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At present there are 597 credit unions operating within the UK with their growth, be it defined in term of new credit union establishment, asset growth or membership growth, placing them as the fasting growing financial grouping in the UK over this last decade.
The fundamental motivation of a credit union is to provide financial services to its membership, in particular a depository for savings and an access to consumer credit. As a practical problem there are, however, a number of reasons why credit unions may achieve a less than perfect balance in the treatment of borrowers and savers. For example, maintaining low loan rates may reduce the credit union's ability to offer high dividend rates while the maintenance of high dividend rates may require higher loan rates. Consequently, the competing pull of these two objectives may result in the emergence of conflict between those credit union members who on the one hand are net savers and those that are net borrowers. If such conflict does emerge it is then likely to place in jeopardy other aspects of a credit union's function most notably their role as financial counsellors and promoters of thrift within low income communities.
The approach taken in this study is to derive an index of member group imbalance and then to employ this index to determine whether member group imbalance has an adverse impact upon the generation of total benefits by individual credit unions. The analysis demonstrates that there is a strong pro-borrower bias in the operation of UK credit unions with this pro-borrower bias driven by the regulatory environment within which they operate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** : Research into the benefits of mergers in small financial institutions, in particular credit unions, is sparse. This study helps to fill this gap by analyzing recent intense merger activity in New Zealand credit unions. The major driver for these mergers was not the usual reason of attempting to increase efficiency for competitive purposes but rather enforced government action. Data envelopment analysis is used to explore changes in efficiency in merged credit unions between 1996 and 2001. Those credit unions not involved in merger activity are used as a control group. Overall, credit unions have become more efficient over the period, notably in those that undertook mergers. The Malmquist index indicates significant technological progress over the period but a slight regression in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

Recent government pressure and aspirations within the industry itself to improve financial stability, have seen credit unions pursue economies of scale to achieve this objective. This presented an opportunity to test the validity of this strategy. However, this study is uncommon, as it utilized the credit union population as the unit of analysis, rather than a sample, prevalent in other research. As a consequence this overcomes difficulties associated with multiple testings, and other statistical problems present in some other previous studies. By drawing upon two measures of operational efficiency, viz. operating costs to income and operating costs to total assets, inconclusive evidence of scale economies was found. While clear efficiency improvement occurred in moving from small to medium sized organisations, less compelling was the evidence of economies of scale in larger credit unions. Although the article followed a conventional cross-sectional methodology by examining performance at a moment in time, the study also adopted a longitudinal case study approach, by examining over time the efficiency of a large credit union. Finally, the measure used, inclusion or exclusion of outliers, and the operational efficiency ratio chosen, all effect the outcome, and either showed evidence of economies or diseconomies, of scale.  相似文献   

Credit Unions and the Supply of Insurance to Low Income Households   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract ** :  Credit unions are typically viewed as financial intermediaries that differ from commercial banks only in terms of their institutional structure. This ignores their historical development as mutual self‐help societies. The distinctive feature of a credit union is taken in this paper to be the provision of insurance – membership gives access to credit in the event of a negative income shock. Banks do not provide such loans because of the low credit worthiness of such borrowers. The application of the model to those credit unions designated as low‐income in the US allows them to be broken up into distinct types .  相似文献   

A critical question in the policy debate about payday lending is whether other financial institutions can plausibly provide attractive and lower‐priced substitutes for standard payday loans. I present several new pieces of evidence addressing the question, focusing on whether credit unions, which are often held as the strongest potential competitors to payday lenders, do (or might) viably compete in the payday loan market. National payday loan offerings by credit unions show that very few credit unions currently offer payday loans. Credit union industry reports suggest that those credit unions offering such loans seem unwilling or unable to undercut substantially the prevailing prices set by payday lenders. Those industry reports also reveal that lower‐priced credit union loans generally ration riskier borrowers out of the market by imposing greater restrictions on approval and repayment; risk‐adjusted prices for credit union payday loans may not be lower at all. Survey evidence suggests that most current payday borrowers prefer higher‐priced but less restrictive standard payday loans to lower‐priced but more restrictive alternatives offered by credit unions. The combined demand‐ and supply‐side evidence suggests that one should not expect credit unions (or by extension banks) to offer lower‐priced, higher‐quality alternatives for consumers who currently use payday loans. (JEL G2, L0, L5)  相似文献   

Abstract ** : Due to high interest rates and bank spreads, the number of credit unions in Brazil has increased over recent years. As financial institutions, these cooperatives need tools to signal impending financial problems. This paper focuses on one tool that can be used to evaluate credit union solvency: the Cox Proportional Hazards Model. A sample of 80 credit unions from the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais was selected to supply data. The analysis period is between December 2001 and June 2003. The results indicate that the relevant indicators for insolvency prediction are, in descending order of predictive ability, General Liquidity, Salary and Benefit Expenses, and the Loan/Equity Ratio. In general, results produced using the delineated theoretical model were in consonance with international literature .  相似文献   

Credit unions compete directly with commercial banks in markets for consumer financial services yet receive an exemption from federal corporate income tax. Commercial banks claim that credit unions are no different than banks and that the credit union tax exemption represents an unfair competitive advantage. Credit unions counter that while they offer similar products and services, they differ from commercial banks in terms of structure and mission, given their not-for-profit, cooperative status. In this paper, we test for substantive differences in the objective functions of commercial banks and nonprofit credit unions by comparing CEO compensation structures. Drawing on the relevant principal–agent literature, we provide several arguments to support the hypotheses that credit union boards of directors establish lower-powered incentive contracts with their CEOs relative to similarly sized commercial banks, and offer lower total compensation. We find that credit union CEOs receive approximately 250% less performance-based compensation relative to CEOs of similarly sized community banks. Bank CEOs also earn approximately 15% to 20% more total compensation on average. The results are generally robust to controlling for CEO- and board-level characteristics, local economic conditions, and institution-level indicators of size, growth, complexity, liquidity and risk. The findings suggest important differences in incentive structures and objectives between banks and credit unions.  相似文献   

US Credit Unions: An Empirical Investigation of Size, Age and Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract ** :  An econometric analysis of the growth performance of US credit unions for the period 1992–2001 investigates empirical relationships between size, age and growth. Ceteris paribus larger credit unions grew faster than smaller unions. State credit unions grew faster than federal credit unions, and single bond credit unions grew faster than multiple bond credit unions. The size‐growth gradients were generally steeper for state than for federal credit unions, and for single bond than for multiple bond credit unions. These patterns are attributed to variations in legislation and regulatory treatment. There is some evidence that younger credit unions tended to outgrow older ones. This seems consistent with a life cycle typology of credit union growth and development. There is also evidence of a positive persistence of growth effect. The cross‐sectional variance of growth is inversely related to size, but is largely independent of age .  相似文献   

We engage parametric and non-parametric approaches to analyze unbalanced data (2012–16) from 225 credit unions in Ghana. The non-parametric analysis involves using data envelopment analysis to assess the technical efficiency of the credit unions. We show that most of them are not technically efficient. The average five-year overall technical efficiency and pure technical efficiency scores of a credit union are 0.87 and 0.91 respectively. Targeted at inquiring whether manager bonding significantly connects with the technical efficiency of credit unions, the parametric analysis which involves the use of probit and logit regression techniques, shows that, generally, the bonding of managers hurts the technical efficiency of credit unions. We are, thus, led to the conclusion that bonding of managers may not be in the best interest of credit unions in Ghana.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s financial sector regulation in Australia has treated credit unions and building societies the same as banks under the designated title of authorized depository institutions. This allows credit unions to choose between different organizational structures: cooperative; convert to customer‐owned banks or to demutualize. This article utilizes semi‐structured interviews to analyse the key motivations for organizational change. It examines a number of credit unions and their conversion experience to customer‐owned banks. It finds that adaptation of the credit union model was necessary to change customer perceptions, ensure future growth in the customer base and assets, and facilitate access to capital raisings with the credit rating of a bank. Despite this change customer‐owned banks retain the core principals of mutuality.  相似文献   

This study utilizes a paired difference approach to investigate for the existence of scale economies in UK credit unions. The analysis is conducted for both credit unions in aggregate as well as a number of sub-groups with the latter defined in terms of the trade organization to which credit unions are affiliated. This decomposition was viewed as particularly important in that the respective umbrella organizations have different growth strategies. The analysis revealed that significant efficiency gains are available through credit unions adopting a policy of asset growth. This finding held good irrespective of the umbrella organization to which credit unions belong although the analysis also revealed that the opportunity for efficiency gains was not so pronounced for the members of one of the trade organizations - the National Federation of Credit Unions. This finding was due to the NFCU's much more overt emphasis on self-help and community development, particularly in areas of economic disadvantage.  相似文献   

We examine whether labour unions influence external auditor selection and audit scope. As a major user group of financial information, labour unions likely demand financial information of high quality and thus high-quality audits. As a union’s request for wage increases is likely strong when a firm is performing well, management facing wage negotiations with the labour union has incentives to manipulate earnings downward and may therefore prefer auditors who allow more discretion. Using union data unique to Korea during 2005–2008, we find that firms with a stronger labour union tend to choose higher-quality auditors (i.e. Big N or industry specialist auditors). We also find that unionization is negatively (positively) associated with positive (negative) abnormal audit fees and audit hours, and the effects are more pronounced when the union is stronger and more active. Given that departures from normal audit fees and audit hours in either direction arguably impair audit quality, this finding is consistent with our prediction of unions’ demand for high-quality audits. Overall, our findings suggest that labour unions play an important role in determining audit quality.  相似文献   

This article analyses the overall profitability efficiency (PE) of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Latin America. The PE of each MFI in the study is broken down into two components: pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. One data envelopment model is used to analyse each component. Each MFI was labelled as either a bank, cooperative and credit union, nonbanking financial institution or non-governmental organization, and then the analysis was performed on each separate group. The results suggest that, on average, banks are the most efficient MFIs; while NGOs are, on average, the least efficient MFIs. On average, all 4 groups are more pure technically efficient than scale efficient. Banks, nongovernmental organizations, nonbanking financial institutions, cooperatives and credit unions all seem to have problems with scale efficiency. Many MFIs seem to be operating on the increasing returns to scale frontier and are in a more favourable position for expansion.  相似文献   

While financial inclusion is the buzzword now, especially in development finance studies, research on the role of credit unions in the financial inclusion debate in the global South is sparse. This study helps to fill this gap by analyzing the role credit unions play in the delivery of financial services to the ‘unbankables’. We analyze the strategies used by credit unions to reach the unbankables. We show how credit unions have been able to attract new members and offer a variety of financial services through linkages with informal savings and credit clubs, and by using domestic remittance services to build relationships.  相似文献   

The structure of the credit union industry has been transformed by regulatory changes and the subsequent switch by many credit unions to community and multiple-bond fields of membership. This study explores the impact of these trends by testing for differences in risk across credit unions with different field-of-membership types. In tests for differences in risk of bankruptcy and of breaching regulatory standards, risk is found to be greater for credit unions with broader field-of-membership types. These differences in risk appear to derive from greater earnings volatility and lower ROA and net-worth ratios at community and multiple-bond credit unions. These differences in risk decline with greater asset size. Evidence is also presented that credit unions that switched from single-bond institutions to broader field-of-membership types now operate with greater risk.  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis is used in this study to provide measures of the efficiency of individual credit unions in the Australian state of Victoria in the period 1992–5. The resulting measures are consistent with those reported in comparable studies. There is no evidence that over the period of the study, the 'average' credit union moved closer to the efficient frontier. Efficiency measures are analysed according to the bond of association and the results are consistent with the proposition that a tighter bond will tend to reduce operating costs. In the period of the study there were a large number of exits by merger, including exits by small credit unions with high efficiency measures. Possible explanations in terms of the expected benefits to the members of acquiring and exiting credit unions are suggested and evaluated.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen substantial demutualization of financial institutions around the world, involving the conversion of accumulated communally owned wealth into private wealth. Whether driven by a quest for a more efficient organizational structure or by wealth expropriation incentives, different methods of demutualization have different implications for wealth allocation among current members and transfers of wealth to outsiders. While credit union sectors internationally have, to date, experienced few demutualizations, there are increasing incentives for such organizational change. Three alternative demutualization strategies (share issue to members plus an external capital raising, liquidation and cash distribution to members (a quasi‐demutualization), and merger with a listed company) recently used by Australian credit unions are analysed to highlight wealth implications, survival risks for the mutual form and potential problems arising in the demutualization process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT ** :  Despite the global importance of mutuals in financial services, and the universal need to measure and improve organizational efficiency in all deposit-taking institutions, it is only relatively recently that the most advanced econometric and mathematical programming frontier techniques have been applied. This paper provides a synoptic survey of the comparatively few empirical analyses of frontier efficiency measurement in deposit-taking financial mutuals, comprising savings and loans, building societies and credit unions in Australia, the UK, and the USA. Both estimation and measurement techniques and the determinants of efficiency are examined. Particular focus is placed on how the results of these studies may help inform regulatory policy and managerial behaviour.  相似文献   

We examine the changing relationship between unionization and wage inequality in Canada and the United States. Our study is motivated by profound recent changes in the composition of the unionized workforce. Historically, union jobs were concentrated among low-skilled men in private sector industries. With the steady decline in private sector unionization and rising influence in the public sector, half of unionized workers are now in the public sector. Accompanying these changes was a remarkable rise in the share of women among unionized workers. Currently, approximately half of unionized employees in North America are women. While early studies of unions and inequality focused on males, recent studies find that unions reduce wage inequality among men but not among women. In both countries, we find striking differences between the private and public sectors in the effects of unionization on wage inequality. At present, unions reduce economy-wide wage inequality by less than 10%. However, union impacts on wage inequality are much larger in the public sector. Once we disaggregate by sector, the effects of unions on male and female wage inequality no longer differ. The key differences in union impacts are between the public and private sectors—not between males and females.  相似文献   

This paper applies a portfolio approach to examine the effectiveness of the Financial Institutions (FI) Code (1992) in achieving the twin regulatory objectives of stability and efficiency in Australian credit unions. A model is developed to examine the allocation of credit union portfolios in unregulated and regulation-constrained environments. The impact of regulatory constraints on portfolio performance prior to and following the introduction of the FI Code is thus assessed. The paper concludes that, overall, the FI Code increased both the stability and the allocative efficiency of credit unions over that of previous regulatory regimes.  相似文献   

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