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To generate stylized facts on transitions between different labor market states during early transition, panel data for a sample of the registered unemployed in Bulgaria were collected. We find that about 60 percent of the unemployed are long-term unemployed. From logit regressions we find that women who had higher education and had not received unemployment benefits are more likely to be reemployed. For men, these factors are not significant, although participation in a training program is significant.  相似文献   

本文试图说明,在现有的生产技术条件下,市场制度应体现什么样的价值取向,才能通过市场调整出合理的经济结构。文中通过模型对中国经济的产业结构、所有制结构以及产业结构和所有制结构之间的互动影响进行实证分析,发现从产业结构或所有制结构单方面地对经济结构进行调整,都无法使经济结构达到一种合理的状态。并且通过市场调整经济结构时,市场制度的价值取向将起到关键的作用。比较分析不同的市场制度价值取向下市场对经济结构的调整发现,只有当经济中形成一种国有经济不与民(资本和劳动)争利的制度环境,并且制度的价值取向侧重于保护资本利益,但同时兼顾劳动利益时,市场才能调整出合理的经济结构。  相似文献   

通过对价值规律基本内容及表现形式的介绍,论述了电力市场运营机制中的供求机制、竞争机制和电价机制的实现,在此基础上分析了电力市场中供求机制与价格机制的相互关系,并对价值规律在国外电力市场中的研究和在国内电力市场化改革中的作用作了相应的阐述,目的是希望在我国电力市场化改革过程中,充分注意电力工业固有的特点来运用价值规律.  相似文献   

Drupa 2000展览会上,众多传统印刷机和传统打印机的制造商,纷纷推出具有不同风格的数字印刷机,使数字印刷成为2000年Drupa展览会的一大亮点。Drupa展览会上,欧洲著名数字印刷机生产厂商Xeikon公司也推出了自己的最新产品。但是,国内大部分印刷界人士对Xeikon公司都不是十分了解。所以,本文对比利时著名厂商Xeikon公司推出的数字印刷机的技术特点与市场定位谈一些个人的看法。  相似文献   

论全球价值链中我国企业创新与市场势力构建的良性互动   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
当代国际新分工是以进出口诸方在产品生产的多个环节上混合使用多种要素从而组成全球价值链为特征的,由于我国企业普遍缺乏市场势力致使发达国家跨国公司通常在国际竞争中处于主导地位,而我方则面临低端锁定、利益扭曲、引进依赖等不利格局。我国企业若能构建、强化市场势力,则可提升自主创新的动力与能力,扭转不利局面。本文从理论上探索了企业创新与市场势力良性互动的机理,进而在“环”、“链”、“群”三个层次上就如何构建“良性互动”提出了思路与对策。  相似文献   

21世纪将是数字化、网络化的时代,印刷业作为信息产业的重要组成部分,将得到迅猛发展,更多的新技术将付诸应用。在这个过程中,孕育着巨大的商机。国内的印刷企业,印刷设备、器材制造企业,以及相关的生产、供应商,应该抓住机遇,实现自我发展。  相似文献   

While the benefits of being market oriented are largely accepted, a group of scholars and managers remain skeptical. Marketing scholars have sought to counter the criticisms leveled against market orientation (MO) by arguing that it has both responsive and proactive dimensions. However, few studies have empirically examined the complexity of the effects of these dimensions on firm performance. Drawing on theories of resource‐based advantage and organizational search behavior, this article advances understanding by arguing that responsive and proactive market orientations have curvilinear effects on product development performance, that their interaction may be positively related to product development performance, and that their effects on new product program performance are moderated differentially by the organizational implementation conditions and marketing function power. Survey results of 175 U.S. firms indicate support for most of the hypotheses. Specifically, whereas responsive MO has a U‐shaped relationship with new product program performance, proactive MO has an inverted U‐shaped relationship with new product program performance. Contrary to the arguments presented here, the interaction of both orientations is negatively related to new product program performance. This study finds that both orientations are needed; however, new product program performance is enhanced when one is at higher level and the other is at lower level. Finally, responsive MO is only positively related to new product program performance under specific conditions such as when strategic consensus among managers is high. On the other hand, the positive effect of proactive MO on new product program performance is further strengthened when learning orientation and marketing power are high. Overall, this study suggests that the effects of responsive and proactive MO on new product program performance are more complex than previously theoretically argued and empirically examined.  相似文献   

Technology alliances create market development rights that are shared between partners in an alliance relative to codeveloped product technology. Alliance partners will often manage the shared market development rights in a cooperative manner by forming an agreement in which one partner (i.e., the licensor) licenses its market development rights to the other partner in the alliance (i.e., the licensee). The real options and bargaining power literatures provide opposing recommendations regarding whether a licensor creates greater shareholder value by licensing its market development rights to the licensee on a more or less restrictive basis. Empirical analysis of technology alliance contracts reveals that the restrictiveness by which a licensor should license its market development rights to a licensee depends on the licensee's strategic marketing emphasis. Specifically, a licensee will create greater value by following a more restrictive distribution strategy when its partner's marketing strategy emphasizes value creation. Alternatively, a licensee will create greater value when its partner's marketing strategy emphasizes value appropriation by following a less restrictive distribution strategy. From a theoretical perspective, the paper's findings provide early evidence regarding the contribution of marketing strategy toward value creation in technology alliances and help resolve the differing expectations offered by the real options and bargaining power literatures. Managerially, the paper identifies an alliance partner's strategic marketing emphasis as a hitherto unrecognized factor determining when managers should follow a more or less restrictive distribution strategy when licensing marketing development rights within technology alliances.  相似文献   

企业推出新品种沙果果醋以及沙果干等系列产品,需大力推动沙果果醋营销工作,才能获得更大增值收益。本文通过绿色食品优势及沙果果醋产品分析,结合众多果醋饮料的实际情况,对沙果果醋的行业及市场分析,提出沙果果醋产品市场营销策略,提升沙果果醋产品经营业绩。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the value created by so-called "toolkits for user innovation and design," a new method of integrating customers into new product development and design. Toolkits allow customers to create their own product, which in turn is produced by the manufacturer. In the present study, questions asked were (1) if customers actually make use of the solution space offered by toolkits, and, if so, (2) how much value the self-design actually creates. In this study, a relatively simple, design-focused toolkit was used for a set of four experiments with a total of 717 participants, 267 of whom actually created their own watches. The heterogeneity of the resulting design solutions was calculated using the entropy concept, and willingness to pay (WTP) was measured by the contingent valuation method and Vickrey auctions. Entropy coefficients showed that self-designed watches vary quite widely. On the other hand, significant patterns still are visible despite this high level of entropy, meaning that customer preferences are highly heterogeneous and diverse in style but not completely random. It also was found that consumers are willing to pay a considerable price premium. Their WTP for a self-designed watch exceeds the WTP for standard watches by far, even for the best-selling standard watches of the same technical quality. On average, a 100% value increment was found for watches designed by users with the help of the toolkit. Taken together, these findings suggest that the toolkit's ability to allow customers to customize products to suit their individual preferences creates value for them in a business-to-consumer (B2C) setting even when only a simple toolkit is employed. Alternative explanations, implications, and necessary future research are discussed.  相似文献   

王芳 《山东纺织经济》2009,(3):72-73,123
随着消费者可支配收入的增长,服装消费者的消费理念和消费方式随之改变,顾客感知价值也就相应地发生了改变。顾客在购买服装时不再仅仅关注商品本身,而是越来越注重一种精神文化意境的传达。与此同时,购物、消费时的环境、心情与感受对消费者消费决策的影响也越来越凸显其重要性,对应的市场营销策略也应运而生。  相似文献   

由于我国股票市场是一个典型的订单驱动型市场,存在报价深度不充分的问题,传统的买卖价差不能真正反映流动性风险,针对这一情形,文章以个股日最高价与最低价之间的价差为度量指标,结合经流动性调整的风险价值模型(BDSS),考察了沪市25个行业的25只样本股票面临的流动性风险值。实证表明,我国股市存在较大的流动性风险,个股之间的流动性层次区分度不高,呈现出较大的趋同性,流通股本数与流动性风险值呈显著的负相关,而流通市值与流动性风险值呈显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

A significant part of the global carbon externality stems from the real estate sector. Environmental certification is often hailed as an effective means to resolve the information asymmetry that may prevent markets from effectively pricing the energy performance of buildings. This study analyzes the adoption and financial outcomes of environmentally certified commercial real estate over time. We document that nearly 40% of space in the 30 largest U.S. commercial real estate markets holds some kind of environmental certification in 2014, as compared to less than 5% in 2005. Tracking the rental growth of 26,212 office buildings, we measure the performance of environmentally certified real estate over time. We document that certified office buildings, on average, have slightly higher rental, occupancy and pricing levels, but do not outperform non‐certified buildings in rental growth over the 2004–2013 period. Further performance attribution analysis indicates that local climate conditions, local energy prices and the extent of certification lead to significant heterogeneity in market pricing. On aggregate, these findings provide some evidence on the efficiency of the market in the adoption and capitalization of environmental characteristics in the commercial real estate market.  相似文献   

股票的投资价值取决于该股票的盈利能力及其成长性,传统的相对价值法采用单一的估值倍数(市盈率)只是从相对盈利角度对可比公司进行比较,为了全面评估可比公司的相对价值,必须构造出一个能够反映公司综合价值的多指标的加权综合估值倍数来对可比公司的相对价值进行综合评价,并在此基础上构建加权综合估值倍数模型。  相似文献   

忆李子敬烈士─—纪念抗日战争胜利五十周年贾洪李子敬同志是山东抗日根据地最早的财经工作领导干部之一,1937年“七七”事变后,他就在山东泰安徂徕山一带,在中共地下党的影响下,组织群众抗日活动,同年12月参加中国共产党。1938年1月1日,参加了中共山东...  相似文献   

《冶金财会工作今昔与展望》(暂定名)编委扩大会议纪要《冶金财会工作今昔与展望》(暂定名)编委扩大会于1995年4月26日至27日在北京召开。出席会议的有冶金部原副部长赵岚同志,经济调节司单亦和司长、戚向东副司长,冶金经济发展研究中心刘勇昌主任、张信传...  相似文献   

模拟市场在我矿的运行上海梅山冶金公司铁矿党的十四大确立了我国建立社会主义市场经济的经济模式。在《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》中指出:“企业要按照市场经济的要求,完善和严格内部经营管理”。上海梅山冶金公司铁矿是一个大中型企业,过...  相似文献   

一、欧洲1.欧洲油墨行业各大公司占有市场情况欧洲1999年总共销售油墨大约100万吨,比前一年增长了3%。SunChemical公司仍占首位;而BASF公司印刷油墨(涂料)分公司的市场占有率为14%,在欧洲排名为第2位;Gebr.Schmidt(史密特兄弟)油墨公司占11%;SunChemical太阳化学公司占34%(包括CoatesLerilleux高氏劳瑞公司在内);MichaelHuber麦可·琥珀公司占7%;FlintInk富林特油墨公司占7%;Siegwerk西克威尔公司亦占7%等。总的市场占有率为84%。各大公司在欧洲油墨市场的占有率分布情况如下:1.Su…  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyzes the structure and operation of the market for existing single-family homes. The paper develops aggregative models of sales and renovation activity based on the adjustment choice decisions of households to alter their housing consumption by moving or by undertaking renovations. The models demonstrate that housing resales and renovation expenditures occur when the present value of the gains associated with a housing adjustment exceeds the costs of the transaction. The choice of the adjustment mode is shown to be significantly influenced by the relative transactions costs of moving versus renovating.  相似文献   

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