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9月19~24日,中国区域科学学会区域旅游专业委员会、中国旅游未来研究会、北京大学地理科学研究中心、北京旅游学会、青岛大学旅游学院、河南大学与《旅游学刊》编辑部等十家单位在河南开封联合召开了“第十届全国区域旅游开发学术研讨会”,包括台湾在内的全国各高等院校、科研单位及日本等国的专家学者以及新闻出版机构、当地旅游管理部门的有关人员约130人出席了会议。  相似文献   

都市旅游国际会议在上海召开   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由中国国家旅游局和世界旅游组织(WTO)主办,上海师范大学和上海市旅游事业管理委员会承办,上海旅游高等专科学校和上海旅游会展推广中心协办的都市旅游国际会议于11月17-18日在上海希尔顿酒店举行。  相似文献   

第六届旅游前沿国际学术研讨会——"可持续与可替代性旅游"国际会议于2009年7月11-13日在桂林阳朔成功举办.来自国内外知名大学、科研机构的200多名专家学者参与会议,围绕可持续旅游、可替代性旅游、社区旅游、旅游影响等主题的热点议题和前沿问题展开全面而深入的思想碰撞.本次会议通过了<阳朔宣言>,加深了中西方的学术对话,推动了中国旅游学术研究的发展.  相似文献   

本刊讯2002年1月16日,运城市在市宾馆隆重召开全市规模最大的旅游工作会议,各县(市、区)委书记、县(市、区)长、副县(市、区)长、旅游局长及各景区(点)、旅行社、涉外饭店、旅游商品定点生产企业的负责人等200余人参加了会议。会议回顾总结了2001年全市旅游工作,  相似文献   

宝馨 《山西旅游》2003,(5):25-25
9月25日,根据省十届人大常委会第六次会议安排,听取山西省旅游工作情况的报告。山西省旅游局局长籍振芳向人大主任、副主任、秘书长、各位常委作了题为《关于全省旅游工作情况的报告》,并请予以审议。省旅游局9个处室的处长列席了会议。  相似文献   

中国南极旅游开发探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王自磐 《旅游学刊》2003,18(6):95-100
南极旅游的合法性及其资源的世界共享性,显示中国参与的紧迫性。明确南极旅游经营者和旅游者,对保护南极环境与生态系统的义务和法律责任。建议南极旅游管理框架,应是在国家监管机制下,接受国际IAATO业务指导和企业自主经营管理原则。应用旅游学原理和南极环境科学理论,强化环境保护意识教育,推动中国南极旅游业的顺利、健康发展,为人类和平利用南极,维护南极生态环境安全做出贡献。  相似文献   

宝馨 《山西旅游》2004,(5):40-41
临近“十一”黄金周,省旅游产业发展领导组要求旅游、民航、铁路、交通、卫生等部门进一步落实好安全生产的各项措施和责任制,以“秩序山西”为目标,加大旅游安全的管理力度。山西省委书记田成平于9月30日上午9时亲赴山西省旅游产业领导组(假日办)和省旅游局进行视察。  相似文献   

5月25日-27日,由《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》倡议,《旅游学刊》、《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》和中国旅游报刊协会三家联合发起的“旅游理论期刊与旅游业发展”研讨会在桂林阳朔召开。代表全国12份旅游理论期刊的编辑与国家旅游局的领导和部分高校旅游学科的专家学者共21人出席了会议。与会代表就旅游理论对旅游科学和旅游业的促进等问题充分发表了意见;就旅游理论期刊如何为我国的旅游高等教育、学科建设和学术研究提供更好的舞台进行了探讨,也就目前理论期刊的诸多困境和出路认真地交换了看法。  相似文献   

旅游消费行为具有主体大众性、过程复杂性、种类多样性、时间持续性、空间跨越性等特点,由此造成的一个直接结果就是无安全则无旅游,旅游者安全问题是旅游行业的核心和基础问题。确保旅游安全,不但是旅游者的愿望和责任,也是旅游企业的追求和义务,更是旅游管理机关和其他相关部门的目标和职责。这些旅游安全目标、追求和职责、义务原来散见于《安全生产法》、《消费者权益保护法》、《旅行社条例》等法律法规之中,既缺乏系统性,也缺乏与旅游者安全管理的匹配性,在一定程度上削弱了旅游安全保护和管理的力度和强度,也是造成我国旅游者安全保护差强人意的重要原因。  相似文献   

改革开放30年,各行各业都取得了长足进步,旅游业的发展更是有目共睹。但是论及旅游立法,虽有《旅行社管理条例》、《导游人员管理条例》、《风景名胜区管理条例》、《中华人民共和国旅游饭店星级的评定与划分》、《旅游安全管理办法》、《中国优秀旅游城市检查标准》等旅游法规和行政规章,以及众多的地方性法规,业内人士总是抱怨没有一部旅游基本法,  相似文献   


This study examined meetings and conventions as a market segment of rural tourism. The review of extant work on meetings and conventions and rural tourism indicated the lack of and need for a better understanding of the market. Using data collected from people attending meetings and conventions in seven Indiana counties, the study examined their demographic characteristics, travel behavior, media habits and information sources, and perceptions of rural Indiana as a vacation destination. Findings of the study were discussed in the context of overall Indiana tourism development and marketing. Recommendations were made in conjunction with an overview of opportunities and challenges in promoting rural communities as a destination for small-scale meetings and conventions.  相似文献   

Tourists are easy targets for terrorist activities, especially with the rise of lone wolf attacks. Drawing on the example of the 2015 Sousse (Tunisia) shootings, and using a conceptual framework informed by tourist security, terrorism risk management including terrorism risk assessment, communication and due care, we analyse the management of the terror induced security risks, and the factors influencing this process. This is achieved through a first-in-the field tourism study that applies narrative analysis to legal discourse. The study reveals that tourist security was compromised by a lack of terrorism risk communication, poor policing, and by limited integration of counter-terrorism strategies, particularly the inadequate implementation of environmental mitigation. We discuss the implications for terrorism risk assessment, management and communication and consider key propositions around tourist security responsibilities (e.g. due care). Future avenues for research are highlighted.  相似文献   


The casino industry has always relied on the leisure traveler whose primary motivation is to gamble. Thus, one would expect the casino and convention industries to operate in totally different arenas. This was the case until the mid-1990s. Today, the casino industry is embracing the convention industry and constructing facilities to meet the needs of the convention and meeting attendee. This article starts by setting up the framework for this dichotomy between the two industries by tracing the history of casino gaming in the U.S. Discussion leads to a review of how and why there was a lack of conventions/meetings business in both Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The article then goes on to review specific development of the conventions/meetings business in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, and other jurisdictions. It concludes with a prognosis about the future along with opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

Lan Li   《Tourism Management》2008,29(5):1013-1022
This research evaluates the entrepreneurship research in field of the Hospitality and Tourism Management to obtain a better understanding of its progress and potential. The study examines entrepreneurship articles published in seven leading hospitality and tourism management journals from 1986 to 2006. Findings indicate that Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management are the top three journals that publish entrepreneurship research. However, the amount of entrepreneurship research in the leading hospitality and tourism management journals appears less than expected. Publication of empirical work has not increased over time over the past 21 years, and theoretical work remains at a consistently low level. Even for empirical studies, there is a lack of methodological sophistication of analytical and statistical tools. The results suggest a concern that entrepreneurship research remains under studied; therefore, more theoretical work is needed to map a course of study and to develop a framework unique to the entrepreneurship domain of hospitality and tourism research. The good news is that there are abundant opportunities for scholars in hospitality and tourism management to explore the field of entrepreneurship as a viable research paradigm.  相似文献   

Human resources management (HRM) practices are hotel management tools that contribute to organizational success. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how soft HRM practices in the Thai hotel industry affect job satisfaction and job retention. This study focuses on soft HRM practices, which draws on theories of commitment and motivation. Soft HRM refers to human relations between staff and the hotel organization. A quantitative approach was employed using multiple regression technique with a stepwise method for data analysis. It was found that employee satisfaction is not fostered by increasing remuneration, but is more related to the quality of working life, good leadership style, regular training, employment security, the hotel's brand image, and employees' personal traits, a most important aspect. The findings from this study provide a comprehensive framework for both academic and managerial responses to resolve the labor and skill shortage crises. Equally important is the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and personal attitude theory that underpins employee job satisfaction in this study.  相似文献   


Over the past decades, the growth of the convention and event industry has enhanced an awareness of its economic significance to local, state, and national economies. Accordingly, many industry and academic studies have introduced various methods for accurately assessing the direct and indirect economic impacts of conventions and special events. Among them, the input-output (I-O) model is widely used for the economic impact assessments. This article first reviews economic impact studies in the convention and event tourism sector and then discusses issues related to the I-O model framework.  相似文献   

Corporate enterprise (CE) is in many ways a new subject and yet paradoxically, there is nothing new about the practice of enterprise in larger organisations. This paper has examined the changing nature of hospitality organisations using the lens of ‘entrepreneurship’ rather than that of organisational behaviour and/or strategic management. The work is primarily conceptual illustrating how larger hospitality organisations can become more enterprising and thus utilises ideas and theories from research into CE. The paper explores in detail a conceptual framework for understanding CE developed by the author. It applies this framework to hospitality organisations showing the principles involved with the promotion of business creation and innovation. Further, the paper illustrates practical steps one can take to promote new ventures in existing organisations.  相似文献   


This study examines the conference and convention trade as a travel activity. The objective of the research is to determine and compare the economic impact of conferences and conventions to the overall travel and tourism activity in a rural region. Expenditures of conference and convention participants and vendors were used. Annual visitor days totaled 970,051 for the activity. Non-resident visitors and vendors spent considerably more per activity day than residents. The residence of vendors must be considered when determining regional expenditures used for deriving economic impacts. Total sale impacts were $163.3 million. The value-added component of the economic impact totaled $98.4 million and 4,188 jobs were supported. Conferences and conventions were a major contributor to the regional economic impacts from travel and tourism.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism is now a commonly used phrase within the meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions industry. Developed tourism destinations have broadly embraced responsible tourism while developing locations are increasingly giving the subject greater attention in order to compete and host meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions events. The concept of “green meetings” has emerged in line with the global trend of conservation to offset and prevent further environmental destruction and pollution. Examining an inaugural trade show in Macao, this article investigates the role of green perceptions in influencing visitor participation and future intentions. With most delegates well informed on the concept of environmental protection, findings showed green practices at the trade show would influence their revisit decision and provide positive word-of-mouth referral. There is a lack of initiative in Macao to go green due to an absence of green guidelines and stewardship from the government. Macao's meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions industry remains entrenched and underdeveloped vastly eclipsed by its gaming industry with increasing sentiment from the Chinese authorities for Macao to diversify tourism. Importantly this research on trade delegates identifies that integrating green and responsible actions could be key influencers. A green template is presented for consideration by the Macao meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions sector as a crucial part of future strategy to advance meetings, incentive travel, conventions, and exhibitions.  相似文献   

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