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纳博科夫的短篇小说《菲亚塔之春》通过现实与记忆的多重穿插表现了这两者的不可靠性。本文意在通过分析主人公维克多对爱人妮娜的回忆来探析纳博科夫的现实与记忆观。  相似文献   

战国中后期,出现了一部在中国思想史上有深刻而独特影响的著作--<庄子>.<庄子>是以"批判文明的文化形态"出现在中国思想史上的.所谓批判文明的文化形态,即是在特定的历史文化条件下出现的对既有文明的反思和批判的文化形态.<庄子>产生于雅斯贝尔所说的"轴心时代".  相似文献   

康德哲学上承古希腊至近代哲学,下启德国古典哲学,对当代西方哲学诸流派影响深刻。康德哲学作为一座哲学高峰在西方哲学史上的历史地位不可撼动。康德开辟了一条"革命"、"纯粹"、"先验"、"批判"、"启蒙"、"自由"的哲学道路,从此,哲学变成了德国民族的事业。  相似文献   

应健中 《环球财经》2014,(11):57-59
一提到以色列,人们总容易在第一时间就联想起半个多世纪前德国纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀.尽管时间已经过去一甲子,但在世界人民心目中,对这场惨剧的记忆和反思,都是深刻而彻骨的,对其间德国纳粹的残暴与犹太人民所遭遇的深重灾难也有广泛的共识,很少有“翻案”的现象出现.相比较之下,日本至今仍对其在二战期间的侵略行为狡辩、否认,甚至篡改历史,两相对比,不禁让人唏嘘。  相似文献   

马克思主义对德国古典哲学进行了根本改造和批判继承,对德国古典哲学本质特点加以革命的改造,吸取了德国古典哲学的"合理内核"和"基本内核",使德国古典哲学成为马克思主义重要的、直接的理论来源,对马克思主义的形成和发展起到了重要的作用。这是马克思恩格斯在对历史遗产继承基础上,结合历史现实所作出的伟大抉择,充分反映了与时俱进的品质。文章阐述了今人如何对待历史遗产,如何对待前人成果的重要意义。  相似文献   

一战以后的德国魏玛共和国形成了以柏林为中心的美国主义思潮.本文阐述了美国主义在柏林的主要表现,重点从女性文学的角度分析了对美国主义的批判和德国对现代化文化的态度,认为这一批判有益于当时德国女性地位的提高和女性文学的发展.  相似文献   

段乃琳  姜波 《理论观察》2015,(2):103-104
莫言从鲁迅身上继承的精神有很多,其中最重要的就是反思和批判精神。莫言的《酒国》同鲁迅的《狂人日记》一样,聚焦于"吃人"文化,集中反思中国的"吃人"传统的残忍性,同时继承了《狂人日记》框架构思的新颖独特性。另一方面,《狂人日记》批判封建礼教,《酒国》发展性的将批判矛头指向了旧官僚制度对人性的扼杀,使莫言同其他继承鲁迅精神的作家区别开来。  相似文献   

马克思"批判的工艺学"反驳了非批判的工艺学关于机器和工具区分的非历史的各种观点,并由此指出了这种区分的问题所在。与此同时,马克思"批判的工艺学"还阐明了机器和工具区分的历史性的本质所在,并由此出发分析了机器大工业历史发展的各个阶段。因此,马克思"批判的工艺学"就是历史的工艺学。  相似文献   

王勇 《走向世界》2012,(18):74-76
经四路,一条承载了济南历史记忆的道路。说起经四路,不得不说济南自主开埠的历史.而经四路就是济南自主开埠的典型代表。在经四路370号.有一处盛满历史回忆的院落,院子里的老建筑承载了济南人太多的回忆与感慨。老建筑上下两层,一楼是记载济南百年商埠史的“济南商埠文化博物馆”;  相似文献   

赋予行动以意义:韦伯与舒茨行动理论的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赋予行动以意义是韦伯和舒茨的学术共同关注点。韦伯通过对社会行动意义的解释建立了分析整个世界历史的理解社会学;舒茨则在对韦伯社会行动意义批判和反思的基础上赋予行动以新的意义,创立了他的现象学社会学。尽管两者都认为对行动意义的考察是研究社会的基础,但韦伯和舒茨的行动意义理论无论是在对行动和意义的理解、发展方向还是在社会学理论发展历史中的价值和意义等都有所不同。  相似文献   

文春锦 《科技和产业》2023,23(15):114-121
回顾城市记忆空间理论渊源并解读其内涵机制。借助文献计量和可视化工具 CiteSpace分析该领域的关键词共现、路径演化、关键词突现,从人文地理学、城乡规划学视角探讨2002—2022年国内外城市记忆空间研究的热点内容、演进脉络趋势。依据分析结果结合文献内容对国内外研究热点、前沿内容进行比较。从概念界定、研究主题、研究方法方面对国内研究做了进一步展望,以期建构城市记忆空间的研究范式。结果发现:从研究热点看,国内研究多集中于历史街区和工业遗产记忆赓续再现,国外研究主要关注于记忆政治、地方记忆和纪念性景观;从研究热点演进趋势看,国内学者由对记忆、城市记忆的研究热度转向文化记忆、集体记忆、场所记忆,对城市空间研究热度从建筑拓展到公共艺术、工业遗产、历史街区、文化景观、城市意象、叙事等;而国外学者在该领域研究热度由纪念性景观、民族认同、地方等移向城市再生、建成环境、种族、公共空间、社会运动等。未来,城市记忆空间研究应回归“记忆空间”本源属性,关注文化景观、空间叙事、国家记忆和地方记忆研究主题,以影像、语义、内容叙事分析作为城市记忆空间研究的新方法。  相似文献   

While the German manufacturing industry is internationally renowned and often seen as the backbone of German economic development, it has encountered some obstacles in the past few years. These obstacles are related with the emergence of new competitors, the shifts of economic activity in Europe due to economic integration and the challenge of German unification. This paper analyzes the historical development of the German manufacturing industry. By discussing the problems of German manufacturing industry in a globalized world, conclusions for necessary reforms can be drawn.  相似文献   

陆斌 《改革与开放》2011,(20):58+60
马克思恩格斯的《德意志意识形态》,通过了对德国古典哲学的彻底清算,在历史观方面形成了唯物的、辩证的不同于传统抽象的历史观,把人从单纯的崇尚理性的抽象思维中带回了现实的人的实践生活中,开创了一个崭新的唯物史观,从而建构了了马克思主义哲学中的历史唯物主义。  相似文献   

The role of finance in the development of trade draws increasing attention from economists and economic historians. Yet empirical studies, especially from an historical perspective, continue to be scarce. This study analyses the role of German and British foreign banks in the internationalisation of trade during the first globalisation. It creates a novel data set on the bilateral trade of Germany and Great Britain with the rest of the world and the number and geographical distribution of German and British foreign banks between 1881 and 1913. Using an augmented gravity model of trade, the article shows that banks had a significant positive impact on exports and imports and that this effect was even more pronounced in case of German banks and trade. Moreover, the effect of German banks on trade is the highest in the years closer to bank entry, supporting the idea of German banks being initiators of trade. In contrast, the effect of British banks seems constant over time.  相似文献   


The paper uses historical data on interest rates from 1920 to 2016 to explore whether a world rate of interest exists and whether a monetary hegemon affects it. The first principal component of long-term interest rates accounts for 75% of the variation in a matrix of 17 countries and proxies for the world rate of interest. The U.S. played the role of a hegemon, influencing long-term bond rates. After the introduction of the euro in 1999, interest rates in most European countries followed German interest rates but German rates followed U.S. rates even more than before the introduction of the euro. In two countries on the northern periphery, Denmark and Sweden, interest rates shadow German rates and the low rates have contributed to rising house prices and rising mortgage debt. Independent monetary policy calls for targeted controls on capital flows.


This paper underscores the influence of political and legal environments and historical accident in shaping financial systems and in determining their ability to promote growth. The study suggests that many widely cited characteristics of the German banking system emerged only to a limited extent during industrialization. Many features that did appear were unrelated to the banks' universal structure, and provided no exceptional impetus to growth. I hypothesize that institutional banking design generally has little impact on capital mobilization or risk diversification. I conclude by questioning the usefulness of the Gerschenkronian framework for understanding problems of financial system design and by proposing an alternative agenda structured around theoretical principles.  相似文献   

统分结合的思想政治教育理念和实践虽然有很久远的历史,但并没有人明确提出或建立过统分结合的大学生思想政治教育模式。本文提出了大学生思想政治教育统分结合模式的概念并研究了其历史渊源、理论依据及优势特点。  相似文献   

所谓名楼,即有名之楼,它是城市发展的必然,迎合了城市经济发展的要求,也是区域经济发达的显著标志。建筑是城市的记忆,它承载的不仅是建筑艺术,而是不同时期的社会文化、历史文化、民族文化、地域文化和政治文化等,统称为文化因素。  相似文献   

An increase in the level of retail concentration in food markets across Europe has raised concerns about the implications of retail dominance in the food supply. This paper measures oligopoly and oligopsony market power in the German food retail industry and incorporate specific details about the German meat market and the European BSE crisis. In this paper, simultaneous estimates of the degree of oligopoly and oligopsony market power in the German food retail industry are derived by applying a set of monthly state level retail beef and pork marketing data in the federal state of Hessen, Germany, from 1995–2000. Results strongly suggest evidence of retail oligopoly and oligopsony power. Lerner index estimates indicate retail market power accounts for 0.5% to 11% of the retail unit margins of beef and pork.
Sven M. AndersEmail:

知识分子是一个历史的文化的范畴,作为一个社会阶层,对人类历史做出了自己的贡献。马克思恩格斯对知识分子进行了唯物主义的阐述与分析,在肯定知识分子历史作用的同时,也对知识分子自身的不足做了科学的分析与评价,并对知识分子的培养与教育提出了极富智慧的思考。本文就从知识分子的历史属性与阶级属性及其转变,知识分子自身不足以及如何克服等方面进行分析。  相似文献   

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