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We investigate the different impacts of foreign direct investment (FDI) on employment elasticity with China's firm level data from 1998 to 2007. Our analysis shows that the inclusion of FDI does significantly affect firms' employment elasticity when facing wage, capital and output shocks. These effects vary dramatically across industries with different factor intensities and export status. Specifically, we find that non‐exporters with FDI tend to increase employment elasticity more than exporters when wage, capital input or output changes. However, FDI firms that are engaging in labor‐intensive production tend to have larger output and capital input elasticity of employment while smaller wage elasticity of employment. Our findings help to explain the contradicting results in existing literature and provide important references for China's policy makers to design proper industry policies towards FDI.  相似文献   

Exit rates from unemployment and re‐employment wages decline over a period of unemployment, after controlling for worker observable characteristics. We study the role of unobserved heterogeneity in an economy with asymmetric information and directed search. We show that the unique equilibrium is separating and that skilled workers have more job opportunities and higher wages. The composition of the unemployed varies with the duration of unemployment, so average exit rates and wages fall with time. The separating equilibrium relies on performance‐related pay schemes and the ability of firms to commit to renting an input that is complementary to worker skills.  相似文献   

周闯  郑旭刚  张抗私 《技术经济》2023,42(3):167-178
数字经济的发展对实现高质量充分就业具有重要作用,促进服务业就业是实现高质量充分就业的重要抓手。本文基于2011—2019年的地级市面板数据分析了数字经济对服务业就业的影响,并进一步考察了该影响的行业异质性和空间效应。研究结果表明,数字经济有助于增加服务业就业,并且采用中国劳动力动态调查微观数据的分析也得出相同的结论;数字经济主要通过扩张城市人口规模,促进产业结构服务化来增加服务业就业;数字经济对服务业就业的影响存在行业异质性,对流通服务业、个人服务业和生产服务业的就业产生了正向影响,但影响程度存在明显差异,对公共服务业的就业没有产生显著影响;数字经济对服务业就业的影响产生了空间效应,并且该空间效应也存在行业异质性。  相似文献   

劳动力异质性与中国最低工资标准就业效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马晓波 《经济与管理》2010,24(11):23-25,31
最低工资是当今世界各国广泛应用的经济政策,也是经济学家关心的议题。我国的最低工资标准偏低,且执行程度欠佳,所以我国的最低工资覆盖情况实际上符合部分覆盖的假设。同时由于我国劳动力的异质性以及最低工资制度的实施,导致未覆盖部门的低技能劳动力就业增多,而覆盖部门的高技能劳动力就业比例增多,总的就业效应方向并不明确。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the public sector in Mexico experienced substantial fiscal reform, divestiture of public enterprises, and the elimination of many regulations affecting pay and employment. This study analyzes the changes in the public/private sector differences in wages during the 1987–1997 period. The results from analyzing microdata from the Encuesta Nacional de Empleo Urbano show that relative public sector wages increased from 1987 to 1997. Most of the relative wage increase in the public sector can be explained by increases in the price of skills and by changes in sorting across sectors. The results have important public policy implications since they suggest that public sector workers earn more and their wages have grown faster than those of their private sector counterparts. As such, policies contemplating public sector reform should take into account the effect of these measures on the inter-sectoral income distribution and the overall economic growth. First version received: April 2000/Final version received: December 2000  相似文献   

Using the 1990–2 wave of the French Labour Force Survey to study the employment histories of young people I consider transitions between six labour market states: employment contracts whether permanent or temporary, unemployment, training, education and non-participation. I use a fixed effect estimator in a dynamic multinomial logit model which can accommodate any form of unobserved heterogeneity in levels. This analysis can be extended to Markov processes of any order. I relate heterogeneity components to individual and family characteristics by using simulated maximum likelihood methods. These procedures allow evaluation of the effects training schemes have on youth employment histories.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of income inequality on economic growth. A two-period overlapping generations model is developed where agents are heterogeneous in innate abilities and inheritance. In the first period, they receive their inheritance and their abilities are revealed. There are only two types of abilities: high and low. Individuals decide on their education level, and divide their inheritance between spending on education and saving. In the second period, individuals supply their labor and allocate the labor income and the return to their saving between consumption and bequests to their offsprings. Initial capital stock is owned entirely by the capitalists. In this context, a more equal distribution of income enhances economic growth if the economy is lower than a threshold capital-labor ratio, while income inequality has an insignificant effect above this threshold. The predictions of the model are tested empirically using the Hansen (1999) threshold estimation. The results, using a panel of 70 countries for the period 1971-1999, suggest that there is a statistically significant threshold income per capita, below which the coefficient on the relationship between inequality and economic growth is significantly negative and above which the estimate is not significant.  相似文献   

雇佣关系、剩余分割与企业的雇用效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚先国  高怿 《财经研究》2007,33(3):113-122
现阶段,围绕经济利益分配产生的民营企业劳资纠纷日渐增多,这使得规范分析民营企业内部的利益分配机制成为必要。基于契约框架,文章阐述了雇佣剩余的由来和剩余分割的必要性,剖析了雇佣关系、剩余分割与企业雇用效率①之间的逻辑关系、影响机理及均衡的实现机制,最终指出:雇佣剩余是雇佣关系存续的基础;分割剩余不仅是维系雇佣关系的内在要求,而且更有助于促进企业雇用效率的提高,这对企业的现时绩效和长远发展都具有根本性意义。  相似文献   

Trust, Inequality and Ethnic Heterogeneity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a large Australian social survey, combined with precise data on neighbourhood characteristics, I explore the factors that affect trust at a local level ('localised trust') and at a national level ('generalised trust'). Trust is positively associated with the respondent's education, and negatively associated with the amount of time spent commuting. At a neighbourhood level, trust is higher in affluent areas, and lower in ethnically and linguistically heterogeneous communities, with the effect being stronger for linguistic heterogeneity than ethnic heterogeneity. Linguistic heterogeneity reduces localised trust for both natives and immigrants, and reduces generalised trust only for immigrants. Instrumental variables specifications show similar results. In contrast to the USA, there is no apparent relationship between trust and inequality across neighbourhoods in Australia.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of governance on remittances with specific focus on accounting for heterogeneity in the relationship. Using nonparametric kernel methods that are robust to arbitrary forms of non-linearity, heterogeneity and model specification, and six governance measures from the World Governance Indicators (WGI), the relationship is analysed for 109 countries for the period 1996–2014. The findings show that all six measures: voice and accountability, political stability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption are significantly related with remittances. Moreover, the relationship is highly nonlinear and heterogeneous across countries or regions, and time. In addition, specific aspects of governance quality matter differently for remittances across each regional groupings. Hence, there is the need for country-specific rather than a one-size fits all governance reform agenda.  相似文献   

从2008年金融危机之后,面对国内外要素成本的上升和跨国公司对中国的技术控制,中国的企业发展空间受到挤压。在这种环境下,利用产学研合作提升我国的自主创新能力和实现技术追赶,是可行的途径之一。但产学研合作中企业所处产业、学科知识、企业和大学组织以及发展阶段的异质性,以及企业和大学之间在信息获取、收益分配和合作目的上的不对称性,使得我国有效率的产学研合作很难实现。西方国家在解决这些问题时采取了不同的产学研合作模式,包括制度方面的创新、建立技术转移机构(TTOs)、促进大学衍生企业的发展(USOs)和创立大学科技园(STPs),这些模式对实施国产生了良好的效果,同时也为我国产学研合作模式的选择提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of remittances from the U.S. on child labor and school attendance in recipient Mexican households. We identify these effects using the impact of the 2008-2009 U.S. recession on remittance receipts. The methodology employed is a differences-in-differences strategy that compares households that were remittance recipients before the crisis with never-recipient households. To avoid possible selection problems, we instrument for membership in the remittance recipient group. We find that the negative shock on remittance receipts caused a significant increase in child labor and a significant reduction of school attendance.  相似文献   

最低工资标准的提升对于就业的效应究竟是正是负,目前理论界并没有一致的论证结果。本文首先从市场结构和企业应对措施两个角度,梳理了西方学界关于最低工资对就业影响的作用机理,然后建立一个涉及农民工、企业和政府三方的博弈模型,推导出行业就业弹性对劳动参与的关键作用,并利用全国各省市六个行业的面板数据进行了实证分析。本文的主要结论是,最低工资的实施标准按行业设置比目前按地区"一刀切"的模式更具科学性。  相似文献   

The relationship between technology, productivity and employment is a complex one. Increased productivity can lead not just to increased market share, but through falling relative prices can help expand markets, and through product innovation can develop new markets. On the other hand, if demand and hence output does not expand in line with productivity, then an inverse relation between productivity and employment will result. The European Union seeks to improve living standards in Europe by boosting productivity, competitiveness and employment together. How, though, is this to be achieved? This paper looks at the effects on productivity of different forms of investment--in physical capital, in Research & Development, and in human capital. The paper also distinguishes between the high-tech and low-tech sectors. There does appear to be scope for boosting both productivity and employment, particularly in the high tech sectors. But to do so will require increased investment across all three categories--in machinery, in innovation and in people.  相似文献   

FDI、劳动异质性与我国劳动收入份额   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同技能劳动的划分一直是劳动力市场的一个重要研究视角,也是难点之一。文章创新性地采用模糊聚类方法测算了我国第二产业中各行业的劳动高技能性,推算了高低劳动技能行业的工资比率,并进一步实证分析了高低劳动技能行业的工资比率、FDI等因素对我国劳动收入份额的影响。研究结果表明:(1)由于高技能劳动一般与资本结合得更为紧密,高低劳动技能行业工资比率的提高抑制了劳动收入份额的上升;(2)FDI引入对我国劳动收入份额也具有负向影响。  相似文献   

This paper concerns the formation of International Environmental Agreements under uncertainty about environmental damage with different models of learning (complete learning, partial learning or no learning). The results of the existing literature are generally pessimistic: the possibility of either complete or partial learning generally reduces the level of global welfare that can be achieved from forming an IEA relative to no learning. That literature regards uncertainty as a parameter common to all countries, so that countries are identical ex ante as well as ex post. In this paper we extend the literature to the case where there is no correlation between damage costs across countries; each country is uncertain about a particular parameter (in our case the benefit-cost ratio) drawn from a common distribution but, ex post, each country’s realized parameter value is independently drawn. Consequently, while countries remain identical ex ante, they may be heterogeneous ex post. We show that this change reinforces the negative conclusions about the effects of partial learning on international environmental agreements, but, under certain conditions, moderates the negative conclusions about the effects of complete learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the impact of match‐specific heterogeneity at the job creation margin on business cycle fluctuations. I show that this form of heterogeneity alone does not help to amplify labor market volatility, either under full or under asymmetric information. First, I show analytically that, under full information, heterogeneity has no first‐order effect on the response of unemployment and job creation to productivity, and actually tends to dampen the response of market tightness. Then, in a series of calibrations, I show that with both full and asymmetric information, the model delivers labor market volatilities close to the representative‐agent, full‐information benchmark.  相似文献   

Constitutional Political Economy - In this paper, we examine the relationship between socioeconomic vulnerabilities and due process violations in contemporary Mexico, using a novel survey of...  相似文献   

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