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In recent decades, there has been a clear trend towards the consolidation of banking. The first part of this paper reviews and contrasts different theoretical approaches that aim to explain that phenomenon. In the second and third sections, we present an analysis of the consolidation of banking in Europe and the United States to illustrate the nature of the driving forces of such a process. The fourth section presents a detailed discussion of the Mexican banking industry consolidation experience and discusses preliminary data on the performance evolution of incumbent institutions in the new environment created by the 1995 financial crisis.

RESUMEN. A lo largo de las últimas décadas se ha observado una tendencia bien definida hacia la consolidación de la banca. La primera parte de este estudio revisa y traza un contraste entre los enfoques teóricos que pretenden explicar este fenómeno. En la segunda y tercera, presentamos un análisis de la consolidación de la banca en Europa y los Estados Unidos, para ilustrar la naturaleza de las fuerzas que impulsan dicho proceso. La cuarta sección presenta una discusión detallada sobre la experiencia de la banca mexicana en la consolidación del sector, y examinamos los datos preliminares sobre la evolución del desempeño de las instituciones existentes en el nuevo entorno creado por la crisis financiera de 1995.

RESUMO. Nas últimas décadas, observa-se uma clara tendência para a consolidação dos bancos. A primeira parte deste estudo revê e compara as diversas abordagens teóricas que tentam explicar este fenômeno. Na segunda e na terceira partes, apresentamos uma análise da consolidação dos bancos na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, para ilustrar a natureza das forças que impulsionam tal processo. A quarta parte mostra uma discussão detalhada sobre a experiência de consolidação da indústria bancária mexicana e discute os dados preliminares sobre a evolução do desempenho das instituições beneficiadas no novo cenário criado pela crise financeira de 1995.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether financial performance is affected by corporate violations of laws and regulations. In a sample of 128 publicly traded banks that were subject to enforcement actions by US regulatory authorities over a 20-year period, we observed a significant negative market reaction pursuant to the violations. However, the market reaction did not vary meaningfully in accordance with the severity or repetitiveness of the violation. The results of this study are in conformity with previous research on industries other than banking, notably with regard to negative market reaction. This confirms that shareholders in the banking industry react in a manner considerably similar to their counterparts in other industries.  相似文献   

准确界定相关市场对反垄断法在银行业的有效实施具有非常重要的意义。由于垄断力的判断必须在特定的市场范围内进行考察才有意义,如果相关市场界定不准确,就会对判断经营者的市场份额高低造成影响,直接关系到反垄断法能否适用的问题。相关市场必须根据行业的特点来界定,同时还应根据变化的情况及时进行修正,特别是在银行业经历较大变革时期。美国在长期的反垄断实践中积累了很多经验,也有很多教训,值得我们深思和借鉴。  相似文献   

网络社会背景下个人信息具备人格精神权益和财产权益属性,可单独或相互配合而具备极强的人身识别性和商业价值,成为商企挖掘潜在客户和商机的重要指向标,人格利益的商品化使其成为一种重要的商业竞争资源。因而个人信息被肆意违法收集、利用、出卖的现象层出不穷,已然成为一种社会公害。个人信息急需在法制视野内进行利益平衡与规范,从立法模式来看,宜采取民法典权利确认和个人信息保护法单行立法的模式,引入信息处理通报与预先审查制度,规范对个人信息的收集、加工、使用等行为,保护人们基于个人信息所享有的权益。  相似文献   

论个人信息保护法的地位与性质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个人信息保护法是调整发生在信息主体和信息处理者之间的,在个人信息收集、处理和利用等活动过程中因保护信息主体权益而产生的社会关系的法律规范的总称.明确个人信息保护法的地位和性质,是制定科学的个人信息保护法的理论前提.个人信息保护法属于着眼于问题和目的的独立部门法;个人信息保护法既调整私的关系,也调整公的关系,是公私混合的领域法;个人信息保护法的立法目的在于保护信息主体的权益,既包括私人生活中的权利,也包括政治生活中的权利,属于权利法;个人信息保护法均采用制定法形式,它的公法规范属于强制性规范,其私法规范也有大量的强制性规范,不容当事人任意创设与变更,因此又属于强行法.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断进步和网络信息技术的高速发展,个人信息的泄露与不正当使用也日渐增多,损害了人们的合法权益。但我国目前对个人信息的法律维护仅限于一些法律法规的零散规定,对个人信息权的规定并不明确。面对个人信息权的侵害行为,建立个人信息法律维护制度已成为当务之急。而个人信息权的法律维护,除了考虑个人信息人格权益民事责任的承担,还需要注意刑事、行政责任的法律维护,从各个方面最大限度地维护个人信息利益.促进我国社会经济和法律制度的协调发展。  相似文献   

大数据时代,公民个人信息经济价值进一步凸显,传统公民个人信息保护模式遇到前所未有的挑战,非法交易公民个人信息现象异常猖獗。单纯抑制型行政管理措施无法消除非法交易公民个人信息的土壤。堵不如疏,构建合理的个人信息交易制度不仅能有效破解现有个人信息保护难题,还可以最大限度促进数字经济发展。在个人信息交易中,涉及信息源头、中间商、使用者等多个主体,其中最为重要的网络中枢节点应当是个人信息中间商的定位。合理的信息中间商模式,可以使得个人信息准确配置到合适的市场主体,有效发挥资源配置作用。当然为了防止信息中间商在实际交易中出现角色异化现象,应当结合现有制度框架,对信息中间商准入资格、交易标准、具体交易方式、政府监管措施及承担的法律责任等方面进一步规范。  相似文献   

Chongqing is a well-known city with a history of more than 3,000 years. It is a famous historical and cultural city in China. Chongqing is the birthplace of the Bayu Culture. At present, Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government with the largest area, the most administrative districts and the largest population.  相似文献   

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