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消费升级一般为消费结构的升级,可以对经济高速增长起到推进作用。消费升级的出现,使得人们生产生活的消费水平和消费心理出现了明显的变化。基于此,本文对消费升级问题进行了研究,并分析了面向消费升级的新零售商业模式创新问题。笔者分析了新零售商业模式出现的必要性,论述了消费升级的出现和发展对零售商业模式要素的影响,并阐述了新零售商业模式的创新方法。  相似文献   

随着我国居民消费水平的提高和消费结构的升级,零售业态的变革围绕"以消费者为本"经营理念的调整和创新,消费者需求的变化可以说是推进零售业态转型的根本动力。本文基于经济学的角度,对消费需求与零售业态之间的互动关系进行了分析,并为零售业态的优化调整提供相关建议。  相似文献   

零售市场的特征直接影响和制约零售企业的经营创新绩效,以及国家扩大内需政策的有效实施。从国际比较的角度,选取零售市场的规模、成长性、消费能力、消费结构和集中度等具有代表性的指标,系统研究和分析中国零售市场的主要特征,提出中国零售市场规模大,具有强劲的发展趋势,但是消费水平比较低,消费结构不均衡、行业集中度非常低。  相似文献   

网络零售市场的健康发展直接影响和制约网络零售企业的经营创新绩效,以及国家扩大内需政策的有效性。本文选取网络零售市场的规模、消费结构、消费金额和频次、行业集中度、区域表现等代表性指标,从国际比较的角度分析了中国网络零售市场的主要特征,研究发现中国网络零售市场规模大,具有强劲的发展趋势,二三线城市、甚至中西部区域和农村是网络零售发展潜力较大的地区,中国网络零售市场具有消费金额低、网民网络购物频次不高,消费结构不均、行业集中度非常高的特征。  相似文献   

农村居民消费结构升级的障碍与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快农村居民消费结构升级,对于扩大内需和促进经济快速发展都具有重要意义.农村居民消费结构升级面临城乡收人差距较大、消费观念滞后、市场环境较差和非理性消费等障碍.消除障碍的对策:增加农村居民收人,缩小城乡收入差距;健全社会保障体系,强化惠农消费政策;改变传统消费观念,适当提高消费倾向;优化农村消费环境,倡导文明消费风气.  相似文献   

中国本土零售业在与国际接轨的同时,也必将保持自己的本土优势.随着城乡居民消费水平的不断提高,乡镇的零售市场消费数额绝对数正在呈指数提升.在海外零售企业专注于大中城市市场的契机,本土企业必须抓住时机,率先发展乡镇连锁业,抢占乡镇零售市场.而乡镇消费结构、消费状况、物流配送必然不同于城市,即需要零售连锁业的区域化经营.  相似文献   

8月29日,德勤中国发布了《中国零售力量2011》报告。报告显示,2010年中国零售行业继续平稳增长,连锁零售百强企业当中以全国性企业的销售额最为迅猛。从业态而论,百货居首。展望未来,由于经营成本大幅上涨、全球经济复苏不确定、消费升级等因素,中国更多的零售企业预计将加入多元零售的行列,并且迈向国际化。德勤表示:"纵使全球经济充满不确定性,中国的零售行业在经济增长模式转变、国民收入增加、科技变革、城巿化进程加快、消费升级,以及国家系列消  相似文献   

零售企业数字化是数字经济时代零售行业转型升级的必然选择,也是技术和消费升级双轮驱动的必然结果.本文基于76家上市零售企业数据和渠道集中度视角,实证检验了零售企业数字化转型对其经营绩效的影响.研究结果表明,零售企业数字化转型有利于改善其经营绩效,增强其盈利和资金筹划能力.在渠道集中度更高的零售企业样本中,这一正向影响更为...  相似文献   

本文从消费规模、消费水平、消费环境、消费行为和消费结构等几个方面分析了我国城乡居民消费差异的主要表现,并在对原因剖析的基础上,提出了通过发展县域经济、推动城乡一体化建设、促进消费环境升级来缩小城乡居民消费差距的建议。  相似文献   

零售是商品从生产或流通领域转入消费领域的最后一道环节,是最能代表商品运行终极目标的贸易形式。依照马克思商业资本理论,联营不过是产业资本在商业领域的延伸,自营才是商业资本本质体现。放弃自营、普遍联营将使商人作为商人专门经营商品的技能退化,商业资本的独立性、预付性、循环性和增值性消失,零售商业也将失去存在的意义。零售经营回归商业资本的本质特性、商品交换媒介的一般职能和商人的专业职能,既是助推零售行业高效发展、竞争力提升的有效途径,也是促进消费升级、打造贸易强国的必然选择。  相似文献   

This research compares and contrasts the current state of development in the retailing industry in the transition economies of Poland and Romania. Two issues examined in this research are (a) the process of market reforms and resulting developments in store-based and non-store retailing, including the competition among large multinational retail chains and small local retail stores, and (b) the structure of the retail industry in terms of market share of 17 different categories of retailers within their respective sectors, namely, grocery retailers, specialty retailers, and non-store retailers, and overall growth registered by these retailers in the last 5 years (2004–2009). Managerial implications of the findings in terms of the opportunities and challenges in different categories of retailing business in the two countries are discussed, and directions for future research are identified.  相似文献   

赵德海  王锋军 《商业研究》2006,(16):46-48,116
商业零售组织根据组织方式不同可以分为连锁店和单一店。不同组织结构的公司围绕市场规模的扩张有不同的模式行为。连锁店的规模和城市规模是成比例的,连锁店的规模随着市场规模的扩大而扩大,单一店的规模不随市场规模而变化,只是数量随城市规模增大而增加。  相似文献   

自动售货机:第三次零售业革命   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白丽 《电子商务》2005,(3):64-66
作为一种新型商业形态和广告媒体,自动售货机从1999进入中国市场以来,受到了喜欢追逐时尚的年轻人的欢迎。大市场、大产业据统计,在世界上最大的自动售货市场——日本,已有560万台自动售货机,通过自动售货机出售的商品多达6000余种,年营业额可以达到7兆1122亿日元。每年,仅饮料的销售额就相当于1593亿元人民币。按人口计算,每23人就拥有1台自动售货机,平均每人在自动售货机上的消费达56000日元。在美国平均每40人拥有一台自动售货机,欧洲每60人一台。而目前国内的自动售卖机大约有7~8万台。根据国外发展经验,中国自动售货机专业委员会对中…  相似文献   


The French retail market stands out among its European counterparts as being more concentrated. Relative to its neighbors, it has a higher number of large stores, such as hypermarkets. This article explains the origins of this market structure by assessing the impact of regulation on the French food retail industry between 1949 and 2015. Despite legislation aimed at curtailing their growth, retailers were able to circumvent legal constraints. Over the period considered, three ‘regulation-adaptation’ loops are described. Retailers’ responses to regulatory regimes affected both their bargaining mechanisms with suppliers and the business models they used to sell their products. By turning regulation into business opportunities, French retailers have managed to create a powerful oligopolistic industry, and are now among the largest retail groups in the world.  相似文献   

截至2021年底,中国加入世界贸易组织已满二十年,外资零售企业在中国市场上经历了“先升后降”的发展过程,并出现了退出市场的现象。文章以产业组织理论的基本框架为指导,分阶段对影响外资商业发展水平的因素进行检验。结果表明:中国庞大的潜在市场始终是影响外资商业进入的主要因素;外资零售企业在中国市场上存在一定的区域差异,且区域间的影响因素的作用效果不同;电子商务等零售业创新发展方式的普及对外资商业在中国零售市场上的经营产生了较大的负面影响,外资零售巨头在此轮产业调整中受到了冲击,并开始了经营方式的调整与店面的收缩。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情将在未来1至2个季度内从总需求和总供给两个方面改变中国经济的宏观环境。本文通过对“非典”前后的宏观经济和消费形势复盘,并比较新冠肺炎疫情与“非典”疫情分析新冠肺炎疫情对消费经济造成的潜在影响。在宏观经济层面,既包括疫情的客观影响,如社会零售总需求下降、投资放缓、CPI波动、进出口萎缩等;也包括各方采取应对措施后对大环境的改变,包括企业融资环境(货币政策)、税费环境(财政政策)等。在消费经济层面,整体消费所受冲击较大;细分零售行业受影响的类型可分为平稳增长型、增速下滑型和逆市上扬型;超市、专业连锁和多业态零售表现较好。疫情将加速零售商业模式变革,无人配送、下沉市场、“宅经济”等需求结构的改变将重塑未来商业模式。总体而言,尽管消费领域受到疫情的影响最大,但疫情之后的“补偿性消费”会一定程度缓解对全年消费增长所造成的冲击。  相似文献   

Store and store format loyalty measures based on budget allocation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In highly competitive environments, such as retail markets, characterized by a growing heterogeneity of demand and the proliferation of new retail formats, cross-shopping behavior between stores and formats is becoming increasingly common. This process makes customer loyalty a key strategic challenge for retailers that want to consolidate their position within the market. To contribute to the analysis and comprehension of this reality, the authors propose and assess different objective indicators of store loyalty, store format loyalty, and intra-format store loyalty based on budget allocation. Specifically, they analyze the role of retail format in observable loyalty patterns in a market. Through an empirical analysis of grocery purchase patterns of a sample of 580 Spanish households, the authors find that diverse objective loyalty indicators based on budget allocations provide very similar information from a practical point of view. They also find that consumers' regular use of various formats (specifically, supermarkets, hypermarkets, and discount stores) for their purchases explain observed disloyalty better than does purchasing in several stores within these formats. The observed patterns reveal that retail formats define differentiated store profiles that relate to the benefits sought in different purchase situations.  相似文献   

The U.S. retail industry has undergone dramatic changes, leading to the closing of brick-and-mortar retail stores on a large scale. Understanding perceived market competition among small retail businesses may help explain why certain businesses survive or fail in the altered retail environment. This study investigates small retail businesses' perceptions of competition within/outside the community, underlying reasons for their perceptions, and variations in perceptions by different business characteristics. Contrary to common expectations, we found that more than half of businesses interviewed were optimistic in the face of competition. Our data reveal two salient underlying reasons for pessimism and five for optimism. These perceptions tended to differ by operational locality (urban clusters vs. urban areas), business revenues, and innovativeness. Based on the findings, we developed propositions and a framework of small businesses' perceived competition and sustainable competitive advantage. We discussed theoretical and practical implications for small retail businesses’ sustainable growth in the challenging retail environment.  相似文献   

Large format retailing in the US: a consumer experience perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proponents of relationship marketing seek to develop and maintain long-term ties to their customers in the hope of having a loyal customer base. In this paper we examined large format retailing from the perspective of consumers’ experiences in these stores. Focus group interviews were conducted in two major US metropolitan areas and one medium size market. After analyzing the focus group content, several themes emerged related to patronage of large format retailers. These included the accuracy of prices when products were scanned and loyalty to store personnel based on familiarity. Large format supercenters were especially chided for their bigness and potential negative impact on smaller retailers. Attending to the details of the food retail business (accurate pricing, product availability, continuity of personnel) are ways in which consumers’ experiences in retail stores might be improved. Numerous choices and a diverse array of retail formats are available to consumers in the US market. Managerial implications are discussed in the light of a changing retail landscape.  相似文献   

近年来,零售产业发生较大变化,实体零售企业纷纷关闭门店收缩经营,探讨新时期实体零售企业运营效率水平及其影响因素具有现实意义。文章利用2007—2016年实体零售企业门店调查问卷数据,采用随机生产前沿和随机成本前沿等不同模型,检验营业面积和员工数量两种投入要素情况下的零售企业生产函数特征,例如规模报酬效应、产出弹性以及规模经济效应等,同时检验实体零售门店商圈竞争度、门店经营历史、商品周转天数、日交易量和客单价等因素对门店运营效率的影响效应。结果发现,我国实体零售企业处于规模报酬不变阶段,专卖店和百货店的运营效率较高,而超市和购物中心的运营效率较低;以及门店经营历史、日交易量和客单价对门店运营效率具有正向影响。最后针对实体零售企业门店经营决策提出管理建议。  相似文献   

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