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张明莉 《银行家》2007,(2):51-52
近年来,人行德州市中心支行围绕本地经济特点,把支持民营经济、中小企业发展作为工作重心,加强“窗口指导”,搭建政府、银行、企业、担保公司的合作平台,在促进本地金融生态环境的优化和经济金融协调发展等方面,做了很多实践。  相似文献   

<正>密切关注"一带一路"国际合作高峰论坛相关新闻的人民银行昆明中心支行行长杨小平和记者谈起国家"一带一路"战略时,显得有些兴奋,他说:"2000多年前,云南是古丝绸之路的重要节点和货物集散地,改革开放前30年沿海地区迅速崛起,地处边疆的云南成为此轮开放的末  相似文献   

在2011年5月《国务院关于支持云南省加快建设面向西南开放重要桥头堡的意见》(简称《意见》)正式批复后,云南随即召开了全省加快建设面向西南开放重要桥头堡动员大会,由此云南也开始迈入"兴边富民"发展的一个新时期。对于云南桥头堡建设,国家在《意见》中给予了云南30项突破性政策,其中有10多项与金融业相关,这充分说明了金融后盾对于云南桥头堡建设的重要性。对此,本刊记者就云南金融业如何发挥金融后盾,更好地支持云南桥头堡建设方面的一系列问题,陆续采访了云南金融界相关部门和机构的领导者,倾听他们的看法和思考,以及其部门和机构支持云南桥头堡建设的谋划和布局。本期刊登的是本刊记者对中国人民银行昆明中心支行(简称人行昆明中支)行长周振海和云南银监局局长林勇力的采访。  相似文献   

在2011年5月《国务院关于支持云南省加快建设面向西南开放重要桥头堡的意见》(简称《意见》)正式批复后。云南随即召开了全省加快建设面向西南开放重要桥头堡动员大会。由此云南也开始迈入“兴边富民”发展的一个新时期。对于云南桥头堡建设,国家在《意见》中给予了云南30项突破性政策,其中有10多项与金融业相关,这充分说明了金融后盾对于云南桥头堡建设的重要性。  相似文献   

<正>"两会"前夕,全国人大代表、人行昆明中心支行行长周振海特别忙碌。大年一过,除了全行新一年工作的部署安排,便是集中精力调研思考即将向"两会"提交的提案。2012年2月27日,记者见缝插针,采访了刚从文山、红河等地调研回来的周振海。周振海深有感触地说,云南是一个集"边疆、民族、山区、贫困"为一体的欠发达边疆民族地区,但同时又是一个资源丰富、区位有着先天优势的地区。在新一轮西部大开发中,云南  相似文献   

2009年初,一场罕见的旱情席卷了大半个中国。面对严重的旱情,全国上下众志成城,取得了良好的效果,同时,在抗旱中也暴露出了一些问题。“抗旱的核心是水,尤其是便捷可靠的灌溉用水。这场旱灾,暴露出我国农田水利基本建设投入不足的问题。应引起有关部门高度重视。”全国人大代表计承江在接受记者采访时,从眼前这场旱情开始说起,话题直奔农业主题。  相似文献   

“两会”前夕,全网人大代表、人行昆明中心支行行长周振海特别忙碌。大年一过,除了全行新一年工作的部署安排,便是集中精力调研思考即将向“两会”提交的提案。2012年2月27日,记者见缝插针,采访了刚从文山、红河等地调研回来的周振海。  相似文献   

7月23日,分行召开全辖中心支行行长会议,传达贯彻落实中国人民银行分支行行长座谈会精神。分行党委决定征全辖人民银行系统内兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想活动的新高潮。要求广大干部职工充分认识学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想对于指导人民银行当前工作的重大意义,强化科学理论的指导作用。  相似文献   

趁势而上闯新路,接续奋斗启新程。2012年1月,《国务院关于进一步促进贵州经济社会又好又快发展的若干意见》(国发〔2012〕2号)颁布出台。2022年1月,《国务院关于支持贵州在新时代西部大开发上闯新路的意见》(国发〔2022〕2号)印发实施(以下简称“新国发2号文件”)。  相似文献   

Four years after the onset of the world debt crisis, the issueis how to restore growth. The answer is structural adjustment,both macro and micro. At the macro level, adjustments have tobe made to the structure of aggregate demand and supply to restoregrowth while generating the needed trade surpluses. This meansprimarily real exchange rates that are maintained at appropriatelevels and an emphasis on investment. At the micro level, itis argued that most developing countries need to liberalizetrade, allow the price system to operate, develop financialsystems, reform taxes, and improve the efficiency of publicenterprises, perhaps by selling them. The article discussesthe nature of these two types of reforms and the policy andresearch issues relevant to World Bank analysis of growth programs.   相似文献   

Abstract: Oversight of the producer licensing process is a vital regulatory function aimed at protecting public interests inherent to insurance transactions. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), through a separate business entity formed in conjunction with private business, the Insurance Regulatory Information Network (IRIN), recently implemented a new program designed to allow better tracking of rogue agents, eliminate costly and error-prone duplicate data entry, and streamline the producer licensing and continuing education processes among/across the states. The heart of the NAIC effort is a wide-area client/server electronic network built around their Producer Data Base (PDB), which is designed to provide both regulators and industry with detailed, timely information on individual producers. The PDB spans a wide spectrum, from personal demographics to licenses and professional designations held, continuing education progress, and agency appointments, renewals and terminations, as well as complaints registered with and disciplinary actions taken by other regulators. This research investigates the development and implementation of the PDB/IRIN project. Though likely to be effective as a regulatory tool, we find significant risks exist in IRIN with regard to privacy, breach of confidentiality and reduced due-process protection, as well as threats to important private personal interests such as individual credit histories. The expanded role of NAIC reflected in IRIN may run counter to the federalist ideal of continued state control of insurance regulation. We also anticipate structural changes, such as displacement of smaller, local producers and continuing education providers.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of individuals, processes and activities in management accounting involves mostly a clinical judgment on whether or not to investigate a variance between actual performance and standard performance. Two judgment-related issues are examined in relation to the lack of validity of performance evaluation, namely: a) the difficulty in the determination of the base rate advocated by the normative accounting control models, and b) the evidence on the judgment fallibility and its effect on performance evaluation.  相似文献   

This study determines the impact of a new issue of common stock on security holder wealth and the magnitude attributable to transaction costs, tax shield dilution, wealth transfers, and informational content. The empirical results indicate that shareholders of firms announcing new equity issues experience significant, abnormal, negative returns. The per share transaction cost accounts for 22.6 percent of the observed abnormal return. The tax shield dilution effect accounts for 7.8 percent. No evidence of a wealth transfer effect is found. Thus, approximately 70 percent of the abnormal return can be attributed to new unfavorable information that becomes available to the market.  相似文献   

Abstract: The risk management and insurance discipline faces a number of challenges. The author poses some questions which focus on those challenges.  相似文献   

2024年,从监管到服务,从创新到规范,从开放到稳定,中国金融业面对百年变局和世纪疫情,沉着冷静、创新求索、奋发有为,书写新格局下金融高质量发展的新篇章。这一年,亮点纷呈,值得盘点回眸。1两次降准呵护中小微企业发展金融服务实体经济力度加大2021年,金融业在增强经济发展韧性、纾困中小微企业、降低企业融资成本等方面发挥了关键作用。4月1日,人民银行、银保监会等五部门决定进一步延长普惠小微企业贷款延期还本付息政策和信用贷款支持政策,实施期限至2021年底。  相似文献   

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