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根据新桥镇经济社会发展阶段和特点,借鉴联合国可持续发展委员会(UNCSD)可持续发展指标体系等,选择经济发展指标、社会进步指标、生态与人居环境指标、资源及利用指标以及科技与教育指标等等建立小城镇建设与规划的可持续发展评价指标体系和数据库,并建立模型对区域可持续发展能力进行系统评价。结果表明,该镇的综合可持续能力持续上升,但是在资源利用方面呈现出明显的不足。最后针对评价结果,提出了一系列提高可持续发展能力的对策。  相似文献   

为正确评价可持续发展思想下的煤炭建设项目,结合对其产生影响的经济因子、社会因子、资源因子以及环境因子,文章对煤炭建设项目可持续发展情况进行系统分析。首先以可持续发展为目标建立了煤炭建设项目评价指标体系,针对传统评价方法中模糊指标精确化、随机指标缺省化、指标权重主观化等现象,利用云理论处理模糊性与随机性指标的优势,提出了基于云理论的评价标准和评价模型。以典型煤炭建设项目为评价对象,规划可持续发展等级,为可持续发展思想下的煤炭建设项目可持续发展判定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

县域可持续发展综合评价研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
仇方道 《经济地理》2003,23(3):319-322,326
县级区域是中国分布最为广泛的基本行政地域单元,是可持续发展战略得以贯彻执行的基本组织者和管理者。文章以区域可持续发展理论为指导,建立了县城可持续发展综合评价指标体系和评估方法。并通过对江苏省新沂市可持续发展的综合评价,反映出该评价指标体系比较合理,评价方法简便实用,得出的评价结果符合实际。  相似文献   

资源型区域一方面对区域的经济发展有很大促进作用,另一方面在经济发展的同时也对环境造成了很大的破坏.资源型区域可持续发展评价是一个崭新的课题,其理论与方法体系均有待探讨.本文以平顶山市为例探讨了资源型区域可持续发展评价方法.该方法遵循科学性与实用性、典型性与可比性、动态性、可操作性、层次性的原则,以AHP综合评价法为基础,从资源支持能力、环境支持能力、社会支持能力、经济支持能力4个方面选择47个指标对资源型区域可持续发展进行了评价.该研究建立的评价指标体系力求能够综合地反映资源型区域可持续发展的进程,以期为资源型区域可持续发展政策方针的制定提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

两型社会建设充分体现了可持续发展、和谐发展的理念,区域协调发展是可持续发展的前提条件。在现有区域协调发展评价指标体系研究的基础上,结合两型社会的内涵,以两型社会和区域协调发展的内在一致性为要求,构建了区域协调发展的评价指标体系。采用长株潭城市群2006—2008年的经验数据,选择主成分分析法进行综合评价。比较了长株潭三市经济、资源、环境以及社会发展的差异,整体评估了城市群区域系统与各子系统以及子系统与子系统之间的相关性,分析了长株潭城市群建设的现状和不足,并提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

环境承载力经过数十年的不断发展,已经成为衡量区域可持续发展的关键指标。文章梳理了国内外环境承载力评估方法的研究进展,总结出目前承载力评估方法主要有指标体系法、供需平衡法、系统模型法以及环境容量法四大类。分析了当前评估方法存在的不足,并指出未来我国环境承载力研究方向应集中在三个方面:完善环境承载力理论体系,建立分区分类的环境承载力综合评估体系和实现环境承载力的业务化应用。  相似文献   

基于组合评价的中国区域可持续发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域可持续发展作为可持续发展观在区域发展中的体现,反映了区域发展对最佳发展模式和更高发展境界的追求,是区域发展的必然选择。与以往研究不同,本文从区域可持续发展的内涵出发,构建了包括4个一级指标、13个二级指标和52个三级指标组成的区域可持续发展水平评价指标体系,并在此基础上采用基于主成分分析、层次分析两种方法的组合评价法进行了中国区域可持续发展水平研究,并得出一些结论。  相似文献   

针对用综合评价法与区域经济相结合来对区域经济可持续发展进行评价的研究极少的情况,提出了一种基于Topsis—灰色关联法的区域经济可持续发展评价思想。首先,运用归一化处理法对区域经济可持续发展原始指标数据进行规范化处理,得出规范化后的评价值和排序值;其次,按照本文构建的Topsis—灰色关联模型对规范化话后的评价值和排序值进行处理,得出基于Topsis—灰色关联模型的区域经济可持续发展评价值、排序值,最后依据本文模型处理后得出的评价值和排序值作出发展折线图并依据图形和模型处理数据得出区域经济发展综合评价结论,并针对结论给出了建议。文章选取福建省统计年鉴中的数据对福建省2008—2016年经济发展作出评价,验证了模型的有效性,评价结果表明福建省经济发展整体呈上升水平,但仍然有改善的空间。  相似文献   

基于招商引资的区域投资环境评价指标体系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于区域投资环境的分类很多,首先通过统计取舍的方法,选择了区域投资环境的5个要素,包括自然地理环境、基础设施、经济环境、社会环境、政治环境,然后分别建立评价指标体系。其次,建立招商引资的评价指标体系,通过选取我国的31个地区为研究样本,主要参考《中国统计年鉴2007》等数据资料,赋予样本相应的指标值,对招商引资指标体系进行指标的筛选和综合,得到有代表性的招商引资指标——利用外资因子和利用内资因子。对于各要素的指标,运用聚类分析和相关分析进行筛选,选出与利用外资因子或利用内资因子相关程度较强但彼此间的相关程度又较弱的指标,建立基于招商引资的区域投资环境评价指标体系,包括利用外资的区域投资环境评价指标体系和利用内资的区域投资环境评价指标体系。  相似文献   

辛永容 《技术经济》2013,(12):46-52,62
基于国内外软实力研究文献,考虑各指标间的交互影响、指标的数据获取和量化等因素,构建了包括三级指标的区域软实力评价指标体系,并利用网络层次分析法对江苏省的软实力进行评价。研究结果表明:江苏省的综合软实力排名为全国第二,这主要得益于其区域文化、科技创新能力以及和谐度的排名靠前,而扩散度、人口素质、区域环境以及公共服务的得分偏低。据此提出强化江苏省综合软实力的相应措施:应进一步强化各类传媒的扩散作用、完善公共服务体制以及优化投资以及居住环境等。  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of sustainability at the macro scale employing multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods. The incommensurability of values and the essentially multi-dimensional and dynamic nature of sustainability challenge the use of composite measurement indices. This determined the choice of MCDA methods. Austria was chosen as a case study, due to the wide availability of data, especially on indicators of strong sustainability. The structure of the multi-criteria problem comprised the evolution of different sustainability dimensions over time. The process for selecting criteria included a critical assessment of institutional sustainability agendas (UN, EU and Austrian Government) and theoretical recommendations.After an assessment of MCDA methods, the NAIADE method demonstrated the most suitable properties for sustainability assessment. The application of this outranking approach was undertaken in two separate settings: long-term from 1960 to 2003 and medium-term, 1995-2003 with varying numbers of criteria. The response of results to the addition of evaluating criteria and periods was tested. The degree of credibility for accepting preference relations was also employed for sensitivity analysis.According to the results of the long-term assessment, especially in the weak sustainability setting, sustainable progress is taking place in Austria. In the medium term, in the stronger sustainability setting and, especially as the number of criteria increases, more incomparable periods appear and trends are less determined. Moreover, it is shown how results crucially depend on the methodological choices. This is one of the first applications of the multi-criteria tools to the dynamic analysis of sustainability at the macro scale.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of sustainability at the macro scale employing multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods. The incommensurability of values and the essentially multi-dimensional and dynamic nature of sustainability challenge the use of composite measurement indices. This determined the choice of MCDA methods. Austria was chosen as a case study, due to the wide availability of data, especially on indicators of strong sustainability. The structure of the multi-criteria problem comprised the evolution of different sustainability dimensions over time. The process for selecting criteria included a critical assessment of institutional sustainability agendas (UN, EU and Austrian Government) and theoretical recommendations.After an assessment of MCDA methods, the NAIADE method demonstrated the most suitable properties for sustainability assessment. The application of this outranking approach was undertaken in three separate settings: long-term from 1960 to 2003, medium-term, 1970-1995, and short-term, 1995-2003 with varying numbers of criteria. The response of results to the addition of evaluating criteria and periods was tested. The degree of credibility for accepting preference relations was also employed for sensitivity analysis.According to the results of long-term and medium-term assessments, especially in the weak sustainability setting, sustainable progress is taking place in Austria. In the short term, in the stronger sustainability setting and, especially as the number of criteria increases, more incomparable periods appear and trends are less determined. Moreover, it is shown how results crucially depend on the methodological choices.This is one of the first applications of the multi-criteria tools to the dynamic analysis of sustainability at the macro scale.  相似文献   

Sustainability assessment methods are primarily aimed at global, national or state scales. However, modelling sustainability at finer spatial scales, such as the region, is essential for understanding and achieving sustainability. Regions are emerging as an essential focus for sustainability researchers, natural resource managers and strategic planners working to develop and implement sustainability goals. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of current sustainability assessment methods - ecological footprint, wellbeing assessment, ecosystem health assessment, quality of life and natural resource availability - at the regional scale. Each of these assessment methods are tested using South East Queensland (SEQ) as a case study. It was selected because of its ecological and demographic diversity, its combination of coastal and land management issues, and its urban metropolitan and rural farm and non-farm communities. The applicability of each of these methods to regional assessment was examined using an evaluation criteria matrix, which describes the attributes of an effective method and the characteristics that make these methods useful for regional management and building community capacity to progress sustainability. We found that the methods tested failed to effectively measure progress toward sustainability at the regional scale, demonstrating the need for a new method for assessing regional sustainability.  相似文献   

Numerous indices help us to compare country and local performance in the field of human development, globalization and sustainable development. Obvious problems arise, such as data availability and data quality. A less obvious issue is that such sets and indices do not permit the inclusion of specific characteristics or discourses that are important in a country or region. This paper investigates the possibility of comparing regional sustainability assessments in four case studies, where the indicators vary from region to region, but the method of making the assessment is similar. The concepts of weak and strong comparability were used in this analysis. Comparability of sustainable development between different regions is not an issue of rigid comparison of indicator by indicator. It should take into account regional specifics. The resulting shift from strong to weak comparability should not be seen as a lessening of the quality of the assessment and decreasing comparability. Rather than focusing on individual indicators within frameworks that do not permit inclusion of regional developments, this approach allows to look at the broader picture of regional dynamics. It reveals specific regional weaknesses that need attention, and possible areas for building alliances between regions, thus creating a more sustainable Europe.  相似文献   

The assessment of sustainable development is often based on the three pillars of sustainability model using social, economic and environmental indicators. It is thought that by measuring the performance of each system, information can be gained about the sustainability of the whole system. However it seems there has been no attempt to evaluate if such an assumption is true. During the development of a sustainability assessment framework for south west Victoria, Australia, it has become evident that this approach to sustainability assessment does not provide an accurate assessment of system sustainability. The project found that environmental indicators were considered the most important for assessing regional sustainability. As a consequence, the assessment produced shows that in south west Victoria, sustainability is largely determined by the condition of the environment. This finding highlights the current disconnection between the theory and reality of sustainability. Here, we describe a framework for sustainability assessment that attempts to re-connect theory to practice.  相似文献   

In the past decade, numerous indicators and indicator sets for sustainable agriculture and sustainable land management have been proposed. In addition to their interest in comparing different management systems on an indicator by indicator basis, land managers are often interested in comparing individual indicators against a threshold, or, in order to study trade-offs, against each other. To this end it is necessary to (1) transform the original indicators into a comparable format, and (2) score these transformed indicators against a sustainability function.This paper introduces an evaluation method for land-use-related impact indicators, which was designed to accomplish these tasks. It is the second of a series of two papers, and as such it links into a larger framework for sustainability assessment of land use systems.The evaluation scheme introduced here comprises (1) a standardisation procedure, which aims at making different indicators comparable. In this procedure indicators are first normalised, by referencing them to the total impact they contribute towards, and then they are corrected by a factor describing the severity of this total impact in terms of exceeding a threshold. The procedure borrows conceptually from Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Impact Analysis methodology; (2) a valuation procedure, which judges the individual standardised indicators with regard to sustainability.This methodology is then tested on an indicator set for the environmental impact of a spinach production system in Northwest Germany. The method highlights mineral resource consumption, greenhouse gas emission, eutrophication and impacts on soil quality as the most important environmental effects of the studied system.We then explore the effect of introducing weighting factors, reflecting the differing societal perception of diverse environmental issues. Two different sets of weighting factors are used. The influence of weighting is, however, small compared to that of the standardisation procedure introduced earlier.Finally, we explore the propagation of uncertainty (defined as a variable's 95% confidence limits) throughout the standardisation procedure using a stochastic simulation approach. The uncertainty of the analysed standardised indicator was higher than that of the non-standardised indicators by a factor of 2.0 to 2.5.  相似文献   

在深入分析研究区域公路交通发展能力内涵及其影响因素的基础上,选取了14个表征区域公路交通发展能力的指标构成了区域公路交通发展能力评价指标体系。运用因子分析法对有关数据进行分析,计算了各省(市、自治区)公路交通发展能力的综合得分及排名。通过对因子分析结果的分析得出相关结论。  相似文献   

Russia has experienced twenty years of economic and social change, which had a substantial impact on the regional and sectoral patterns of the development of its economy, infrastructure, the quality of the environment and the well-being of its people. The current economic revival offers new opportunities and presents new challenges for the sustainable development of Russia.The paper employs the UN Sustainable Development framework of indicators and assesses sustainability of Russia using multi-criteria evaluation methods, namely the uncertainty randomization multi-criteria evaluation method “Analysis and Synthesis of Parameters under Information Deficiency” (ASPID). The analysis covers economic, environmental and social trends in Russia's development in 1985-2008 and assesses sustainability of this development from the point of view of multiple criteria.The results show the potential of employment of multi-criteria methods for the sustainability assessment at the macro level and offer useful insights into multidimensional nature of sustainability and the role of priority setting in the evaluation process. Such an analysis reveals the degree of harmoniousness of sustainable development policy. It shows how different sets of priorities determine the outcome of multidimensional analysis of sustainability and could potentially help in assessing progress and designing new policy instruments. This paper is one of the first to apply multi-criteria methods to the macro sustainability analysis in the dynamic setting.  相似文献   

It is significant for the study on the sustainable development of regional agriculture to monitor and measurethe trend of agricultural development with an effective method. The sustainable development of regional agricultureshould accord with regional population, rural economic development, social progress, resource and environmentalsupport. This paper establishes the evaluating indicators system of sustainable development of regional agriculture,evaluates the agricultural sustainable development in Shaanxi Province with a comprehensive multi-indicator method,analyzes the support of resource and environment for regional agriculture by the resource-development index and theenvironment-development index, and gets the conclusion that the indicators, such as education level, the income gapbetween urban and rural residents, the per capita area under cultivation and the consumption of pesticides and chemicalfertilizers per hectare, are the main factors to restrict agricultural sustainability, and that the pressure of the developmentof subsystems of population, economy and society on the subsystems of resource and environment turns out to bestronger and stronger. Agricultural environment gets better, but resource becomes one of the important factors to restrictthe development of regional agriculture. In a word, this paper highlights the potentials and limitations of sustainableagriculture of Shaanxi and helps identify the development direction in the future.  相似文献   

信用担保公司成长能力评价指标体系的构建及运用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈戈止  陈冬宇  傅航 《技术经济》2011,30(11):110-116
针对担保行业的特点,首先构建了包括基本指标、修正指标与评议指标的信用担保公司成长能力评价指标体系,该指标体系涵盖了影响公司成长性的经营规模、效率与效益、扩张惯性、经营风险等一级指标。然后,以四川省内10家担保公司为样本,利用该评价指标体系,分别采用功效系数综合评价法和因子分析法,对其成长能力进行了评价,并对基于两种方法得到的评价结果进行比较。结果显示:虽然功效系数法在成长能力综合评价方面较单因素分析更具优势,但其权重设定采用的是专家打分法,具有一定的主观性;因子分析法可通过使用旋转技术来解释因子,使复杂矩阵变得简洁,在解释影响因素方面更有优势。最后提出:在实证分析过程中,将两种方法相结合能得到更理想的评价结果。  相似文献   

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