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This study extends previous research that documents a stock price reaction leading accounting earnings. The primary issue is that prior studies use a naive earnings expectation model (random walk) as the benchmark for the information content of lagged returns and do not adequately address the “incremental” information content of lagged returns. This study identifies and estimates firm-specific models of earnings to control directly for the autocorrelation in earnings. The explanatory power of lagged prices with respect to this earnings residual is investigated using both a multiple regression model of lagged returns and a multiple time-series vector autoregressive model. In-sample estimation of the models provides clear evidence that stock prices impound information about future earnings incremental to the information contained in historical earnings data. Holdout period analysis of the earnings forecasts from these lagged return models finds that both models outperform the naive seasonal random walk expectation, but neither model outperforms the more sophisticated Box-Jenkins forecasts. On an individual firm basis, earnings forecasts supplemented with the lagged return data tend to be less precise than the Box-Jenkins forecasts, but the price-based models demonstrate an ability to rank the earnings forecast errors from the time-series models. The analysis helps to characterize the limitations of lagged returns as a means of predicting future earnings innovations.  相似文献   

杜勇   《华东经济管理》2008,22(4):47-51
文章将亏损上市公司按照亏损属性不同分为了四种类型,对每类亏损公司的会计盈余与股票价格的关系进行了深入分析,认为:(1)对于单赤字、虚双赤两类亏损公司,其会计盈余的价值相关性较为微弱,而且其股价变动更多地是与公司发生的各种"表外事件"相关;(2)对于实双赤公司和三赤字公司,由于其已经出现资不抵债的情形,投资者很可能执行清算期权,因而亏损信息引起其股价急剧下跌,而且三赤字公司股价下跌的幅度比实双赤公司下跌的幅度更大.  相似文献   

This study focuses on electric utilities in the United States to consider two related issues. First, the study tests for asymmetric price reactions to positive and negative earnings surprises (ES). Second, the study associates policy differences across jurisdictions with variations in the cash flow effects of positive and negative ES and then uses the framework to consider variations in price responses across regulatory climates. In the same context, the study investigates the effects of a utility's abnormal profits on the asymmetry of price reactions to positve and negative ES. The empirical predictions are motivated by the disparity between the principles and practices that underlie cost recovery for the utilities and the uneven effects of the cost‐recovery practies on the cash flows associated with positve and negative ES. The results show that the sign of ES and the climate in which a utility operates are related to the size of price reactions to ES. Furthermore, a utility's abnormal profit status has significant effects on the size of price reactions to ES. Only a modest price response asymmetry is indicated for manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

The SEC and FASB recently expressed concerns that investors do not fully assimilate all of the information provided by complex and incomplete derivatives and other comprehensive income (OCI) disclosures. My evidence supports these concerns. Specifically, I examine the information content of unrealized cash flow hedge gains/losses for future profitability and stock returns. An unrealized gain on a cash flow hedge suggests that the price of the underlying hedged item (i.e., commodity price, foreign currency exchange rate, or interest rate) moved in a direction that will impair the firm's profits after the hedge expires. Consequently, I find that unrealized cash flow hedge gains/losses are negatively associated with future gross profit after the firm's existing hedges have expired. This association only holds after the firm has reclassified its hedges into earnings, and is weaker for firms that can pass input price changes on to their customers. Finally, investors do not immediately price the cash flow hedge information. Instead, investors appear surprised by future realizations of gross margin, consistent with the view that complex and incomplete disclosures delay pricing. These results are relevant to policymakers involved in the current FASB and IASB project designed to simplify the accounting and disclosure for derivatives and, in particular, cash flow hedges.  相似文献   

本文以2017-2021年中国上市公司为研究样本,探究会计信息质量对公司股价崩盘风险的影响。研究发现会计信息质量越高,公司所面临的股价崩盘风险就越低。主要通过降低公司内部人与外部投资者之间的信息不对称程度,缓解了管理者对外隐瞒坏消息的倾向降低股价泡沫发生的可能性。从管理者代理的视角出发,发现管理费用越高,会计信息质量对股价崩盘风险的抑制作用越显著。  相似文献   

I. IntroductionA plethora of research has focused on therelationship between returns and volatility, andcointegration among major, well-established financial markets. It has been found that aninverse relationship exists between an individualfirm’s stock return volatility and itsstockprice. There are two popular explanations: the first one is related to the leverage effect. Itasserts that a decrease in afirm’s stock price increases the firm’s debt ratio (or decreasesthefirm’s equity ratio)…  相似文献   

We study whether the repricing of employee stock options is in the best interests of common shareholders by examining the excess stock returns associated with timely, noncontamin‐ated repricing announcements made by Canadian firms. On the basis of three theories of why firms reprice, we develop competing predictions about the mean announcement‐date excess stock return and the cross‐sectional relations among excess stock returns, the estimated probability of repricing, and proxies for predictions from each theory. For a sample of 72 noncontaminated repricing announcements made by Canadian firms between November 1994 and July 2001, we find a reliably positive three‐day announcement‐date mean excess return of 4.9 percent. The results of our cross‐sectional analyses suggest that the market responds favorably to repricings because they assist in retaining key employees even though, at the margin, they enable managers to extract rents from shareholders. We do not find sufficient statistically significant evidence to reliably conclude that repricings are done to realign employee incentives.  相似文献   

上市公司重要财务指标的会计信息与股票价值相关性的研究一直是理论界长期关注的热点。该文以创业板上市公司为样本,结合Ohlson剩余收益理论,考察了2011-2013年该板块上市公司披露的会计信息对股票价格的影响。结果发现:创业板上市公司的会计信息能够在一定程度上很好地解释股票价格的波动,但创业板尚处于发展阶段,并未形成弱势有效市场;投资者在投资决策时会受到已掌握的会计信息的影响,剩余收益指标可以引导投资者更加重视企业的内在价值,进行投资决策时更多地考虑企业是否创造了价值,从而为价值投资者提供更好的依据。  相似文献   

Canadian firms face a trade‐off between reporting higher accounting income and paying lower taxes that arises from their ability to cancel in‐the‐money executive stock options and making a substitute cash payment to the executive instead of issuing shares. Firms' trade‐off hypotheses are operationalized in a multilateral framework and empirically tested using insider‐trading data. The multilateral approach is designed to control for the incentive effects of alternative compensation schemes and to determine the cancellation payment that keeps the executive indifferent between receiving cash or shares. The results show that firms consider both taxes and financial reporting costs in determining their option cancellation behavior.  相似文献   

邹萍 《南方经济》2015,33(7):29-46
目前中国股市还存在较多制度性缺陷,股价波动频繁且暴跌风险较高。本文以2003年至2013年中国A股上市公司为样本,检验作为激发机制的货币政策以及作为外部生成机制的股票流动性对中国股票价格暴跌风险的影响。研究发现:股票流动性与公司股票价格暴跌风险具有显著的敏感性,即随着股票流动性的下降,公司股票价格暴跌风险显著上升;货币政策越宽松,股票价格暴跌的风险越大;而且宽松的货币政策增强了股票流动性与股票价格暴跌风险的敏感性。区分市场势态的进一步分析表明,市场为熊市时,股票流动性对股票价格暴跌风险的影响更显著,货币政策的放松越容易激化股票价格暴跌风险,且对股票流动性与股票价格暴跌风险的敏感性的放大作用更为突出。  相似文献   

Using a large sample of U.S. firms during 1964–2007, we find that conditional conservatism is associated with a lower likelihood of a firm's future stock price crashes. This finding holds for multiple measures of conditional conservatism and crash risk and is robust to controlling for other known determinants of crash risk and firm‐fixed effects. Moreover, we find that the relation between conservatism and crash risk is more pronounced for firms with higher information asymmetry. Overall, our results are consistent with the notion that conditional conservatism limits managers’ incentive and ability to overstate performance and hide bad news from investors, which, in turn, reduces stock price crash risk.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examine six accounting-based stock price anomalies using two sets of tests to determine the extent to which the anomalies (1) represent market mispricing or (2) reflect premia for unidentified risks. Market mispricing is indicated if the anomalous returns are concentrated around subsequent earnings announcements in patterns suggesting that the earnings information causes traders to re-examine their prior (incorrect) beliefs. Mispricing is also indicated if anomalous returns on zero-investment portfolios are positive, period after period. Our results indicate that an anomaly based on earnings momentum probably reflects market mispricing, but that two value-glamour anomalies (based on the book-market ratio and the earnings-price ratio), and two anomalies based on computerized fundamental analyses (from Ou and Penman 1989 and Holthausen and Larcker 1992) are more likely to reflect risk premia than indicated by prior research. Evidence on a sixth anomaly, based on price momentum, is mixed.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study investigates variations in covenants across different classes of preferred stock and describes the role of accounting numbers in such covenants. The findings indicate that covenants in contracts that protect the priority of the claims of preferred stockholders are more prevalent in very debt-like preferred stock issues when there are greater anticipated conflicts over claim priority with common stockholders. When the preferred stock issues take on common equity-like interests, there is less opportunity for common stockholders to gain from diluting the priority of the claims of the preferred stockholders. Consequently, the contracts are not configured to the same extent of restrictions on wealth transfers. Audited accounting numbers are utilized extensively in these covenants, and the contracts adjust these numbers to limit management's discretion in their choice of accounting policies for relaxing the covenants. Résumé. Les auteurs analysent les différences observées dans les clauses restrictives associées à diverses catégories d'actions privilégiées et décrivent le rôle des données comptables chiffrées dans ces clauses. Les conclusions de l'étude révèlent que les clauses restrictives des contrats qui assurent la priorité des créances des actionnaires privilégiés sont plus répandues dans les émissions d'actions privilégiées s'apparentant très étroitement à des titres d'emprunt lorsque les conflits prévus avec les actionnaires ordinaires en ce qui a trait à la priorité des créances sont plus importants. Lorsque les actions privilégiées émises s'apparentent davantage à des actions ordinaires, les actionnaires ordinaires sont moins susceptibles de tirer profit d'une dilution de la priorité des créances des actionnaires privilégiés. Par conséquent, les contrats ne sont pas structurés de façon à contenir des restrictions de même portée sur les transferts de richesse. Les données comptables vérifiées sont abondamment utilisées dans ce genre de clauses restrictives, et les contrats prévoient l'ajustement des données chiffrées de façon à limiter la discrétion dont jouit la direction dans le choix des conventions comptables susceptibles d'assouplir le caractère restrictif des clauses.  相似文献   

Articles in the financial press suggest that institutional investors are overly focused on current profitability, which suggests that as institutional ownership increases, stock prices reflect less current period information that is predictive of future period earnings. On the other hand, institutional investors are often characterized in academic research as sophisticated investors and sophisticated investors should be better able to use current‐period information to predict future earnings compared with other owners. According to this characterization, as institutional ownership increases, stock prices should reflect more current‐period information that is predictive of future period earnings. Consistent with this latter view, we find that the extent to which stock prices lead earnings is positively related to the percentage of institutional ownership. This result holds after controlling for various factors that affect the relation between price and earnings. It also holds when we control for endogenous portfolio choices of institutions (e.g., institutional investors may be attracted to firms in richer information environments where stock prices tend to lead earnings). Further, a regression of stock returns on order backlog, conditional on the percentage of institutional ownership, indicates that institutional owners place more weight on order backlog compared with other owners. This result is consistent with institutional owners using non‐earnings information to predict future earnings. It also explains, in part, why prices lead earnings to a greater extent when there is a higher concentration of institutional owners.  相似文献   

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