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Using a World Bank dataset of Chinese firms, we investigate the relative importance of bank loans and trade credit in promoting firm performance. To deal with possible endogeneity issues, we employ distinct and separable instrumental variables for bank loans and trade credit. We find that access to bank loans is central to improving firm performance and growth, while the availability of trade credit is much less important. Our results suggest that trade credit cannot effectively substitute for bank loans. Overall, our findings suggest the need for further development of China's formal financial institutions, which would enable the non‐state sector to grow much faster than it has grown in recent decades.  相似文献   

Using survey data from 2009 to 2011, we analyse the effects of the recent euro area economic, financial and private debt crisis on the supply of and demand for bank finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). At the country level, we identify three distinct aspects of the recent crisis in the euro area affecting firm credit through different channels. Controlling for country fixed effects, the impact of a weak real economy on firm credit operates both by reducing firms’ demand for bank financing and by lenders increasing loan rejections and tightening terms and conditions on credit allocated. On the other hand, financial conditions have no significant effect on demand, but they do affect credit supply as we find that financial tensions worsen the chances of obtaining credit and its terms and conditions. We interpret this as evidence of a bank balance sheet channel negatively impacting credit provision. We find that private sector indebtedness has important effects on SMEs’ credit access and its terms and conditions.  相似文献   

"融资难"问题是制约中小企业发展的重要瓶颈,"只贷不存"和"信息不对称"让小额贷款公司和商业银行分别陷入了自己向中小企业贷款的相对困境。通过信用理财产品,可以将小额贷款公司和商业银行的优势互补,降低信息不对称成本和交易成本,从而解决中小企业的融资困难问题。  相似文献   

A financial instrument to improve the credit worthiness of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), i.e. Jointly Issued Notes (JINs), improves the average credit rating of SMEs by eight notches, from BBB to AA+, thus reducing borrowing cost by 298 basis points. This research note describes the various kinds of JINs, and then analyzes their effect on the credit worthiness of SMEs. We conclude that the JINs successfully facilitate access to credit at lower rates in China.  相似文献   

Combining responses from a survey of firms operating in 35 developing and transition economies with data on the degree of foreign bank presence across these countries, we investigate whether higher foreign bank participation improves the accessibility of external financing for firms. The results suggest that all enterprises, including small and medium-sized ones, report facing lower financing obstacles in countries having higher levels of foreign bank presence. The results are robust to the inclusion of many controls and to econometric adjustments for the potential endogeneity of foreign bank presence and for the likely correlation of responses across firms within countries. Journal of Comparative Economics 34 (4) (2006) 774–795.  相似文献   

关于构建我国商业银行与中小企业融资关系模式的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国的经济发展、法律建设、市场发育程度及政府调控能力等方面考虑,我国商业银行与中小企业融资关系的模式应是一种以市场为基础的契约型主办银行制度;作者在分析了契约型主办银行制度的涵义及主要特征的基础上,较为系统地阐述了我国商业银行与中小企业融资关系变成以市场为基础的契约型主办银行制度的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国中小型家具企业在人才结构、营销服务、市场管理、产品系列化、分配机制等方面存在很多问题,应该根据企业自身优势,明确企业定位,更新管理理念,重视人才引进和改善人才结构,打破家族管理模式,建立科学合理的分配机制,加强销售人员的终端培训,建立市场信息网络,谋求中小型家具企业的持久发展,始终保持较强的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of Micro and Small and Enterprises (MSEs) access to credit in Ethiopia using detailed firm‐level data collected in 2003. Its basic purpose is to identify the various attributes of a firm that determine its access to credit with an emphasis on the role of firm formality. We find that informal firms are more credit constrained compared to formal firms. A firm’s location, membership of a business association and maintaining an accounting record are found to be important determinants of access to credit. Further, we find firms whose owners have vocational training are more credit constrained than those who are not, as are firms that are exclusively male owned. There is no systematic relation between access to credit and a firm’s age, size and the sector in which it operates. The paper concludes with possible policy interventions designed to improve access to credit for MSEs in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

王芳  刘炯 《经济与管理》2004,18(8):42-43
信用担保体系是中小企业融资活动的重要支撑,中小企业的发展,离不开信用担保体系的完善。本文从中小企业自 身的组织结构出发,从理论上剖析了在企业集群的环境中,中小企业的信用担保的特点及优势所在。在此基础上,联系到制 度环境的建设,为中小企业信用担保体系的完善提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

单体银行、制度协调与中小企业融资   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小企业资金的严重短缺是目前阻碍中小企业发展的最为沉重的桎梏,造成了比较深广的经济影响和社会损失。由此提出一种直接的道德诉求,即从社会获取帮助。但是,从现实的政策及其实施效果看,商业银行不可能对融资成本较高的中小企业提供实质性的帮助。将民间借贷制度化为单体银行使其可以在制度内与其他商业银行共存竞争,不失为一种尝试性的解决途径。  相似文献   

Using a survey of over 4,000 firms in 21 transition economies, this paper investigates how legal extensiveness (law on the books) and legal effectiveness (law in practice) affect availability of bank finance. Our findings suggest that both law on the books and law in practice are important, but that they impact firms of different sizes differently. Small firms appear to be the most credit constrained in countries with weak creditor rights and with weak contract enforcement, while large firms are the most credit constrained in countries with weak courts and unclear and inconsistent laws pertaining to firms’ business operations.  相似文献   

Measuring access to finance represents an important challenge in empirical studies. Due to data limitations, perception‐based indicators or the usage of finance are often used as approximations of access to finance. However, these approximations disregard firm‐specific differences in the demand for finance. We derive a direct measure of access to credit from firm‐level survey data and explicitly model credit demand. We study the determinants of access to credit and disentangle, in contrast to other measures, their effects on demand for and access to credit. We find that the usage of credit is not a sufficient approximation, while perception‐based indicators are surprisingly precise.  相似文献   

中小企业在一个国家的经济发展中有着非常重要的作用。在分析我国中小企业技术创新特点的基础上,制定出相应的对策确立适合自身的技术创新战略,使企业在市场竞争中生存和发展。  相似文献   

Previous literature has found that inter-firm cooperation leads to higher growth rates for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). However, these studies have focused only on direct effects, such as subcontracting, rather than on spillover effects in supply chain networks (SCNs). Regarding the spillover effects, this article investigates whether a large firm’s growth leads to the growth of the directly and indirectly related SMEs in its SCN, using Korean firm-level data with the system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) approach. The estimation results show that increases in the sales of large firms significantly affect the growth rates of the related SMEs. These effects, however, diminish as the relationship with the large firm goes down from the first vendor to the second vendor and from the second vendor to the third vendor. In the case of Korea, when a large firm grows by 1%, the first vendor grows by 0.38–0.44%, but the growth rates of the second and third vendors are only 0.036–0.047% and 0.003–0.005%, respectively. Thus, while there are spillover effects, the effects are weak. We discuss what these findings mean for national economic growth.  相似文献   

随着中国信贷市场的放开、外资银行的涌入和银监会等管理部门的推动,中小企业贷款难的问题已经在较大程度上得到了有效的解决。而如何高效、高质开展中小企业贷款业务成为各商业银行尤其是中小型商业银行今后所面临的首要问题。在信息不对称理论和均衡信贷配给理论的基础上,分析了国内中小企业信贷市场当前存在的问题。同时,基于商业银行的视角,构建了贝《斯均衡的二阶段动态博弈模型,依据高竞争力、高收益、低风险的原则,推导出商业银行中小企业贷款的定价策略。进而得出商业银行在巩固其中小企业贷款市场地位和维护高信用质量客户的同时能够实现自身贷款收益最大化的方案。最后通过A银行2011年中小企业贷款的实际业务数据,利用所构建模型进行具体的数据算例分析,测算出A银行的最优利率定价策略。研究结论为商业银行合理制定中小企业贷款利率和规避风险及保证收益提供了新的实用工具。  相似文献   

贺炎林  刘克富 《技术经济》2023,42(4):185-199
中小微企业融资难、融资贵是世界性难题,银行信贷融资是其外部融资的重要来源,但目前过低的融资规模制约了其缓解融资难的有效发挥,如何提升中小微企业的银行信贷融资成为学术界的研究难点。金融科技的迅猛发展是否对解决该难点有所助益?本文以2011—2020年新三板企业为样本对该问题进行考察,研究发现:(1)金融科技能显著提升中小微企业信贷资源获取,该结论在考虑内生性和稳健性检验后依然成立;(2)机制分析表明,金融科技能够通过降低信息不对称、促进商业信用融资以及加剧银行业竞争等渠道显著促进中小微企业的信贷获取;(3)异质性分析表明,金融科技对信贷获取的促进作用在货币政策紧缩时期、信用环境较差地区、中西部地区、融资约束较高、产权性质为非国有以及抵押能力较弱的企业中表现得更加明显;(4)进一步研究表明,金融科技能够降低借贷成本;相对于短信贷期限结构企业,金融科技对于长信贷期限结构企业的正向影响更为明显。本文的研究结论支持了金融科技的长尾效应和普惠性,也为中小微企业获取更多信贷资源,缓解融资难题提供了有效路径。  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship among pyramidal layers, risk‐taking and firm value using a sample of local state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. We find that state‐pyramidal layers have a positive and significant impact on firm risk‐taking and firm value, suggesting that the pyramidal structure formed by the state protects SOEs from political intervention. Risk‐taking is conducive to enhancing firm value and is one of the important channels through which state‐pyramidal layers increase firm value. By exploring the role of state‐pyramidal organizational structures in improving SOEs' risk‐taking, our results contribute to both corporate governance and corporate finance literature.  相似文献   

浅析中小企业人才激励机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小企业在经济的发展中起着越来越重要的作用。企业结合自身的优势能在招人、留人、用人等各个方面做好对人才的激励,将对企业的顺利发展起到至关重要的作用。在对中小企业人才发展存在问题分析的基础上提出了有效建立人才激励机制的对策。  相似文献   

王静 《经济经纬》2008,(3):107-109
物流金融在我国发展迅速,成为物流企业和金融企业拓展发展空间、增强竞争力的重要领域。但中小物流企业融资难仍然是制约其发展的主要瓶颈,已经成为第三方物流发展壮大的最大障碍。本文分析建立基于中小物流企业价值的信用评级体系的必要性,提出建立该信用评级体系的四个步骤,实现物流金融的科学化、精细化发展。  相似文献   

中小企业在中国国民经济中占有重要的地位与作用,通过加强财务管理水平提高中小企业的核心竞争力具有深远的意义。因此,阐述了中小企业财务管理的研究进展,对目前中国中小企业财务管理中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。旨在启发中国中小企业的管理者,包括中小企业外部政策制定者和中小企业的经营管理者,能切实结合中小企业的实际情况,努力改善中小企业的财务管理现状,从而使中小企业走上健康持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

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