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The purpose of this article is to discuss the implications of interstate banking for consumers. The article describes the current structure of the banking industry, the history of legislation affecting interstate banking, and the expected effects of interstate banking on bank operating costs, availability of local funds, and concentration and competition within local banking markets as well as the anticipated effects on consumers of banking services. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the importance and rank stability of the 100 or 200 largest industrial corporations has been the subject of several studies, no comparable studies have been conducted in banking. Questions about the position and role of the 100 largest banks are beginning to emerge as a result of the 1980 thrift institution legislation and the prospect of interstate banking in the not too distant future. Data constructed for this study reveal that 1) concentration of deposits in the 100 largest banks increased from 33.7 percent in 1925 to 51.4 percent in 1978, 2) the pattern of change and the absolute level of concentration are remarkably similar for the 100 largest industrials, 3) deposits have become increasingly concentrated within the top 100 banks, 4) mobility and turnover have been relatively stable since 1925, 5) merger activity is partly responsible for the increased concentration and observed mobility and turnover, and 6) there has been a notable increase in the geographical dispersion of banks among the top 100.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the outcome of non-price competition in the UK mortgage market. Developing a novel application of data envelopment analysis, DEA, within the banking literature, this study finds evidence of high consumption efficiency. Employing cluster analysis, the study provides additional evidence that efficient mortgages are available for borrowers across a broad range of market segments. The study also shows that these beneficial aspects of non-price competition are only available to borrowers who select mortgages based on rational measures of price. The discussion closes with guidance for policymakers.  相似文献   

The bank holding company movement in banking is, in many respects, the counterpart of the conglomerate movement in the industrial sector. Both are characterized by a substantial amount of merger activity and thus raise questions as to the affect of the acquiring firms on competition. This study uses Tobit analysis and OLS to examine the influence of bank holding companies on rivalry and performance in 154 banking markets (1970–1979). Test results indicate that in markets where bank holding companies are a significant factor rivalry is higher, but so are prices even though profits are not higher, than in markets where bank holding companies are less important. These seemingly conflicting findings may be explained by the finding that significant holding company presence in a market is associated with relatively high noninterest expenses.  相似文献   

Bank holding companies have made significant inroads into the mortgage banking industry, primarily by acquisition. Federal Reserve Board approval of acquisitions is contingent upon the expectation of net public benefits. This study analyzes one of the benefits that BHCs claim will arise from acquisition of mortgage bankers—the flow of funds into housing will become more cyclically stable. Test results on a 33-firm sample of independent and BHC-affiliated mortgage bankers for 1973–1975 provide little support for this claimed public benefit.  相似文献   

Spurred by deregulation, cost, and risk factors, commercial bank mergers have accelerated sharply in recent years. Many banks appear to be positioning themselves for the advent of interstate banking through holding company or reciprocal branching arrangements. Yet, the performance effects of mergers among operating U.S. banks (as opposed to holding company acquisitions) have been examined both infrequently and inconclusively. This study focuses upon the characteristics and performance effects of national bank mergers occurring during the 1970–1980 period. Acquiring national banks were found to have lower operating efficiency and productivity than nonmerging banks and their profitability did not increase following the mergers, but credit availability, productivity, loan losses, deposit service charges, and interest-rate risk did rise. Frequency of merger activity did not significantly influence bank profitability or growth, but did augment stockholder risks and increase business and real-estate credit. In the aggregate, national bank mergers appeared to result neither in significant service benefits nor in significant service costs to the public.Spurred by deregulation of the industry, rising cost pressures, and increased operating risk, merger transactions among U.S. banks have soared in recent years. During the 1982–1986 period, for example, banking led all other industries in the number of consummated mergers and consistently was among the ten leading U.S. industries in the estimated market value of merger agreements. Moreover, the recent upsurge in reciprocal interstate banking agreements and proposals for fully legalized interstate banking hold out the prospect for a further acceleration in bank merger transactions in the years ahead. In view of the fact that legislation in more than 30 states now permits some form of interstate banking by merger or de novo entry and a June 1985 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court has legitimized regional banking compacts, the public and private impact of bank mergers becomes of much greater importance as a research focus.Despite the magnitude of recent bank merger transactions and their implications for the public, the research literature in this area is surprisingly meager and often contradictory. This article is an attempt to focus more sharply on recent research findings, provide additional evidence concerning the effects of mergers on the financial performance of banks, and assess their impact on the public's interest in an adequate supply of financial services.  相似文献   

1997~2011年这15年间我国银行业处于垄断竞争状态,市场竞争度呈现先减后增的U型变化趋势,而2008年国际金融危机后我国银行业市场竞争度下降。外资银行资产份额与市场竞争程度存在负相关关系,而机构数量与竞争度不相关,外资银行进入未能促进我国银行业的竞争,中国银行业市场逐步发展完善是市场竞争度变化的根本原因。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of bank market structure differences within U.S. states on entrepreneurial activity. A panel model is used to evaluate differences in new firm starts within the states relative to the bank market structure and competition. The results indicate that states with more small banks, as measured by the number of unit banks, and banks with more branch locations contribute to new firm creation. Overall competition, as measured by the total number of banking institutions, has a negative effect on firm creation. There is limited evidence that bank failures also have a negative impact on firm creation within the state.  相似文献   

The global recession of 2007–2009 is altering the structure of the global banking industry. Many Western banks suffered after the fallout of the subprime mortgage market in 2007 and are having to respond to the policy ramifications of the crisis and recession. China's banks, however, have undergone performance improvements in a number of areas, both leading into and during the crisis, and they are now emerging as significant players in the global banking market.1 This “shake‐up” in global banking is occurring in five areas: independence, profitability, market focus, business models, and talent. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate competition in banking systems in the EU27 as a whole for the period 2004–2010, but also for old members’ banking systems compared with new members’ banking systems and for banking systems from countries member of euro zone compares with banking systems from countries non-member of euro zone. In order to investigate this issue, we estimate a non-structural indicator of banking competition, using the H-statistic indicator that is estimated using bank-level data. Also, we apply two tests of convergence, β- and σ-convergence, for assessing competition evolution during the specified period. We want to fill the gap in the banking literature testing the validity of the Competition–Efficiency Hypothesis, analysing the impact of the banking competition measures on two alternative measures of efficiency, cost and profit efficiency, in the European banking systems in a Granger-causality manner. The results confirm us that in the EU the convergence process occur from the banking systems with higher competition level than the mean score of all countries. The evidence for all groups of countries, except non-euro zone group, where results are not statistically significant, confirm the Competition–Efficiency Hypothesis in terms of cost and profit efficiency.  相似文献   

Banks play an important role in consumer credit, and when borrowers face a decision on whether to default on mortgage or non-mortgage loans first, banking relationship may matter. Our study provides first evidence into the interplay between banking relationship and consumer default priority via credit bureau data of 1 million individuals in Thailand. We find that same-bank borrowers are less likely to default on mortgage loans first, and borrowers with longer banking relationship and lower switching cost are more likely to default on mortgage loans first (which is welfare-improving). Our results suggest that banking relationship can lead to better outcomes for defaulting borrowers even when switching cost is high.  相似文献   

随着金融业全面开放,我国银行业市场主体的多元化使银行业竞争环境发生了改变。本文通过实证分析,检验了金融业全面开放对我国银行业竞争度的影响。结果显示,在过渡期结束后,我国银行业竞争度迅速上升,同时伴随着银行的规模效益下降和风险倾向的增加。由此可知,竞争加剧将引起商业银行行为和风险的变化。正确认识开放条件下银行业竞争的变化和特征,对我国银行业改革和发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

余东华  马路萌 《财贸研究》2012,23(4):106-111
采用拓展的PR模型和H统计量方法论证利率非市场化将导致对中国银行业市场竞争程度的高估。为了解决这一高估问题,利用双向固定效应模型将利率非市场化作为时间效应因素纳入回归模型,然后采用PR模型和H统计量等非结构主义方法实证测度中国银行业的市场竞争程度。测度结果显示:中国银行业整体上进入了垄断竞争状态,但竞争程度较低;银行之间竞争的重点仍然集中在传统存贷款业务上,金融产品的创新不足。  相似文献   

This paper presents new evidence on the effects of multibank holding companies on the structure of local commercial bank markets for deposits. A distinguishing feature of this study is the use of pooled cross-section and time-series data. It is concluded that multibank holding company activity has had a procompetitive effect on the local banking markets in the sample. This finding, which is quite robust under alternative model specifications, has important implications for state and federal policy toward this organizational form and toward intra- and interstate banking.  相似文献   

金融科技的产业化发展给商业银行和银行业竞争格局带来了显著而深远的影响。本文利用2011—2016年全国31个省份的经济金融面板数据,通过构建空间计量模型实证检验金融科技对于地区银行业竞争的影响。研究结果显示,金融科技对于地区银行业竞争的影响存在显著的空间地理效应和产业竞争效应。其中,金融科技的空间地理效应主要体现为显著的空间依赖效应,而金融科技的产业竞争效应则主要来源于“市场挤出”和“技术溢出”两个作用渠道。研究结论对于如何通过金融科技促进银行业有效竞争,促进商业银行更好地发挥服务实体经济功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

美国放松银行业地域管制后出现大规模的银行并购,但银行业的并购和跨区域扩张并没有使美国银行业市场过度集中和对中小企业贷款造成明显冲击。中国银行业可以从中得到有益启示:放开中小银行跨区域限制的同时必须保证足够数量的中小银行业机构,使银行市场保持适度的竞争;中小银行应更多立足本地,积极发挥对中小企业关系型贷款优势;大型银行发展中小企业贷款必须进行贷款技术创新,以降低对中小企业交易型贷款成本。  相似文献   

对银行特殊性的认识导致人们对银行业竞争政策产生了一些误解。中国银行业的竞争政策建设还十分薄弱,在"后危机"时代,尤其需要加强对银行业竞争政策的建设。银行业的竞争政策可分为供给边的竞争政策和需求边的竞争政策,对需求边的竞争政策,中国目前急需加强消费者保护政策和降低消费者转换成本的政策;对供给边的竞争政策,中国目前急需加强确保可竞争性市场的进入与退出规则的建设和利率市场化改革建设。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent of banking competition in African subregional markets. A dynamic version of the Panzar–Rosse model is adopted beside the static model to assess the overall extent of banking competition in each subregional banking market over the period 2002 to 2009. Consistent with other emerging economies, the results suggest that African banks generally demonstrate monopolistic competitive behaviour. Although the evidence suggests that the static Panzar–Rosse H-statistic is downwards biased compared to the dynamic version, the competitive nature identified remains robust to alternative estimators.  相似文献   


This paper measures the degree of bank competition in India using a sample of 70 commercial banks over the period 1996–2016. To assess the degree of competition, we estimate the market power of each bank in our sample employing three nonstructural measures: the Lerner index, the adjusted Lerner index, and the Boone indicator. Bank-wise and year-wise estimates of the marginal cost required in all these measures are obtained using the semi-parametric method. The paper further attempts to undertake a comprehensive assessment of competition in Indian banking and identifies various bank-specific, macroeconomic, structural, and contestability indicators, which are supposed to explain level and variation of the degree of competition over time. Empirical findings reveal that public-sector banks in India exercise a relatively higher degree of bank competition compared to private and foreign-sector banks. However, aggregate results support that the Indian banking system is competitive in general. Unlike the structure-conduct-performance paradigm, which advocates that a concentrated banking system impairs competitiveness, our findings reveal that concentration measures hardly exert any effect on bank competition. Rather, contestability measures play a significant role in the determination of bank competition.  相似文献   

Using a large panel of Italian firms, spanning the years from 1995 to 2003, this study investigates the relationship between bank debt and non-financial SMEs’ performance, evaluating whether and to what extent this link is affected by the degree of competition characterising the local credit market where firms operate. Controlling for inertia, unobserved heterogeneity and the endogeneity of some performance determinants, we find that the (negative) impact of bank debt on firms’ performance is weaker for firms running in more competitive banking markets. We interpret this result as evidence that a more intense banking competition may lead to better credit conditions for small and medium-sized firms.  相似文献   

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