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《Feminist Economics》2013,19(3):110-118
This paper examines the implications of current epistemological debates for the work of feminist economists. Feminist economists must acknowledge (in accordance with recent developments in the study of science) that (a) inquirers can never be certain whether claims about the world are true; (b) scientific inquiry is permeated with “internal” and “external” values; and (c) beliefs are affected by inquirers' social locations. But feminists should not, it argues, embrace the “relativist” stance of some postmodern thinkers, or reject the ideal of “truth,” or argue that beliefs are strictly determined by inquirers' identities and interests. It seeks to outline an epistemological “middle ground” for feminist economics, between the extremes of exaggerated claims of certainty and a disempowering relativism.  相似文献   


Economists have often aligned the field of economics with physics; in the process seeking to enhance the rigor of economics by mathematizing it. In the late nineteenth century there was no more ardent champion of this view of what economics should become than Leon Walras. His own writings, though, betray a tension between comprehending this mathematization as proceeding in parallel with physics or through a metaphorical analogy with physics. The limitations in Walras' ability to axiomatize economics reveal a flawed effort to establish the foundations of economics by analogy; this difficulty has persisted through the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Summary. In this paper, we first give a direct proof of the existence of Edgeworth equilibria for exchange economies with consumption sets which are (possibly) unbounded below. The key assumption is that the individually rational utility set is compact. It is worth noticing that the statement of this result and its proof do not depend on the dimension or the particular structure of the commodity space. In a second part of the paper, we give conditions under which Edgeworth allocations can be decentralized by continuous prices in a finite dimensional and in an infinite dimensional setting. We then show how these results apply to some finance models.Received: 15 April 2002, Revised: 25 February 2003, JEL Classification Numbers: C62, D58, G12. Correspondence to: Monique FlorenzanoThis paper was presented at seminars of the Economic Departments of Brown University, The Johns Hopkins University, The University of Alabama, Purdue University and at the Centro de Modelamiento Matematico de la Universidad de Chile at Santiago. The paper has benefitted of the comments of these diverse audiences. Part of this work was done while the authors were visiting respectively Brown University and the Centro de Modelamiento Matematico. We thank them for their hospitality.  相似文献   

The relevance to economics of naturalised epistemology (alsoknown as the naturalistic turn) from philosophy of science hasrecently been argued by economic methodologists, especiallyby D. Wade Hands (Reflection Without Rules: Economic Methodologyand Contemporary Science Theory, Cambridge, Cambridge UniversityPress, 2001). This concept is held by Hands to constitute partof the ‘new economic methodology’ that consistsof the ‘interpenetration of economics and science theory’.Contrary to Hands's case, naturalised epistemology is shownhere not to represent a qualitatively new concept, to possesslittle coherent meaning, and to be incapable of charting aninnovative way forward for economics. Although there are moreissues concerning naturalism bearing on economics than are notedby Hands, three specific limitations of naturalised epistemologyare discussed. These and other limitations are related to theeconomics examples Hands proposes suggesting the usefulnessof naturalised epistemology for economics.  相似文献   


A quantitative turn in history of economic thought is looming. We argue that engineering it consciously is of crucial importance for historians of economics. We also highlight the limitations of quantitative techniques. Yet, the combination of qualitative and quantitative research could substantially enrich our narratives of the development of economics and its practice, of how ideas and tools disseminate and influence other spheres. A failed quantitative turn could lead our field to a house divided and, in the worst case, a civil war.  相似文献   

按资分配与按劳分配是分配制度中两种重要的分配方式。二的关系是研究按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合的重要内容。本将致力于从微观经济学和宏观经济学的新视角分析按资分配对按劳分配作用范围的影响。  相似文献   

根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》中有关于职业教育的论述精神,职业院校应在开展学历教育的同时,利用学校的优势办学资源开展各类职业培训,为社会服务。以桂林市财贸管理干部中等专业学校为例,从培训模块体系、培训组织体系、质量监控保障体系等方面,构建了一套完整、科学、规范的财经类职业技能培训体系,开展了较大规模的财经技能培训和鉴定考试工作,很好地发挥了为桂北地区经济服务的职能。  相似文献   

In the (1936) preface to the German edition of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, Keynes contrasts his methodology with that of Classical laissez-faire economics. He also compares and contrasts his methodology with German economics, which members of the German Historical School had heavily influenced. Unfortunately, some view Keynes as arguing in this Preface that his theory could more deductively apply to fascism than to laissez-faire economies. This would suggest an endorsement of Nazism. Of course, any support offered for Nazism should be condemned. However, instead of displaying Nazi sympathies, this paper argues that the Preface more likely supports the widespread methodological rejection in German economics of deducing laissez-faire outcomes from Classical postulates. Furthermore, Keynes criticizes the more inductive approach of many German economists, and states that he provides them with the theoretical framework which they could deductively apply to their totalitarian economy. Keynes should be read as arguing that his theoretical framework would prove more applicable to a totalitarian system than would a theory based on Classical laissez-faire economics. Comments in the Preface which seem to some to support Nazism should be taken, then, as support for the applicability of his theory to such a system. Keynes’ methodological arguments in the prefaces to the other editions, which reflect his overall methodological approach in the General Theory, his familiarity with German economics, his support for liberal economic and political institutions, and his anti-Nazism, all support this alternative interpretation. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Midwest Economics Association Meetings in Chicago on March 16, 2008.  相似文献   

The Comment on Wrenn’s article “What is Heterodox Economics?” suggests that the inability of heterodox economists to define their field arises from an as yet unrecognized and different metaphysical foundation than that of orthodox economics.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors examine two ways that they use music (i.e., popular song lyrics) as an active learning technique in an undergraduate history of economic thought course. First, they use music to help students grasp the ideas of the great thinkers in economics and see their relevance today. Second, because they require students to read original texts and write thesis-driven essays, they use music to teach essential skills related to such assignments. While the article focuses on how they use music as a pedagogical device to teach the history of economic thought, the use of music to teach essential skills could be applied to any economics course in which students engage in higher-level reading and writing.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors propose to enhance the syllabus for economic courses with economic explanations. They argue that providing economic rationale for course policies can increase student interest in the course and at the same time positively affect student attitude toward course policies. The authors describe practical strategies for incorporating economic explanations into the syllabus and present insights from piloting the technique.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the origins and historical evolution of technometrics, a discipline that measures and evaluates technological change with important policy implications. Technometric approaches, initiated in the 1950s, with the pioneering researches carried out by the scholars of The RAND Corporation staff. In the second half of the twentieth century, technometrics becomes a distinct field of investigation, characterised by the coming together of several disciplines, such as econometrics, engineering and applied mathematics, mathematical and multivariate statistics, and so on. This survey presents the main techniques of technometrics, developed over the course of time, showing their potential and methodological difficulties. Some concluding remarks and lessons learned complete the research.  相似文献   


The subject of needs is the centre of attention of Italian public finance scholars. The financial activity of the State is justified by the existence of collective or public needs to whose satisfaction collective or public goods and services are linked. Italian economists have studied the problems of public goods in a general context, taking into consideration concurrently both taxes and public expenditure and giving prominence to positive analysis. Italian theorists have always been far removed from the classical approach, which denies the productivity of public services, and have deemed it necessary to take into account the political context in which fiscal structures operate. Their models include the State as a major factor. Herein lies the main value of the Italian tradition in public finance, which puts in coercion into the market mechanism via State intervention.  相似文献   

As a peculiar economist of the twentieth century, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen gave birth to many controversies. Since the 1970s, in particular in the French language literature, Georgescu-Roegen's ecological claim has often been considered as a promotion of degrowth. In this paper, I challenge this usual interpretation. I conclude that Georgescu-Roegen might be a source of inspiration for degrowth defenders only in a very narrow sense. A cautious reading of his bioeconomic paradigm shows that Georgescu-Roegen's stance was different from the growth/degrowth debate, and might be more accurately linked with an “agrowth” option.  相似文献   

An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change , by Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter continues to have great influence on evolutionary economic thought. While their modeling techniques and the breadth of their vision for evolutionary theorising must be seen as seminal and effective innovation in economic theory, they were not the first inventors of such a theory. Close examination reveals that much of the economic theory was anticipated by Jack Downie whose book, The Competitive Process, was published in 1958. The extent of anticipation is remarkable, with not merely the two elements of population ecology, selection and mutation, but the way in which they are theorised to work being replicated by Nelson and Winter.  相似文献   

针对财务学的“经济人”假设进行了探讨,认为正是由于公司财务理论研究前提假定的非真实性,导致了当前主流财务学在研究导向、研究方法和研究对象上的失效。马克思经济学人本主义思想为财务学研究如何贴近社会现实提供了一个很好的借鉴思路。财务学本身具有社会属性,在此基础上,财务学研究的领域可以扩展到制度财务学、财务社会学、财务心理学、财务伦理学等方面。  相似文献   

理论的真理特性与经济学家的理性行为共同决定了经济学的演化路径。经济活动的社会性要求经济学向古典传统回归,因此,将非市场社会因素引入经济理论框架可以获得更大的突破。以此为背景,追求事业成功的经济学家将理性选择框架推向非经济领域,形成经济学帝国主义。然而由于缺乏经济活动特有的货币计量标尺和市场竞争环境,试图改造其他社会科学的经济学帝国主义不能完成经济学向古典回归的使命。  相似文献   


This paper is based on an investigation of the Sraffa Archives and tries to characterise Piero Sraffa's approach to business cycles and economic policy. It includes two parts. The first part of the paper shows the importance of economic institutions and social conventions in Sraffa's contribution to economics and their relation with social conflicts. The second part of the paper shows how this importance permits to understand better business cycles and economic policy but also indirectly contributes to a re-interpretation of Sraffa's contribution to economics.  相似文献   

Rare books of political economy are eminently collectable. Using historical prices, I employ hedonic regressions to estimate financial returns to collecting the works of ten eminent political economists and develop a price index for this corpus of collectables. For the observation period 1975–2019, I find that in those 45 years investing in rare political economy books yielded an average annual real rate of return of 2.8%, which is well in line with the returns to collecting rare books of classical literature. Compared with other collectibles such as fine art, investing in rare books turns out to be financially more profitable.  相似文献   

中国二元经济结构演变与经济增长的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国作为最大的发展中国家,具有典型的二元经济结构特征。为了使中国经济在整体上稳步前进,就要通过农村制度建设与创新、提高农民收入、实现城市化、工业化与现代化协调发展等途径来实现农村的全面进步和中国二元经济向一元经济的彻底转化。  相似文献   

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