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贾明志 《证券导刊》2012,(33):34-34
尽管短期A股或难以出现系统性行情,但基金认为当前市场仍具有一定的结构性机会。有基金经理透露,基金行业目前整体对银行股配置非常低,相对看好消费等非周期类板块。中报披露已近尾声,不少具有相对业绩优势的蓝筹股股价非但未受到支撑,反而出现下调,近两周沪深300指数累计下跌3.15%。多家基金表示,宏观经济短期见底回升概率较低,...  相似文献   

投资天使及其投资要诀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何使所选项目的投资回报率高达1000%?数以万计的富人如何寻找投资项目?如何判断投资项目?如何决策投资项目? 请看  相似文献   

<正>前期回顾外商来华投资基本分为了解投资环境、选择项目、深入调研、创办企业这四个步骤。上一期重点介绍了外商来华投资的整体流程和如何了解投资环境,本期将介绍选择项目的具体工作。选择项目可以从选择投资类型,投资行业,投资地点,合作伙伴这四个方面进行考察。  相似文献   

Q:这两年,基金投资比较热。但是我对基金投资不大了解,如何购买开放式基金呢? 黑龙江读者 索链  相似文献   

(20I3年6月26日-7月25日)10亿美元中葡基金专注投融资6月26日,由中国政府倡议、国家开发银行和澳门工商业发展基金共同发起的中国与葡语国家合作发展基金正式成立。中葡基金总规模10亿美元,首期规模  相似文献   

资本投资规模的确定 ,是企业投资决策的基本要素之一。在投资规模研究中 ,投资项目规模与项目投资规模是两个不同的概念。本文主要就投资项目规模作初步的研究分析。一、确定投资项目规模的依据投资项目规模是指通过企业的投资所形成的固定资产项目的生产经营规模(能力)。一个企业投资项目规模的确定 ,需要考虑和涉及多方面的因素。一般说来 ,企业要科学地确定投资项目的规模 ,必须把握好以下几个方面。(一)规模经济。企业的生产经营规模表现为构成生产经营能力的各种要素在企业的集聚程度 ,以及由这种集聚而形成的企业特定的生产经营能…  相似文献   

2006年以来,创业已经成为中国最时髦的名词之一。而作为创业助推剂的风险投资也成为了众多创业者追逐的对象,但是由于投融资渠道的差异,大多项目方无法根据自己项目的特点,找到适合自己项目领域和融资额度的风险投资。而投资人在筛选融资项目的过程中,往往要花很多时间去应以一些并不适合自己投资意向的项目。[第一段]  相似文献   

2004年对亚洲对冲基金的投资接近翻番;债权人拒绝出售仁川炼油给中国中化;中海油在印度尼西亚签署天然气销售协议;武汉蒂森汽车底盘项目动工;中海油宣布澳大利亚西北大陆架天然气项目的收购顺利完成;德国大众拟与武钢合作汽车板项目;中国石化将全面收购旗下子公司北京燕化石油;茂德科技拟投资8亿美元在中国大陆建厂;  相似文献   

Investing and consuming may not be so different as traditional economic theory has understood them. The consumer research literature has begun to view consumption not simply as rational decisionmaking, but as a more multisensory activity in which emotion and fantasy play important, if not essential, roles. This new perspective has been extended by Holt (1995) in a matrix of metaphors in which consumption can be viewed as an interaction with objects and/or other persons as an end in itself and/or a means toward toward other ends. This paper theorizes how this matrix might apply to investment and uses a literary analysis of the best-selling The Motley Fool Investment Guide to examine whether or not our knowledge of consumers might in this way inform our understanding of investors.  相似文献   

In the classical portfolio optimization problem considered by Merton, the resulting constant proportion investment plan requires a diffusive trading strategy. This means that, within any arbitrarily small time interval, the investor must impractically both buy and sell stocks. We study the problems of a mean-square and a power utility investor for whom the trading strategy is constrained to be smooth, i.e. nondiffusive. This means that over sufficiently small time intervals, the investor is either a seller or a buyer of stocks. The mathematical framework is built around quadratic objectives such that trading activity is punished quadratically. Mean-square utility is quadratic, and power utility is covered by quadratic punishment of distance to Merton’s power utility portfolio. We present semi-explicit solutions and, in a series of numerical illustrations, show the impact of trading constraints on the portfolio decision over the investment horizon.  相似文献   

中国海域、海岛开发现状 由于海洋环境的特殊性,海洋不是人类的居住环境,人们总觉得海洋开发离自己比较遥远,企业对海洋资源开发与利用也不知如何下手.但随着国际上对海洋资源的一些开发新案例相继出现,中国对海洋资源的开发利用也呈现多样化的趋势.比如一些国家正在研发水下房屋建设,迪拜已推出了水下别墅项目,各种海上游乐设施和海上运动项目已被人民广泛接受,海洋的开发类型越来越多,不但有传统的海洋产业在蓬勃发展,而且又在不断产生新的海洋产业.  相似文献   

Studies conducted in the past have identified inefficiencies in the market for Closed-End Investment Company (CEIC) shares. In addition, studies have demonstrated the potential for trading strategies to exploit these inefficiencies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of achieving excess returns through the utilization of relatively simple strategies not requiring continuous monitoring of discount(s) or frequent trading. Our investigation demonstrates that realizing excess returns through the use of simple mechanical trading strategies will not be possible.  相似文献   

细品“民间投资36条”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5月中旬,国务院发布了《国务院关于鼓励和引导民间投资健康发展的若干意见》,即民间投资36条。《意见》重申2005年颁布的非公36条的基本精神,鼓励和引导民间资本进入法律法规未明确禁止准入的行业和领域。要求创造公平竞争、平等准入的市场环境,对各类投资主体同等对待,不得单对民间资本设置附加条件。  相似文献   

We study the merits of capped retirement products with guarantee for investors who have the flexibility to dynamically adjust their investment strategy. All contracts under consideration are fairly priced such that the net profit of the provider is zero. Without the rider, an expected utility maximizing CRRA investor does not want an investment cap. Here, she commits herself to a strategy a priori. With the flexibility rider, the optimization problem changes and the optimal strategy is a response to an exogenously set price. A fair pricing then anticipates the optimal response of the investor. We show that the maximum expected utility of the investor can, for anticipated fairly priced products, be obtained for a finite cap. Thus, a capped product design can give a Pareto improvement to the otherwise uncapped contract version.  相似文献   

1863年,"伦敦大都会铁路"作为世界上第一条地铁开通之时,人们或许不会想到,这种后来被国际公认的"绿色出行"方式所带来的不仅仅是交通的便捷,它正改变着一座座城市的面貌。而对于已经经历了50多年发展历程的中国地铁来说,现在正是"最好的时代"。9月5、6日两天,国家发改委公布了新近批复的25个城市轨道交通建设项目:其中,常州、厦门、兰州、太原、石家庄等城市获准修建地铁,哈尔滨、上海等城市新增或调整城轨的建设方案也获得批准。事实上,发改委并非一夜之间突击批复城轨项目。早在今年5月,常州、厦门、兰州3地轨交规划获批的消息便已见诸报端;太原和石家  相似文献   

This paper presents a new and general approach to the theory of irreversible investment. We show that the optimal policy is a base capacity policy and derive general monotone comparative statics results. When the operating profit function is supermodular, the base capacity increases monotonically with the exogenous shock; and firm size is decreasing in the user cost of capital. Last but not least, the paper provides a general existence theorem for optimal policies.  相似文献   

A deep-ingrained doctrine in asset pricing says that if an empirical characteristic-return relation is consistent with investor “rationality,” the relation must be “explained” by a risk (factor) model. The investment approach questions the doctrine. Factors formed on characteristics are not necessarily risk factors; characteristics-based factor models are linear approximations of firm-level investment returns. The evidence that characteristics dominate covariances in horse races does not necessarily mean mispricing; measurement errors in covariances are likely to blame. Most important, risks do not “determine” expected returns; the investment approach is no more and no less “causal” than the consumption approach in “explaining” anomalies.  相似文献   

缥缈 《新理财》2010,(5):22-23
有关市场的一个新交易工具,期指准备了十年,希望未来利用双向交易获利的企业一定要记住:我们只是市场趋势的追随者。  相似文献   

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