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Brand Equity, Consumer Learning and Choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to explore the links between brand equity, consumer learning and consumer choice processes in general and considering two recent trends in the market place: store brands and the Internet. We first review the advances that have occurred in brand equity research in marketing in the past decade, with particular emphasis on integrating the separate streams of research emanating from cognitive psychology and information economics. Brand equity has generally been defined as the incremental utility with which a brand endows a product, compared to its non-branded counterpart. We amplify this definition: we propose that brand equity be the incremental effect of the brand on all aspects of the consumer's evaluation and choice process. We propose an agenda of research based on this amplified definition.  相似文献   

The Effect of Attribute Variation on Consumer Choice Consistency   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
We study the effect of shifts in attribute level differences on consumer choice consistency. Choice consistency is measured as the variance of the random error component in the consumer utility function: the smaller this variance, the higher choice consistency. We hypothesize that due to increased choice difficulty, choice consistency decreases if attribute level differences increase while average utility level differences between alternatives remain the same. In our empirical illustration we focus on the impact of price level shifts on choice consistency in conjoint choice experiments. Our results show that choice consistency decreases as price level differences increase and absolute price levels increase.  相似文献   

Correction Processes in Consumer Choice   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Consumers sometimes recognize that irrelevant contextual factors may influence their judgments and decisions. When such factors are detected, consumers might engage in correction processes to counteract unwanted influences in their judgments and decisions. An experiment demonstrated that correction processes can reduce the magnitude of the compromise effect and the attraction effect.  相似文献   

DHAR  RAVI 《Marketing Letters》1997,8(1):119-130
This article reviews recent research that has examined consumer decision making when the option of not choosing any of the alternatives is provided. The attractiveness of the decision outcomes and the difficulty of choosing are posited to be two key factors that determine the preference for a no-choice option. Building on the notion that preferences are often constructed, it is proposed that task and contextual variables can alter how the choice situation is evaluated on the two factors and consequently choice incidence. Several experiments that explore and manipulate decision attractiveness and decision difficulty are reviewed, and areas for future research are suggested. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these results for research on consumer choice.  相似文献   

Research examining the process of individual decision making over time isbriefly reviewed. We focus on two major areas of work in choice dynamics:research that has examined how current choices are influenced by the historyof previous choices, and newer work examining how choices may be made toexploit expectations about options available in the future. A central themeof the survey is that if a general understanding of choice dynamics is toemerge, it will come through the development of boundedly-rational models ofdynamic problem solving that lie on the interface between economics andpsychology.  相似文献   

利用1 790份网络调查问卷数据,采用相关分析、交叉分析等统计方法,研究网购食品消费者选择行为,分析网购食品市场渗透率不高、用户黏性不足的主要原因,结果表明,消费者个性特征差异会导致对网购食品的不同态度,进而影响消费者对网购食品的选择行为;良好的网购环境、物美价廉的食品、优质的网购服务,是促使消费者选择网购食品的主要因素,对网购食品安全的担忧、习惯于传统购物方式、网购维权难度大,是抑制消费者选择网购食品的主要因素,尤其是网购食品"难维权、维权难"可能会放大消费者对网购食品产生的消极态度。为此,应加强网购食品多主体协同监管,消除消费者怀疑心理和不放心态度;建立以消费者需求为中心的网购食品质量安全供应链管理体系,推动线上市场和线下实体店紧密结合、融合发展;完善网购食品维权制度,畅通维权渠道。  相似文献   

董平 《江苏商论》2012,(7):22-24
消费者面临着多样化的渠道选择,企业要有效的管理销售渠道,必须了解消费者渠道选择的决策过程,然而,这是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为消费者的渠道选择随时都可能变化。文章首先基于学习理论解释了消费者渠道选择的决策过程是演变的,然后分析了消费者渠道选择决策过程演变的三个影响因素即:渠道偏好、个人习惯和营销策略,在此基础上构建了消费者渠道选择的决策过程演变理论模型,并进行修正,最后提出了在管理上的三点启示。  相似文献   

本文运用效用理论与消费者行为理论,在经典模型基础上加入时间约束参数,从而放宽消费行为不需要时间这一假设,从消费者的商品边际效用和时间边际效用方面对消费者选择的理性行为进行研究,并从工资率的变化出发,对均衡条件进行比较静态分析。基于时间约束条件的分析表明:消费者实现效用最大化时应使花费在各种消费品及休闲上的最后每一元钱所获得的边际效用相等;替代效应的正负取决于商品的相对时间密度,当某商品的时间密度与其他商品相比较小时,替代效应为正,反之为负;工资率收入效应的正负取决于商品的性质,正常品和高档品对应的工资率收入效应为正,低档品对应的工资率收入效应为负。  相似文献   

根据"特质-因素理论"的基本思想,通过职业评价,从要素匹配的角度,在个体特质与职业特性之间建立起一种对应整合关系,形成生涯信息评价系统(CIES)。CIES基于职业选择而构建,与个体特质评价密切关联,并以量化比较的形式提供职业评价信息。  相似文献   

This research explored the influence of the purchase environment on the choice of complaint channel. The study was based on responses from 480 undergraduate students who participated in a 2 (purchase environment: offline vs. online) × 2 (the degree of dissatisfaction: weak vs. strong) online experiment. Consumers who purchased online were more likely to complain online than those who made their purchase offline. Online complaining among online purchasers increased with the degree of dissatisfaction. The research suggests that future researchers should include consumer complaint channel choices when examining consumer complaining behaviour.  相似文献   

多忠诚顾客与单一忠诚顾客选择集的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步了解顾客多忠诚的内涵,以行为学习和认知失调理论为支撑,从行为和态度维度重新审视了顾客多忠诚,在对其进行明确界定的基础上采用日记式(diary study)方法调查了51名被试顾客28天的餐厅选择,结果证实多忠诚顾客的选择集和忠诚集要显著大于单一忠诚顾客的选择集和忠诚集。  相似文献   

选择与选择成本——品牌降低选择成本的机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对选择爆炸式增长的描述,抽象出一般选择过程模型,并深入分析这一过程中所发生的成本及构成,证明品牌正是通过降低消费者的选择成本提高了选择效率,而企业外部顾客的选择效率决定了处于过剩阶段企业的内部价值的实现和内部效率的高低。本文区分了交易费用与选择成本的差别,进一步深化了对"品牌经济学"分析范式的核心范畴——选择成本的认识。  相似文献   


Given the rapid increase in the consumer use of online services and the increase in competition between firms that compete online, firms are faced with a crucial challenge. Having invested significant resources in transitioning consumers from using offline services to using online services, they now need to understand what drives consumers to choose between competing online services. Our study seeks an exploratory answer to the above challenge. Specifically, we consider, “what role do factors that drive consumers into using online services play in assisting firms better compete in the online space?” This paper explores the above question by quantifying the value that consumers of an online financial service place on having access to in-depth product information, an affordable online service, an easy to use online service, access to offline capabilities, and available marketing promotions. The results reported in this paper are based on a web-based discrete choice experiment in which 2,209 consumers were asked to compare various online financial service offerings, differing from each other in terms of the relative availability of our critical factors. The results demonstrate that consumer preferences (relative utilities) for various factors of an online financial service are different. Our results enable practicing managers to understand the factors that drive consumer choice when faced with competing online services. We believe that these results have both managerial and research implications for design, management and operations strategy formulation for online services.  相似文献   

This article introduces a goal-based view of consumer choice in which (1) choice is influenced by three classes of goals (consumption goals, criterion goals, and process goals), (2) goals are cognitively represented, and (3) the impact of a goal on choice depends on its activation. For each class of goals, we discuss how goal activation is influenced by direct (subconscious) goal priming, by spreading activation from choice options, from other goals, and from the context, and by goal (non-)achievement. Opportunities for modeling goal-based choice, the integration of emotions in a theory of goal-based choice, and relationships with dual-process theories of decision making are discussed. An expanded version of this paper is available from the first author.  相似文献   

Regional and Categorical Patterns in Consumer Behavior: Revealing Trends   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We offer a method of analysis that allows for an “unbundling” of the data to a disaggregate household level, and then “rebundling” it in a manner designed to identify patterns and relationships which are otherwise masked. Applying the method in the context of ‘healthy’ products and using census block group level data, we study consumption over several categories in two locations. The analyses show that studies involving geographically dispersed data must test for, and take into account when required, conceptually sound spatial effects in order to accurately assess impact. We also show that while both location and the product category have a significant impact on the proportion of healthy products purchased, the degree to which consumers choose healthier alternatives is a function of the category as well as the location. Finally, we provide preliminary evidence from survey data that supports the variations we find, and further explores attitudinal differences as well. There are rich implications for retailers in that new products introduced to benefit from popular trends (such as ‘healthy’ alternatives) may not succeed for all categories or locations. Retailers would benefit from understanding the spatial, demographic and attitudinal effects that play into consumption behavior, and such effects can be better understood when studying choice at the category and region level. Finally, public policies aimed at promoting healthier purchasing habits may have greater impact if special attention is given to specific categories and regions.  相似文献   

There has been a blurring with respect to the retail formats because of competition and proliferation of different types of formats. In this research, we use a unique scanner panel dataset to investigate how brand choice behavior varies for the same consumer shopping for the same brand across different retail formats. We develop hypotheses pertaining to promotion sensitivity, price sensitivity, package size preference, and effects of demographic and shopping variables on consumer brand choice behavior and test them using a multi-format probit choice model that allows for the estimation of the cross-format differences with respect to the above. We find that consumers exhibit different promotion and price sensitivities in brand choice behavior between the mass merchandise format and supermarkets. Discussions and insights are provided.  相似文献   

One of the new ways used by companies to demonstrate their social responsibility is to encourage employee volunteering, whereby employees engage in socially beneficial activities on company time, while being paid by the company. The reasoning is that it is good for employee motivation (internal effects) and good for the company reputation (external effects). This article reports an empirical investigation of the internal effects of employee volunteering conducted amongst employees of the Dutch ABN-AMRO bank. The study showed that (a) socio-demographic characteristics from employee volunteers markedly differ from those of non-volunteers and community volunteers and (b) employee volunteering seems to have positive effects on attitudes and behavior towards the organization.  相似文献   

We explore issues in theory-driven choice modeling by focusing on partial-equilibrium models of dynamic structural demand with forward-looking decision-makers, full equilibrium models that integrate the supply side, integration of bounded rationality in dynamic structural models of choice and public policy implications of these models.  相似文献   

We describe recent progress in several areas related to endogeneity, including: choice set formation and attention to attributes; interactions among decision-makers; respondents' strategic behavior in answering stated preference choices; models of multiple discrete/continuous choice; distributions of willingness-to-pay; and methods for handling traditionally endogenous explanatory variables.  相似文献   

Consumers often face situations in which information about soldout products is still present in the decision context. This paper demonstrates that the presence of soldout products in the decision environment can prompt consumers to purchase available options and decrease choice deferral. This effect can be explained by two underlying decision processes. First, soldout products may create a sense of urgency for consumers to expedite their purchases, which the authors call an immediacy effect. Second, soldout products may enhance the perceived attractiveness of products similar to the soldout products, which the authors refer to as an informational cascades effect.  相似文献   

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