self-development? Does the spiritual leadership literature offer implications for integrating moral development into such a model? Can spiritual development processes from a long-standing tradition be integrated, to further bring spiritual and moral development into leader development? Based on the leader and leadership development, spiritual leadership, and Ignatian literatures, one approach to building a spiritual leader development practice is presented. Using this model, business leaders are guided in forming leader development practices based on six categories of interdependent developmental activities: planning with discernment, experiences based on vocation, reflection including spiritual notes, assessment including examining present faults, education including on the lives of moral and effective leaders, and relationships including spiritual direction. This approach is differentiated from other approaches to leader development and to spiritual leadership. The role of the specific spiritual practices used here versus other traditions and the interplay of religion and spirituality in leader development are discussed, along with limitations of this approach and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

Vacuum packaging represents an alternative way of providing fresh beef to food shoppers. However, the air-tight seal leads to the beef having a brownish-red color in the package. Consequently, there is an information gap between consumers' perception of red indicating quality fresh beef and the appearance in vacuum packaging. A regression model is estimated using scan data to compare four cuts of steak in the two types of packaging. Results suggest that the information gap is a problem for three lower priced steaks but not for filet mignon.  相似文献   

Consumer typologies reveal categories of the consumer that stretch from the vulnerable to the empowered notion of the consumer citizen. At the empowered end of this spectrum, consumers in Europe have a developing, normative, organisational structure that provides channels for the consumer voice to influence consumer policy at the European level. This is an organisational structure with mechanisms for developing an effective consumer empowerment and enforcement framework across all EU Member States. It is a framework that forms a coherent whole with the European-level consumer institutions. This paper examines the integrated nature of these institutions and their role in influencing the development of consumer policy through a multi-level platform of new governance. It discusses the normative processes that, through empowerment and engagement, are encouraging a consumer citizenship practice to exploit these channels of communication in order to influence policy development.  相似文献   

This analysis assesses the validity of using consumer surveys to measure the quality of colleges using new survey data from the Strada‐Gallup Education Consumer Survey. I develop an individual consumer rating based on responses to 14 items related to the quality of education and implement two validity tests: Do higher ratings predict higher welfare, and do they correspond to objective quality measures? I conclude that they do. Indeed, the mean ratings of at least 20 other alumni provide a better prediction of individual satisfaction than popular college rankings from media sources. Consumers rate their experiences higher after attending not‐for‐profit colleges that generate better economic opportunities, enroll students with higher test scores, employ well‐paid faculty, and graduate a higher percentage of students who eventually earn doctorates. I conclude that survey‐based consumer ratings of postsecondary institutions can provide valid and reliable quality comparisons.  相似文献   

现代服务业,作为衡量经济及社会现代化水平的重要标志,其发达程度正日益成为中国经济长期持续健康发展与优化升级的新引擎。发展现代服务业具有重要意义,当前新常态下我国发展现代服务业依然面临诸多问题,应采取相应对策。  相似文献   

Purpose: Frontline employees from consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers, and the retailers’ employees who they interact with, play a crucial role in the in-store execution of product promotions and in ensuring that products are available for shoppers. This article investigates the development of interpersonal relationships between these frontline actors at the store-level of analysis and how these relationships influence in-store processes. We consider the theoretical and practical implications of our findings for sales force recruiting and sales management in the CPG retail channel.

Methodology/approach: Frontline relationships and in-store execution remain relatively under researched fields in the sales management and retail literatures. Given the lack of a well-established theoretical framework, we conducted a qualitative study in the grounded theory research tradition. We interviewed frontline personnel from manufacturers and retailers, their immediate managers and headquarters personnel and other industry experts. We took a holistic approach to data collection; also gathering other types of written, photo and video data for the purpose of iterative data analysis and developing a mid-range theory of relationship development between manufacturer representatives and retailer employees, the frontline employees tasked with executing marketing and merchandising strategies in the store.

Findings: We develop a model of frontline relationship development and performance consisting of 4 distinct stages: (1) working alongside, (2) building respect, (3) cooperative relationship (helping hands), and (4) collaborative partnership. We compare our findings with existing relationship marketing and relationship management theories. We find that an alternative theoretical framework may suit the particularities of the CPG retail channel better.

Research implications: This article provides insight into a very specific but important type of business-to-business relationships in the CPG retail channel that have seen little scholarly attention. It calls for re-evaluating the relevance of existing relationship marketing and sales management paradigms in the CPG retail channel. Future research could investigate the extent to which our model is applicable in sales environments beyond the CPG retail channel.

Practical implications: The study’s findings contribute to the practice of relationship marketing and sales management in the CPG retail channel. We present a case for a different approach of managing manufacturer-retailer relationships at the store level, a more functional tactic, which seems to deliver higher relationship performance than expected under the relationship marketing paradigm prevalent in sales and retail literatures. This different approach has direct consequences for the recruitment and management of a CPG sales force.  相似文献   

This research reveals connections between company strategies and consumer behavior patterns within the proposed method of developing a set of optimal strategies (a multi-component strategy) for a food company under the rapidly changing conditions intrinsic in the polycyclic business environment. This method is a strategic tool providing for efficient adaptation of a food company to current and potential environmental variability based on the polycyclic concept of environmental dynamics and on the suggested definition of strategy as a long-term interactive and proactive response to the influences of the business environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of cause-related marketing (CRM) is to publicise and capitalise on a firm??s corporate social performance (CSP) by enhancing its legitimacy in the eyes of its stakeholders. This study focuses on the firm??s internal stakeholders ?C i.e. its employees ?C and the extent of their involvement in the selection of social campaigns. Whilst the difficulties of managing a firm that has lost or damaged its legitimacy in the eyes of its employees are well known, little is understood about the extent to which managers and their social partners listen to and involve their employees in the legitimation process. Through telephone interviews with non-profit organisations and senior managers of service sector firms, the extent of employee involvement in CRM campaigns and the perceived benefits of doing so are investigated.?Amongst other things, we find that (i) the extent of employee participation varies significantly across firms; (ii) larger CRM campaigns tend to be managed centrally with relatively less employee participation than smaller ones and (iii) financial services firms are more likely to make CRM decisions centrally, with relatively less employee participation than retail services firms.  相似文献   

Consumer protection agencies can improve their responsiveness and productivity by gathering and using market information to develop social marketing programs. The authors propose a strategic model using consumer complaint data and examine its application in the design of an information system for the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. Results obtained from this system are presented to illustrate how the analysis of complaint data can be used in formulating a consumer protection strategy.  相似文献   

Research on the consumer perceptions of innovative offerings has tended to focus on products as opposed to services. Perceived risk has generally not been awarded a major role while uncertainty, which is viewed here as distinct from risk, has for the most part been disregarded. The study reported in this paper strives to identify some of the major risks and uncertainties associated with a new service, Internet Banking, during the early stages of its market development. The empirical research involved a qualitative study of a small sample of consumers and a survey of both adopters and non-adopters of Internet Banking. The survey employed a traditional research instrument, which involved the presentation of pre-identified risks and uncertainties. It was possible to identify several major ‘risks’ as well as ‘uncertainties’. We raise questions about whether or not the anxieties and concerns identified by such a process of consumer research are true reflections of the major influences affecting consumer behaviour towards new retail services. The adoption of a ‘perceived risk’ stance as against one founded on the view that consumers may lack certainty about outcomes and consequences has implications for both theory and practice.  相似文献   


This study investigates the effects of personal interaction and information technology integration (IT integration) on new service development in business-to-business (B2B) service firms' relationships. Personal interaction, IT integration and new service development are latent variables in a structural model tested with LISREL (N = 138). The relationship between personal interaction and IT integration is strong and indicates that both these constructs are drivers for new service development. Although both these constructs represent diverse ways of interacting, they both positively impact new service development. Hence, managers should not expect IT to replace personal interaction to a great extent in B2B-service contexts.  相似文献   

国外碳金融业务发展新趋向及其启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国外碳金融业务已由早期的基于碳交易所的业务向碳银行业务等方向拓展,以迎合后金融危机时期世界对低碳经济发展的要求。碳金融业务的拓展使其正在向更具有操作性和流动性的碳金融衍生品发展,如碳货币证券化及碳套利工具的开发是基于产业链角度及生态链角度对碳金融业务的拓展,也是对碳金融业务的进一步延伸。由于我国碳金融发展较缓慢,通过对国外碳金融业务发展的考察,可以为我国开展碳金融业务提供相关参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated use of selected consumer skills by children of two ages. A simulated market was developed and used to determine each participating child's level of consumer competence. It was found that (a) children learn consumer skills by being given opportunities to participate in consumer decision-making and sharing family responsibilities, (b) too little or excessive time spent in market search lessened the chance of obtaining a best buy, and (c) although children can and do learn to be consumers early, some skills depend upon maturation and use of education.  相似文献   

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