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对于参与国际工程项目的总承包商来说,经济效益永远是第一位的。想要在竞争激烈的国际工程承包行业立足并获取效益,需要在项目实施整个过程中都采取积极有效的管理方式,而项目的报价,对于项目能否中标且中标后能否赚钱具有决定性的意义:如果报价过高,通常情况下根本无法中标,投标所做的前期投入将付之东流;如果报价过低,则会对以后的项目实施埋下隐患,无论是亏本完成项目,还是干不下去被业主终止合同,承包商都会蒙受较大的经济损失,甚至被业主列入黑名单。因此,承包商如何进行报价至关重要,本文着重介绍国际工程承包中一个较为实用有效的报价策略——不平衡报价。  相似文献   

一、合同成立的步骤及相应的法律性质工程合同成立的一般步骤为:业主对投标人进行资格预审———业主邀请承包商进行投标———承包商投标———业主进行评标、定标———业主发出中标函。有些情况下,双方还要在中标函发出之后签定正式合同。在工程招投标过程中的各阶段都有相应的法律意义。一般情况下,业主发出的招标被称之为要约邀请,承包商的投标称之为要约,业主对该投标书发出的表示无条件接受的中标函称之为承诺,而有条件的接受或不接受称之为反要约。二、合同成立的本质和其他的合同一样,工程合同的本质是一种协议。法院在判定合同是…  相似文献   

在参加国际土木工程项目投标时 ,投标价格是决定投标人能否中标的最关键因素 ,而且正规的国际招标项目 (主要包括世行、亚行等国际金融机构及一些国家政府贷款项目等 )在开标后其标价及报价表中的单价均是不能改动的。因此 ,在激烈的国际投标竞争中 ,众多承包公司均要根据自身因素想办法降低标价 ,以争取中标。但是 ,标价的降低受成本因素的控制 ,不可能无限制下压 ,承包公司也不可能在长期的亏损中生存。为了做到既能争取中标 ,又不会在合同执行时发生亏损 ,有经验的工程承包公司往往在降低投标价格的同时 ,又根据招标文件中合同条款、技术…  相似文献   

国际承包工程投标报价技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际工程承包公司主要通过国际竞争性投标获取工程承包合同。竞争性公开招投标是国际建筑行业选择工程承包商的通行方式 ,它能保证工程业主以有利的合同条款和最佳的造价雇用承包商完成工程建造。但这种方法却使承包商在投标时处于两难的境地 :高报价无法中标 ,低报价虽中标机率大 ,可项目实施时亏损风险也大。为此 ,承包商不得不采取一些投标报价技巧以实现低价格中标、高效益经营的目的。技巧之一 :不平衡报价所谓不平衡报价,是指在保持工程总报价不变的基础上,人为调整有关单项工程的价格,使之或高于或低于其实际价格 ,以达到既不削弱…  相似文献   

目前,绝大多数的国际工程承包项目都采用公开招标的办法来选择承包商,在投标和合同执行过程中,为了保护业主的利益,业主在投标文件和合同文件中要求投标人或承包商提供保函。在投标过程中投标人递交的保函称为投标保函。评标过程结束后,业主选定了某一投标人作为该项...  相似文献   

标前谈判(Pre-awardcontractdiscussion)是国际承包工程项目授标前业主与投标人举行的谈判。通常,在评标结束后,评标机构向业主推荐评标价较低的前一至三名投标人依次作为中标候选人,然后由业主通过谈判,做出授标决定并报请投资银行批准。由于此类谈判将决定评标价较低的投标人能否够中标,以及业主能否选定满意的承包商,因此对于合同的任一方都至关重要。对于规模较大的项目,除了各方的授权代表外,当事方还可能邀请相关的合同、法律专家与会,业主方一般还会邀请咨询工程师(如果已确定的话),政府主管官员、甚至投资方的代表参加谈判。从理论…  相似文献   

目前,绝大多数的国际工程承包项目都采用公开招标的办法来选择承包商,在投标和合同执行过程中,为了保护业主的利益,业主在投标文件和合同文件中要求投标人或承包商提供保函。在投标过程中投标人递交的保函称为投标保函。评标过程结束后,业主选定了某一投标人作为该项...  相似文献   

参加竞争性投标的任何承包商的最后目标,就是在通行的竞争条件下尽可能在他夺标的项目中获取最大利润。通过系统地组织、分析和整理过去的经验数据,能够制订一种投标策略,以便能发现一种最佳的组合:以低标价中标并由此带来利润。如果采用好的投标策略,承包商就能获得比较可观的利润。  相似文献   

FIDIC合同投标时的不平衡报价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FIDIC合同投标时的不平衡报价田威(中国土木工程公司)在国际承包工程的激烈竞争中,承包商必须注意研究投标策略,树立明确的时间和成本观念,使用有效的报价技巧,以保证在标价具有竞争力的条件下,最终获取尽可能大的经济效益。国际咨询工程师联合会编制的上木工...  相似文献   

竞争性公开招标投标是目前国内、国际建筑行业选择工程承包商的通行方式,它能保证业主以有利的合同条款和投资来雇佣承包商完成工程建造。投标书是业主选择中标单位的主要标准,也是业主和投标单位签订承包合同的依据。当前建筑市场强手如林,承包商投标竞争非常激烈,而报价是工程投标的核心,报价过高会失去中标机会,报价过低,即使中标,也将给工程带来亏本的风险。  相似文献   

The study analyses the determinants of international telephone, telex, telegram and leased lines communication between the United States and 46 countries. It focusses on the role of multinational firms, international trading firms and new information technologies within the framework of the theory of transaction costs.Results of the econometric estimates suggest that: (a) technological conditions of telecommunication infrastructure, i.e., international diffusion lags of new information technologies, play an important role in the explanation of international telephone and telex telecommunication flows but not in the demand for telegraph and leased lines, (b) multinational firms use international telecommunication to reduce the coordination costs and are strong customers of leased lines and telephones, but less so of telex and telegrams, (c) international trading firms exhibit less clear preferences in the use of the different media to reduce transaction costs.  相似文献   

This study uses a Markov-switching technique to identify the volatility state of international stock markets. Further, we consider four possible state combinations of the individual and world stock markets to examine an interesting issue regarding the relationship between international diversification and market volatility. Last, we adopt a framework based on the state-varying correlation to establish a more efficient international investment strategy. Our empirical results are consistent with the two following notions. First, the situation of both the individual and world stock markets during high volatility states will be associated with the minimum benefit of risk-reduction from international diversification and a maximum cross-market correlation. Second, by incorporating the character of state-varying correlation into the establishment of an international portfolio, we can create a more efficient investment strategy with less risk, or greater return for a given risk.  相似文献   

Statistical indicators used to analyze international specialization are manifold. However, most of them do not measure exactly the intensity of revealed comparative advantages and do not distinguish it from other aspects such as trade performance. This paper surveys the available indicators, discriminating between trade specialization and productive specialization (the gap between domestic supply and demand). It is asserted that in order to describe the international specialization pattern of a country, it is enough to consider the product distribution of the elementary trade balances, normalized with respect to trade (trade specialization) or to internal demand (production specialization). Indeed, while the individual, normalized trade balances are only performance indicators, deviations from their average correctly measure the intensity of specialization.  相似文献   

Abstract.  We utilize a random‐matching model to examine the relationships between market frictions and international trade. In our setting, an individual may choose to search abroad where she may have a cost advantage, but is less likely to meet potential trading partners, owing to higher market frictions. Interestingly, we find that international trade may be associated with lower welfare than autarky. We show how this is due to price distortions resulting from bargaining when there are opportunities for exchange across countries. JEL classification F10, C78, D83  相似文献   

We consider multiple sources of non-linearity in good-level law-of-one-price deviations across the globe using a structural model that accounts for previously omitted variables and allows estimation of good-level convergence rates both within and outside the bands of no trade. Accounting for the role of theoretically implied variables and their non-linear interactions in the convergence process of law-of-one-price deviations, we find that good-level convergence rates are systematically faster compared with convergence estimates based on reduced-form models. Contrary to conventional wisdom, good-level price differentials exhibit mean-reverting behaviour even within the bands of no trade. Moreover, mean-reversion rates are strongly related to economic characteristics such as tradability and a good's non-traded input content.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the relatedness of populations across the world shapes international trade flows. Using data on common ancestry for 172 countries covering more than 99% of global trade, we document that country pairs with weaker ancestral relationships are less likely to trade with each other (extensive margin) and, if they do trade, they exchange fewer goods and smaller volumes (intensive margin). The effect of ancestry is robust to a vast array of micro-geographic control variables and mitigated, yet still sizable and significant, when controlling for other measures of cultural distance as well as for current migrant stocks.  相似文献   

When attempting to identify empirical regularities in consumption patterns, their tremendous diversity across countries represents both a major opportunity and challenge. For example, consumers in rich countries devote less than 20% of their budget to food, while this rises to more than 50% in the poorest countries. This paper uses a major new database released in Selvanathan and Selvanathan (Selvanathan EA, Selvanathan S (2003) International Consumption Comparisons: OECD versus LDC. World Scientific, Singapore) to explore several related issues, including the extent to which the consumption basket is diversified and how this changes with income, whether a simple utility-maximising model is capable of explaining the diversity of consumption patterns internationally, the measurement of the extent to which tastes differ across countries, and how the world can be partitioned into groups of countries with minimal within-group heterogeneity of tastes on the basis of the revealed preference of consumers.
Kenneth W. ClementsEmail:

This article analyses the structure of trade and trade performance of the largest six OECD economies in the 1980s. The article is concerned in particular with the role of technology and innovation and the relationship between specialization in sectors of high, medium or low technology intensity and trade performance. It assesses the argument that the maintenance of international competitiveness requires the advanced economies to become internationally competitive, and to specialize, in higher technology sectors, given that there is increasing competition, especially from newly industrializing countries in low technology products. Section I considers the theoretical basis of this hypothesis; Section II assesses whether it is compatible with data on manufacturing trade performance in the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of tax policy on international depositing. Non-bank international deposits are shown to be positively related to interest income taxes and to the presence of domestic bank interest reporting. This suggests that international deposits are in part intended to facilitate tax evasion. At present, only part of international interest flow are covered by either non-resident interest withholding taxes or international exchange of information. This incomplete coverage may be a reason that these policies currently appear to have little impact on international depositing.  相似文献   

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