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本文阐述了建立贸易伙伴关系的必要性,并提出了在建立伙伴关系过程中,我们要做好对供应商的深入细致的考察了解工作.要详细了解企业的经营状况、管理水平、技术优势和生产特点等,这是我们选择合作伙伴的必备条件.  相似文献   

克莱斯勒汽车公司作为美国“三大”之一,最初通过收购美国汽车公司(American Motors Corp,简称AMC)进入中国,成为最早与中国汽车企业合作的跨国汽车公司。20多年来.克莱斯勒在中国的发展起起伏伏.有辉煌.也有失意。  相似文献   

企业生产产品的原料来源于供应商,在供应链中的地位非常重要,它不仅是整个企业供应链的源头,也是企业的质量和成本控制的重要因素。因此,供应商管理在供应链的环境下是甚为重要的。本文从选择供应商、供应商关系管理和供应商管理团队几个方面,简单分析了建立与供应商长期合作的方法。  相似文献   

底特律三大汽车公司及其零部件供应商之间的传统敌对关系可能会转化成合作关系,但零部件供应商与其它日本汽车制造商的关系却有所下降。 全球零部件供应商利纳马公司的首席执行官琳达·哈森弗拉茨表示:"我们已看到底特律三大汽车公司全都在零部件供应商关系上做出了改变——而且不仅仅是在口头或者书面声明上。"如果底特律三大汽车公司能继续强化这些合作关系,  相似文献   

生产商与零售商的关系是市场经济的重要因素,是调节供求关系和市场价格变化的基础.目前供商关系存在的争论,主要起源于零售商向供应商收取一定的费用,可以统称为通道费(Slotting Fee)或进场费,收取这些费用的数量和方式引起供应商的不满,并由此引起了广泛的关注.  相似文献   

从博弈论视角看零售商与供应商之间合作关系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的零售商与供应商之间的关系总是处在敌对竞争的零和博弈状态,彼此都以牺牲对方的利益为自身攫取更多利润的手段。但从博弈论角度来看,零售商与供应商之间只有进行合作才能得到最大的利益。本文指出要构建零售商与供应商之间的合作博弈关系需采取一定的策略消除阻碍零售商与供应商合作的障碍。随着市场由卖方市场向买方市场的转变,供应商与零售商之间的博弈关系也发生了变化,零售商逐渐提高竞争优势。在买方市场的情况下,零售商拥有销售终端的优势,能及时掌握消费者的需求情况。他们据此对供应商提出较为苛刻的要求,通过侵占供应商的利益来追求自己的利益最大化。  相似文献   

成立于1959年的法国家乐福集团是大型综合超市(Hypermarket)概念的创始者。家乐福集团在全球20多个国家运营1.5万多家零售商店。2009年,集团销售额为962亿欧元,员工总数超过50万人。家乐福目前是欧洲第一,全球第二的跨国零售企业,也是全球国际化程度最高的零售企业。2009年,家乐福集团在《财富》500强企业中排名第25位。  相似文献   

刘月珍 《浙商》2009,(3):116-117
银企要建立什么样的合作关系?提到这个问题,很多人会脱口而出:“信贷关系呗。”但中信银行杭州分行一直在努力把这种关系进行拓展和延伸。让我们来看看他们是如何演绎新型银企关系的。  相似文献   

企业间建立良好合作关系的模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

特许经营的特许人和加盟商既相互独立又相互依赖,这种关系通常被称为双赢。只有使特许人获得比直营更有效的发展,让加盟商获得比独立经营更多的利益,特许经营才能进行下去。  相似文献   

TNS 《市场研究》2008,(6):58
<正>TNS《全球科技洞察2007~08》研究发现,音乐应用是增长最快的手机服务。而中国用户对手机音乐感兴趣的比全球平均水平要高,超过半数(55%)的用户都用手机收听音乐。该项研究在29个国家访问了1.6万名受访者。  相似文献   

高附加值、技术含量大的船用阀门在造船业中起着至关重要的作用,但我国生产此类产品的总体技术水平和质量水平一般,与国外同行业相比差距很大。而如何在设计、研制、质量方面学习国外先进技术,生产出此类产品是增强企业发展后劲的重要保证。本文通过阐述  相似文献   

This teaching note for the case Agora Partnerships Nicaragua summarizes two different approaches to teach the case. While the dilemma in the teaching case is how to structure an investment proposal attractive to both investors and entrepreneurs, the case also allows discussing how to adapt the venture capital model to an emerging country like Nicaragua. This teaching note outlines both logics, including a teaching plan for each one, assignment questions for students, and an overview of the discussion about the main issues in the two directions.  相似文献   

International partnerships are an essential tool to enable business schools to internationalize their activities. They can lead to improved research, better more internationally relevant teaching, provide staff with an international perspective, and help prepare students for careers in global business. Using case studies of four of Durham University Business School's main partnerships, the article identifies the motivations for forming partnerships, examines some of the practical management issues associated with partnership working in higher education, and details the many benefits that can be derived from such arrangements.  相似文献   

This article reports on the performance of services contracted out by the public sector to private sector organisations. The conclusions are based on probably the biggest-ever questionnaire survey on this topic to-date: it covered 7,500 public-private partnerships, and was replicated annually over three years. The private sector organisations providing the services included multinationals like IBM and Andersen Consulting as well as local firms. The public sector clients were all from three Australian states or the Australian federal government. The study not only shows that these partnerships are set to go on expanding fast, but also explores the ways in which they have been successful and the pitfalls which the partners need to avoid.  相似文献   

张广敬 《中国市场》2008,(15):147-149
人才需求调研是落实人才培养计划、开展物流专业人才培养的基础工作。在此基础上各院校才能制定有针对性培养方案,也才能培养出合格的高技能的人才。本文通过调研和利用较大量的数据对此进行了比较深入的分析,有利于徐州各院校制定相关的方案,有较大的使用价值。  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between U.S. wine distributors and wineries. Specifically, it identifies the factors distributors believe contribute to successful winery-distributor relationships. Web-based survey research was conducted with 81 usable responses received. Results indicate that wine quality, dependability of the producer, price, and personal relationship between the winery and distributor are the most important factors in determining whether a distributor will carry a specific wine in their sales portfolio.  相似文献   

Cross-sector social partnerships are often studied from a macro and meso perspective, also in an attempt to assess effectiveness and societal impact. This article pays specific attention to the micro perspective, i.e. individual interactions between and within organizations related to partnerships that address the ‘social good’. By focusing on the potential effects and mechanisms at the level of individuals and the organization(s) with which they interact, it aims to help fill a gap in research on partnerships, including more insight into the process of interaction. We conceptually explore micro level interactions, and how partnership effects may ‘trickle down’ (e.g. from management to employees), or ‘trickle up’ (from employees to management) or ‘trickle round’ (e.g. between employees). Based on the literature from various disciplines, we discuss how more generic theories on social exchange and contagion, social learning and attraction-selection-attrition can help shed light on micro level interactions in a partnership, considering in particular transmission mechanisms via employees, top and middle management, and customers. In this way, partnerships can have wider benefits, as individuals have multiple roles and effects at the micro level can spread to the meso and macro levels as well. Implications for research and practice are outlined.  相似文献   

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