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In this paper, we study the effects of cointegration on optimal investment and consumption strategies for an investor with exponential utility. A Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation is derived first and then solved analytically. Both the optimal investment and consumption strategies are expressed in closed form. A verification theorem is also established to demonstrate that the solution of the HJB equation is indeed the solution of the original optimization problem under an integrability condition. In addition, a simple and sufficient condition is proposed to ensure that the integrability condition is satisfied. Financially, the optimal investment and consumption strategies are decomposed into two parts: the myopic part and the hedging demand caused by cointegration. Discussions on the hedging demand are carried out first, based on analytical formulae. Then numerical results show that ignoring the information about cointegration results in a utility loss.  相似文献   

In this paper, the optimal investment strategies for minimizing the probability of lifetime ruin under borrowing and short-selling constraints are found. The investment portfolio consists of multiple risky investments and a riskless investment. The investor withdraws money from the portfolio at a constant rate proportional to the portfolio value. In order to find the results, an auxiliary market is constructed, and the techniques of stochastic optimal control are used. Via this method, we show how the application of stochastic optimal control is possible for minimizing the probability of lifetime ruin problem defined under an auxiliary market.  相似文献   

消费启动不仅在理论上是经济启动的主导模式,而且已成为当前我国政府的政策选择.消费启动需要一定的条件,即收入增长同经济增长大体一致.本文从理论入手,以实证为主,考察了我国改革开放以来收入增长率和经济增长率之间的关系,结合同时期经济启动的特点,给出了对消费启动条件的完整分析.  相似文献   

Following LaFond and Watts (2008), we examine the relation between information asymmetry (as measured by PIN, probability of information-based trading) and accounting conservatism but focus on a country – Taiwan – whose institutional background is different from that of the United States. Due to the disparate degree of conservatism across the world, the conclusions of LaFond & Watts (2008) might not be universally applicable. Our findings support, in general, the applicability of their conclusion to a Taiwan data set. We find, however, that the effect of PIN appears weaker when auditor tenure is taken into account, thus supplementing their conclusions.  相似文献   

我国实行消费型增值税的必要性已取得社会各界的广泛共识,税改基本已成定局。但2007年下半年以来的经济过热格局,促使12月的中央经济工作会议将防止经济转向过热和明显通胀作为2008年的调控目标。在如此背景之下,全面推行消费型增值税与宏观调控目标就出现若干矛盾。本文通过对各种宏观经济因素和消费型增值税的经济效应分析,指出两者矛盾的根源所在,并以此为基础提出构建两者协调关系的路径选择。  相似文献   

The counterfeiting of safety critical products such as pharmaceuticals is a significant risk to public safety, but the literature suggests that much of the causation of counterfeiting is endogenous: the decisions of legitimate producers and consumers facilitate or incentivize the manufacture of counterfeits. This study examined what effect the perceived causation of counterfeiting risk (both the causes of counterfeiting, and the consequences caused by counterfeiting) had on the risk control imperative: the belief that more resources should be allocated to controlling this risk. This involved a questionnaire survey of individuals in China, asking them to respond to the risks arising from the counterfeiting of specific safety-critical product types. The study found that although some causes of counterfeiting were emphasized much more strongly than others (notably the failure of the authorities, profiteering among legitimate producers and the presence of criminal organizations), the less emphasized causes were still judged as being relevant. The study found that the association between the risk control imperative and both the perceived scale of risk and its causal origins varied across different product types. In one case, the scale of risk was virtually unrelated to control imperative, but in all cases, at least one of the causal factors, and at least one of the consequential factors, explained variation in control imperative. A qualitative comparative analysis also indicated specifically that control imperative was lower if an actor who was strongly implicated in the cause of the risks was also a bearer of the risks.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between use of international accounting standards and companies’ source of finance. We investigate the proposition contained in Nobes’ (1998) model that postulates outsider companies (those with a higher level of public finance) in weak equity–outsider markets (capital markets where public equity finance is not the dominant source of finance) are more likely to change their type of accounting system from one focused on information for creditors and tax authorities to one that meets the needs of external financiers. We found strong support for Nobes’ model. Using 408 German listed companies at 1999, we observed that companies with more outsider finance (the proportion of shares held by outsiders and the presence of public debt) were more likely to use international standards (U.S. GAAP or IAS). The results indicate the importance of controlling for source of finance at the company rather than country level in cross‐country studies investigating the benefits of adoption of international standards.  相似文献   

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