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According to the Interim Methods Concerning the Management of State Assets in Shareholding Companies costipulated by the National State Assets Administration Bureau and the State Commission for Economic Reconstructuring, the management of State shares in shareholding companies is concurrent with public ownership as the principle for keeping the State's holding position in sharehoiding companies  相似文献   

The magazine International Economic Cooperation is an important publication and also an authoritative monthly of news, business and theory in China's foreign economic cooperation field, which is administered by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic  相似文献   

It is of great significance with the development of China's foreign trade and the economic and trade expansion in China by foreign businessmen to get a clear understanding of the present economic situation and the 1997 economic trends in China.  相似文献   

Three-foldGrowthofInvestmentinHighwayConstructionEarlythisyear,theMinistryofCommunicationsplannedRMB120billionofinvestmentinnationalhighwayconstruction.ByMarch,theinvestmentscalehadexpandedto160billionandbyAugustto180billion,ariseofabout50percentoverthepreliminaryplan.Accordingtotheestimatebyexperts,everyRMB60billionincreaseinhighwayconstructionwillproduce0.31percentincreaseinnationaleconomicgrowth.AnincreaseofRMB20billionisfrommonetarycapitalandbankloans.Theincreasingpartoftheinvestme…  相似文献   

Beijing attracts more foreign funds Beijing will step up its foreign economic relations and trade in a move to lure more overseas investment this year. The city wants to convince more transnationai and big-name companies to inject money into medium-to-large projects. The goal is to use foreign investment of more than US$1.25 billion in 1994, up 50 percent over last year.  相似文献   

LishuiEconomicDevelopmentZoneliesinthenorthofLishuicounty.Lishuicounty,underthejurisdictionofNanjingmunicipalityliesatthewestoftheYangtzeRiverDeltaandShanghaiEconomicZone,settingitselfuponthevastandrichlylandatthesourceoftheQinhuaiforerfromA.D.591.Ithasthehistoryofover1400years,atotallandareaof1048sq.kmandapopulationof406000.Lishuicountyhasgoodweatherconditionswithannualaveragetemperatureat15.5°E,2146hoursofannualaveragesunlighttimeand1037mmofannualaveragerainwateLItiscalledas"oothepea…  相似文献   

China's authorities in mining sectordelayed the issuing of new licences forprospecting and mining of the valuablemineral rare earth to the end of December2005,aiming at protecting the resource inChina which accounts for 80% of the totalreserve in the world.According to theMinistry of Land and Resources,international market does not have a greatdemand on rare earth.China should considerits resource protction to evade a great lossbecause of price war.  相似文献   

In 2002, China achieved a growth momentum with its main trade partners, witnessing a two-digit growth with nine of them, except Canada. The top trade partners share 85.2% of the total import and export volume with China.Respectively China achieved import and export volume to reach US$101.91 billion with Japan, US$97.18 billion with the United States, US$86.76 billion with the European Union, 69.21 billion with Hongkong, US$54.77 billion with the Southeast Asian countries, US$44.66 billion with Taiwan, US$44.07 billion with  相似文献   

MOFTEC Lowering ThresholdThe Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation (MOFTEC) is-sued a notice that made new Regulations on the management of trading rights of the enterprises. Management of their trading rights, excluding foreign-funded companies, would change from the ex-isting mechanism of examination and approval to a combination of registra-tion and approval.According to the Regulations, Com-panies with over RMB5 million (US$603,800) registered capital, and over RM…  相似文献   

BeijingCo-operative Dairy Farm LaunchedThe inauguration ceremony for the Sino-Is-raeli Demonstration Dairy Farm located atYongledian in Bejing's Tongzhou District washeld over the weekend. The farm, with 620 milkcows, introduces lsrael's modem and advancedtechniques in milking, feeding, herd and vet-erinary management. An agreement on techni-cal co-operation for this project was signed bythe two governments in February.Intelligent Internet DebutsCanadian telecom equipment vendor Nortel…  相似文献   

InternationalFinancialSystemNeedingReformGovernorWangXuebingoftheBankofChinahaspointedoutthattheimpactoftheAsianfinancialcrisisisspreadinganddeepening.Thethreattoglobaleconomicgrowthhasshiftedfrominflationtounemployment.Therefore,reformingcurrentinternationalfinancialsystemisurgent.Itisnecessarytocrackdownonspeculationactivitiesandstandardizefinancialsllpetwsion.Thereformaimsatsettinguponalarmmechanismtocontrolandsupervisespeculationandinterestarbitrageactions;standardizingtransactionregul…  相似文献   

China's Modernization is Positive in theKnowledge-based Economy StageThe expert assessment and evaluation on the modernization process of 131foreign countries and 28 Chinese regions was completed recently and a report on China's modernization was published.According to the report, world modernization proceeds through two stages.The first stage focuses on industrialprogress, and the second stage featuresa knowledge-based economy.In order to catch up with the moderately developed countries in…  相似文献   

The Key Role of State Foreign TradeExport Enterprises Has Begun tochangeAs China's accession to the WTO isapproaching, the key role in exportsplayed by state foreign trade enterpriseshas begun to diminish. Some peoplebelieve that after China's entry to theWTO, state owned foreign trade enter-prises will face not only the competitions with domestic state owned productive and circulation enterprises and Privately owned enterprises, but also thepowerful challenges of foreign enterprises wh…  相似文献   

ChinaOpeningCompetitiveIndustriesIn1999,Chinawillcontinuetoexpanditsforeign-investedfieldsandwillfurtheropencompetitiveindustries.Thescaleforutilizingforeigncapitalinsuchfieldsaspetrochemicalsandthebuildingindustrywillbeenlarged.Foreigncapitalwillbeabsorbedtoexploitmineralresources,andtheopeningtotheoutsideoftheservicetradewillbepromotedstepbystep.Withregardtothemodeofabsorptionofforeigninvestment,Chinawillcontinuetopermitstate-ownedsmallenterprisesandcollectiveenterprisestoselltoforeigners,…  相似文献   

Shantou and Singapore Cooperates to set up a Steel Rolling Mill The Shantou Special Economic Zone Hongxin International Corporation and Singapore Donggang Private Co. Ltd. have jointly invested US$20 million to set up a steel rolling mill in Longhu Area. The cooperative enterprise covers an area of 100 mu, and will import new technology from South Korea and Taiwan  相似文献   

1. Tariff Cuts to 17 Percent On October 1, 1997, China once again lowered its import and export commodity tariffs. According to the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, the specific features of the cut this time are big reduction, wide range and reduction of the highest tariff rates. The tariff reductions for raw materials and commodities urgently needed by China, and high tech products,are prominent. The total tariff structure has become more rational. The tariff cut reduced China's general  相似文献   

Shanghai-Japan Joint Packaging Venture The Shanghai packaging and printing industry and Japan Furbayashi Paper Industrial Company and Yaohan International Group Company, have invested US$10 million to set up the Shanghai Yaohan International Printing Corporation, Ltd. in Shanghai. This is the  相似文献   

China to Permit Foreign and PublicCompanies to Hold Shares of Insurance Companies to the China NewsAgency, China's stock-system insurancecompanies will permit foreign and Public companies to hold their shares whenraising funds to increase shares, and willencourage qualified companies to enterthe market, so as to diversify their ownership right.Stock-system compares must establish a standard structure managed by alegal person to describe responsibilitiesof general meeting of shareholders, t…  相似文献   

China'slmportsWorthUSS1.5TrillioninSevenY6arsSunZhenyu,ViceMinister0fForeignTradeandEconomicCooperati0n,pointedoutrecentlyinBeijingthatinthesevenyearsfrom1999to2OO5,Chinaexpectstoimp0rtequipment,techn0logyandproductsworthUS$1.5trillionfromabr0ad.Hediscl0sedthatin0rdertopromotethedevelopment0ffOreigntrade,Chinawillreducetheaveragerateofcustomsdutiesfromthecurrent17%to15%nextyeaLIn2OOS,Chinawillreducethatofindustrialproductsto1O%.HesaidthatChinawillfurtherexpanditsopeningfields.China…  相似文献   

Al-RoundOpeningofChina'sShippingMarketSofar,Chinahasopened130portstotheoutsideworld.Bytheendof1997,120Sinoforeignjointventur...  相似文献   

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