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In this paper we derive the implications of the absence of arbitrage in securities markets models where traded securities are subject to short-sales constraints and where the borrowing and lending rates differ. We show that a securities price system is arbitrage free if and only if there exists a numeraire and an equivalent probability measure for which the normalized (by the numeraire) price processes of traded securities are supermartingales. Also, the tightest arbitrage bounds that can be inferred on the price of a contingent claim without knowing agents'preferences are equal to its largest and smallest expected normalized payoff with respect to the supermartingale measures. In the case where the underlying security price follows a diffusion process and where short selling is possible but costly, we derive partial differential equations that must be satisfied by the arbitrage bounds on derivative securities prices, and we determine optimal hedging strategies. We compute the arbitrage bounds on common securities numerically for several values of the borrowing and short-selling costs and show that they can be quite sharp.  相似文献   

The paper studies derivative asset analysis in structural credit risk models where the asset value of the firm is not fully observable. It is shown that in order to determine the price dynamics of traded securities, one needs to solve a stochastic filtering problem for the asset value. We transform this problem to a filtering problem for a stopped diffusion process and apply results from the filtering literature to this problem. In this way, we obtain an stochastic partial differential equation characterization for the filter density. Moreover, we characterize the default intensity under incomplete information and determine the price dynamics of traded securities. Armed with these results, we study derivative assets in our setup: We explain how the model can be applied to the pricing of options on traded assets and we discuss dynamic hedging and model calibration. The paper closes with a small simulation study.  相似文献   

This study considers the evolution of price discovery in the S&P 500 E-mini futures and the corresponding exchange traded fund (SPY ETF) over the period January 2002 through December 2013. The study reports evidence that the E-mini futures dominate price discovery at the beginning of the sample period. However, from 2007 onward both the SPY ETF and E-mini futures contribute similar portions to the price discovery process. The level of price discovery is significantly influenced by volume measures and relative levels of transaction costs for both securities.  相似文献   

A securities market that imposes higher trading costs on small-volume traders may reduce free-riding on information generated by large-volume traders. The reduction in free-riding increases the probability that large-volume traders will invest in socially beneficial information and engage in costly monitoring of managers of firms in their portfolio.V arious mechanisms can be used to impose costs on small-volume traders.We argue that Nasdaq's former treatment of limit orders was one such mechanism. Depending on the market's structure and the nature of the securities traded in the market, a reduction in freeriding activity may improve overall market efficiency despite a potentially negative impact on information dissemination.  相似文献   

Unlike the U.S. and Japanese securities markets, we find new evidence of volatility spillover between index stocks and non‐index stocks following the introductions of index derivatives trading in the Korean securities markets. We further find that the degree of volatility spillover is closely related to the level of market deregulation; significant return volatility spills over from non‐index to index stocks during deregulation period but in the opposite direction during post‐deregulation period. Our empirical results show that the former volatility spillover from non‐index to index stocks can be explained by the transitory contagion effect associated with the 1997 Korean financial crisis and the subsequent market deregulation, whereas the latter volatility spillover from index to non‐index stocks is attributed to the permanent information spillover effect. This latter evidence suggests that the information regarding investors' expectations on the future common market factors is first reflected into the return volatility of index stocks and then transferred to the trading of non‐index stocks against which derivatives are not traded. Our results are robust to different estimation and sample construction methods. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 29:563–597, 2009  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):907-926
The issuance of bonds increased in inter-war Japan, the main investors being banks because the demand for loans declined in this period. Banks that were more tolerant to risk (that is, whose capital ratio was higher) made a larger amount of loans, which were riskier than bonds. While national bonds were traded actively in secondary markets, local bonds, corporate bonds, and bank debentures were not traded actively during this period. After the formation of cartels of banks and securities firms for bond underwriting and trading during the Great Depression, bond trading in secondary markets diminished, except for national bonds.  相似文献   

Underlying the search for arbitrage opportunities across commodity futures markets that differ in market structure is the idea that the futures prices for similar commodities that are traded on different exchanges adjusted for differences in currency, delivery time (if any), location, and market structure are equal. This article examines price linkages in competing discrete commodity futures auction markets. We find no evidence of cointegration of futures prices of similar commodities traded on two contemporaneous discrete auction futures exchanges in Asia. We also find no evidence of arbitrage activities across these two Asian exchanges, though this does not preclude arbitrage activities with North American continuous auction markets. This lack of cointegration may be due to nonstationarities in the trading cost component. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 19: 799–815, 1999  相似文献   

We construct a financial market with countably many securities for which there are two equivalent martingale measures under which the market is approximately complete. Thus, approximate completeness does not in general guarantee unique consistent prices for nonmarketed claims. the construction also produces an economy with two agents and infinitely many traded goods which is in equilibrium but has no equilibrium when a new good (recognized by all as redundant) is tentatively traded.  相似文献   

There are two distinctly different approaches to the valuation of a new security in an incomplete market. The first approach takes the prices of the existing securities as fixed and uses no-arbitrage arguments to derive the set of equivalent martingale measures that are consistent with the initial prices of the traded securities. The price of the new security is then obtained by appealing to certain criteria or on the basis of some preference assumption. The second method prices the new security within a general equilibrium framework. This paper clarifies the distinction between the two approaches and provides a simple proof that the introduction of the new security will typically change the prices of all the existing securities. We are left with the paradox that a genuinely new derivative security is not redundant, but the dominant pricing paradigm in derivative security pricing is the no-arbitrage approach, which requires the redundancy of the security. Given the widespread practice of using the no-arbitrage approach to price (or bound the price of) a new security, we also comment on some justifications for this approach.  相似文献   

This paper uses the natural experiment offered by the Shanghai Stock Exchange to investigate the impact of opening call auction transparency on market liquidity. We find that the dissemination of indicative trade information during the pre‐open call auction session leads to an overall improvement in stock liquidity in the continuous trading session. Bid‐ask spreads narrow in the first trading hour because adverse selection risk fell significantly and there is less price volatility in the continuous market. This effect is greater for actively traded securities than illiquid securities. Our findings are robust for different lengths of sample period, different lengths of trading hours after market open, and stocks that had (and had not) reformed the share split structure during our research period.  相似文献   

The liquidity of securities—the relationship between volume of trading and changes in market price—has won increasing recognition as an element of investment strategy in recent years. Relatively high liquidity is deemed to be a desirable characteristic of a stock, especially for the institutional investor, who typically trades in large volume. Thus, firms can generally be expected to seek means of enhancing the liquidity of their shares. One of the supposed means of accomplishing this is by listing one's stock on a national securities exchange. This paper examines the relationship of common stock liquidity to both exchange listing and price behavior during major up and down movements in the market. Our conceptual and empirical analyses indicate that liquidity is linked to price behavior; and we suggest that the view held by at least some corporate officers—that exchange listing increases liquidity—may be erroneous. More specifically, it appears that when the amount of firm capitalization is taken into account, exchange listing does not result in greater stock liquidity.  相似文献   

The Prudent Investor Rule creates a potential ethical dilemma for investment advisors selling over-the-counter financial products issued by their firms. The "opportunity" to defraud investors using complex, over-the-counter derivative securities designed for client-specific risk management is much higher than for exchange traded securities. This paper emphasizes the ethical responsibility held by trustees and their organizations to eliminate potential conflict of interests through internal control and monitoring. Independent evaluations of the performance of investment advisors and independent appraisals of complex over-the-counter securities are important in reducing the risks of conflicts of interest. Recent lessons learned from the corporate ethics crisis and requirements of the 2002 Sarbanes Oxley Act would suggest that conflict of interest must be eliminated with third party validation of derivative pricing. By performing due diligence and validation, the trustee is able to satisfy the requirements under the Prudent Investor Rule.  相似文献   

Existing studies examining how geography affects firm outcomes primarily consider how clusters affect performance. We examine how regional geographic signature—industry clusters, regional economic diversity, region size, and regional innovativeness—affects firm value and systematic and unsystematic risk using a sample of publicly traded American bank holding companies. After controlling for endogeneity of clusters, we find that locating in large and innovative regions enhances firm value, while locating in clusters and diversifying into many regions reduces value. Clusters reduce systematic risk and increase unsystematic risk, while economic diversity and innovativeness increase systematic risk. Thus, geographic locales exert multifaceted influences on value and risk, and we need to consider more than industry clusters and geographic diversification when considering geographic influence. Copyright © 2013 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study superhedging of securities that give random payments possibly at multiple dates. Such securities are common in practice where, due to illiquidity, wealth cannot be transferred quite freely in time. We generalize some classical characterizations of superhedging to markets where trading costs may depend nonlinearly on traded amounts and portfolios may be subject to constraints. In addition to classical frictionless markets and markets with transaction costs or bid‐ask spreads, our model covers markets with nonlinear illiquidity effects for large instantaneous trades. The characterizations are given in terms of stochastic term structures which generalize term structures of interest rates beyond fixed income markets as well as martingale densities beyond stochastic markets with a cash account. The characterizations are valid under a topological condition and a minimal consistency condition, both of which are implied by the no arbitrage condition in the case of classical perfectly liquid market models. We give alternative sufficient conditions that apply to market models with general convex cost functions and portfolio constraints.  相似文献   

This study develops and empirically tests a simple market microstructure model to capture the main determinants of option bid‐ask spread. The model is based on option market making costs (initial hedging, rebalancing, and order processing costs), and incorporates a reservation bid‐ask spread that option market makers apply to protect themselves from scalpers. The model is tested on a sample of covered warrants, which are optionlike securities issued by banks, traded on the Italian Stock Exchange. The empirical analysis validates the model. The initial cost of setting up a delta neutral portfolio has been found to be an important determinant of option bid‐ask spread, as well as rebalancing costs to keep the portfolio delta neutral. This result provides evidence of a further link between options and underlying assets: the spread of the option is positively related to the spread of its underlying asset. Empirical evidence also indicates that the reservation bid‐ask spread, computed as the product of option delta and underlying asset tick, plays a very important role in explaining the bid‐ask spread of options. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:843–867, 2006  相似文献   

Despite the fact that they are heavily traded, discussed in every derivatives text, and necessary to aligning implied volatilities with volatility expectations, volatility trades such as straddles, strangles, and option/asset combinations have received scant attention in the finance research literature. Using a unique data set for the Eurodollar options market, the trading and structure of seven volatility trades—straddles, strangles, option/asset combinations, guts, butterflies, iron butterflies, and condors—are examined. We find that both traders' choices among the seven strategies and the designs they choose for the individual strategies indicate that volatility traders seek designs with (1) low deltas, (2) low transaction costs, and (3) high gammas and vegas. Among other things, these three presumed objectives explain why butterflies, guts, and condors are rarely traded; covered call and put writing is rare; and straddles are the most popular volatility trade. These objectives also explain the usual design of straddles, strangles, and asset/option combinations and the straddle–strangle choice. Our data also indicate that, in constructing their spreads, traders rely on heuristics that lead to relatively low deltas and high gammas and vegas, but not always the lowest delta and highest gamma/vega constructions implied by more sophisticated models. We find little evidence of trading based on the shape of the smile, that is, little evidence that trades are designed to long (short) strikes with low (high) implied volatilities. We find that some volatility trade structures—those that (1) receive considerable attention in finance textbooks, (2) have been posited by finance researchers, or (3) are recognized by the exchanges—are rarely employed by traders, whereas others are quite common. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 25:243–279, 2005  相似文献   

基于融资融券的证券信用交易体制是中国证券市场制度建设不可或缺的重要组成部分。2008年10月5日,中国证监会宣布启动融资融券试点,文章试对美国、日本、中国台湾以及中国大陆试点的信用交易模式进行了比较研究,并写了几点启示以资借鉴。  相似文献   

Contrary to what law and finance theory would predict, the Paris Bourse was highly liquid at the turn of the twentieth century: the traded volumes amounted to four times the French GDP. This magnitude was mainly due to forward trading. The Bourse had developed as a forward market, despite a ban on forward transactions. The guild-like body running the Bourse played a key role in legitimizing and legalizing these operations, previously equated with gambling. The 1885 legalizing act initiated a new field of law (‘securities law’) and paved the way for the heyday of the Paris Bourse.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of term-structure-related securities in the design of dynamic portfolio management strategies that hedge certain systematic jump risks in asset return. Option pricing formulas based on the absence of arbitrage opportunities in this context are also developed. the analysis is for the case where assets returns are driven by a finite number of Brownian motions and an m-variate point process. the inclusion of :the additional traded assets in the term structure makes it possible to hedge systematic jumps imbedded in the m variate point process.  相似文献   

In the wake of the current financial crises triggered by risky mortgage-backed securities, the question of ethics and risk-taking is once again at the front and center for both practitioners and academics. Although risk-taking is considered an integral part of strategic decision-making, sometimes firms could be propelled to take risks driven by reasons other than calculated strategic choices. The authors argue that a firm’s risk-taking propensity is impacted by its ethical climate (egoistic or benevolent) and its emphasis on output control to manage its marketing function. The firm’s long-term orientation is argued to moderate the control–risk propensity relationship. The authors also extend research on risk and performance and argue that the association of risk-taking propensity and firm performance is contingent on the ownership (publicly traded versus privately held) structure of the firm. Based on survey data from a sample of manufacturing industries in the United States, the results show significant impact of ethical climate and marketing output control on a firm’s risk-taking propensity; also risk-taking propensity shows a stronger association with firm performance in privately held firms than in publicly traded firms.  相似文献   

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