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目前关于私募股权信托基金研究已经在相关定义、特征、创设机制、政策环境等方面取得了较多成果,对于信托机制在私募股权组织形式中的重要地位、私募股权信托基金的基础交易机构以及实际运行中的障碍因素都取得的较为一致的认识,但对于开展私募股权信托基金业务的机构范围、私募股权信托基金的投资形式、方向等问题仍然存有分歧。同时在下一步的研究中还应更加关注私募股权信托基金的创设工具、评价标准以及监管引导等问题。  相似文献   

伴随着私募基金的飞速扩张,私募基金的股权投资问题相应凸显。股权估值作为基金运作的关键仍存在许多问题,2018年出具的《私募投资基金非上市股权投资估值指引(试行)》旨在引导私募基金估值向着更加规范化和专业化的方向发展。本文从私募基金非上市股权投资估值的角度出发,搭建能用于私募基金估值的框架,并且从估值目的、估值对象、估值条件及估值价值类型对估值方法进行适用性分析。本文通过梳理私募基金投资非上市股权估值的要素、股权投资估值技术的参数,提出适用于私募基金非上市股权投资估值的分阶段评估的框架,框架通过研究企业所处的生命周期划分为初创期、成长期、成熟期。最后,对私募基金投资非上市公司股权估值方法进行总结并提出建议。  相似文献   

私募股权基金的发展与商业银行经营转型中的机会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私募股权基金作为一种投资工具,在世界上已经有100年的历史了。我国的私募股权基金也已经有20多年的发展历史,但无论从法律和政策环境,还是从发展规模看,还处于起步阶段。未来随着私募股权基金地位的确定,私募股权基金在我国将有一个较大的发展。商业银行正在进行经营  相似文献   

私募股权是一种以盈利为目的的、以未上市公司股权为投资对象的、通过非公开的方式募集股本的一种私募股权投资机构。随着投资模式的多样发展,私募股权基金已经成为一种重要的融资渠道,在我国市场中占据了一定的地位。  相似文献   

通过国内外的经验表明,私募股权基金的退出主要有上市、出售、股权回购和清算四种,并且私募股权基金通过产权交易所进行产权交易进行退出具有很大的发展潜力。本文主要通过对我国私募股权投资于产权交易市场对接的前景分析、我国私募股权投资与产权交易市场对接的思路以及我国私募股权基金与产权交易市场的对接方式研究进行研究,分析我国私募股权投资于产权交易市场对接的可信性。  相似文献   

韩玮 《时代金融》2014,(5X):142-142
私募股权是一种以盈利为目的的、以未上市公司股权为投资对象的、通过非公开的方式募集股本的一种私募股权投资机构。随着投资模式的多样发展,私募股权基金已经成为一种重要的融资渠道,在我国市场中占据了一定的地位。  相似文献   

一、税法对私募股权基金的作用私募股权基金是指非公开募集资金并投资于未公开上市公司股权的投资基金。在世界范围内,私募股权基金的设立可以采取三种形式:有限合伙、信托和公司。私募股权投资者、私募股权投资基金和被投  相似文献   

基础设施投资是一个热门的趋势。尽管私募股权基础设施基金的规模显著扩大,但在分析未上市基础设施基金业绩特征方面还没有严谨的、基于证据的学术研究。本文研究了一些私募股权基础设施基金的风险曲线和投资表现,填补了相关空白。  相似文献   

私募股权基金来源于英文Private Equity Funds (PE).它是一种集合投资工具,通过私募方式向机构投资者或者富有个人募集资金,然后再以股权形式投资于非上市企业,最后通过股权出售或转让从中获得高额回报. 私募股权基金的基本概念 私募股权基金有广义和狭义之分.美国风险投资协会(NVCA)给出了私募股权基金的广义定义,即私募股权基金包括所有的风险投资基金、收购基金、夹层投资基金、基金的基金和二级投资基金等.狭义的私募股权基金主要是指并购基金和夹层投资基金.本文将从广义的概念出发来讨论如何理解和认识这一问题.  相似文献   

海西经济区发展私募股权投资的政策和路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从市场需求角度阐述了海峡西岸经济区发展私募股权投资的必要性,重点讨论了发展私募股权投资的政策和路径。作者认为,应拓宽私募股权投资的资金来源渠道,积极推动成立海西产业基金和地区性私募股权基金,建立柜台交易市场和完善产权交易市场,为私募股权投资构筑良好的退出渠道;政府应从税收政策、设立具有双重功能的海西基金、培育做市商和中介服务机构、加强投资产权的保护等方面给予政策引导和扶持。  相似文献   

Private equity (PE) managers are required to invest their own money in the funds they manage. We examine the incentive effects of this ownership on the delegated acquisition decision. A simple model shows that PE managers select less risky firms and use more debt, the higher their ownership. We test these predictions for a sample of Norwegian PE funds, using managers’ wealth to capture their relative risk aversion. As predicted, the target company’s cash-flow risk decreases and leverage increases with the manager’s ownership scaled by wealth. Moreover, the overall portfolio risk decreases with ownership, mitigating widespread concerns about excessive risk-taking.  相似文献   

For private equity (PE) firms, follow-on funds provide additional streams of management fees for a considerable time. When prospective investors evaluate the performance of PE firms' latest funds, they have to rely on valuations reported by PE firms. The link between PE firms' fundraising and performance evaluation is thus an area susceptible to manipulation resulting in potentially high stakes. We examine the relationship between PE firms' fundraising pressure and earnings management in portfolio companies, along with heterogeneity in behaviour by reputation and dry powder. To proxy for the degree of fundraising pressure, we develop an index based on PE firms' affiliations, stage in the fundraising cycle, and fundraising frequency. Results suggest that the fundraising pressure leads to more earnings management in portfolio companies, regardless of PE firm reputation. While the reputational effect remains unchanged under a change in funding pressure, dry powder exhibits a strong moderating effect under extreme funding pressure. The results are robust to alternative proxies for earnings management, alternative fundraising indexes, and various controls for endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

私募股权基金文献综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
私募股权基金首先在美国,其次在欧洲大陆和英国,得到了充分的发展。因此对美国和欧洲大陆私募股权基金市场的研究给亚洲新兴经济体,尤其是中国PE产业的发展提供了参考依据。本文首先界定私募股权基金的定义,然后从影响私募股权基金发展的因素、委托人-代理人风险控制、退出模式这三个层面对国内外文献进行梳理,最后对该如何培养有利于私募股权基金发展的外部环境提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the presence of correlated investment choices (i.e., herd behaviour) among international buyout funds by distinguishing among the contemporaneous and the following herding of smaller funds towards the top market players (i.e., the top quartile in terms of the fund size). In our analyses, we found that the industry herding towards the largest ones is common in private equity (PE) but mostly during market contractions or the deterioration of general market conditions. Moreover, we also found that as capital inflows into the PE industry slow down, herding occurs more often. This finding is consistent with the increasing competition for new capital fundraising in downturns, which can induce PE funds to herd more. We also found that both types of herding generate higher fund returns and lower risk for funds that are capable of herding. Additionally, we documented the persistence in herding.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of performance, investment-firm-related, and macroeconomic variables on fundraising activities in private equity (PE). We use a novel, backward-looking approach to link current to preceding funds, which allows for including several parallel predecessor funds in our analysis. We employ logit and tobit models to a global sample of 1463 fundraising events observed between 2000 and 2010 in order to estimate the probability of raising and the volume of follow-on funds. Our results show that the average buyout duration of past transactions has a negative impact, whereas exits via an initial public offering (IPO) and deals without industry-style drift positively affect fundraising activities. Larger, industry-diversified, and independent PE firms exhibit a higher likelihood of fundraising and collect larger amounts.  相似文献   

郭白滢  周任远 《金融研究》2019,472(10):188-206
机构投资者之间存在着广泛的信息互动,其中包括信息共享与社会学习。本文基于2005-2018年我国A股市场与公募证券投资基金市场数据,应用社会关系网络理论实证分析了信息互动对于基金持仓决策以及股票市场价格的影响。结果表明:(1)信息互动对于基金持仓决策具有显著影响,且在不同决策情景与市场行情下其影响具有差异;(2)基金信息互动的影响可以分为“同城效应”和“异地效应”,不同城市的两种效应存在显著差异,并且不同城市基金的市场影响力也有所不同;(3)基金信息互动通过提高市场定价效率对于股价长期特质波动具有降低作用。本文基于社会关系网络理论分析了私有信息在机构投资者之间传播产生的影响,为认识机构投资者决策行为与股票市场价格异象提供了新的维度。  相似文献   

对温州式PE的现状、特色和运作方式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前宏观调控的大背景下,越来越多的温州民间资金开始进入PE(私募股权投资).PE也正作为资本市场上的一股新的潮流引起各界人士越来越多的关注,同时也带来许多新的问题.本文结合温州民间资本的特点,主要以温州市PE为研究对象,在对目前各种PE进行调查的基础上,分析了温州市PE的现状、特色、运作模式及存在问题,提出了稳步推进和规范发展的政策建议.  相似文献   

Using block share acquisitions made by private equity (PE) funds, we examine the sources of value gains in PE minority equity investments. We find that compared with non-PE acquirers, PE acquirers are more likely to place representatives with finance experience or those with experience in the target's industry on the target's board when the need for target oversight and/or advice is higher. The targets in PE acquisitions, particularly poorly performing targets, targets with high R&D intensity, and targets with PE-appointed directors who have experience in the target's industry, realize both higher announcement returns and better post-acquisition operating performance than do targets in non-PE acquisitions. These findings suggest that the governance and operational engineering that PE acquirers apply to their targets constitutes important sources of value creation in PE minority equity investments.  相似文献   

私募股权基金监管模式的国际比较及中国选择   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
美国PE业监管模式是法律约束下的自律模式,主要特征是注册豁免.英国PE的监管模式以行业自律为主,法律监管为辅.日本PE的监管模式以政府监管为主;政府设立证券局集中行使监管权,仅允许构建信托方式的组织形式.对投资资金的投资范围有严格规范.PE运作的失败不容易产生系统性风险,事后处理成本较低,所以PE业较适合于行业自律监管.我国应建立起政府监管和行业管理相结合的模式.要建立健全PE的法律体系;明确确定PE的监管主体,可将PE纳入证监会统筹管理;明确廓清PE的监管客体;支持设立PE的行业协会.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of excessive regulation on private equity (PE) returns and firm performance. History shows that extreme regulation and prohibition reduce the supply of capital and raise returns (e.g., as with drugs and diamonds). However, for value-added investors such as PE funds, extreme regulation also reduces the quality of capital and fund involvement. The net effect on returns is therefore ambiguous and heretofore not studied. With a new unique dataset, this paper empirically examines the performance of PE investments in Italy when leveraged buyouts are strictly regulated. The data show that extreme regulation reduces not only the supply of capital, but also PE returns and firm performance, as well as the likelihood of an IPO exit.  相似文献   

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