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随着我国市场经济的快速发展,我国消费信用市场也快速发展起来,这几年我国电子商务的兴起更是对其发展起到了推波助澜的作用。但是我们同时应该认清信用风险对信用经济的威胁。对此,我国应加快建立健全我国的个人信用管理体系,传播消费信用知识,发扬诚实守信的良好精神,健全社会保障制度。本文通过描述我国消费信用发展状况,并且对消费信用存在的风险进行分析,提出了完善我国消费信用市场的对策。  相似文献   

孟德花 《现代商业》2013,(6):283-284
我国破产立法采企业法人破产主义,消费者不具备破产能力,这一立法上的局限已对我国经济的发展造成了一定的负面影响。本文从我国信用消费的实情出发,谈了世界上发达国家的消费者破产制度,阐述了建立我国建立消费者破产制度的必要性。  相似文献   

近些年,随着我国各种消费信用业务的迅速发展,消费信用规模不断扩大,在消费者方面、商业银行和信用机构方面以及社会环境方面存在的发展障碍逐渐显露出来,而银行信贷管理中的制度缺陷、与消费贷款相关的法律不健全、市场操作的不安全性等问题亦进一步凸显。我国应加快构建并不断完善消费信用体系,努力提升公民的消费信用意识,强化法律与政府的作用,实施消费信用保证保险制度,以促使我国国民经济健康全面发展。  相似文献   

消费者在消费信用中应享有"应然权利"和"实然权利",但消费者如何将"应然权利"转化为"实然权利",这就须"法定权利"救济。本文在对"权利"两分法划分的基础上,提出了应对"权利"进行三种划法,即应在"消费信用广告"、"信用情报调查"、"谛结信用合同"等三个方面建立"法定权利",以此保护消费者在消费信用中的权利。  相似文献   

电子商务的大发展给消费者带来了无与伦比的便利与消费体验,这也是网络消费者最青睐网上购物的主要原因,面对网络经济时代的汹涌来袭,企业应当更加精准地发掘网民的消费需求,更好地满足网络消费者的个性化需要成为当下企业发展的必由之路,因此探究网络消费者的消费需求,对各路商家具有很现实的意义。  相似文献   

为了保护信用消费者的权益,促进信用消费市场的健康发展,在我国建立一套健全有效的信用消费法律体系迫在眉睫。该文从消费者信用征信及消费信用合同两个方面,对我国消费信用的法律规制提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

美国作为消费信用市场发达程度最高、消费信用在国民经济中所占比重最大的国家,其消费信用体系的发展、构建,对我国完善消费信用体系有着借鉴作用。  相似文献   

美国作为消费信用市场发达程度最高、消费信用在国民经济中所占比重最大的国家,其消费信用体系的发展、构建,对我国完善消费信用体系有着借鉴作用。  相似文献   

消费者信用是指个体消费者为购买产品或服务而使用的信用,以消费者信用评级指标体系设计为原则,建立消费者信用评级指标体系,消费者各个信用评级指标体系,不同程度影响的消费者信用能力、潜力和认可度。  相似文献   

This study examined consumer debtors who filed for bankruptcy and their reasons for filing in Utah, the U.S. state that ranked first in household filing rate in 2002–2004 and consistently ranks in the top ten of the 50 states. The purpose of the study was to determine the demographic characteristics of debtors and reasons for filing. Data were collected during 2004–2005 via survey from 508 debtors. The debtors reported employment problems, medical expenses, divorce or other family problems, as well as trouble managing their finances and overuse of credit cards. More than half of the debtors owed medical providers. Debtors were more likely to report a reduction in income than job loss. Self‐employed persons were over represented. Respondent debtors are less educated, less likely to be married and less likely to own a home compared with Utahns and other Americans. Contrary to expectations, debtor households were smaller than the state average, which may be due to the young age of debtors. Results suggest that in order to reduce the bankruptcy rate in Utah, consumer educators should target renters, adults with less than a college education, divorcing persons and small business owners. Utah's mandate for a personal finance graduation requirement should be implemented early in the secondary school curriculum.  相似文献   


We propose a credit risk model for consumer loan portfolios in Brazil. Consumer profiles and the risk classification of credit operations are used to segment the portfolios. Credit loss distributions for each segment are selected and used in a Monte Carlo simulation process to generate the loss distribution of the portfolios. The dependence among the credit losses in the different segments of the portfolios is modeled through an elliptical copula function. Statistical tests are done and show that the proposed model is adequate to represent credit loss distributions in consumer credit in Brazil.

RESUMEN.Proponemos un modelo para los créditos de riesgo de la cartera de préstamos al consumidor en Brasil. Los perfiles del consumidor y la clasificación del riesgo de las operaciones crediticias se utilizan para segmentar la cartera. La distribución de las pérdidas de los créditos de cada segmento se seleccionan e utilizan en un proceso de simulación Monte Carlo, para generar la distribución de las pérdidas de la cartera. La dependencia entre la pérdida del crédito en los diferentes segmentos de la cartera se modela utilizando una función de cópula elíptica. Las pruebas estadísticas se realizan y muestran que el modelo propuesto es apropiado para representar la distribución de la pérdida de crédito en el ramo de los créditos a los consumidores en Brasil.

RESUMO.Propomos um modelo de crédito de risco para portfólios de empréstimos ao consumidor, no Brasil. O perfil dos comsumidores e a classificação de risco das operações de crédito são usados para segmentar o portfólio. As distribuições de perda de crédito para cada segmento são selecionadas e usadas num processo de simulação Monte Carlo, para gerar a distribuição da perda do portfólio. A dependência entre a perda do crédito nos diferentes segmentos do portfólio é determinada por uma função de cópula elítica. Testes estatísticos foram realizados e demonstram que o modelo proposto é adequado, para representar as distribuições de perda de crédito no crédito ao consumidor, no Brasil.  相似文献   

当前,我国研究农村信贷供需问题所采用的方法很多,其中,计量经济学分析法及调查研究法倍受学者们青睐。此外,数据包络分析法、博弈论分析法、马斯洛需求理论法等研究方法也得到了学者们的广泛应用。国内学者在研究农村信贷供需方面时所使用的方法都是建立在国外理论模型基础上的,缺乏基于我国农村信贷市场实际的自主的理论模型。  相似文献   

当前我国的整个市场特别是消费品市场存在着严重的信用缺失问题,对消费者的身心造成了极大的伤害.市场经济是信用经济,诚信原则是市场经济的灵魂和基础,重建消费品市场诚信环境,维护消费者权益是当务之急.信用是博弈的结果,从消费者与企业、企业与监管部门的博弈可以找到消费品市场信用缺失产生的原因.针对问题,可以对症下药,从根源上进行治理:建立高效的信息传输机制;完善法律体系,加大监督执法力度,建立高额赔偿金制度,让造假者付出高昂的成本;深化产权制度改革,使产权所有者具有进行重复博弈的动力,而着眼于长远利益.  相似文献   

王燕 《中国市场》2007,(41):44-45
对于供应链企业间的赊销,若供应商不能将高风险型和低风险型销售商区分对待,将面临由此导致的赊销风险。本文给出具有不同抵押担保条款和价格条款的赊销合约,可以将销售商区分开来,对不同类型的销售商给予不同的赊销合约,从而降低了赊销风险。  相似文献   

Credit card companies aggressively solicit college students, without regardfor the consequences of high credit car debt for these customers. Theethical conflict of the sale of easy credit to college students too oftenresults in hazardous outcomes akin to the solicitation of youth by cigarettecompanies. This paper will investigate the dangers that credit card use presents to theyoung customer, the unethical manner in which the companies that issue these cards promote their products to this audience, and the role of institutions of higher education. A majority of students are not only using credit unwisely (average balances of over $1000 regardless of who reports the data) but are payingexorbitant interest (18%–22%). The credit card companies call this``responsible' use. They are collecting enough interest and fees to morethan cover losses resulting from bankruptcy. They use a variety ofmarketing techniques to lure college students – glitzy `MTV' type shows,free prizes and gifts, special interest rate offers, and now they can pretendthrough `educational services' to explain to college students why credit cards are important.This paper investigates the ethical considerations of credit card solicitationof college students as a result of research into factors that influence thenumber of credit cards held by these students. Current solicitation policiesof colleges and universities are also presented.  相似文献   

我国出口结算与信用业务目前仍以传统业务为主,严重滞后于国际盛行的结算业务。本文从制度因素入手,从制度需求和制度供给两方面阐述了造成国际结算业务发展缓慢的根本原因。  相似文献   

信用衍生工具及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信用衍生工具是一种可以用做分散、转移、对冲信用风险的金融创新产品。它在设计理念、交易规则和风险收益特性方面都与传统的衍生工具不同,这种新的衍生产品对我国信用风险管理具有多方面的启示。  相似文献   

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