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本文就汽车消费贷款履约保证保险的主要风险及其防范手段 ,如何使我国汽车消费贷款履约保证保险良性发展进行了探讨。从汽车消费贷款履约保证保险业务开办的基本原则 ,合作银行的选择 ,选择汽车销售商的基本条件 ,投保人、担保人应具备的基本条件 ,对贷款所购车辆的限制 ,客户服务回访制度及其服务要求等方面提出了解决问题的途径。  相似文献   

保证保险出现以来,由于理论研究的不足和法律规范的缺位,使得保证保险在应用过程中遇到了诸多瓶颈,在纠纷解决时,裁判不一,影响司法的权威性,这些都严重阻碍了保证保险这一新兴业务的发展。通过对保证保险的法律性质、保证保险法律适用的完善方面的探讨,以期促进保证保险制度在我国的良性运行。  相似文献   

在汽车消费贷款中,银行承担着相当高的风险,各商业银行需要贷款者提供可靠的贷款担保。在这种情况下,汽车消费贷款保证保险,俗称“车贷险”应运而生。自从中国人民银行在1998年颁布了《汽车消费贷款管理办法》到2004年4月份,车贷险全面停办。车贷保证保险在我国只经历了短短5年时间,但它导致的银行、保险公司及借款人之间的法律诉讼案件却大量存在。  相似文献   

车贷险,即汽车消费贷款履约保证保险的简称.我国车贷险业务开办于1998年,于2002年下半年达到顶峰.车贷险业务的开办较好地带动了汽车消费信贷市场,然而,这一具有良好发展前景的险种经过几年高速发展后,由于巨大的市场风险而在2003年中后期戛然止步,有关财险公司纷纷暂停销售,进行清理.这种情形出现的原因是由于社会信用体系的缺失和保险公司管理的不善,如何改善这种局面值得我们关注和思考.  相似文献   

在分析汽车消费贷款业务发展的现状及汽车消费贷款业务发展存在的问题和制约因素的基础上,提出了大力发展汽车消费贷款业务需要采取的对策.  相似文献   

履约保证保险是指以债务人为投保人,债权人为被保险人,在债务人到期未履行合同义务时,由保险公司承担支付保险金责任的一种保险业务,它是保证与保险两种法律制度联姻的产物.我国保证保险业务起步较晚, 相应的法律制度体系滞后,在实践中纠纷不少,理论上争议颇多.本文对履约保证保险进行了从理论和实务层面进行了剖析, 以期为我国履约保证保险的发展尽绵薄之力.  相似文献   

随着我国汽车产业的发展、国民收入的增加、人们消费结构的改变及消费信贷意识的增强,我国银行业的汽车消费贷款业务得到了一定的发展。本文主要从我国汽车消费贷款的现状入手,分析影响我国汽车消费贷款的发展因素,为商业银行营销汽车消费贷款,加强汽车贷款风险管理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

在分析汽车消费贷款业务发展的现状及汽车消费贷款业务发展存在的问题和制约因素的基础上。提出了大力发展汽车消费贷款业务需要采取的对策。  相似文献   

1997年7月,平安保险公司首次设置专门的分期付款购车保证保险合同的保险条款,俗称“车贷险”。截止2006年6月,“车贷险”已为80%的汽车消费贷款提供了保险支持。但就在“车贷险”极大地刺激消费,盘活银行信贷业务,拓宽保险渠道的同时,其经营风险亦从2002年下半年开始逐渐显现出来。理论上而言,在汽车消费贷款过程中,贷款人必须履行严格的申请程序,办理相应的抵押、  相似文献   

个人汽车消费贷款业务,是指银行对在特约经销商购买汽车的借款人发放的人民币担保贷款。当前国家为扩大内需、刺激消费、促进经济增长,随着汽车工业的不断发展与居民收入的不断提高,个人汽车消费贷款市场的发展空间也不断增大,各家银行的个人汽车消费贷款业务如雨后春笋般发展起来。如何实现商业银行个人汽车消费贷款业务稳步发展,以促进个人汽车消费贷款业务的持续、健康、发展,需要进一步研究和探索。  相似文献   

Life insurance company (LIC) risk exposure increased during the 1980s while capital ratios declined. State guarantee funds that exist to handle policyholder's losses in the event of LIC failure can create incentives for excessive risk taking, just as the federal deposit insurance system did for savings and loan associations. This paper examines the relationship between stock market risk and LIC risk exposure. A sample of 44 LICs revealed that stock market risk is positively related to financial leverage as well as to differences in asset mix. This finding confirms that market data can help identify LICs with greater risk exposure .  相似文献   

近年来中国汽车产业发展迅速,汽车消费的增长必将带动汽车保险业迅速发展,特别是按照入世协议我国将逐步开放保险市场,中国汽车保险业将面临严峻的挑战,如何应对这一挑战,成为我国汽车保险业不容忽视的问题。本文试图通过分析世界汽车保险业的发展历程与现状的分析,将为中国汽车保险业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

证券争议:两种法律解决途径的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新兴加转轨的中国证券市场中,披露虚假信息、内幕交易、非法关联交易、操纵市场等欺诈行为猖獗,由此产生了大量的证券争议.证券争议法律解决途径主要有证券侵权民事赔偿诉讼以及证券纠纷仲裁制度.笔者认为,中国目前有关证券侵权赔偿的司法救济途径存在较多问题,应当在司法解决途径之外,考虑借鉴美国的证券仲裁制度,在中国大力推广非诉的争议解决方式--仲裁.  相似文献   

We investigate the significance of borrowing constraints in the market for consumer loans. Using data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey on auto loan contracts we estimate the elasticities of loan demand with respect to interest rate and maturity. We find that, with the exception of high income households, consumers are very responsive to maturity and less responsive to interest rate changes. Both elasticities vary with household income, with the maturity elasticity decreasing and the interest rate elasticity increasing with income. We argue that these results are consistent with the presence of binding credit constraints in the auto loan market.  相似文献   

Does production risk suppress the demand for credit? We implemented a randomized field experiment to ask whether provision of insurance against a major source of production risk induces farmers to take out loans to adopt a new crop technology. The study sample was composed of roughly 800 maize and groundnut farmers in Malawi, where by far the dominant source of production risk is the level of rainfall. We randomly selected half of the farmers to be offered credit to purchase high-yielding hybrid maize and groundnut seeds for planting in the November 2006 crop season. The other half of farmers were offered a similar credit package, but were also required to purchase (at actuarially fair rates) a weather insurance policy that partially or fully forgave the loan in the event of poor rainfall. Surprisingly, take-up was lower by 13 percentage points among farmers offered insurance with the loan. Take-up was 33.0% for farmers who were offered the uninsured loan. There is suggestive evidence that reduced take-up of the insured loan was due to farmers already having implicit insurance from the limited liability clause in the loan contract: insured loan take-up was positively correlated with farmer education, income, and wealth, which may proxy for the individual's default costs. By contrast, take-up of the uninsured loan was uncorrelated with these farmer characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper compares two forms of government support: loan guarantee and direct investment through public-private partnerships (PPPs). With loan guarantee, government provides financial guarantees to enhance project creditworthiness. With direct investment, government invests capital directly in the project. In both forms of support, the government receives shares proportional to its financial commitment. We find that loan guarantees are more effective in reducing project borrowing costs. In a perfect information environment, loan guarantee support will yield more wealth to the government than a cost equivalent direct investment. But, in an informationally asymmetric environment where the government knows less about project quality than do private partners, in other words the so-called plum problem rather than the familiar lemon problem, this implication is mitigated. We show how the portion of shares given to the government can be a bargaining tool and can mitigate information asymmetry when structuring PPPs.  相似文献   

Taxation of life insurance is generally considered to pose special and complex problems. These are alleged to stem from the special nature of life insurance. This paper challenges the notion that there is anything inherently special about the economics of life insurance and disputes the claim that it warrants special tax treatment. A model of the life insurance firm is presented and the appropriate basis for taxing life insurance companies and their policyholders is derived. This is compared with the system of taxation currently operating in Australia.  相似文献   

基于担保实践中贷款担保合约可提前终止的特性,本文建立了基于障碍期权的贷款担保价值模型,测算了担保价值并分析了障碍值、债务方资产初值、资产波动率、债务面值、无风险利率及担保期限对担保价值的影响及敏感性。指出障碍值超过某阀值时,担保机构的风险才会有效降低;揭示控制担保额度和债务方资产的波动率比控制债务方资产初值和担保期限更有效,为担保实践提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

许辉  周园 《经济经纬》2012,(1):148-152
一般认为商业性养老保险具有较高的养老保障水平,有其他养老保障体系所不具备的优势。但站在投保者个人理财的角度来看,我国现行商业养老保险的投入产出比较低,相对养老保障水平较低,投保者缴纳的养老保险费及其按银行定期存款利率计算的投资收益不足一半被用于被保险人的养老,这与保险公司支付给保险销售人员的佣金有着重要关系。  相似文献   

决定财产保险需求的因素分为宏观性间接因素和结构性直接因素两大部分。选择具有代表性的三个宏观性变量和三个结构性变量,利用2005-2009年我国的省级面板数据,使用逐步回归方法,研究整体财产保险需求和企财险、工程险、车险、信用险等四个要主子险种需求的决定因素。实证结果较好地解释了我国财产保险需求的内因。应逐步建立商业保险补偿为主,社会救济为辅的新型社会风险管理体系。  相似文献   

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