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在美丽的南海之滨珠海,坐落着一座引领中国银行科技发展的高新产业基地——中国工商银行软件开发中心。在这里,活跃着这样一个典型,十年来以强烈的事业心、责任感默默奉献、兢兢业业;十年来以刻苦钻研、一丝不苟的工作态度攻克一个又一个技术难关,十年来以与时俱进的科学态度面对多次管理岗位的调整;十年来本着干一行爱一行的职业观,努力提高自己的技术技能和管理能力,在金融电子化建设战线上树立了一个无私奉献、勤奋耕耘、  相似文献   

中国工商银行软件开发中心已成立十周年。这期间软件中心担负着提高工商银行信息化应用水平的重任,成功提升了工商银行的市场竞争力,为工商银行奠定了领先同业的技术基础。十年来,软件开发中心围绕工商银行的总体发展目标,以金融信息技术应用及业务发展需求为导向,以提升工商银行的整体核心业务竞争能力、防控银行业务风险为重点,全面致力于工商银行金融服务产品及经营管理系统的研究开发工作,率先在国内大型商业银行中完成了数据大集中工程,构建起了全行统一的核心业务系统应用平台,为工商银行确立在国内商业银行中的科技领先地位奠定了基础,  相似文献   

围绕金融信息化建设的中心任务,打造优秀金融科技项目,引领金融技术全面健康发展金融科技是金融业提供客户服务、实现风险防范、完善综合管理的技术基础支撑,在提高行业管理能力和服务水平等方面发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。1992年设立的银行科技发展奖是人民银行履行协调行业科技管理职能、落实国家科技兴国战略的一项重要激励措施。近20年来,银行科技发展奖始终致力于激励行业科技从业人员、表彰优秀  相似文献   

中国工商银行软件开发中心(以下简称软件开发中心)于1996年6月成立,是工商银行核心竞争力的重要组成部分和金融科技建设的主力军。近年来,软件开发中心紧跟工行转型发展步伐,进一步加快金融科技的创新脚步,加强金融科技能力提升,加大金融科技人才培养,致力于将软件开发中心建设成为工行“创新研发中心、能力输出中心、金融科技人才中心”,从精神文化、制度文化和物质文化三个层面,打造具有工行基因同时兼具科技创新气息的“智慧工软”文化名片,有力地促进了软件开发中心的改革发展,为全力推进工行智慧银行信息系统建设提供了精神动力和思想保证。  相似文献   

近年来,金融科技FinTech在全球范围内发展迅猛,已成为当前金融业、互联网圈高度关注和广泛热议的概念。在此形势下,为适应全行经营转型和业务发展的新要求,积极跟踪金融科技发展趋势,深入开展新技术研究及创新应用,持续推进信息化银行建设,2016年底,总行提出主动布局金融科技相关新技术领域研究,加快组建信息科技创新实验室的相关要求。2017年3月,总行完成七大信息科技创新实验室组建,软件开发中心负责数字化银行、区块链与生物识别、大数据与人工智能、云计算和互联网金融等五大信息科技创新实验室的组建。  相似文献   

中国工商银行是国内最早提出并实施数据大集中的银行,开创了金融系统数据集中的先河,并一直保持在信息科技方面的领先优势。经过几年的发展,中国工商银行形成了由三大数据中心和软件开发中心组成的运行、测试、灾备和研发一体化的整体科技架构,实现了科技的集约化管理。  相似文献   

在金融科技不断发展的大背景下,金融科技深刻改变着商业银行零售客户的需求、行为习惯和逻辑思维等。尤其是伴随着网络购物、自媒体、5G的快速发展,加之新冠疫情影响,人们对体验式、场景式金融服务要求日益提升,如手机银行、微信银行、远程银行等,金融科技正成为零售银行发展道路上不可或缺的力量。本文从金融科技发展对商业银行零售业务的变革出发,结合商业银行零售业务发展现状,然后对商业银行零售业务转型发展,打造数字银行提出几点建议。  相似文献   

<正>1999年8月8日,中国工商银行在国内同业率先开通统一客户服务短号码95588,拉开了远程服务及中国银行业远程银行事业发展的序幕。2003年3月,中国工商银行远程银行中心(以下简称“远程银行中心”)前身电子银行中心正式运营,掀起银行业远程银行事业发展热潮。二十载砥砺奋进,在工行党委正确领导下,远程银行中心始终坚持党建引领、坚持以人民为中心、坚持守正创新,以新型远程服务不断满足人民的金融需求;二十载风雨兼程,历经电话银行、电子银行、远程银行等时期,  相似文献   

如果有人问末来十年最热门的职业将是什么,我会回答:是软件设计师。当中国改革开放进行了二十年的时候,信息化的浪潮以一种从未有过的速度冲决着我们经济生活的方方面面。而软件设计师以一种中流砥柱的姿态推进着这一汹涌的浪潮。叶又升,中国农业银行软件开发中心副总经理,曾经是一个软件开发工程师,正是这个时代的一个潮头人物,他所负责设计开发的软件一次又一次使农行的信息化建设迈上一个个新的台阶。  相似文献   

2004年2月13~14日,中国工商银行科技工作会议在京召开。工商银行各一级分行、直属分行、三峡、苏州分行主管科技的行领导和信息科技部总经理;数据中心(北京)、数据中心(上海)、软件开发中心、海外数据中心、牡丹卡中心、票据营业部、管理信息部、信贷管理部、个人金融业务部、电子银行  相似文献   

The relationship between health and development is a subject of ongoing debate. This paper contributes to the debate by proposing a general equilibrium theory of infectious disease transmission, prevention investment, and rational behavior. Diseases cause premature death, labor productivity loss and lower quality of life. Higher disease prevalence lowers the average saving-investment propensity. The model offers two insights. First, infectious disease can plausibly generate an unconventional growth trap where income alone cannot push an economy out of underdevelopment. Second, even when countries converge to the same balanced growth path, the disease ecology significantly impairs the pace of economic development.  相似文献   

Jarl Bengtsson 《Futures》1991,23(10):1085-1106
In addressing the complex issues of the relationship between new technologies and human resources, different methodological approaches can be applied. A rich source of studies exists at the micro level, ie enterprises and/or sectors which focus, in particular, on the qualitative changes taking place. Fewer studies exist on the macro level for this subject, given its complexity and lack of adequate data. This article addresses the issues from both perspectives, but findings from the micro perspective predominate. It is structured around developments and changes on the demand and supply side and their interaction. The final section identifies some principal policy issues for governments as they relate both to demand and supply measures, as well as the need to strengthen the database for a better understanding of the issues involved. It draws heavily on recent and ongoing work on the subject carried out within OECD/Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI).  相似文献   

2009年,在贯彻中央保增长、扩内需、调结构的方针和克服国际金融危机带来的严重困难方面,我国取得了世人瞩目的成就.各项惠民政策出台,经济结构得以调整,国民经济"保八"已无悬念,促使金融发展环境不断向好,为信用卡业务持续发展创造了更加广阔的市场空间.  相似文献   

作为同业拆借交易的主要交易平台提供者,全国银行间同业拆借中心肩负着执行《同业拆借管理办法》、服务交易成员的重要职责。《管理办法》颁布后,同业拆借中心根据该办法对同业拆借市场的政策调整,结合市场现行需要并考虑到今后的发展空间,及时完善了信用拆借交易系统的相应功能,起草并发布了《同业拆借交易操作规则》,积极推进落实《管理办法》关于准入管理、交易清算、期限管理、限额管理、透明度管理等各方面的规定。  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for understanding the interactions between political and legal institutions, property rights protection, and their implications for financial development. Whereas the literature has answered questions on why some countries lag behind in terms of financial and economic development, the current study suggests how to get around some institutional attributes to spearhead financial intermediation and economic growth through a set of institutional, information, and banking reforms. It finds little support that common law legal heritage is more suitable than French civil law for some key features of financial development. It concludes that types of institutional and market reforms are more relevant to financial intermediation than legal systems. It proposes some ways forward to increase financial intermediation; and expects, over the long run, the proposed approach to financial development to be beneficial for a number of developing countries.  相似文献   

The impact of capital market imperfections and costs of creating and operating formal sector firms on total factor productivity is studied. We propose a firm dynamics model with endogenous formal and informal sectors where firms face a technology adoption opportunity. The model predicts that countries with a low degree of debt enforcement and high costs of formality are characterized by low allocative efficiency and large output shares produced by low productivity, informal sector firms. For frictions parametrized using the Doing Business database, the model generates a drop in total factor productivity of up to 25% relative to the US.  相似文献   

Economics, equity and sustainable development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
David Pearce 《Futures》1988,20(6):598-605
As a fashionable catchword, ‘sustainable development’ has provoked a large but nebulous literature. In the interests of communication and relevance it is necessary to narrow down the various definitions that have been given and show how a revised conception of sustainable development can be integrated into practical decisionmaking. This article suggests one approach. Sustainable development is categorized by economic change subject to ‘constancy of the natural capital stock’—the stock of environmental assets is held constant while the economy is allowed whatever social goals are deemed appropriate. Such a rule, which has its own difficulties, accommodates the main concerns of the advocates of sustainability—equity between generations, equity within a generation, economic resilience to external shocks, and uncertainty about the functions and values of natural environments in social systems. It may also accommodate some of the concerns of the ‘deep ecology’ movement by respecting rights in nature.  相似文献   

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