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S公司作为一家大型的生产型企业,70%都是生产性人员。随着企业的不断发展壮大,生产技术日新月异,生产性岗位发生了较大变化,岗位与岗位之间劳动复杂程度、工作责任、劳动强度、工作环境都有很大差异。为了更好地保证薪酬制度的内部公平性,生产型企业应从绩效管理、薪酬管理的角度出发,建立一套完整的岗位评价体系。本文从岗位评价体系建立的三个主要环节着手,通过组建专家小组和运用科学合理的统计学分析方法,建立了一套符合企业生产岗位实际需要的岗位评价体系。  相似文献   

本文论述了企业电力薪酬设计的公平性,分析了影响电力企业薪酬设计公平性的相关因素,提出了解决电力企业薪酬设计公平性的对策:理顺薪酬体系,建立多元化分配机制;通过岗位评价,确定岗位工资;和员工进行有效的沟通,让员工充分参与薪酬设计的过程;建立完善的绩效考核体系;提高薪酬外部竞争性。  相似文献   

岗位价值评估是指依据合理的、统一的,事先确定的规则和标准,通过对比岗位背后所隐含的付酬因素,比如岗位贡献,岗位职责、岗位任职要求等,对组织中的各个岗位进行评判,以确定各岗位在组织中相对价值的过程.岗位价值评估是企业薪酬体系设计的重要依据.岗位价值评估的成功与否直接关系到薪酬制度的合理性和公平性,直接影响到是否能够最大限度地提高员工的工作积极性和薪酬满意度.那么企业如何做好岗位价值评估,以保证其对薪酬体系设计的作用呢?  相似文献   

岗位评价既是一种科学的劳动管理方法,又是一种具体的应用技术,在企业管理中具有重要意义。本文根据兖矿集团管理岗位、专业技术岗位和工人岗位特点,科学设计不同的评价要素和评价标准,并采用要素评分法和岗位参照法进行规范性评价。评价结果作为岗级设置、划岗归级的直接依据,为企业薪酬制度的设计奠定基础。  相似文献   

<正> 正确理解宽带薪酬管理的基本概念在宽带薪酬管理设计中首先考虑的最基本两个要素是:1)市场竞争性;2)内部公平性。市场竞争性是指设计薪酬管理时一定要考虑行业市场、总体劳动力市场和国家经济发展状况,通常的方法是参加市场薪酬调查并了解本企业在市场上薪酬支付水平状况。内部公平性是指设计薪酬管理时一定要考虑公司内部级别系统是否合理和公平,通常的方法是通过进行岗位分析和岗位评价,设计合理可行的级别体系。现在比较流行的岗位评估方法有三因素和四因素法,通过岗位评估,算出各岗位的点数,通过点数比较各岗位之间的大小。根据岗位评估结果形成的自然级别作为设计企业级别的基础,企业级别的形成有可能是自然级合并的结果,多级自然级合并就形成宽  相似文献   

人力资本岗位薪酬激励的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用博弈论的分析方法,在企业所有者所如何制定适合员工岗位的薪酬制度方面研究人力资本的激励问题.建立相应的定量分析模型,来确定能够对员工起到激励作用,并符合企业所有者利益的岗位薪酬体系.并基于分析结果给出几点建议.  相似文献   

日照港集团公司在对公司内部薪酬分配机制进行改革的过程中,成功地建立了岗位评价体系。岗位评价是评估一个岗位相对于另一个岗位的重要性大小,是相对价值,因此不可能做出绝对精确的测定。日照港集团公司岗位评价采用因素评分法,同时用排序法评价作为参照,对因素评分法结果进行  相似文献   

随着市场竞争的不断加剧,企业在生产经营过程中面临了越来越多的压力,若要谋求长久的发展,任何企业都必须首先解决好用人的问题。本文站在企业人力资源管理的角度,从岗位评价出发,通过以岗位评价为基础的薪酬体系的设计,围绕企业薪酬设计的核心模块,对基于岗位评价的薪酬体系设计的操作流程及方法进行简要探讨。  相似文献   

本文提出以组织内部代表性职务在过去若干年内外部劳动力市场平均价格形成的比例框架映射到内部劳动力市场,从而确定因素计点法方法的分级点数与权重的新思路,解决因素计点法长期存在的内外部公平性不一致、分级点数确定、权重确定缺乏客观性的三个不足。  相似文献   

目的:为某药业公司销售支持人员构建薪酬设计方案.方法:分析某药业公司目前薪酬方案存在的问题,构建“C-2P”模式的薪酬设计框架,确定有关参数,并采用层次分析法(AHP)和Delphi法确定相关指标的权重和等级评分.结果:岗位重要性(v)、工作量饱和度(s)和适岗性(m)三个指标加权得到岗位系数(α),综合素质(d)和岗位职责(r)各项指标加权得到绩效系数(β),实际薪酬(W)为工资基数(B)、岗位系数(α)和绩效系数(β)的乘积.结论:此套薪酬设计方案能普遍提高销售支持人员的岗位标准工资,引入绩效考核机制,体现薪酬的公平性和激励性,促进营销团队的稳定与发展,降低企业人才管理成本.  相似文献   

田云 《价值工程》2012,31(32):150-152
国有企业薪酬管理存在着基础薄弱、政企不分、薪酬水平偏低等一系列问题,导致员工工作积极性不高。本文利用多级模糊综合评价方法对国有企业员工绩效进行评价,根据员工绩效评价等级来确定薪酬活动范围,并试着探索建立一种更加灵活的薪酬管理制度——同岗不同酬,实现国有企业的有效薪酬激励。  相似文献   

由德国职教引入的引导文教学法是一种根据行动引导文完成学习的教学方法,其教学优势在物流管理专业中具有广泛的适用性。在引用了该教学法后,对相应的学生评价体系也提出了新的要求。文中主要从当前高职教育在学生评价中存在的问题入手,提出在引导文教学法下应该构建符合高职培养目标的学生评价体系,并结合物流行业和专业教学的特征对构件的学生评价体系进行举例说明。得出强调多样化、过程性和综合性的学生评价才是符合该教学法和高职教育人才培养目标评价方法的结论。教学评价是依据教学目标对教学过程及结果进行价值判断并为教学决策服务的活动。教学评价是研究教师的教和学生的学的价值的过程。教学评价一般包括对教学过程中教师、学生、教学内容、教学方法手段、教学环境、教学管理诸因素的评价,但主要是对学生学习效果的评价和教师教学工作过程的评价。文中只研究学生学习效果的评价体系。  相似文献   

Job evaluation is usually applied in an organization in order to assess the relative value of jobs on the basis of which jobs are assigned to classes of pay grades. Thus, the assumption is that job value scores match with pay grade structures, and allow adequate predictions of basic job wages or salaries in practice. The validity of this assumption is questioned in this article. Data of five job evaluation systems (number of jobs: 16,809) were used to assess the effects of three system manipulations, concerning the number of anchors per scale (characteristic), the nature and the number of scales, and the weights of scales. Total job value scores of the manipulated data and the associated pay grades were compared with the non-manipulated ('original') scores. It turned out that even when two sets of job value scores are highly correlated (around 0.99), pay grade classification agreement was always less than 90 per cent, and in many instances much less. This result has important implications for the use of job evaluation in practice: when a fine grained system of pay grades applies, total job value scores may be deficient. Implications for a better match between total job worth values and pay grade classes are discussed.  相似文献   

It can be argued that job evaluation and a high performance work strategy are either conflictual or compatible. On the one hand, job evaluation might be expected to introduce a greater degree of rigidity and top-down orientation to the pay and job structure, potentially yielding a conflict with the flexibility and employee involvement inherent in the high performance approach. On the other hand, job evaluation can be important in generating a feeling of equity in the workplace and thereby in promoting the high level of trust and commitment on which the success of the high performance strategy is seen to depend.  相似文献   

Many previous studies try to discover job preferences by directly asking individuals. Since it is not sure whether answers to these surveys are relevant for actual behaviour, this empirical examination offers a new approach based on representative German data. Employees who quit their job and find a new one compare the two jobs with respect to eight job characteristics: type of work, pay, chances of promotion, work load, commuting time, work hour regulations, fringe benefits and security against loss of job. It is argued that the observation of many improvements (and few declines) for a certain attribute indicates a particular relevance and high preference for this attribute. It turns out that pay and type of work are most important for employees in this sense. Differences across subgroups of employees with respect to individual characteristics, such as sex and age, are explored. Those between East and West Germany diminish over time.  相似文献   

This article argues that the real function of job evaluation technique lies not in the rational claims upheld in the managerialist literature but rather in the more diffuse area of meaning management. the argument is based on an intensive case-survey analysis of the introduction of a formal job evaluation plan to one of Canada's ten provincial governments. From the complementary perspectives of social construction theory and institutional theory, job evaluation is ultimately defined as a rationalized institutional myth. First of all, job evaluation is rationalized because it takes the form of rules, specifying the procedures necessary to accomplish the end goal of determining an internally equitable and externally competitive pay structure. Job evaluation is institutional because actions are repeated and given similar meanings by the custodians of the system and those who fall under its administration. the set of meanings which evolves from job evaluation is expressed in a belief (ideology), an activity (norms and rituals), language and other symbolic forms through which the members of an organization both create and sustain views and images about the value of one job over another. Job evaluation is a myth because it is a process based on widely held beliefs that cannot be tested objectively. Despite a number of unexamined assumptions, the technique is accepted as ‘true’because it is believed.  相似文献   

Equal pay for work of equal value has come to be almost inextricably associated with the application of job evaluation. Current trends towards performance-related pay systems pose a potential threat to the pursuit of greater gender pay equality as discretion in pay determination increases and there is no clear relationship between earnings and job grade. This paper examines the basis for this view drawing upon the now widespread literature and research into performance-related pay. the argument is made that the problem for gender equality lies both in the nature of the payment system and in the context in which it is being applied, including the changes in the nature of employment relationships that are accompanying these developments. While some women may benefit, overall the moves towards a widening income dispersion and the increased importance of management discretion and appraisal are likely to disadvantage women. However, the individualization of pay is likely to lead to further fragmentation of the interests of women, reducing the likelihood of collective resistance. Opportunities to monitor pay trends will also decrease as the spread of performance-related pay reduces the transparency of the labour market.  相似文献   

近年来,文化创意产业愈发受到人们的关注,但是对其研究并不完善。本文首先明确了文化创意产业的界定,并根据迈克尔·波特的钻石模型,构建了区域文化创意产业竞争力评价体系。然后以辽宁省为例,利用因子分析法,对文化创意产业竞争力进行了系统的评价与分析。最后针对辽宁省存在的问题提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

员工工作是否具有幸福感影响到员工的工作绩效及其离职倾向,目前企业员工工作幸福感存在一定程度的缺失,影响其工作积极性,甚至导致员工缺勤和离职。全面的工作幸福感包括工作满意感评价、情感评价和价值感评价,员工工作幸福感受个人因素、工作特征因素、企业层面因素的影响,其形成受到牵引机制、阻力机制、调节机制三种机制的影响。为提升员工工作幸福感,企业应关心和满足员工基本需求,努力提高激励水平,注重因人而异合理进行工作分析和设计,同时建立员工援助计划(EAP)以减轻员工压力,完善留人机制以加强员工工作安全感,完善人与组织匹配的招聘模式。  相似文献   

王梦婷 《企业技术开发》2005,24(9):55-56,96
文章指出传统的公共危机管理是以政府为主体,而目前的危机管理则要寻求一种整合模式,构建一个危机管理的多边合作体系,同时政府要注意处理好多边合作中较易产生的问题,切实提升危机管理的能力。  相似文献   

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