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应重视新形势下会计基础工作薄弱问题张金贵近年来,会计基础工作薄弱问题已成为影响会计深化改革的一大障碍。如何解决这一问题,是大家普遍关心的话题。目前会计基础工作薄弱的种种表现为:(1)政府部门转变职能后,如何推动基层单位加强会计基础工作,缺乏应有的手段...  相似文献   

事业单位的会计管理问题关系到国有资产有效使用及国有经济的顺利运行,关系到事业单位自身的发展。文章阐述了事业单位加强会计管理的必要性,探究了现阶段会计管理方面存在的一些问题,并提出了如何加强会计管理的一些见解。  相似文献   

王宇寰 《中国经贸》2013,(14):246-247
本文主要探讨了在会计电算化的工作中如何做好档案安全管理工作的问题,文章首先分析了电算化会计档案管理的特点,继而分析了当前电算化会计档案管理工作中存在的安全问题,最后提出了一些提高电算化会计档案管理安全性的措施建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

随着会计电算化的逐渐普及,如何管理电算化的会计档案工作,是档案管理人员不得不面临的问题,本文首先分析了会计电算化的档案管理工作所具的特点,其次指出了面临的问题,最后提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

颜茂虎 《中国经贸》2010,(18):180-181
随着会计体制不断的改革与发展,原有的行政事业单位自主核算制度逐步被取代。为了强化事业单位财政管理,规范会计核算制度的秩序,在全国各地开始开展会计集中核算制度。本文从建立会计集中核算问题着手,浅谈如何加强事业单位的会计集中核算的建设问题。  相似文献   

吴军 《魅力中国》2011,(9):254-254
会计诚信教育有助于会计人员诚信品质的培养与社会道德风尚的造就,对会计诚信问题的解决有积极的推动作用。职业学校会计教学中的诚信教育是会计行业的要求。无论是会计理论教学还是会计模拟实验教学或两者相结合,诚信教育都必须贯穿于整个教学过程。对会计诚信教育中的一些基本理论问题及职业学校会计专业如何进行诚信教育的问题进行探讨有其重要意义。  相似文献   

在当今经济全球化的进程中,先进的管理理念与方法迅速在世界各国传播和普及。密切联系管理与会计,作为决策支持系统,以提高企业管理效率和经济效益为目的的管理会计理论与实践亦呈全球趋同之势。我国管理会计实践现状如何?是否与全球管理会计实践趋同?管理会计的发展趋势如何?本文试图就这些问题进行分析,并提出改进我国管理会计实践的几点建议。  相似文献   

丁长华 《山东经济》2004,20(5):125-126
知识经济时代的到来,对全球经济产生了深刻的影响,会计赖以生存的社会环境发生重大变化,使传统会计受到了极大的影响,如何迎接时代的挑战,进行会计创新,以满足信息经济时代对会计的新要求,是当前亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

张艳波 《魅力中国》2013,(11):42-42
本文从多方面阐述建立健全会计电算化下内部控制制度的必然性及重要性,分析阐述会计电算化内部控制的特点及存在的问题,探讨在会计电算化下如何加强和完善内部控制制度。  相似文献   

季伶斌 《中国经贸》2014,(16):174-175
高校财务工作的重点大多集中于融资方面,不注重对会计基础工作的规范化管理。文章针对会计基础工作实际存在的问题,通过成因分析,对如何实现会计基础工作规范化管理提出改进的建议。  相似文献   

卓慧 《科技和产业》2007,7(5):89-92
通过新旧无形资产会计准则的若干重大问题比较分析,结合国际会计准则对其加以探讨,我们发现新准则较之旧准则更强调会计信息的真实性和相关性,将更好地满足信息使用者的决策需要。同时也指出新准则中存在的问题,并提出了相关建议,以期更好地完善我国无形资产会计核算体系。  相似文献   

We provide a list of points to consider (PTCs) to help researchers self‐assess whether they have addressed certain common issues that arise frequently in accounting research seminars and in reviewers’ and editors’ comments on papers submitted to journals. Anticipating and addressing such issues can help accounting researchers, especially doctoral students and junior faculty members, convert an initial empirical accounting research idea into a thoughtful and carefully designed study. Doing this also allows outside readers to provide more beneficial feedback rather than commenting on the common issues that could have been dealt with in advance. The list, provided in the appendix, consists of five sections: Research Question; Theory; Contribution; Research Design and Analysis; and Interpretation of Results and Conclusions. In each section, we include critical items that readers, journal referees, and seminar participants are likely to raise and offer suggestions for how to address them. The text elaborates on some of the more challenging items, such as how to increase a study's contribution, and provides examples of how such issues have been effectively addressed in previous accounting studies.  相似文献   

吴本洲 《特区经济》2007,(2):298-300
财政部于2006年2月15日参照国际会计准则制定并发布了《企业会计准则20号——企业合并》,加速了中国会计准则与国际会计准则接轨,推动了中国会计准则国际化进程。但新准则在制定过程中仍存在一些问题,本文主要分析了企业合并准则存在的几个问题,并提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

High levels of unemployment have stimulated contemporary interest in social accounting. Decisions taken on the basis of private profitability, without regard for the wider economic and social consequences, may not be in the interests of the local community and the workforce. Traditionally such social consequences do not feature in accounting procedures for decision making or control purposes. But while local authorities are now showing more interest in social accounting, conceptual and practical problems must be addressed. This article highlights some of the major issues and calls for experimenting and publication of results to speed the development of useful techniques.  相似文献   

Abstract. Regulators have recently cited concerns about the extent and quality of accounting consultation within accounting firms on difficult client accounting policy issues. In this paper we report the results of research that examines the role of accounting consultation units in public accounting firms. We describe the five largest accounting consultation units in Canada. The accounting consultation units are then examined through the lens of organizational memory theory. We find differences among the accounting consultation units in their ability to act as a source of organizational memory for their firms. These differences include the following: the amount of resources devoted to the consultation function, the structure of the units, the mandate received by the unit from the firm, and the availability and amount of documentation about previous consultations. These differences suggest that firms' accounting consultation units differ in their ability to provide technical accounting advice. This variability may affect the actual or perceived quality of such advice to both clients and external regulators. In addition, this paper introduces organizational memory theory to the accounting literature. This theoretical approach may be useful in expanding the bounds of behavioral auditing research beyond the current emphasis on the individual auditor.  相似文献   

唐俐  马子茜 《华东经济管理》2014,28(10):147-152
雷曼兄弟利用金融资产的回购交易粉饰财务报表导致破产的事件,暴露出金融资产回购交易的会计确认对财务报表产生的重要影响。而原有会计准则存在缺陷,很难准确处理复杂的回购交易。回顾回购交易会计确认(即终止确认准则)的演进进程,可以发现相关准则存在不同的优势和缺陷,在实际运用中存在不同问题。而国际上未有完善的准则出现,终止确认准则需要改进和国际趋同。在对准则思路进行国际比较与评价后,文章提出了具体的改进建议。  相似文献   

丁叮  方勇 《科技和产业》2014,14(9):130-133
文章对会计信息质量对高管薪酬业绩敏感度的影响的相关问题进行定量的研究,通过分组回归实证考察了会计信息质量对高管薪酬业绩敏感性的影响,得出结论:在同等情况下,上市公司会计信息质量越高,其高管薪酬业绩敏感性越高。  相似文献   

Research into the design, construction and use of social accounting matrices (SAMs) for the analysis of income distribution issues in development policy and planning is generally discussed. Specific case studies for Swaziland, Botswana and Kenya are considered and the accounting classifications are compared, especially those for households. The use of the Swaziland and Botswana SAMs to analyse some of the distributional effects of certain exogenous impacts (such as the outbreak of a foot and mouth epidemic in Botswana) is also discussed. This includes a presentation of methodology as well as some results of the analyses.  相似文献   

高慧 《新疆财经》2010,(1):52-55
利用会计政策选择进行盈余管理一直是目前比较关注的问题。本文在对会计政策选择相关理论进行分析的基础上,就如何进行会计政策选择,规范上市公司盈余管理行为提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

This article examines comparatively the slavery systems of the US and the British West Indies before and after their respective emancipations. The primary focus is on how differential factors in the two plantation economies, such as racial control, labour structures, and governmental mandates, impacted the development of accounting and those performing accounting functions. Other factors, such as plantation size and ownership structure, not only influenced accounting practices but management issues as well. These factors resulted in the substantially greater development of accounting in the British Caribbean, both in terms of the number of practitioners and the volume and uniformity of accounting records.  相似文献   

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