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Efforts to use nutrition education to combat the growing obesity problem in the USA have been largely unsuccessful. One possible reason for the persistence of the obesity problem is the presence of consumers who discount hyperbolically. To counter this phenomenon, sophisticated agents may try to employ commitment devices to protect long–term health goals from short–term consumption decisions. This study uses data from the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals to examine the impact of hyperbolic discounting and use of commitment devices on individuals’ caloric consumption. The results suggest that obese dieters display behavior consistent with hyperbolic discounting.
Robert L. ScharffEmail:

本文运用效用理论与消费者行为理论,在经典模型基础上加入时间约束参数,从而放宽消费行为不需要时间这一假设,从消费者的商品边际效用和时间边际效用方面对消费者选择的理性行为进行研究,并从工资率的变化出发,对均衡条件进行比较静态分析。基于时间约束条件的分析表明:消费者实现效用最大化时应使花费在各种消费品及休闲上的最后每一元钱所获得的边际效用相等;替代效应的正负取决于商品的相对时间密度,当某商品的时间密度与其他商品相比较小时,替代效应为正,反之为负;工资率收入效应的正负取决于商品的性质,正常品和高档品对应的工资率收入效应为正,低档品对应的工资率收入效应为负。  相似文献   

本文采用西方相关文献分析消费问题,首先讨论中国居民的消费概况,然后用凯恩斯理论分析中国人高储蓄率、低消费率的原因,探讨消费信贷在中国的发展,并且对中国私人消费的发展趋势作出客观预测。  相似文献   

How long does it take for a firm to realize the performance benefits of its IT investment? This article explores the time lag effects of IT investment on firm performance. Using longitudinal data of 1421 firm-time observations over a period of six years (1991–1996) as the initial time point of IT investment, we examined time lag effect on firm performance in a five-year time window. The performance data for the sample spans 12 years, from 1989 to 2000. The results demonstrate a strong support for time lag effects on the relationship between IT investment and firm performance. Specifically, our study found that it took an average of approximately three to four years after the year of investment for the firms in our sample to realize the greatest performance benefits. The findings offer useful implications for researchers and managers to better understand the link between IT and firm performance so that they can make wiser decisions to maximize the business value of their investments.  相似文献   

杨剑侠  吴江 《商业研究》2003,(17):89-92
时间是一个特殊的经济学变量,时间投资的正确与否将影响收益的大小。而把时间投资中的新概念——时间机会成本和边际时间机会成本引入国际自由贸易中,以时间投资收益和时间机会成本的大小为标准,来分析贸易双方的利益得失和分配,将使国际自由贸易的发展方向更加明确化。所以这种全新的分析模式将为国际自由贸易理论的研究开创美好的未来。  相似文献   


The analysis investigates the correlation between domestic saving and investment as a challenge to sustainably integrating capital stocks and flows in Mexico's quest to progress toward the long-term capacities of developed economies. If the integration of developing economies with developed ones entails the deepening of international capital markets, this would mean moving toward sustainable, long-term growth at the regional level via capital markets in which investment rates are limited by neither domestic saving nor domestic capital markets. By focusing on the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle of domestic investment-saving constancy across countries irrespective of structural changes, this paper analyzes how NAFTA and financial restructuring affected Mexico's saving and private investment decisions between 1970 and 2004. After checking for cointegration, a structural change model shows how investment is limited by saving rates in Mexico and abroad, which are not completely in line with other developing economies.

RESUMEN. El análisis examina la correlación que existe entre el ahorro interno y las inversiones, como un desafío respecto a la integración para respaldar el capital social y sus flujos, en la búsqueda mexicana de convergir hacia las capacidades largoplacistas de las economías desarrolladas. Si la integración de las economías en desarrollo con las desarrolladas implica la expansión del mercado de capitales internacional, al nivel regional esto significaría un desplazamiento hacia el crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo a través de los mercados de capital, donde las tasas de inversión no están limitadas por el ahorro interno ni por el mercado de capitales. Centrados en el rompe cabezas de Feldstein-Horioka sobre la constancia entre la inversión-ahorro internos a través de los países, independientemente de los cambios estructurales que se produzcan, este estudio analiza el efecto que el NAFTA y la reestructuración financiera han ejercido sobre la toma de decisiones mexicanas sobre el ahorro e inversiones privadas en un período que abarca de 1970 a 2004. Después de verificar la cointegración, el modelo de los cambios estructurales muestra las limitaciones que sufre la inversión debido a las tasas de interés vigentes en México ya que, externamente, ellas no están completamente y alineadas con las que rigen en otras economías en desarrollo que ya implementaron su apertura.

RESUMO. A análise examina a correlação entre a poupança doméstica e os investimentos, como um desafio à integração sustentável de fluxos de capital e capital social, na busca mexicana da conversão rumo às capacidades de longo prazo das economias desenvolvidas. Se a integração das economias em desenvolvimento com aquelas desenvolvidas expressar o aprofundamento do mercado internacional de capitais, isso significa rumar para o desenvolvimento sustentável, de longo prazo, no nível regional, através dos mercados de capital, onde os índices de investimento não são limitados pela poupança doméstica nem pelos mercados de capital domésticos. Enfocando o quebra-cabeça Feldstein-Horioka sobre a constância de investimento-poupança entre os países, sem levar em consideração as mudanças estruturais, este estudo analisa como a NAFTA e a reestruturação financeira afetaram as decisões de investimento privado e a poupança no México, entre 1970 e 2004. Após a verificação da co-integração, um modelo com as mudanças estruturais mostra como os investimentos são limitados pelos índices de poupança no México e no exterior, não completamente em linha com outras economias em desenvolvimento que se abrem.  相似文献   

This article presents an exploration into women's purchasing of vibrators and how they negotiate the meaning of these sex toys with their partners' preferences and attitudes. Drawing on semi‐structured interviews with 32 female consumers, the study identifies ways in which emotional, transformative and contextual aspects of meaning revolve around choosing, buying and using vibrators in heterosexual relationships. In analysing such experiences, the article points to the potential of vibrators to become imbued with notions of desire, maintenance, privacy and preference. Overall, this research draws attention to salient and nonsalient meanings attached to vibrators that constitute the sex toys' significance beyond simply functional elements. The paper enriches research on consumer behaviour and vibrator use in sexual relationships and proposes an understanding of object relations grounded in the intimate spheres of consumer studies.  相似文献   

Watching television advertising can represent a significant decision in time allocation. Those who avoid advertising represent a threat to advertisers and to television companies who depend upon advertising revenue. Two factors central to time allocation theory are identified as relevant to an understanding of television advertising avoidance behavior: time pressure and time planning. Drawing from Reactance theory, their significance in predicting two different types of avoidance, mechanical and behavioral, is examined empirically. As attitudes to time allocation are culturally and contextually dependent, two studies are reported, one in the UNITED KINGDOM, the other in Chile. In the former, time planning is a significant predictor of mechanical avoidance, in the latter behavioral avoidance is predicted by time pressure. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

论信用不足对我国需求不足的影响和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志恒 《商业研究》2002,(18):83-85
现实社会存在着严重的需求不足 ,造成的原因说法不一。与此同时 ,社会中也存在着严重的信用问题。需求不足实乃信用不足 ,要通过建立政府、企业等市场主体和公民的信用监控体系等机制 ,在全社会大力开展公民道德素质教育 ,提升整个社会的信用水平 ,降低投资风险 ,从而扩大银行和民间的投资 ,拉动需求。  相似文献   

When developing products and services for base of the economic pyramid (BoP) consumers, it has been widely assumed that organizations must set extremely low prices that are dependent on substantial product acceptance and economies of scale. However, such pricing is often not feasible. Growing evidence suggests that more moderate price levels are needed for organizations to viably serve the needs of low-income consumers. However, price sensitivity is less understood in low-income contexts. To promote the success of social enterprises through fresh insight, we reexamine the extremely low-price BoP assumption by investigating product acceptance among low-income consumers using two experiments in Latin America. Results reveal that a belief in one's capabilities to make effective consumption decisions, consumer self-confidence, helps explain the acceptance of moderately-priced products. Discussion highlights directions for stimulating acceptance of socially beneficial products in low-income contexts.  相似文献   

This article addresses the growing industry of retail socially responsible investment (SRI) profiled mutual funds. Very few previous studies have examined the final consumer of SRI profiled mutual funds. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to, in an exploratory manner, examine the impact of a number of pro-social, financial performance, and socio-demographic variables on SRI behavior in order to explain why investors choose to invest different proportions of their investment portfolio in SRI profiled funds. An ordinal logistic regression analysis on 528 private investors revealed that two of the three pro-social variables had a positive impact on how much the consumer invested in SRI profiled funds. Moreover, there was proof of a non-altruistic motive for investing in SRI as consumers who perceive that financial return of SRI is equal or better than “regular” mutual funds, invested a greater proportion of their portfolio in SRI profiled mutual funds. Furthermore, the results showed that women and better-educated investors were more likely to invest a greater proportion of their investment portfolio in SRI. Overall, the findings indicate that both financial perceptions and pro-social attitudes are connected to consumer investment in SRI.  相似文献   

Consumers often make purchase decisions while under time pressure. This research examines the effect of time constraints on the choice of brands that differ in perceived quality, price, and product features. Specifically, when making choices under time pressure, consumers were found to be more likely to choose higher-quality brands over lower-quality brands and top-of-the-line models with enhanced product features over basic models with fewer features. Alternative explanations for these effects are explored, and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Among OPEC (Organization of Oil Producing Countries) members, Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) possesses the largest FDIs in refineries. The high degree of internationalization achieved by PDVSA has placed it among the most important oil multinationals. By analyzing PDVSA's internationalization strategy, this paper attempts to fill the gaps in the specialized literature on multinationals from developing countries. It argues that corporate decision-making processes are different in a developing country context and, as such, require specific attention. The analysis of the decision-making process set in motion to implement the internationalization of PDVSA offers a fertile ground for gaining key insight into the balance between government decision-making processes and corporate strategy.


Entre los miembros de OPEP (Organización de Países Productores de Petróleo), Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) es la empresa que posee las mayores refinerías IED. El alto grado de internacionalización alcanzado por PDVSA, ha posicionado a la empresa entre las mayores multinacionales petroleras del mundo. A través del análisis de la estrategia de internacionalización de PDVSA, este estudio pretende llenar las brechas existentes en la literatura especializada sobre las multinacionales de los países en desarrollo. El artículo aboga que los procesos de toma de decisiones corporativas son distintos en el contexto de un país en desarrollo y, por ende, exigen mayor atención. El análisis del proceso de toma de decisiones puesto en marcha para implementar la internacionalización de PDVSA, ofrece un suelo fértil para adquirir una percepción mayor del equilibrio que existe entre los procesos de toma de decisiones gubernamentales y la estrategia corporativa.


Entre os membros da OPEP (Organização dos Países Exportadores de Petróleo), a Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) possui o maior Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (FDI) emrefinarias. O alto grau de internacionalização atingido pela PDVSA, colocou-a entre as mais importantes multinacionais do petróleo. Este estudo, através da análise da estratégia de internacionalização da PDVSA, busca preencher as lacunas da literatura especializada em multinacionais de países em desenvolvimento. Argumenta-se que os processos de tomada de decisão corporativa são diferentes no contexto de um país desenvolvido e, portanto, exigem uma atenção especial. A análise do processo de tomada de decisão, utilizado para implementar a internacionalização da PDVSA, oferece um solo fértil para se obter uma percepção fundamental do equilíbrio entre os processos governamentais de tomada de decisão e a estratégia corporativa.  相似文献   

For an infinite‐horizon continuous‐time optimal stopping problem under nonexponential discounting, we look for an optimal equilibrium, which generates larger values than any other equilibrium does on the entire state space. When the discount function is log subadditive and the state process is one‐dimensional, an optimal equilibrium is constructed in a specific form, under appropriate regularity and integrability conditions. Although there may exist other optimal equilibria, we show that they can differ from the constructed one in very limited ways. This leads to a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of optimal equilibria, up to some closedness condition. To illustrate our theoretic results, a comprehensive analysis is carried out for three specific stopping problems, concerning asset liquidation and real options valuation. For each one of them, an optimal equilibrium is characterized through an explicit formula.  相似文献   


Conflicting and complex forces are shaping the diffusion patterns of the Internet and e-commerce in South Asia. Drawing upon the literature on institutional theory, we explore the drivers and inhibitors of the Internet in South Asian countries. We examine the influence of the three pillars of institutions (Scott, 1995) on the digital world of South Asia. The paper discusses how regulatory, normative, and cognitive institution–such as laws, relationships, culture, and habit–have shaped the diffusion patterns of the Internet and e-commerce in South Asia.  相似文献   

Research on waiting in services focuses mainly on the role of companies in waiting situations. Much of the existing research envisages the consumer as a passive victim of the delays caused by companies. This article redresses the imbalance in research on waiting by exploring the role of consumers in waiting situations. A qualitative methodology is used, involving data collection through in‐depth interviews and personal diaries, to facilitate an in‐depth analysis of consumers’ waiting experiences. Additionally, a holistic approach is employed with a view to examining the ‘whole’ waiting experience rather than individual or isolated aspects of waiting. The main finding of the study is that consumers play an active and deliberate role in waiting situations. This is the first study to empirically identify the behaviours and initiatives undertaken by consumers when forced to wait for services. The results suggest that consumers play an active role in organising and reducing the real or perceived waiting time. They actively seek information on the length and causes of the wait. And, on occasions, the consumer may also be the cause of the wait or may even increase the delay by their actions. In contrast to most of the existing research on the topic of waiting, this study adopt a qualitative, in‐depth approach, with a multicultural sample, and a focus on the consumer whose role in waiting has previously been overlooked.  相似文献   

中国农业竞争力的时间序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李怡  赵泉民 《财贸研究》2007,18(5):29-35
文章从纵向的角度定量分析了我国农业竞争力。在相关研究成果基础上,构建了一个农业竞争力评价模型,选取了部分代表性指标对中国改革开放以来农业竞争力进行时间序列分析,据此重新划分了农业发展阶段,并提出了提高中国农业竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

This paper provides insights into young adults' financial habits and decision-making considerations as they enter the workforce. We use 28 semi-structured interviews with Australian university graduates to explore how their motivation to engage with personal finances and their subjective financial literacy, i.e., self-reported, support healthy financial habits. Our findings show that a young adult's social context and exposure to financial hardship rather than their financial confidence determine the health of their financial habits. We observed research participants in a romantic partnership as more focused on their future. This future focus motivates them to engage more with their finances and manifests as explicit goal setting, formal budgeting, or adherence to strict bucket systems. These insights might be useful for policymakers and educators: social context matters when designing financial health interventions, while financial education programs predominately should aim at demystifying complex long-term financial decision-making such as investments and retirement.  相似文献   

Longitude matters: Time zones and the location of foreign direct investment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) data, we find that differences in time zones have a negative and significant effect on the location of FDI. We show that this finding is robust across different specifications, estimation methods and proxies for time zone differences. Time zones also have a negative effect on trade, but this effect is smaller than that on FDI. Finally, the impact of the time zone effect has increased over time, suggesting that it is not likely to vanish with the introduction of new information technologies.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of discounting is well established in the economics literature. However, this research has traditionally assumed that households have a single discount rate and make all intertemporal tradeoffs based on that rate. More current research in decision making and marketing has challenged the economics approach to intertemporal choice behavior. In this article, we propose two aspects of discounting research that are particularly relevant to consumer behavior toward durable goods. We propose first that consumers have individual discount rates for product categories. The second proposition is that, in a multiattribute modeling context, consumers have different discount rates for different attributes. We also discuss the strategic implications of these discount phenomena for marketing managers.  相似文献   

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