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王根喜 《价值工程》2012,31(36):273-276
本文提出引力子以1.5×1010m/s的反速度传递引力的假设,并通过引力子反速度的数字模型计算出光线经太阳表面所形成的偏转角约为1.75″;还用引力子反速度的数字模型计算出水星轨道近日点的进动角约为0.104″,百年地球日的进动角约为43.1808″,理论值与实测值精确吻合。最后推出了太阳系行星进动角的计算通式为:cos△ω=△VG=0.9815≈0.99°。  相似文献   

这篇文章主要讲二种力,支持力和压力,支持力应该叫还回顶力,这二种力是共生的,缺一另一种力也不能存在,它们结合在一起就是永恒之力,可以用这二种力制造永动机.这二种力都能向外发射自己的力,叫它力波吧,还回顶力是动态力,因此它发出的力波是转动的,还回顶力转动力波统制着宇宙中所有星球的运行.压力发出压力波,压力波就是引力,没有压力引力就不能存在,这二种力都是基本力,引力不是基本力,所以只有五种基本力.宇宙星球中有还回顶力波的存在完全可以解释宇宙的运行,因此暗物质、 暗能量是不存在的,还回顶力波能决定宇宙中所有星球的运行,宇宙的大小和宇宙必须存在宇宙中心.还回顶力波让现在的天文理论大多都不在正确,如时空弯曲、 穿越时间、 宇宙膨胀论、 太阳核聚变产热说,宇宙存在138亿年等等,振动是产生不了声音的,水的浮力是不存在的,电子围着原子核转动是因为还回顶力波和引力.宇宙是空间生温度、 温度生宇宙、 宇宙是永恒的.全球变暖并不是因二氧化碳,因它不能使热总量增加.以上种种都跟第五基本力有关.  相似文献   

李树松 《科技与企业》2014,(20):185-187
海宇宙中的任何物质系统从最小到最大都具有直接或间接的"旋转"特性,"旋转"也是宇宙所固有的"基元粒子"单元的唯一内禀属性。在旋转、互绕原理的作用下,充满宇宙的"基元粒子"产生了最原始的"引力"与"斥力"作用,导致了基元粒子即称磁子自身有规律的循环组合,逐级生成了宇宙间的粒子、星体等各层级物质系统,同时四种物理作用力也相伴发生。  相似文献   

本文以元宇宙代表性公司Meta为例,以Meta的商业模式为线索,在分析Meta公司元宇宙业务相关会计问题的基础上,对元宇宙的经济体系以及元宇宙中的会计主体、持续经营、会计分期和货币计量等会计基本假设进行了探讨,认为元宇宙中的会计主体包括物理世界市场主体在元宇宙中的虚拟分身和去中心化自治组织两类;货币计量方面建议以具有法定货币属性的CBDC作为计量工具;持续经营主要考虑物理世界市场主体及其虚拟分身,以及去中心化自治组织是否满足持续经营假设。  相似文献   

牛顿证明万有引力定律存在主观性、片面性,其万有引力与宇宙物质的结构无关,作用强度十会微弱。所有宇宙物质均表现出是引力能与质量匹配成的"内质能体、外引力壳"结构体,贯穿这一结构的引力能,即是宇宙物质万有引力。  相似文献   

爱因斯坦的狭义相对论使时空概念发生了根本变化,为20世纪物理学的发展做出了巨大而卓越的贡献。然而狭义相对论也有其局限性。在当时所知道的自然界的两种力(电磁力和引力)中,相对论能够同电磁力相协调,但同牛顿发现的引力不相容。  相似文献   

如果中微子属于中性轻子的话,其速度是不可能超过光速的,为什么欧洲核子研究中心的实验测量上出现中微子超光速现象呢?只能有一种合理解释:宇宙中的确存在反时空。也就是说甲乙两地距离除了视界的正空间,还应存在着反空间,在极端高能条件下中微子在反空间中通过甲乙两地,因甲乙两地距离的反空间小于正空间,所以中微子通过反空间所用的时间比正空间所用的时间短,即使中微子的速度小于等于光速,而实际测量时从正空间看来会出现中微子超光速的假象。所以欧洲核子研究中心发现的中微子超光速现象暗示人们宇宙中有可能存在着反时空。  相似文献   

中国民营企业的发展需要三大要力:动力、引力、能力。  相似文献   

摩尔线程是伴随着元宇宙热潮应运而生的一家公司,公司创始人、CEO张建中对当下大火的ChatGPT的观点是,AIGC是一个重要的技术节点,AI和元宇宙关键要素中的内容、场景、人的结合,会加速元宇宙的到来。摩尔线程在2020年10月正式运营。公司核心创始团队来自GPU头部厂商英伟达,它认为元计算是支撑元宇宙及下一代互联网应用的通用算力平台,而全功能GPU是元计算的关键算力基础设施。  相似文献   

信息范式形成的标志,是将近二十年来,一大批以最大化效用、信息不完备或不对称假设,分析经济问题的形式化模型的出现.这些模型的洞见大大展阔了经济学的视野,是微观经济学的直接深化和广化,促进了发展经济学、宏观经济学、新的新福利经济学、新厂商理论或产业组织理论等众多学科和领域的发展.本文认为,已经形成并仍在发展的信息范式的基本假设只有两条:经济人行为最大化效用动机假设和信息不完备或不对称假设.区分经济人行为的动机、决策实施过程和结果,对于理解这两条基本假设,理解理性和非理性的关系,特别关键.  相似文献   

We propose a nonlinear filter to estimate the time-varying default risk from the term structure of credit default swap (CDS) spreads. Based on the numerical solution of the Fokker–Planck equation (FPE) using a meshfree interpolation method, the filter performs a joint estimation of the risk-neutral default intensity and CIR model parameters. As the FPE can account for nonlinear functions and non-Gaussian errors, the proposed framework provides outstanding flexibility and accuracy. We test the nonlinear filter on simulated spreads and apply it to daily CDS data of the Dow Jones Industrial Average component companies from 2005 to 2010 with supportive results.  相似文献   

Selection correction methods usually make assumptions about selection itself. In the case of gender wage gap estimation, those assumptions are especially tenuous because of high female nonparticipation and because selection could be different in different parts of the labor market. This paper proposes an estimator for the wage gap that allows for arbitrary and unobserved heterogeneity in selection. It applies to the subpopulation of “always employed” women, which is similar to men in labor force characteristics. Using CPS data from 1976 to 2005, I show that the gap has narrowed substantially from a ?0.521 to a ?0.263 log wage point differential for this population.  相似文献   

Dr. J. C. Koop 《Metrika》1970,15(1):105-109
Summary The formula for thePearsonion correlation coefficient, based on a simple random sample, is a consistent estimator of the parent correlation between two given measurable characteristics of the elements of a finite universe. However, when the universe is stratified, and the elements in each stratum are drawn without replacement and with equal probabilities at each draw, the formula for a consistent estimator is much more complex. Generally speaking, the formula for a consistent estimator of the parent correlation varies with the sampling design. The results of this paper are relevant to the analysis of sociological data obtained through sample surveys. In the literature of the theory of statistical sampling the problem of estimating the correlation between pairs of variate values of the identifiable elements constituting a universe has so far not been considered. Needless to say the solution of this problem has an important bearing on sociological studies based on sample surveys.  相似文献   

In a binary choice panel data model with individual effects and two time periods, Manski proposed the maximum score estimator based on a discontinuous objective function and proved its consistency under weak distributional assumptions. The rate of convergence is low ( N 1/3) and its limit distribution cannot easily be used for statistical inference. In this paper we apply the idea of Horowitz to smooth Manski's objective function. The resulting smoothed maximum score estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal with a rate of convergence that can be made arbitrarily close to N 1/2, depending on the strength of the smoothness assumptions imposed. The estimator can be applied to panels with more than two time periods and to unbalanced panels. We apply the estimator to analyze labour force participation of married Dutch females.  相似文献   

张丽丽 《价值工程》2011,30(30):211-211
本文通过两个具体例题表明当连续型总体可能的取值范围不是(-∞,+∞)时,利用第一种似然函数的定义解决点估计问题,学生不仅能够很容易地掌握最大似然估计法,同时对样本来自总体且估计离不开样本这一统计思想加深了理解。  相似文献   

Dr. H. Basler 《Metrika》1979,26(1):219-236
Summary Suppose there is a universe which containsN elements,M of which are marked by a special property. From this universe a sample of sizen is drawn without replacement. From the Laplace-condition about the ( n N ) possible outcomes of this experiment it follows that the number of marked elements in the sample is distributed hypergeometrically. It is shown that an inverse of this theorem is true, whereas the analogue inverse for the with-replacement-case is not true.Further some other evident properties of samples are derived from the Laplace-condition for both cases of the drawing scheme. For all cases of possible implications between these properties and the Laplace-condition it is decided if they are true or not.  相似文献   

赵芳璧 《价值工程》2011,30(23):269-271
通过对探求天体作用光所遵循的规律的讨论得出一条重要的客观规律,即"α角规律"理论。该理论对研究宇宙性问题和运动体间的关联性具有普遍适用性。依据该理论,详细探讨了以下问题:(1)光速C的界阈与自由程;(2)天体特性;(3)宇宙形;(4)运动体间相互作用的规律;(5)时空运行与天体的关系。  相似文献   

This paper extends results regarding smoothed median binary regression to general smoothed binary quantile regression, discusses the interpretation of the resulting estimators under alternative assumptions, and shows how they may be used to obtain semiparametric estimates of counterfactual probabilities. The estimators are applied to a model of labour force participation of married women in the USA. We find that the elasticity with respect to non‐labour income is significantly negative only for women that belong to the middle of the conditional willingness‐to‐participate (WTP) distribution. In comparing the quantile models with parametric logit and semiparametric single‐index specifications, we find that the models agree closely for women around the centre of the WTP distribution, but there are considerable disagreements as we move towards the tails of the distribution. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The literature estimates for labor force participation elasticity with regard to child care prices are extensive and varying. While some estimates imply substantial gains from child care subsidies, others find insignificant effects. To determine the causes of the variance, this paper reviews and analyzes the elasticity sizes using estimates from 36 peer‐reviewed articles and working papers in the literature. We start by reviewing the theoretical and empirical aspects related to participation elasticity with regard to child care costs, paying special attention to sample characteristics, methodological aspects, and macro level factors. We conclude by providing a meta‐regression using control variables based on our review of the literature to explain some of the differences between the estimates. As research builds on and improves the methods and assumptions in prior works, elasticity estimates have become smaller over time. This decline might also be partially explained by changes in labor market characteristics. In countries with high rates of part‐time work and very high or very low rates of female labor force participation, we find elasticity rates to be smaller.  相似文献   

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