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This paper examines (i) whether market reactions to cross-listings differ across destination markets and (ii) to what extent the following explanations for value creation around cross-listings can account for differences in market reactions across cross-listings on various destination markets: overcoming market segmentation, increased market liquidity, improved information disclosure, and better investor protection (“bonding”). We analyze 526 cross-listings from 44 different countries on eight major stock exchanges and document significant announcement returns of 1.3% on average for cross-listings on US exchanges, 1.1% on London Stock Exchange, 0.6% on exchanges in continental Europe, and 0.5% (not significant) on Tokyo Stock Exchange. We find evidence consistent with improved disclosure and bonding creating value for cross-listings on US exchanges, while overcoming segmentation and bonding are associated with higher announcement returns on the London Stock Exchange. The evidence is mixed for continental European exchanges and for Tokyo. Our results highlight the role of the destination market in value creation around cross-listings.  相似文献   

孙广宇  李志辉  杜阳  王近 《金融研究》2021,495(9):151-169
本文以尾市交易操纵为研究对象,尝试对中国股票市场可疑的尾市操纵行为进行识别与监测,并基于监测结果实证分析市场操纵如何影响市场信息效率。具体来看,本文利用沪市A股2013-2018年的日内高频交易数据,基于股票尾市交易相关指标异常变化特征,构建了尾市交易操纵识别模型,实证检验了市场操纵对信息效率的影响。研究结果表明,市场操纵对信息效率存在不利影响,市场操纵后股票流动性和股票波动性的异常变化是影响信息效率的关键传导路径,上述结论在考虑内生性问题后依然稳健。此外,研究还发现,国有企业、上市公司信息披露质量较高的情形下,市场操纵对信息效率不利影响程度较小。  相似文献   

Using a time-varying cointegration framework, this paper examines the alleged manipulation of the London interbank offered rate (Libor) during the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Bank quotes are found to be poor indicators of their financing costs in the crisis period. The aberration in the estimated values of the cointegrating and error correction parameters governing the long-run equilibrium relationship between bank quotes and the final Libor suggests banks were submitting lower quotes. Further analysis which controls for an individual bank’s credit risk, market wide credit and liquidity risks, and a common market factor, demonstrate possible evidence of Libor rigging during the crisis period.  相似文献   

In an effort to motivate firms to more rapidly detect potential misconduct, legislators, regulators, and enforcement agencies incentivize firms to have integrity or “whistleblowing” hotlines. These hotlines provide individuals an opportunity to report alleged misconduct and seek guidance about how to appropriately respond. Beyond some isolated examples, little is known about the responsiveness of hotlines to actual claims of alleged misconduct. I undertake a field study to investigate how hotlines function in practice by making four different inquiries involving alleged misconduct to nearly 250 firms. I find that one-fifth of firms have impediments (e.g., phone line disconnected, email bounce back, direct to incorrect website) that hinder reporting and approximately 10% of firms do not respond in a timely manner. Overall, this investigation illuminates several differences between integrity hotlines “on paper” and how they actually perform in practice.  相似文献   

利用博弈论分析方法,对影响场外交易市场建设的监管制度、交易制度、信息披露、市场准入等进行分析,认为我国场外交易市场法律监管制度设计应从提高场外交易市场的法律地位着手,合理界定市场主体准入与退出标准,制定与场外交易市场特点相适应的信息披露制度,审慎引入做市商制度,建立顺畅的转板机制,采用灵活性、动态化的监管方式。  相似文献   

市场操纵严重影响市场功能的发挥。认识操纵、监督操纵、处罚操纵并最终达到根治操纵,维护市场自由、有序与有效的目的是学界和监管层共同面临的一个十分紧迫而艰巨的任务。现有文献对市场操纵的含义、认定及度量做了大量研究,然而取得共识之处很少。通过述评并兼顾各家之长形成如下观点:市场操纵是指凡是为了私利而故意扭曲市场价格的行为。对操纵的认定应包含三个要件,即人为价格、疑似操纵行为与人为价格的因果关系以及操纵意图。对操纵的度量除了要考虑操纵行为对价格的直接与间接影响外,更重要的是考虑该行为对市场的危害大小。  相似文献   

左顺根  杜吉中 《南方金融》2012,(5):65-69,15
股指期货市场操纵会影响股指期货市场的价格发现功能,同样地,股指期货市场的价格发现功能也会影响股指期货市场的操纵行为。本文在理论探讨的基础上,利用股指期货主力合约及对应的沪深300指数高频数据对市场操纵行为进行实证分析。研究结果表明,当操纵嫌疑只存在于期货市场时,股指期货市场的价格发现功能将会减弱;当操纵嫌疑存在于期货、现货两个市场时,股指期货市场的价格发现功能相对会增强。而且,当股指期货市场价格发现功能较强时,市场操纵的难度和成本都将下降。当前中国股指期货市场的操纵行为可能主要局限于某些个别的、离散的交易日内,系统地通过操纵现货指数来操纵期货市场的可能性较低。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how unchecked manipulations could cause frequent trade-induced manipulations and weak-form market inefficiency in South Asian stock markets [Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)]. Specifically, the paper analyses the price–volume relationship as one of the many cases of market inefficiency. By employing various econometric tests, this paper first provides conclusive evidence of market inefficiency in these markets. It then extracts evidence of manipulation periods from legal cases and analyses price–volume relationship during these periods. The paper finds that there exists market-wide trading-induced manipulations, where excessive buying and selling causes prices to inflate artificially before crashing down. The paper concludes that South-Asian markets are inefficient in the weak-form.  相似文献   

We explore factors affecting liquidity by examining the relation between liquidity changes and changes in firm characteristics around mergers and acquisitions. We find that spreads decline as the number of analysts, number of shareholders, number of market makers, firm size, and volume increase or as volatility decreases. Increased volume and firm size, and decreased volatility, are associated with increased depth. We find no evidence diversifying and non-diversifying mergers affect liquidity differently. We note that mergers and acquisitions are associated with reductions, on average, in spreads but that the reductions are fully explained by the accompanying changes in firm characteristics.  相似文献   

We examine stock exchange trading rules for market manipulation, insider trading, and broker–agency conflict, across countries and over time, in 42 stock exchanges around the world. Some stock exchanges have extremely detailed rules that explicitly prohibit specific manipulative practices, but others use less precise and broadly framed rules. We create new indices for market manipulation, insider trading, and broker–agency conflict based on the specific provisions in the trading rules of each stock exchange. We show that differences in exchange trading rules, over time and across markets, significantly affect liquidity.  相似文献   

市场操纵是证券市场主要违法类型之一,是证券监管机关重点打击的对象之一.证明是连接操纵行为事实与法律责任的核心环节,在执法实践中具有极其重要的意义.本文以德国相关法律、法规命令和判例为基础,从行政执法层面对德国的行政证据制度和市场操纵的证明机制进行了深入研究,总结提炼出德国市场操纵证明的一般原则和主要特点,以期为我国证券执法提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

Apart from the obvious reasons for raising capital, a firm can hedge its interest rate exposure by issuing debt, the value of which moves in an opposite direction from the value of its assets as interest rate varies. We examine whether firms in the UK market make full use of debt issuances for hedging purposes or if they have other considerations. Our evidence shows that firms’ choices of debt issues are primarily driven by debt market conditions in an effort to lower their costs of capital rather than managing their firm-specific interest rate exposures. This suggests that market timing, as opposed to hedging, is the primary motivation behind corporate debt issuances.  相似文献   

现货市场与衍生品市场跨市监管研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着国内金融衍生品市场的逐渐兴起,发生在现货市场和衍生品市场的操纵更加难以发现,这种操纵对市场的危害性更大。本文通过研究现货和衍生品跨市场价格操纵现象,并借鉴成熟市场的监管措施,从法律法规、合约设计、日常监管、跨市场信息共享和联合监管、跨市场危机处理程序等角度提出了建议,希望能对国内跨市场监管提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this paper we examine the operating performance of non-US firms that enter major US stock exchanges using American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programs. Our dataset consists of 108 capital-raising and non-capital-raising firms from twenty four countries, cross-listed on major US stock exchanges during the period 1994–2004. We provide evidence that capital-raising cross-listed firms experience improvements in their operating performance after the listing, relative to a non-cross-listed matched sample of firms and relative to the pre-listing period, whereas non-capital-raising cross-listed firms out-perform a non-cross-listed matched sample of firms for both the pre-listing and the post-listing periods. These results suggest that the type of ADR program conveys information about changes in the post-listing operating performance. Moreover, both capital-raising and non-capital-raising cross-listed firms have positive abnormal returns due to the cross-listing and these abnormal returns are positively related with the post-listing abnormal changes in operating performance, suggesting that the market anticipates the post-listing abnormal changes in operating performance. Results are robust after adjusting for various firm and country risk characteristics.  相似文献   

操纵证券交易价格行为及其治理对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
操纵证券交易价格的行为是资本市场的客观现象,不必禁止此类行为,只需将其限制在资本市场能承受的限度之内。治理证券价格操纵行为必须借助刑法;彰显其及时性、严厉性、确定性;完善前置刑法制度;基于信托责任、民事责任与行政责任等层面,构筑治理证券价格操纵行为的预防体系。  相似文献   

This paper examines if the conditioning on market states is important to earnings management behaviors and profitability of accrual hedge strategy. This paper discusses four findings. First, accrual profits are consistently positive across both market states and significantly higher in DOWN markets. Second, while earnings management exists in both market states, the management effort is less effective and short-lived in the DOWN state. Third, this paper finds that the accrual effect exists but varies across industries. Finally, this paper examines how business cycles associate with accrual anomaly and show that accruals mispricing cannot be fully captured by macroeconomic model predicted returns.  相似文献   

The paper contributes to the literature on integration of stock markets by addressing the issue of non-synchronous trading. We argue that controlling for time differences in trading hours of stock markets is important and show that time-adjustment improves estimates of market integration. We also show that using weekly frequency does not sidestep the consequences of the time-match problem but leads to significant loss of information. We show that the nature of integration of stock exchanges operating in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland with the stock markets of Germany, UK and US in the period 1994–2004 is very dynamic. Finally, the study shows that the autocorrelation of returns on the main market indices of these emerging markets have declined over time.  相似文献   

We characterize equilibrium outcomes in a Kyle demand-submission market model of speculative trade. This market design mirrors that used at open on most exchanges, as well as the auction format used for many IPOs. We contrast equilibrium outcomes with those that obtain in the corresponding competitive market maker structure. We prove that the two market structures yield identical total speculator profits only if their signals are independently distributed. If the signals of speculators are correlated in any way, market design matters: the demand-submission market design increases competition, drives down speculator profit, and leads to more informative prices. We argue that these facts explain the prevalence of the demand-submission market design. We thank Pete Kyle for helpful comments. Both authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation grant SES-0317700. See, e.g., Admati and Pfleiderer (1988), and dynamic multi-speculator extensions such as Foster and Viswanathan (1994), (1996), Back, Cao and Willard (2000), Huddart, Hughes and Levine (2001), Baruch (2002), and Bernhardt and Miao (2004).  相似文献   

政府采购产品和服务相对于政府自我生产具有更高的潜在效率。为验证这一判断,并发挥绩效评估的激励约束功能,在政府采购的实践中,必须对采购绩效进行准确评估。而准确评估的前提就是要有一套客观准确的评估依据。市场效率具有客观实在、现实最优、实时动态、操作性强等特性。运用市场比较制度,可以有效解决评估依据的客观性和准确性问题。该制度利用市场效率,从价格、时效、质量三个方面对政府采购绩效进行比较,其比较结果为政府采购计划控制、过程管控、绩效评估提供依据。  相似文献   

刘京军  张健 《金融研究》2022,509(11):154-170
从制度设计上打破市场分割、促进市场整合,对提高市场效率、促进经济有序健康发展具有重要意义。本文以商品期货上市作为准自然实验,构建双重差分模型,实证检验了商品期货上市交易对现货商品市场价格整合的影响。研究发现,现货商品市场价格整合程度在相应商品期货上市后显著提升,这是因为商品期货上市显著地促进了价格信息在全国范围内的传导,且这种提升效应主要体现在价格信息传导比较顺畅的地区。此外,商品期货上市提高了现货商品市场价格同步性,缓解了现货商品价格信息滞后程度,降低了现货商品交易成本。进一步研究发现,商品期货市场的交易信息质量越高,越有利于提高现货商品市场的整合程度。本研究为当前我国建设全国统一大市场提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

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