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Business professions are increasingly faced with the question of how to best monitor the ethical behavior of their members. Conflicts could exist between a profession's desire to self-regulate and its accountability to the public at large. This study examines how members of one profession, public accounting, evaluate the relative effectiveness of various self-regulatory and externally imposed mechanisms for promoting a climate of high ethical behavior. Specifically, the roles of independent public accountants, regulatory and rule setting agencies, and undergraduate accounting education are investigated. Of 461 possible respondents, 230 questionnaires (a 49.6% response rate) indicated that the profession's own rule setting body (The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) and the use of peer review were perceived as the most effective mechanisms, while government regulation was ranked least. Respondents also evaluated the extent to which ethics should be covered in the accounting curriculum. For every course, the CPAs believed a greater emphasis on ethics is appropriate than presently exists. Suggestions for more effectively integrating ethics into accounting courses are made. Finally, respondents were also asked whether in answering the questionnaire they used a definition of ethics as either the Professional Code of Conduct or a moral and philosphical framework for guiding beliefs. Those who viewed ethics as abiding by a professional code had more confidence in the mechanisms addressed in this study to aid the public accounting profession's ability to ensure high ethical standards of conduct. Methodological implications of this distinction for future studies in business ethics are discussed. Jeffrey R. Cohen is Assistant Professor of Accounting at Boston College. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is a C.M.A. and a Peat Marwick Research Fellow. His articles have appeared in the Journal of Accounting Research, Decision Sciences and The Organizational Behavior Teaching Review. His work on Ethics has appeared in Issues in Accounting Education, Management Accounting, and The CPA Journal. Laurie W. Pant is Assistant Professor of Accounting at Boston College. She holds an M.B.A. and a D.B.A. from Boston University and an M.Ed. from Emory University. She serves on the editorial board of Issues in Accounting Education. Her articles on Ethics have appeared in Issues in Accounting Education, Management Accounting and The Organizational Behavior Teaching Review.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1989 American Accounting Association National Meeting.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to investigate empirically the suitability of the international accounting standards (IASs) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) environment. A variety of parametric and nonparametric approaches were used to examine the underlying factors that could affect the level of adoption of IASs and to evaluate the suitability of such adoption to the UAE environment.The major finding of this study is that the companies examined have vigorously adopted IASs and 87 percent of the companies disclosed their financial information in the English language which can be considered as a robust factor for adopting IASs. This study finds that the size of the companies (as measured by total assets) in the UAE has a significant effect on the level of adoption of IASs. However, the type of sector and the trading status (listed or unlisted) have no significant effect on the level of adoption of IASs. This study also tests to determine if a general consensus exists between the user groups of financial information (auditors, brokers, finance managers, and financial analysts) regarding their perception of the adoption of IASs in the UAE. It is found that there is a general consensus among the user groups on the suitability of adoption of IASs in the UAE.  相似文献   

各国社会、政治及经济等环境的差别,决定了彼此不尽相同的会计实务与报表实务惯例.但是,随着国际经济的发展,尤其是跨国公司的迅速成长,客观上要求会计成为国际商业语言,为国际经济投资决策提供可比较的财务信息.  相似文献   

国际经济学是国际贸易专业的核心课程,但其在国际贸易专业教学实践中存在定位不清的问题,笔者从教学目的、教学内容和教材三方面说明了这一问题,并指出其原因,最后给出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines several issues regarding deception in advertising. Some generally accepted definitions are considered and found to be inadequate. An alternative definition is proposed for legal/regulatory purposes and is related to a suggested definition of the term deception as it is used in everyday language. Based upon these definitions, suggestions are offered for detecting and regulating deception in advertising. This paper additionally considers the grounds for the generally held but largely unquestioned assumption that deceptive advertising is unethical. It is argued that deceptive advertising can be shown to be morally objectionable, on the weak assumption that it is prima facie wrong to harm others. Finally, the implications of this analysis with respect to current regulation of deceptive advertising by the FTC are considered. Thomas L. Carson is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He was previously Lecturer at the University of California at Los Angeles and was holder of an NEH Fellowship for College Teachers. His most important publication is The Status of Morality, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984. Forthcoming (in Philosophy and Public Affairs) is: Bribery, Extortion, and The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Richard E. Wokutch is Associate Professor of Management at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University where he teaches in the social issues and policy areas. He previously held positions as Visiting Assistant Research Professor at the Values Center, University of Delaware, and as Visiting Fulbright Research Fellow, Science Center, Berlin, West Germany. He has published several recent articles in the areas of bluffing and deception in business and ethical/social investing. James E. Cox, Jr., is Assistant Professor of Management and Marketing at Illinois State University. Formerly, he was at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (from September 1979 until August 1983). He was a fellow at the 1979 American Marketing Association Ph. D. Consortium and his research has been published in the Journal of Forecasting, the Journal of Marketing Education, the Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, and the Proceedings of the National Council of Physical Distribution Management. He is also co-author of the book Sales Forecasting Methods: A Survey of Recent Developments.  相似文献   

本文结合教学实践,研究探讨了非会计专业的会计教学目标、课程设置、教学方法及手段等方面工作的改进与优化.  相似文献   

Much of the discussion on business ethics is philosophical in nature. There is no lack of theories and ideals on moral reasoning. What is missing is translating these moral theories and principles into specific, operational procedures that can indicate a proper course of action. Although most business actions are routine and do not raise serious ethical questions, many people experience difficulty in applying their personal moral principles to specific business decisions in ethically-dilemmatic situations.This study seeks to develop a framework that can be utilized to implement personal moral reasoning based on the teleological theory of Utilitarianism and the deontological theory of Ross's Prima Facie Duties in the business decision-making process. The central feature in the framework is a point-system that quantities the ethical worth of a proposed business action and determines whether the action would be ethically desirable if taken. It provides an objective element in an otherwise qualitative ethical inquiry process. This study also illustrates practical applications of the system by analyzing the ethical implications of a proposed action where foreign bribery is involved.Alan Wong is Assistant Professor of Finance, Indiana University Southeast. His areas of academic research are managerial ethics and financial options. He has published in theReview of Business and Economic Research.Eugene Beckman is the Director of the MBA Program at Indiana University Southeast. He was awarded the Faculty Excellence Award in 1989 and his primary areas of research are business ethics and marketing.  相似文献   

本文阐述了商誉会计理论的现有模式,对商誉会计处理方法进行了国际比较,并对各国倾向于采用购买法确认与计量商誉、采用减损测试对其进行日后处理进行了原因分析.  相似文献   

With rapidly rising government debt and ageing populations implying high contingent liabilities in public pension systems, the issue of longer-term fiscal developments is gaining importance. The question arises whether, and to what extent, future generations will be burdened by current policies. Generational accounting is a new approach to examining such issues and it is used more and more in the policy debate.  相似文献   

This paper explores possible connections between gender and the willingness to tolerate unethical academic behavior. Data from a sample of 285 accounting majors at four public institutions reveal that females are less tolerant than males when questioned about academic misconduct. Statistically significant differences were found for 17 of 23 questionable activities. Furthermore, females were found to be less cynical and less often involved in academic dishonesty. Overall, the results support the finding of Betz et al. (1989) that the gender socialization approach dominates the structural approach. Elsie Coker Ameen is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Business at Coker College. Professor Ameen has published articles in The Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Review of Financial Economics, and other journals. Daryl M. Guffey is an assistant professor at East Carolina University. He joined the faculty at East Carolina University in 1995. Dr. Guffey has published several articles in such journals as The Financial Review, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Review of Financial Economics, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, and The Accounting Educators' Journal. Professor Guffey's research has been supported by a grant from the Ernst & Young Foundation. Jeffrey J. McMillan, Jr. is an associate professor of accounting at Clemson University. He joined the faculty of Clemson University in 1990. Dr. McMillan has published articles in such journals as The Accounting Review, Advances in Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, and The CPA Journal.  相似文献   

Academic literature addressing the topic of business ethics has paid little attention to cross-cultural studies of business ethics. Uncertainty exists concerning the effect of culture on ethical beliefs. The purpose of this research is to compare the ethical beliefs of managers operating in South Africa and Australia. Responses of 52 managers to a series of ethical scenarios were sought. Results indicate that despite differences in socio-cultural and political factors there are no statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding their own ethical beliefs. Results thus support the view that culture has little or no impact on ethical beliefs.Russell Abratt (DBA Pretoria) is Professor of Marketing at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. His research interests include business ethics and promotional strategy. His work has been published in various sources includingJournal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Advertising andIndustrial Marketing Management.Deon Nel (DCom Pretoria) is Professor of Marketing at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests include business ethics and group decision making in organisations. His work has been published in various sources includingJournal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, Management Research News.Nicola Higgs is a graduate student at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.  相似文献   

The literature proposes a number of models explaining ethical behaviours but these are seldom of the kind which can be used by marketers in their day-to-day decision making. In this study based on data collected from 166 firms operating in overseas markets, a concomitant clusterwise regression approach is used to define clusters that display good homogeneity both in traits and in models of ethical tolerance, thus allowing an ‘ethical diagnostic’ of firms. Based on readily available and objective variables, namely size, dependence on overseas markets and overseas experience, the paper demonstrates that it is possible to cluster firms into groups of which the ethical tolerance can be predicted. The managerial implications of these findings for international marketers and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

A framework is presented for studying ethical conduct in public accounting practice. Four levels of analysis are distinguished: individual, local office, multi-office firm and professional institute. Several propositions are derived from the framework and discussed: (1) The effects of ethical vs. unethical behavior on an accountant's prospects for advancement are asymmetrical in nature; (2) the way individuals perceive or frame the decision problem at hand will make an ethical response more or less likely; (3) the economic incentives present in competitive markets influence the work goals of firms and offices, and lead to ethical dilemmas for individuals; and (4) initiatives at the firm or institute level aimed at compliance with professional ethical standards will by themselves have little effect on individual ethical behavior. Research into ethical behavior of practitioners will capture self-conscious and biased responses unless it is designed so as to permit indirect observation and recording of spontaneous comments. To assure valid research findings, practitioners should be interviewed and their motives assessed indirectly. A longitudinal approach is recommended, beginning with students who are choosing an accounting career. Two types of questions for use in these interviews are described.Paul J. Schlachter is an assistant professor in the School of Accounting, Florida International University. As a certified management accountant (CMA), he studies ethical dilemmas in both corporate and public accounting, in south Florida and in Latin America.  相似文献   

Current trends toward increased pace, more complex substance and lower tolerance of error have caused the financial marketplace to rely more heavily on the integrity of financial data and, therefore, of those who prepare the financial statements. At the same time, these trends place higher challenges before professional accountants and it is essential that they have excellent ethical guidance to live up to modern expectations. However, in view of the current codes of conduct, an accountant may not have a clear understanding of what priority of interests to satisfy, who can be consulted for advice, to whom to report misdeeds, what protection is offered a right-doer and what sanction will be forthcoming for doing wrong. Possible solutions are offered to these problems in ways that ought to strengthen the accounting profession and prevent unscrupulous companies from taking advantage of both members of the profession and the unsuspecting public. To provide the appropriate quality of service to society in the future, the Canadian accounting profession should offer its members the improved guidance and enhanced mechanisms for confidential consultation, assistance and protection outlined herein. Leonard J. Brooks is a Professor of Accounting at the Faculty of Management of the University of Toronto. He is the author of Canadian Corporate Social Performance, published by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada (1986); editor of the Corporate Ethics Monitor, and Vice-Chairman of the Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy.  相似文献   

伴随网络技术的迅猛发展,会计发展的趋势必然是朝着网络会计信息系统的方向发展.网络会计信息系统将改变财务信息的获取与利用方式.网络会计信息系统在给人们带来方便快捷的信息服务的同时,也带来了诸多安全隐患.因此,本文针对网络环境下企业如何加强会计内部控制及相应对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   

It has been acknowledged on numerous occasions that personal religiousness is a potential source of ethical norms, and consequently, an influence in ethical evaluations. An extensive literature review provides little in the way of empirical investigation of this recognized affect. This investigation conceptualizes religiousness as a motivation for ethical action, and discovers significant differences in ethical judgements among respondents categorized by personal religious motivation. Suggestions as to the source of these differences, and the implications which they offer to managers are discussed and supported from the literature.James W. Clark is the Director of the Center for Retailing and assistant professor of marketing at James Madison University. His work has been published in The Journal of Advertising, and the proceedings of The Cutting Edge III and IV, the Southern Marketing Association, The Academy of Marketing Science, and The Decision Sciences Institute. Lyndon E. Dawson, Jr. is professor of marketing at Louisiana Tech University. His work has been published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Retailing, Psychology and Marketing, and Psychological Reports among others.  相似文献   

Four international codes of conduct (those of the International Chamber of Commerce, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Labor Organization, and the United Nations Commission on Transnational Corporations) are analyzed to determine the ethical bases of the behaviors they prescribe for multinational enterprises (MNEs). Although the four codes emphasize different aspects of business behavior, there is substantial agreement regarding many of the moral duties of MNEs. It is suggested that MNEs are morally bound to recognize the codes and to take them into account when engaging in international business.Kathleen A. Getz is a doctoral candidate at the Katz Graduate School of Business of the University of Pittsburgh.For another interpretation, see William C. Frederick's current paper, Multilateral Compacts as a Source of Normative Corporate Guidelines: The Emergence of a Transcultural Corporate Ethic.  相似文献   

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