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罗美娟  龙腾 《财经科学》2021,(11):93-105
劳动力年龄结构的老化会削弱财政刺激对经济的正向作用,那么人口老龄化怎样影响不同经济周期下财政政策的有效性?本文利用我国1999-2019年的宏观经济数据,将经济周期划分为扩张期和收缩期,通过实证发现,在经济扩张时期,人口老龄化对财政刺激效果的影响并不显著;在经济收缩时期,财政刺激效果随着人口年龄结构的老化而减弱.相对于非老龄化社会,政府的财政刺激对个人消费以及经济收缩期间私人投资和就业的正向效应,在老龄化社会中影响较弱.结果 表明,在应对老龄化社会时,扩张性的财政政策需要政府保持更大的财政空间,结合实施其他的宏观经济政策,以允许在经济收缩时期,财政刺激能达到预期的政策目标.  相似文献   

积极财政政策的短期效应与长期效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪90年代中期以前,我国宏观调控针对当时的需求膨胀和经济中的某些过热现象,实施了适度从紧的财政货币政策,治理通货膨胀。90年代后期,我国经济形势有重大变化,出现有效需求不足的通货紧缩问题,我国适时调整宏观调控政策,实行扩大内需的方针,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。积极的财政政策是扩张性的政策,以增加政府支出来刺激投资和消费。其内容是发行面向商业银行的长期建设国债筹资,主要用于增加基础设施投入(如修建铁路、高速公路等),支持国有企业的技术改造,加大西部开发和生态环境建设投资;此外,还用于提高机关事业单位职工…  相似文献   

我国财政货币政策同时发挥效力不足,搭配模式不完善,限制了其作用空间。后危机时代,切实加强财政货币政策组合效用发挥显得尤为重要。运用圣路易斯模型对我国改革开放以来财政政策和货币政策的相对有效性进行检验,可以得出结论:货币政策的作用空间总体上大于财政政策。为此,要推进体制市场化,完善政策效应传导机制;要政策配合多元化,发挥政策综合效应;要加快工具新型化,促进政策手段协调;要使合作领域重点化,重视特定领域配合。  相似文献   

在高债务和通缩并存的背景下,中国有必要采取措施应对"债务-通缩"风险。美国和日本的经验表明,单独使用货币政策或财政政策(单一宽松)应对"债务-通缩"所需的政策力度较大,而且容易陷入政策不可持续的困境。本文通过构建含有高债务和通缩特征的DSGE模型,并对货币政策和财政政策进行"中国化"修正,研究发现:货币政策与财政政策协调(双宽松)可以为财政政策创造空间并为货币政策节省空间,增强政策可持续性。这是因为,货币政策的"再通胀"效应有助于减轻政府实际债务负担和融资成本,为财政政策创造新空间。而且,积极财政政策同样能产生一定的"再通胀"效应,这会减轻货币政策为实现"再通胀"而需要宽松的力度,从而为货币政策节省空间。有鉴于此,中国应该加强财政货币政策协调以避免经济陷入"债务-通缩"陷阱。  相似文献   

弱势下的扩张:中国财政状况和政策取向分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目前以预算内财政收入计算的财政规模很低,但这一指标并没有全面反映我国财政的规模,真实的财政规模其实相当大。用“积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策”概括1998年以来的宏观调控有失公允,为确保经济增长,中央政府实际上调动了包括货币政策在内的所有政策资源刺激经济。目前,我国债务规模在可控范围之内,真正决定积极财政政策取向的是财政项目的效益等因素,我国积极财政政策已经转向谨慎。正在实行的财政政策有两个显著特点,一是推进公共财政体系建设,这是由我国经济体制改革的总体目标设定的;二是在实行积极财政政策的同时,增加税收,这反映了财政在加强自身建设的同时(提高财政两个比重),竭力完成宏观调控目标的努力。这两个看似矛盾的政策,统一在当前的财政政策中,恰当地反映了转型期财政必须应对的多重目标。  相似文献   

<正> 从1997年下半年开始,治理通货紧缩与反过剩已成为我国政府宏观调控的核心任务。从已经实施的财政货币政策效果来看,货币政策对经济的刺激作用不太明显,以至有人提出“货币流动性陷阱”之说。从财政政策来看,去年政府采取积极的财政政策带动了投资快速增长。但在我国“弱财政、强金融”的格局下,靠财政增加投资的做法恐怕很难持久,而且单纯靠投资刺激经济也有其负面影响。  相似文献   

所谓双稳健政策即指货币政策和财政政策都采取中性资态,以追求经济的平稳运行为目标,尽量减少宏观政策对经济影响的政策组合。我国的宏观调控政策不局限于货币政策和财政政策,行政手段依然发挥重要的作用,因此本文把追求稳健的宏观调控政策内容也包含在内。主要包括四个方面内容:(1)2005年全年宏观调控政策回顾;(2)宏观调控政策的作用与表现;(3)经济运行中的问题;(4)政策效应评述。  相似文献   

蔡强 《经济学家》2012,(10):97-100
美国的货币政策与财政政策的交互关系在经济衰退时期呈现出扩张的财政政策引致扩张的货币政策,在经济企稳时期呈现出扩张的货币政策引起紧缩的财政政策。美国存在财政政策的非凯恩斯效应,所以一旦紧缩性的财政政策得以实施,将引致宽松货币政策效力的发挥。在后危机时代,这些宏观经济政策间非对称形式的相互作用机制将有利于美国的财政稳固和未来的经济复苏。  相似文献   

我国财政政策与货币政策的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了我国财政理论及其框架的创新与发展,进而分析了财政政策在国家宏观调控下的一系列发展和转变,对财政政策与货币政策等其他宏观调控政策的配合与应用进行了研究.研究目的在于分析财政政策在国民经济调节体系中的政策走向和作用,说明财政政策与货币政策的配合要有利于维护国内经济的稳健运行,应对来自外部的冲击.  相似文献   

我国正在经历人口老龄化逐步加速的过程.人口老龄化不仅将导致我国老年人口比重和规模的增大,而且还将导致其他年龄组人口的相应变化.从人口结构角度来看,人口老龄化使老年抚养比不断上升超过了少年抚养比的下降趋势,致使总抚养比出现增长趋势,反映了劳动年龄人口的养老负担日益加剧.为了应对人口老龄化对劳动力供给产生的不利影响,本文建议完善“全面二孩”政策的相关配套措施、加快出台延迟退休政策、改善养老和医疗等配套设施.  相似文献   


This article explores the effects of China’s economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on its fiscal policy, monetary policy and a wide range of macro-economic variables using a time-varying parameter FAVAR model. Based on monthly data from 07/2003 to 08/2017, the time-varying structure of the model allows us to capture the time-varying characteristics of the macro-economic variables and which channel is relevant. Empirical results reveal that the reaction of monetary and fiscal policies to EPU is highly asymmetric across macro-economic circumstances. Loose monetary and fiscal policies are adopted in response to EPU shocks during the financial crisis, while policies are moderately tightened after the crisis. The China Interbank Offered Rate (Chibor) responds more sensitively and severely than M2 to EPU shocks. Additionally, EPU shocks have a significant and negative impact on economic growth, consumption, exchange rates, bonds and the stock market, but showing a positive impact on credit, real estate and fixed asset investment (which might be due to China’s special economic market environment and the high investment return). The results indicate that EPU shocks significantly affect macroeconomic fundamentals through precautionary savings and financial market channels but lose their effectiveness through a ‘real options’ effect.  相似文献   

汇率制度、经济开放度与中国需求政策的有效性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在全球经济金融一体化的背景下,中国对外经济开放度的提高对需求、供给政策的有效性产生了复杂深刻的影响。本文通过构建OR模型分析框架,分析了不同汇率制度下金融市场和商品市场一体化程度对需求政策、利率泰勒规则、财政供给和劳动供给政策有效性的影响。根据理论分析和数值模拟以及以中国年度数据进行实证检验,提出了一个可检验的假说,表明开放条件宏观政策的有效性取决于商品市场和金融市场一体化程度及二者的相互作用。  相似文献   

The performance of the Indian economy in recent years has attracted increasing international interest. This paper focuses on the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the evolution of the Indian economy over the years, with particular attention being given to the reforms undertaken in these policies since the early 1990s. The coordination of fiscal and monetary policies has been crucial in the sequencing of the economic reform process carried out since the early 1990s. Monetary policy aims to maintain a judicious balance between price stability and economic growth. With the opening up of the Indian economy and the spread of financial sector reforms aimed at functional autonomy, prudential strengthening, operational efficiency, and competitiveness of banks, considerations of financial stability have assumed greater importance in recent years alongside the increasing openness of the Indian economy. The biggest challenge facing the conduct of fiscal and monetary policy in India is to continue the accelerated growth process while maintaining price and financial stability. Therefore, the self‐imposed rule‐based fiscal correction at both the national and subnational levels has to be consolidated and carried forward. The existence of a high level of fiscal deficit also contributes to the persistence of an interest rate differential with the rest of the world, which then also constrains progress toward full capital account convertibility. The success achieved in revenue buoyancy through tax rationalization and compliance has to be strengthened further.  相似文献   

Korea faces the fastest population aging among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries and increasing levels of income inequality and relative poverty. While economic growth will help address these challenges, growth alone is not sufficient, making it necessary to introduce policies to promote social cohesion. First, the National Pension Scheme and the National Health Insurance need to be improved. Second, Korea should develop well‐targeted social programs and expand the earned income tax credit. Third, it is important to reduce labor market dualism, a major cause of inequality due to the large wage gap between regular and non‐regular workers. Fourth, education reform is needed to lower the financial burden of tertiary education, reduce the heavy reliance on hagwon and increase spending on preprimary education. At the same time, it is essential to maintain a sound fiscal position by increasing tax revenues, primarily through indirect taxes and environmental taxes, to cover rising social spending.  相似文献   

开放经济条件下,中国财政金融政策面临着多方面的挑战:在多重宏观政策目标下,米德冲突不可避免,内外平衡目标之间的冲突将成为中国财政金融政策面对的首要挑战;开放经济条件下,财政政策与金融政策具有不同的效能和作用区域;时至今日,中国仍不完全具备采用IS-LM-BP分析框架的前提条件,利用传统的分析方法研究中国宏观经济问题可能会得出错误的结论.  相似文献   

2009年以来,面对持续走高的物价,央行采取了连续上调准备金率的政策,以求减少货币供给量,稳定物价。通过建立CPI、广义货币供给量M2和GDP之间的回归模型,对1994~2010年的数据进行回归分析,得出了我国货币政策对稳定物价有效的结论。认为治理通货膨胀要采取多样化的宏观经济政策,注意货币政策、财政政策的搭配使用。同时要加快人民币汇率体制改革,促进产业结构调整和经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   

The paper offers an account of the Euro crisis based on post-Keynesian monetary theory and its typology of demand regimes. Neoliberalism has transformed social and financial relations in Europe but it has not given rise to a sustained profit-led growth process. Instead, growth has relied either on financial bubbles and rising household debt (‘debt-driven growth’) or on net exports (‘export-driven growth’). In Europe the financial crisis has been amplified by an economic policy architecture (the Stability and Growth Pact) that aimed at restricting the role of fiscal policy and monetary policy. This neoliberal economic policy regime in conjunction with the separation of monetary and fiscal spheres has turned the financial crisis of 2007 into a sovereign debt crisis in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Without policy reforms, the aging of the U.S. population is likely to increase the burden of the currently unfunded Social Security and Medicare systems. In this paper we build an applied general equilibrium model and incorporate the population projections made by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to evaluate the macroeconomic and welfare implications of alternative fiscal responses to the retirement of the baby-boomers. Our calculations suggest that it will be costly to maintain the benefits at the levels now promised because the increases in distortionary taxes required to finance those benefits will reduce private saving and labor supply. We also find that the “accounting calculations” made by the SSA underestimate the required fiscal adjustments. Finally, our results confirm that policies with similar long-run characteristics have very different transitional implications for the distribution of welfare across generations. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D52, D58, E21, E62.  相似文献   

There has been a major shift within macroeconomic policy over the past two decades or so in terms of the relative importance given to monetary policy and to fiscal policy in both policy and theoretical terms. The former has gained considerably in importance, with the latter being rarely mentioned. Furthermore, the nature of monetary policy has shifted away from any attempt to control some monetary aggregate (prevalent in the first half of the 1980s), and instead monetary policy has focused on the setting of interest rates as the key policy instrument. There has also been a general shift towards the adoption of inflation targets and the use of monetary policy to target inflation. This paper considers the significance of this shift in the nature of monetary policy. This enables us to question the effectiveness of monetary policy, and to explore the role of fiscal policy. We examine these questions from the point of view of the "new consensus" in monetary economics and suggest that it is rather limited in its analysis. When the analysis is broadened out to embrace empirical issues and evidence the clear conclusion emerges that monetary policy is relatively impotent. The role of fiscal policy is also considered, and we argue that fiscal policy (under specified conditions) remains a powerful tool for macroeconomic policy. This is particularly an apt conclusion under current economic conditions.  相似文献   

我国企业投资对财政货币政策冲击反应的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用结构向量自回归(SVAR)模型方法研究了我国企业投资对财政货币政策冲击的反应。通过采用1998年1月~2009年4月的月度数据实证研究表明:在经济周期的不同阶段,央行控制货币供给量的能力存在差异,导致货币政策执行效果不同。在经济繁荣阶段,社会资金运用效率较高,不存在剩余流动性,央行可以较容易地通过调整基础货币和货币乘数控制货币供给总量。这时货币供给的外生性较强,货币政策作用效果比较显著;而在经济衰退阶段,可选择的投资机会较少,流动性相对过剩,货币供给内生性增强,这时央行采取扩张性货币政策不能有效提高货币供给量,货币政策作用效果减弱。短期内虽然财政支出对企业投资会产生正向影响,但是负向影响要大于正向影响,也就是说财政政策对企业投资具有明显的挤出效应。  相似文献   

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