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课程在人才培养中具有举足轻重的作用。TAFE学院的课程是在澳大利亚资格框架下,以行业组织制定的行业标准和国家统一的证书制度为依据,为满足行业需要而设计的,理论知识学习和技能培训并重,且多数是以技能培训为主的一组结构严谨有序的科目组合。澳大利亚TAFE学院之所以能够培养高质量的职业技术人才,与澳大利亚TAFE学院的职业教育课程密切相关。  相似文献   

澳大利亚TAFE学院面向生产第一线,培养适用的高级技术应用型人才和管理人才,也培养动手能力见长的技能型人才.在终身教育理念的指导下,澳大利亚TAFE学院的职业教育具有连续性、开放性、衔接性、灵活性、个性化和国际化等终身教育的重要特征.  相似文献   

张婧 《北方经贸》2004,(7):120-121
通过对澳大利亚在终身教育理论基础上的TAFE (即技术和继续教育 )优势和我国的职业教育现状的比较分析 ,从教育思路 ,教育体制 ,教育制度等方面对我国的职业教育发展提出设想。  相似文献   

澳大利亚TAFE教育是世界具有代表性的职业教育模式之一,具有与行业联系紧密、办学机制和课程设置灵活、双师型教师队伍充足等办学特色,对我国的高等职业教育的良性发展起到推动和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

澳大利亚TAFE教育是世界具有代表性的职业教育模式之一,具有与行业联系紧密、办学机制和课程设置灵活、双师型教师队伍充足等办学特色,对我国的高等职业教育的良性发展起到推动和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

学分制以以人为本为理念,注重学生个性化与差异化发展,在高校越来越受欢迎,目前国内很多高职院校,从理论到实践上都在研究学分制改革。总结了三个西方发达国家的高职教育层次(美国社区学院、澳大利亚TAFE学院、英国BTEC教育)教育体系中有关学分制的理念与特点,剖析其中对我国高职教育实施学分制改革的启示,总结其可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

5月12日,100多种来自澳大利亚的高质量葡萄酒在澳大利亚驻上海总领事官邸集中展示,以推广澳大利亚葡萄酒文化。  相似文献   

BSEP校企合作项目培训包,是面向BSEP班学员开发设计并应用的一个培训资源包,结合校企合作实际,阐述了BSEP校企合作项目培训包的开发流程、特点及应用,通过BSEP校企合作培训包的开发与应用,取得了一定的成效,达到了企业、学校、老师、学员的多方共赢。  相似文献   

浅谈全面预算管理的重要作用及其有效实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面预算是公司管理层全方位、全过程控制企业的有效工具。当前,我国企业在实施全面预算管理过程中存在重视程度不够、预算前准备工作不充分、执行力度不强、预算绩效考核和全面预算的控制不严格等问题,影响了全面预算管理、全面核算管理作用的发挥。企业管理者应充分认识全面预算管理在企业经营管理中的作用,强化专门机构,发挥部门的协调作用,优化编制方法,形成动态调整机制,建立责任考核体系,从而增强全面核算管理科学性、执行力和实施效果。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的蓬勃发展,流通业在整个社会的资源配置、结构调整中发挥着越来越重要的作用.但是由于流通现代化程度不高,从而严重制约了生产、消费以及整个国民经济的又好又快发展.因此,加快实现流通现代化、提高流通业竞争力对转变经济发展方式,促进我国经济社会持续、稳定、健康发展具有重大意义.  相似文献   

贾鸿雁 《商业研究》2013,(1):195-199
20世纪末到21世纪初的10余年间,澳大利亚的文化旅游稳步发展,文化旅游目的地形象逐渐得到认可。从供给角度看,澳大利亚的文化旅游包括博物馆、美术馆、演出、节庆以及历史遗迹、遗产和土著遗迹,为推动文化旅游的发展,当地政府主导了一系列的研究项目和资助项目。澳大利亚的经验启示我们应进行务实的文化旅游研究,加大对文化产业的投入,政府应扶持与指导文化旅游发展。  相似文献   

大庆精神是大庆石油职工在中国共产党的领导下,自觉学习、灵活运用马克思主义理论,将中国工人阶级的优秀品质、党的优良作风、人民军队的光荣传统高度融合的重要成果,是党在社会主义建设时期谱写出的伟大精神的新篇章。大庆精神在党的伟大精神中占有重要、崇高、特殊的地位:它的诞生雄辩地证明了党不但善于领导革命,而且善于领导建设;它的形成和发展标志着党带领人民探索出了一条管理社会主义工业企业的成功道路;它是第一个与自身原初实践始终没有分离的党的伟大精神。我们应当努力继承弘扬大庆精神,使之发挥更大价值。  相似文献   

激励在企业管理中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高春倩 《商业研究》2007,(11):66-68
在激烈的竞争条件下,组织要想生存和发展,就必须最大限度地激励组织中的全体成员,充分挖掘其内在潜力,每个管理者都应该研究激励理论,使激励理论在企业管理中发挥其重要的作用。因此,必须通过形式多样、生动活泼、富有吸引力和卓有成效的激励方法,把员工中蕴藏的各种积极性、主动性和创造性充分挖掘出来,使之转化为巨大能量。  相似文献   


This research was carried out on behalf of the Australia National Audit Office to obtain an estimate of the direct hospital and medical treatment costs of consumer product-related injury in Australia.

Overall, it is estimated that there are almost 5.5 million cases of consumer product-related injury seeking medical attention annually with over 238,000 of these requiring hospitalisation and over 4,000 resulting in death. It is estimated that almost half a million of these cases were related to product failure or malfunction with 18,000 of these requiring hospitalisation and 200 resulting in death.

The direct hospital and medical treatment of all non-intentional consumer product-related injury in Australia is estimated to cost at least $A i 355 million annual ly. This includes treatment costs of injury associated with product failure or malfunction of at least $A95 million.

The Commonwealth government of Australia bears most of this burden through its support of State hospital systems and the universal health insurance scheme Medicare. The report concludes that the high cost of medical and hospital treatment of consumer product-related injury indicates the need to undertake a coordinated program aimed at reducing the frequency and severity of such injury and makes several recommendations particularly in relation to data collection and the dissemination of information in the area of consumer product safety in Australia.  相似文献   

Although seafood is considered to be an important part of a healthy and balanced diet, many Australians still do not consume the recommended amounts for good health. Fish is an excellent source of protein, omega‐3 fatty acids and other nutrients, and studies have shown that seafood‐rich diets can have a lower impact on the environment than diets high in other animal proteins. Concerns about health and sustainability have led to an increased interest in understanding consumers' attitudes toward seafood. This review aims to assess the current knowledge on drivers and barriers to seafood consumption in the Australian context. Systematic search strategies were used to identify relevant peer‐reviewed journal articles from three electronic databases (SCOPUS, Web of Science and Science Direct) and grey literature reports from targeted government and industry websites. Accepted studies investigated drivers and/or barriers to seafood consumption in Australia through qualitative, quantitative, or mixed method designs. Initial searches identified 504 publications from which fourteen met the criteria for the review process. The reviewed studies revealed that influences on seafood consumption in Australia are similar to those identified in other developed countries. The leading drivers of seafood consumption are health, taste, and convenience, while the main barriers are price, availability, concerns about quality, and a lack of confidence in selecting and preparing seafood. Some possible intervention strategies targeted toward these factors are explored in the discussion. Future research should focus on designing and implementing specific interventions so that their effectiveness in increasing seafood consumption in Australia can be assessed.  相似文献   

Considering the difference between hedonic and utilitarian products, this article presents how the choice of color in food packaging, along with the nutrition content claim (NCC) labeling, can influence the consumer’s perception of food healthiness and purchase intention. The responses of 120 non-color-blind and non-obese college students from two within-subject experiments were analyzed by adopting a mixed model for repeated measurement. The results suggest that utilitarian, but not hedonic, food products in blue-colored packages were perceived to be healthier than those in red-colored packages. The perception of food healthiness, which was sensitive to the package color, also influenced the purchase intention of packaged foods. Moreover, when the NCC label was presented, food in a blue package with health claims in the NCC (e.g., “light” label) was perceived healthier than food in a red package with regular labels. This article also discusses the managerial implications of the findings for packaging and advertising professionals.  相似文献   

我国政府采购法律制度承载着强化市场竞争、提高财政资金的利用效率、减少公共产品供给中的政府腐败现象、经济调控等多种功能。在我国已经提出加入GPA的申请之际,有必要对这些功能与GPA的目标追求及具体制度进行比较研究,以便今后在GPA允许的范围内,更好地发挥我国政府采购制度的多种功能。本文以我国政府采购制度的功能为主线,通过与GPA的比较,提出了改革与完善我国政府采购法律制度的一些建议。  相似文献   

按照学科专业结构划分的不同类型的大学在人才培养方面的价值标准是不同的,多科性大学在培养影视专业人才方面应当结合自身优势和特色探索相应的培养模式。实践证明,成都理工大学影视专业的“通才+特长—应用+复合—素质+技能—习得+创新”的结构性人才培养模式就十分值得借鉴。  相似文献   

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