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孟德花 《现代商业》2013,(6):283-284
我国破产立法采企业法人破产主义,消费者不具备破产能力,这一立法上的局限已对我国经济的发展造成了一定的负面影响。本文从我国信用消费的实情出发,谈了世界上发达国家的消费者破产制度,阐述了建立我国建立消费者破产制度的必要性。  相似文献   

信用消费在微观上有助于消费者克服流动性约束,自由进行跨时期消费选择,实现家庭效用和福利的最大化;在宏观上是扩大居民有效需求,促进经济增长行之有效的手段。本文认为消费者观念滞后、商业银行对信用消费态度消极、法律与制度环境不利以及宏观经济环境具有较大不确定性等四方面因素是制约我国信用消费发展的瓶颈。为了促进信用消费发展,应培育居民合理的信用消费方式,提高其个人消费信贷的积极性,完善个人资信体系和社会信用机制,保持宏观经济快速发展。  相似文献   

信贷消费促进了我国经济的增长。然而目前我国对信贷消费存在着缺乏安全感、信贷消费机会不均等诸多问题 ,消费者对信贷消费并不满意。应建立信贷消费债权让与、个人破产、格式合同监管、信用监控等制度 ,消除信贷障碍 ,使经营者愿意提供长期限的消费信贷 ,消费者敢于信贷消费  相似文献   

消费信用是发达国家普遍采用的一种先消费后付款的消费方式。消费者除了向银行贷款,用于个人购买住房、汽车等价值巨大的商品外,购物时分期付款也是一种消费信用。消费信用是刺激大件商品消费的手段。当今的中国人正从温饱走向小康,人们消费需求从生存型向享受型转变。...  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验推动我国信用消费发展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文对西方发达国家开展信用消费的基本经验,从信用消费产生的条件、信用消费的种类和规模、提供消费信贷的机构、个人信用制度的建立和运作、消费信贷风险的防范,以及信用消费的法律体系建设等方面进行了介绍和分析,认为我国信用消费的市场环境已基本具备,需要通过引导消费者转变观念,建立和完善个人信用制度,以信房、汽车、信用卡等信用消费为重点,实现信用消费与担保、保险相结合以及建立健全信用消费的法律、政策环境等方  相似文献   

近些年,随着我国各种消费信用业务的迅速发展,消费信用规模不断扩大,在消费者方面、商业银行和信用机构方面以及社会环境方面存在的发展障碍逐渐显露出来,而银行信贷管理中的制度缺陷、与消费贷款相关的法律不健全、市场操作的不安全性等问题亦进一步凸显。我国应加快构建并不断完善消费信用体系,努力提升公民的消费信用意识,强化法律与政府的作用,实施消费信用保证保险制度,以促使我国国民经济健康全面发展。  相似文献   

推动我国信用消费发展的若干政策建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国经济持续稳步增长,逐步实现了从短缺经济向相对过剩经济的转变,买方市场已基本形成,这是实施信用消费政策的前提,以刺激消费.为此,应突出重点,采取针对性措施,丰富信用消费品种体系;建立和完善个人信用制度、信用消费的法律体系、信用消费担保和保险制度,培育多种消费信贷机构体系;完善配套消费制度和市场环境,以及信用消费政策与各种宏观经济政策协调配套.  相似文献   

为了保护信用消费者的权益,促进信用消费市场的健康发展,在我国建立一套健全有效的信用消费法律体系迫在眉睫。该文从消费者信用征信及消费信用合同两个方面,对我国消费信用的法律规制提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

"信用消费"开始进入百姓的视线也是上世纪90年代,随着社会的进步、经济的发展,成为国际上比较成熟的一种流通方式。我国有着巨大的消费市场和潜在的消费者群体,在面对国际金融危机的背景下,应该加快我国信用消费体系建设,刺激国内强大的消费能力,促进消费商品的生产和销售,从而促进经济的增长。  相似文献   

我国住房信用消费可持续发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,居民收入的不确定预期和房价过高导致消费倾向明显下降;住房供求结构失衡,抑制住房消费需求;金融创新不足,住房消费缺乏信用环境支持等是影响我国住房信用消费可持续发展的主要原因.文章提出了信用消费可持续发展的对策,即研究和调节住房消费心理,降低住房价格;调整住房消费信贷政策,扩大住房消费信贷的领域和群体;推进社会信用体系建设,建立健全规范的住房信贷制度.当前尤其需要建立和完善社会信用体系,以便为商业银行贷款提供准确依据,降低贷款风险,实现住房信用消费的良性循环,充分发挥消费对经济增长的持续推动作用.  相似文献   

As our economy now operates, consumer credit is an essential ingredient in the mass merchandising of goods and services, credit sources and users share a joint responsibility in orginating credit and both share in its beneficial effects. Thsoe had debt losses which occur are small relative to sales and are absorbed by consumers who pay in full. In this mileu, abridging the right of bankruptcy would provide negligible benefits to consumers as a whole and to the economy. It would create serious inequity between (1) consumers who avoid debt through procrastination and those who avoid it through bankruptcy and (2) consumers and business firms. The first inequity would be accentuated by present differences in state laws governing debt collection. It would still exist, however, if all states had a uniform collection law. Consumer right to bankruptcy is a needed safety-value in our credit-oriented economy.  相似文献   

Five years into the 21st century and consumer debt levels in Australia are still escalating. Simultaneously, there is concern that an increasing number of consumers may be unable to meet their future financial commitments and also mounting alarm at the relative ease with which the majority of consumers can access additional credit facilities. At the same time, credit providers are avidly seeking greater profits by enticing consumers to borrow more and more. Against this background, the issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the Australian consumer credit industry is discussed. The application of strategic stakeholder management theory to the activities of a specific class of lender – banks – is then discussed. The aim is to better understand why the contemporary demands of CSR will not lead banks to undertake a more vigilant approach to consumer lending advocated by consumer groups who, witnessing the impact of the growing level of consumer indebtedness on a number of consumers, are calling for more responsible lending practices. The opportunity to contribute to debate aimed at alleviating the risk of growing consumer indebtedness is highlighted. The paper concludes with an acknowledgement that, without intervention, factors such as competition in the free market for consumer credit, the demands of shareholders for profits, and consumers’ own folly in demanding immediate gratification and readily accepting additional credit as a means of financing their consumption, ensure that consumer debt levels will continue to rise.  相似文献   

消费者信用是指个体消费者为购买产品或服务而使用的信用,以消费者信用评级指标体系设计为原则,建立消费者信用评级指标体系,消费者各个信用评级指标体系,不同程度影响的消费者信用能力、潜力和认可度。  相似文献   

当前我国的整个市场特别是消费品市场存在着严重的信用缺失问题,对消费者的身心造成了极大的伤害.市场经济是信用经济,诚信原则是市场经济的灵魂和基础,重建消费品市场诚信环境,维护消费者权益是当务之急.信用是博弈的结果,从消费者与企业、企业与监管部门的博弈可以找到消费品市场信用缺失产生的原因.针对问题,可以对症下药,从根源上进行治理:建立高效的信息传输机制;完善法律体系,加大监督执法力度,建立高额赔偿金制度,让造假者付出高昂的成本;深化产权制度改革,使产权所有者具有进行重复博弈的动力,而着眼于长远利益.  相似文献   

There are two key ways in which the Australian Uniform Consumer Credit Code seeks to protect consumers in relation to consumer credit transactions. The first is by means of disclosure regulation where information is required to be disclosed to the consumer before the credit contract is entered into and the second is by way of “safety net” provisions, where contracts can be varied or set aside in the event of hardship, a finding that the transaction was unjust, or a finding of unconscionable fees or charges. This article explores the limitations of both of these means of protection, particularly in the case of vulnerable, low-income consumers. In order to highlight the inadequacies of these forms of consumer protection and the need for regulatory reform, we draw on interviews conducted with 30 low-income consumers who had recently signed a credit contract, focusing on their understanding of information disclosed in the contract, as well as their responses to hypothetical unfair terms and their understanding of their rights, for example in the event of an unjust transaction. These interviews were conducted as part of a joint research project between Brotherhood of St Laurence and Griffith University’s Centre for Credit and Consumer Law, funded by Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Genevieve SheehanEmail:

This study examines how the extraction of home equity through the federally insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) affects the credit outcomes of older adults. We use data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York/Equifax Consumer Credit Panel, supplemented with a unique credit panel data set of reverse mortgage borrowers. Using matched sample difference-in-differences with individual fixed effects, we estimate credit outcomes for older adults who borrowed through a HECM between 2008 and 2011, relative to older homeowners not borrowing from home equity. Our results indicate that the HECM is associated with a short-term reduction in revolving credit card debt, as well as a reduction in the probability of bankruptcy. We find some evidence of heterogeneous treatment effects, where older adults with higher levels of consumer debt prior to originating a HECM experience larger subsequent declines in debt, increases in credit score, and steeper reductions in bankruptcy rates.  相似文献   

Abstract: As in many other areas of public policy in the Netherlands, development of consumer protection in banking and financial services has been characterized by a consensual approach. Consumer organizations have been involved along with representative business bodies in building self-regulatory systems within a statutory framework, especially in relation to issues related to overindebtedness. This approach has characterized dispute settlement procedures as well as a code of conduct on good lending practice and a national credit registration system. The Consumer Credit Act provides a system of maximum interest rates for different kinds of credit, which may be varied according to market conditions. The needs of consumers at the lower end of the credit market are specifically catered for by a network of municipal credit banks, which also provide debt settlement services.  相似文献   

Consumer competence is increasingly important in today’s commercialized society. This paper refers to some main findings from a national representative survey on consumer competences and practices in Norway. To be a competent consumer, it is decisive to be informed about products and to be familiar with how markets function. In this paper, consumers’ self‐reported efforts to keep themselves informed about specific markets is treated as an indicator of consumer competence. First, the results indicate that Norwegian consumers’ competence, according to their own judgement, is rather mediocre. Second, different groups of consumers seem to have different consumer competence profiles. Accordingly, we find that some consumers are price‐conscious in their daily purchases, others are price‐conscious when they make their yearly dispositions in the financial markets, while a third group is community‐oriented and active in the environmentally friendly and ethical product markets. Third, the analysis indicates that consumer competence is an important indicator of how market‐rational and reflective consumers’ choices and practices are.  相似文献   

欧盟主要施行的消费者法和相关指令强调的是不仅保护消费者也鼓励竞争和支持创新。法律在竞争性的市场中应为消费者的保护提供一个基本的框架,即"授权"给消费者,让消费者愿意也能够在市场上对商品和服务进行选择,并且根据对商品和服务的质量和安全性的合理预期而确立起足够充分的消费者信心,而其中消费者法对实现这样的目标应该起到基础和关键性的作用。  相似文献   

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