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选取1978—2008年中国30个省市的面板数据,运用DEA方法测算中国的全要素生产率及其分解项:技术变化与技术效率,并使用ARDL模型实证分析技术效率和技术变化对就业的影响。研究发现:技术效率无论是长期还是短期都对就业具有显著的抑制效应,但在短期中,技术变化当期对就业没有显著影响;而滞后期技术变化的改善也会对就业人数的增加产生抑制效应,同时,在长期中,技术变化对就业有着显著的促进效应,可以带动就业量的增加。  相似文献   

This paper investigates impact of e-economic activities on female employment rates in Turkey over 1994–2016. The analysis unveils three major findings. First, 80.74% of variations in female employment are accounted by e-commerce and control variables. Second, Autoregressive Distributed Lag analysis documents that these series (female employment, e-commerce and control variables) are cointegrated, thus, a unit increase in per credit card e-commerce transactions leads the female employment rate to grow by 0.13?units in long-run at 1% significance level, whereas a percentage increase in internet penetration rate in Turkey augments the rates by 0.33%. Third, error-correction model analysis refers that the system quickly corrects its previous period disequilibrium converging at a speed of 75.43%, and also documents that the lags of per credit card e-commerce jointly have short-run impact on female employment rates. Thus, the study concludes that developing e-commerce incentivizing policies might help to empower women in Turkey significantly.  相似文献   

While recognising that most pre-capitalist formations exhibitedelements of commodity exchange, Marx argued that capitalismdifferentiates itself as a genuine commodity system by virtueof two interdependent processes having reached a critical stageof development: a ‘stretching’ of commodity relationsto the point where production for the market displaces subsistenceproduction as the primary form; and a ‘deepening’of commodity relations such that these encompass not only goodsand services but the capacities for producing them. This paperargues that globalisation can best be understood as the culminatingstage of these stretching and deepening processes: the formerin the sense that commodity relations now embrace the entireplanet and the latter in the sense that they cover not merelygoods, or the capacities for producing goods, but also everyother type of capacity and every other type of outcome.  相似文献   

Human capital development, especially higher educational attainment, attaches high premium to its expected economic benefits, in form of better welfare. This study investigates the effect of educational attainment of household head on two indicators of household welfare, namely labour market earnings and household per capita total expenditure on food and non-food items in Nigeria. The study uses the Double Hurdle (DH) model and Quantile Regression (QR) to address these objectives. The empirical results show that returns to schooling are substantially higher at the tertiary level of education compared with primary, secondary, and postgraduate levels of education in Nigeria. Furthermore, additional years of tertiary education attainment by household heads was found to increase household per capita total expenditure more than additional years of primary, secondary and postgraduate education. The implication of these findings is that the improvements in economic welfare of households in Nigerian is driven more by the attainment of tertiary education by household heads, relative to other levels of education.  相似文献   

国际贸易对我国城镇就业的影响表现在三个方面,即出口鼓励就业、消费品进口阻碍就业而资本品进口鼓励就业以及贸易将提高出口部门的就业比重而减少进口部门的就业比重.  相似文献   

外商直接投资对中国就业总量的影响——理论与实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较国内投资与外国投资、增量FDI与存量FDI对中国就业总量的不同影响得出,单位国内资本比国外资本、单位存量FDI比增量FDI具有更高的就业促进作用。  相似文献   

中国目前正处在经济转型的关键期,近年来的快速城镇化和产业结构的深入调整使得就业压力日渐突出,非正规就业已经逐步成为城镇就业的重要趋势。文章基于河北省2003-2012年的相关数据,探讨分析了河北省非正规就业的发展规模、行业特征及其对服务业发展的影响。研究结果表明:非正规就业的规模近年来一直在不断增加;非正规就业目前主要集中在制造业和传统服务行业;服务业增加值和非正规就业规模之间显著相关;固定资产投资比重、经营业态的创新和改进可能对非正规就业集中的传统行业的劳动生产率提高有促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper situates globalisation in historical perspectiveto analyse its implications for development. It sketches a pictureof globalisation during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries.A comparison of these two epochs reveals striking parallels,unexpected similarities and important differences. It showsthat globalisation did not lead to rapid growth and economicconvergence in the world, either then or now. Indeed, growthslowed down, and income levels diverged, while the gap betweenthe industrialised and developing countries widened, in bothepochs. The story of globalisation, it turns out, does not conformto the fairy tale about convergence and development.  相似文献   


Indian women's labor force participation is extremely low, and women are much less likely than men to work in the nonfarm sector. Earlier research has explained women's labor supply by individual characteristics, social institutions, and cultural norms, but not enough attention has been paid to the labor market opportunity structure that constrains women's labor market activities. Using data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) in 2004–05 and 2011–12, this study examines how village transportation infrastructure affects women's and men's agricultural and nonagricultural employment. Results from fixed-effect analysis show that access by paved or unpaved roads and frequent bus services increase the odds of nonagricultural employment among men and women. The effect of road access on nonfarm employment (relative to not working) is stronger among women than among men. Improved transportation infrastructure has a stronger positive effect on women's nonfarm employment in communities with more egalitarian gender norms.  相似文献   

最低工资标准的提升对于就业的效应究竟是正是负,目前理论界并没有一致的论证结果。本文首先从市场结构和企业应对措施两个角度,梳理了西方学界关于最低工资对就业影响的作用机理,然后建立一个涉及农民工、企业和政府三方的博弈模型,推导出行业就业弹性对劳动参与的关键作用,并利用全国各省市六个行业的面板数据进行了实证分析。本文的主要结论是,最低工资的实施标准按行业设置比目前按地区"一刀切"的模式更具科学性。  相似文献   

在中国,政策对于人口城镇化过程具有主导性作用,无论是计划经济时代还是社会主义市场经济时代,政策与城镇化发展的矛盾都十分尖锐。通过对现行起作用的政策进行深入的分析和评价,从中发现问题的实质和要害,试图说明这些政策对人口城镇化产生何种影响及影响的路径或机制如何,并对其进行政策效果评析。  相似文献   

基于知识经济的产业结构及就业形式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今时代,知识,科技以前所未有的广度、深度影响着人们的生产、生活,知识经济的概念越来越深入人心。在知识经济的新形势下,就业结构和就业形式都发生了重要的改变。本文探讨了知识经济条件下,产业结构演变带来的就业结构的变化,介绍了一种新兴的就业形式——非正规就业,认为其是新时期适应知识经济需要的重要就业形式。  相似文献   

着眼于在当前高房价的现状下,大学生就业地域的选择。首先,利用大量数据说明今年中国高房价的现状。其次,通过深入调查南宁、柳州、桂林三地高校毕业生群体对于房价与就业地选择关系,得出房价对高校毕业生就业地域选择有极其重要的影响。最后,针对现状、考虑到可行性,提出调整住房供应主体结构、调整住房土地供应结构、调整住房供应产品结构、调整住房供应价格结构、调节投资消费比重结构等建议,以期使高校毕业生能够更好地选择符合自身发展需求的就业地。  相似文献   

扩大就业的思路分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
就业水平高低与经济增长快慢相吻合,扩大就业的基础是经济的持续快速增长。《管子》就业思想的要点是:提倡侈靡的消费,增加社会的就业量。提高就业弹性的政策措施是:积极促进非正规就业发展,扶持中小企业,大力发展第三产业;加快城镇化进程,拓宽农民就业空间。  相似文献   

就业景气程度是衡量地区经济和社会发展的先导性指标,对指导和制定就业经济决策具有重要意义。通过对就业存量变化情况(流入量、流出量、总量)、人力资源市场供求变化情况(市场需求量、供给量、成交量、求人倍率)、非就业存量变化情况(长期失业率、登记失业率)的连续监控及指数化处理,构造出一组从不同侧面反映就业市场活跃程度的分量指数,在此基础上,用AHP和DELPHI方法提炼出一个能够反映监控区域就业市场兴衰变化过程的指数---就业景气指数(EPI)。  相似文献   

This article studies the change in the industry structure of employment in China based on the practical analysis of data of the change in the industry structure of employment and the production value of three major sectors and GNP. At the same time, the article studies the status quo of the industry structure of employment in China compared with other countries. On the basis of these studies, the article indicates the main problems in the industry structure of employment in China and gives some countermeasures to optimize it.  相似文献   

近年来,我国经济迅速发展,产业结构不断调整优化,形成更多对高端人力资源的需求。而我国大学毕业生的就业形势却越来越严峻,很多大学生面临毕业等于失业的尴尬局面,其原因在于高校输出的大学毕业生与市场需求不符。文章分析了产业结构与就业的发展趋势,剖析了大学生就业难的原因,提出了解决产业结构调整对大学生就业影响的对策。  相似文献   

未来十年我国就业面临的形势和战略研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
就业是当今世界各国所面临的主要的经济与社会问题。这一问题的研究对我国现阶段来说尤为重要。本文对我国的就业现状及存在的问题进行了全面的理性分析,并对未来我国就业所面临的形势和应采取的战略提出了见解。  相似文献   

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