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在对流动性内涵认识的基础上,本文提出股票流动性的本质是股票与现金之间相互转化的能力,满足的是投资者正常的交易需求。从流动性的公司规模和成交金额特征、流动性与股价的关系和流动性水平的稳定性三个方面理论探讨和实证检验了流动性的股票特征,研究结果表明:(1)公司规模一定,可实现的成交金额越多,流动性越好;成交金额一定,公司规模越大,流动性越好;(2)股票的价格与股票流动性之间具有显著的正相关关系;(3)流动性水平在一定时期内具有稳定性。  相似文献   

For a sample of large Belgian non-financial firms quoted on the Brussels stock exchange, it is found that investment of firms borrowing on an internal capital market is not determined by internal cash flow, while cash flow has a significant effect on investment for the other firms in the sample. Further analysis indicates that the cash flow effect is caused by overinvestment, not by financing constraints. No evidence is found that firms borrowing on an internal capital market in turn transfer surpluses of funds to other group members by investing in financial fixed assets. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the role of stock liquidity as a governance mechanism to discipline managers for withholding bad news (stock price crash-risk). This topic is useful to emerging markets because the dominance of controlling owners limits the monitoring of internal governance. Stock liquidity can be altered by the financial market regulations, thereby improving firm-level governance. In empirical analysis, we show that stock liquidity decreases stock price crash-risk. We identify two possible mechanisms through which stock liquidity reduces stock price crash-risk: the threat of intervention and price informativeness.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):458-473
This paper examines how the trading activities of different investor types are related to common return and liquidity movements. Using a unique dataset, we decompose the daily return and liquidity of individual stocks into price impact components attributable to trades of institutional investors and retail investors. We then investigate the variation of each component relative to market-wide return and liquidity. We show that institutional trades contribute more than retail trades to liquidity commonality. However, retail trades contribute more strongly to return co-movement. The incremental contribution of retail trades to the co-variability of stock returns is more pronounced for firms with high information asymmetry.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the level of employee stock ownership (ESO) and stock liquidity. Using Korean ESO data, we find that ESO is positively associated with various liquidity measures. Stock-owning employees tend to mitigate information asymmetry to increase their benefits from the transparent market. We also find stronger effects when the firm is not an affiliate of a chaebol family group, and is less monitored by financial analysts, foreign investors, and outside directors. Furthermore, we employ various robustness tests to mitigate potential endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a dynamic multidirectional inefficiency analysis approach within the context of Data Envelopment Analysis to measuring input- and investment-specific managerial and program inefficiency for groups of firms characterized by different technologies. Dynamic managerial inefficiency refers to the distance to the firms’ group-specific dynamic frontier of best practices, and dynamic program inefficiency measures the difference between the group-specific dynamic frontier and the pooled dynamic frontier. The empirical application focuses on panel data of large meat processing firms in Eastern, Western and Southern Europe over the period 2005–2012. The results show that Eastern European firms have the highest dynamic managerial inefficiency for all inputs, but have the smallest values for dynamic program inefficiency. Western European firms perform worst in terms of program inefficiency for all inputs, while Southern European firms are the best with regard to dynamic managerial inefficiency. The results also reveal that regardless the dynamic inefficiency dimension considered, investments is the most inefficient input, followed by labor, and materials.  相似文献   

We test whether the mispricing of newly public firms is affected by liquidity and information during the quiet period, from the end of the quiet period until the lock-up expiration date, and post lock-up. Liquidity is affected by the underwriter’s stabilization efforts during the quiet period and the founder’s ability to sell shares in the post-lockup period. Based on a sample of winner and loser events for more than 2,600 newly public firms during 1992–2001, the degree of under-or overreaction is conditioned on the period within the aftermarket following the IPO. We attribute the results to different liquidity and information effects among the three periods.  相似文献   

This article investigates the determinants of large changes in stock prices. Empirical evidences suggest that the asymmetry phenomenon in determinants of large changes in stock prices is found in three stock exchanges. In the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), momentum effect accounts for most of the likelihood of big gains in stock prices, while liquidity characteristics account for sharp declines of stock prices. An interesting finding is that the opposite is true for stocks traded in Amex and NASDAQ. The possible explanations of the different results in different stock exchanges may attribute to the characteristics of firms listed in these stock exchanges are different.  相似文献   

Should the current managers remain in control of the firm during financial distress? We address this issue by examining whether managers who take value-maximizing actions also refrain from abnormal selling of their own shares in the firm. Our empirical results show that managers in the action firms do not engage in abnormal selling even during periods of frequent earnings losses. These managers exhibit higher net purchases than the nonaction managers. Thus, trading behavior of the managers and the actions taken during poor performance both appear to be consistent with stockholder interests.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the funding liquidity risk to institutional investors influences the negative relation between expected returns and variance (the ‘‘Low-volatility anomaly’’). With the Taiwan stock market as a setting, we implement a multivariate Markov switching model and use the funding liquidity risk to model the time-varying transition probabilities of the regime-switching process to capture changes in the funding liquidity risk regime. Our evidence documents that the low-volatility anomaly is most pronounced when there is high funding liquidity risk. When there is low funding liquidity risk, however, the low-volatility anomaly has a significant reversal. These results imply that the increased funding liquidity risk due to financial shock transmitted from parent banks is associated with higher selling pressure on institutional investors’ high-volatility stocks, leading to the low-volatility anomaly.  相似文献   

Many studies have argued against the strict form of the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) by concluding that a lagged relationship exists between volume and the absolute value of a price change. These studies have denied a priori the possibility of a contemporaneous relationship. If a simultaneous relationship exists then least squares with only lagged variables suffers from omitted variable bias, and least squares with contemporaneous variables may suffer from simultaneous equations bias. Investigating these possibilities, this study demonstrates that simultaneity exists and that previous findings of a lagged relationship between the variables are therefore due to specification error. System estimation techniques suggest that the price-volume relationship is recursive, with the absolute value of a price change causing volume contemporaneously, but not conversely.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of ADR activity on liquidity of four major Latin American stock markets. We construct a measure of ADR activity in U.S. markets for a sample of ADRs trading during January 2003–December 2010, which is subsequent to the financial liberalization episodes and currency crises that shocked emerging markets in the 1990s. The sample lists 164 depositary receipt programs (Levels I, II, and III): 16 from Argentina, 81 from Brazil, 19 from Chile, and 48 from Mexico. Using System GMM methods to handle the potential effects from stock market development on economic growth and ADR issuance, we find that higher ADR turnover in U.S. markets has positive effects on domestic market turnover, particularly for issuance of exchange-listed (Levels II and III) ADRs. This positive relationship is not a statistical artifact created by the global financial crisis of 2008.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the novel corona virus has heightened concerns surrounding the adverse financial effects of the outbreak on stock market liquidity and economic policies. This paper contributes to the emerging strand of studies examining the adverse effects of the virus on varied aspect of global markets. The paper examines the causality and co-movements between COVID-19 and the aggregate stock market liquidity of China, Australia and the G7 countries (Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Germany, the UK and the US), using daily three liquidity proxies (Amihud, Spread and Traded Value) over the period December 2019 to July 2020. Our empirical analysis encompasses wavelet coherence and phase-differences as well as a linear Granger causality test. Linear causality test results suggest that a causal relationship exists between the number of cases of COVID 19 infections and stock market liquidity. To quantitatively examine the degree of causality between COVID-19 outbreak and stock market liquidity, we employ the continuous wavelet coherence approach with results revealing the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 on stock market liquidity during the low frequency bands for countries that were hard hit with the COVID-19 outbreak, i.e., Italy, Germany, France, the UK and the US. Further, evidence shows that there is a heterogeneous lead-lag nexus across scales for the entire period of the study.  相似文献   

The reversal of large stock price declines: The case of large firms   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper examines the long-run reversal pattern for a sample of large U.S. firms that experienced significant stock price declines of more than 20 percent during a specific month. The results from the analysis are largely consistent with the overreaction hypothesis and significantly greater in magnitude than those reported by previous studies. Six and 12 months after their initial price decline, the stocks of large firms earn approximately 4 and 12 percent in excess of what was expected, respectively. However, the magnitude and trend of that reversal differs substantially across industries. Technology stocks experience the largest and strongest reversal pattern followed by manufacturing stocks, while service industry stocks exhibit a clear downward drift that lasts up to three years and can be described as investorunderreaction to the large price drop.  相似文献   

Models of firm decisionmaking under uncertainty have done a good job of explaining the implications of spanning and competitive behavior. An opportunity set dominance argument under these conditions predicts the optimality of stock market value maximization. This paper reexamines the firm's choice rule assuming competitive behavior but without the restrictive assumption of spanning. The resulting rule breaks into two parts consisting of the traditional market value maximization component plus another term depending on the welfare effect of a change in the contract structure. Necessary and sufficient conditions, including spanning, for this term to be zero are derived.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):474-490
We examine the dependence structure between four Central and Eastern European (CEE) stock markets (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania) using static and dynamic copula functions with different forms of tail dependence. We find evidence of positive dependence between all CEE stock markets, although this dependence is stronger between the Hungarian, Czech and Polish markets than between these markets and the Romanian market. We also find evidence of symmetric tail dependence, although not for the Hungarian and Czech markets. The dependence is time-varying and intensified after the onset of the recent global financial crisis. These results confirm that CEE stock markets are gradually coupling, a fact that has risk management implications for policymakers and investors.  相似文献   

Stockholders of potential targets experience a statistically significant wealth gain of 0.59% over the 3-day window surrounding the acquisition program announcement. Potential targets are defined as those firms that subsequently receive bids. Using alternative definitions, such as a portfolio of all firms in the industry of the target or firms within the target industry with a higher probability of receiving a bid as predicted by a maximum likelihood logit model, yield qualitatively similar results. These findings suggest that events, such as program announcements, release significant merger related information well before a target is formally approached with implications for wealth effects at subsequent bids. As with normal targets, the likelihood of receiving a bid for targets that are part of a broad-based program of acquisitions increases in the level of agency problems, managerial inefficiency and in the proportion of tangible assets in the target.
Gurmeet Singh BhabraEmail:

This study examines the characteristics of firms that issue convertible debt versus firms that issue convertible preferred stock. The findings are consistent with the agency, information asymmetry, optimal capital structure, financial distress, and tax benefits hypotheses. The findings also indicate that these two types of convertible securities are used to raise external capital by distinctively different groups of firms. First, convertible preferred stock issuing firms have larger nondebt tax shields and higher levels of financial, operating, and bankruptcy risks than convertible debt issuing firms. Second, firms that issue convertible debt have greater free cash flow (financial slack) and growth potential than firms that issue convertible preferred stock.  相似文献   

This study presents and examines new evidence on the relationship between financial structure and ownership in New and Veteran Public firms (sometimes known as unseasoned or seasoned firms, respectively). The major findings are: (1) the cost of capital and the cost of equity increased with financial leverage, but at a different magnitude in new and veteran public firms reflecting different risk conceptions; and (2) management and administration costs for new public firms are indicated to be higher than for veteran public firms. Reasons for and implications of these findings are subsequently discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores can act as an indicator for sustainability performance of organizations. This paper explores an empirical evidence for the relationship binding ESG scores and sustainability performances of firms. We observe and evaluate the ESG performance scores of 1,820 firms globally for 5 years, from 2014 to 2018 on 10 major themes and over 400 different indicators, as listed by Thomson Reuters and is captured from the Bloomberg terminal data. We posit five hypotheses to check the relations binding ESG scores and the total sustainability performances of firms. A Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis and standard bootstrapping using Smart PLS 3.0 software is used to observe the results and to evidence the direct and moderating effects among latent variables contributing to sustainability performances. We observe a significant and negative moderating effect of ESG performances, independently over the all direct relations, considering their relationship to ESG performances. One of the major implications of this research is in the direction of assigning priorities while considering environmental‐, social‐, and governance‐related themes in the implementation of any strategies or policies into practice.  相似文献   

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