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The paper focuses on the long run relationships between wages, prices and labour productivity in the Polish economy by applying recent developments in the field of multivariate cointegration analysis. We followed modeling strategy which is suggested by Greenslade et al. (1999) and present all stages of the analysis which leads to the fully economically identified system of equations representing long run relationships. The investigation is based on the quarterly data from 1992.1 to 1999.2 which covers the period of transition of the Polish economy from the centrally planned system towards the market one. Basing on the empirical results we can argue that wages (costs) were one of the main forces driving inflation in Poland during that period. Also labor productivity proved to be stimulated by the increase of the real wages. On the other hand the hypothesis concerning the relationship between wages and unemployment was rejected by the data.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the issues of poverty and social security in a transitional environment on the basis of recent economic developments in Bulgaria. Special emphasis is placed on the need for a new type of social safety net stemming from the radical changes in the political and economic system. The evolution of the social security system in Bulgaria during the transition is analysed focusing on such elements as the pension system, unemployment benefits, child allowances, etc. The empirical analysis is based on extensive use of data from the Bulgarian Household Budget Surveys during the period 1992–1996. Poverty in Bulgaria is measured using different poverty measurements and some quantitative results showing the changing dimensions of poverty in the transition period are presented and discussed in the paper.EES or e-mail at Corresponding author. E-mail:  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the gender pay gap in Poland over 1987–1996, i.e., shortly before and during the transition to market economy. The principle source of data used throughout the paper is the Household Budget Survey conducted by the Polish Central Statistical Office. The study documents three major results. First, the transition to market economy in Poland favored women substantially in terms of relative earnings differentials. The gender pay gap decreased by 10.2 log% points and the position of mean female in male wage distribution went up by 9.9 percentiles over 1987–1996. By 1995, the values of these measures reached the level observed in industrial economies such as the U.K., Austria, Italy or Australia. Second, rising relative skills of women and rising returns to skills explain about half of the fall in the gender pay gap over 1987–1996. Third, the pay gap did not follow a smooth adjustment process. 1989, the year of the first democratic parliamentary elections, which resulted in forming the first non-communist government, saw the most spectacular change, although actual market reforms began one year after. The changes in the early phase of the transition were mostly driven by sudden shifts in relative wages and employment across industries. Afterwards, the pay gap measures stabilized, partly because rising overall wage inequalities offset the advantages of females due to observed skills. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

财政政策传导的阶段性与中国财政政策的效力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以财政政策传导的阶段性为切入点,集中探讨了中国财政政策的效力状况。在此基础上,立足于传导阶段性的分析框架,剖析了中国财政政策执行效力弱化的原因,就提高财政政策的效力提出了基本观点。  相似文献   

张迪 《价值工程》2008,27(1):27-30
根据山东现有历史统计数据,通过运用判定房地产泡沫的方法与指标,分析山东房地产经济是否存在泡沫现象,并从总体上、不同收入阶层以及地域不同来解析山东房价与居民收入之间的关系,从而发现在山东房地产经济中存在的各种问题,得出初步结论:就山东房地产经济整体而言,当前并未出现房地产泡沫现象,但该行业存在着许多亟待解决的问题,并就此提出了政策性建议。  相似文献   

杨宗建 《价值工程》2011,30(33):289-290
随着网络技术的发展和成熟,在这一广阔而自由的空间领域中,政府的管理和控制则显得苍白乏力,基于此种认识和社会现状,本文指出政府在网络管控的政策法规方面存在的主要问题,以及政府在治理方面应加强和完善的措施。  相似文献   

Enterprise system (ES) adoption can bring many benefits, but may also put tremendous strain on an organisation or business, sometimes with disastrous outcomes. The specific motivations and expectations that lead to ES adoption may impact the success or failure of these endeavours, and understanding these motivations may be useful in predicting the success of ES projects. Most of the published research on ES adoption motivation has been in the context of highly developed countries. The social, cultural, economic and political conditions in developing, emerging and transition economies make for a different business environment, and insights obtained from developed countries may not always transfer to these settings. This study seeks to identify and help understand the motivations for ES adoption specifically in transition economies, as these economies play a significant role in the global market, but have not been receiving adequate research attention. Drawing on the experience of 129 ES adopters in Poland, a transition economy, this study categorises motivations into coherent groups of issues and evaluates the influence of discovered motivations on ES adoption success. Further, motivations revealed by this study are compared with motivations reported by prior research conducted in developed countries.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of price-wage relationship modelling in the case of a mixed economy is addressed. The empirical investigation was based on Polish annual data for the period of a centrally planned system (1964–1989) and on quarterly data for the period of transition towards a market economy (1990.1–1990.3). The traditional approach proved to be inappropriate because of the variables' nonstationarity. Identification of long-run behaviour was attempted by applying the two-step Engle-Granger's, or alternatively, Johansen's maximum likelihood (ML) procedures. The ML estimator provided better estimates of cointegration vectors and, even more important, allowed as many as three to be found.The main conclusion which can be drawn from the empirical findings is that three variables: price index, average wages and labour productivity, form a multi-dimensional equilibrium space. This property of the described phenomena needs to be taken into serious account when building macroeconometric models explaining the behaviour of the Polish economy.The existence of these three cointegration vectors is troublesome because of unusual problems of interpretation. However, if it is not as a result of misspecification and/or small sample bias, it proves that much remains to be learned about the price-wage mechanisms functioning in economies having a mixed character.  相似文献   

This article aims at characterization and assessment of the financial behaviors of rural dwellers on non-cash payment markets and identification of factors determining the intensity of using individual methods of payment by the inhabitants of rural areas. The main source of data used for analysis and inference was information originating from the authors' own investigations conducted in 2013 on a group of 500 rural households and on a group of 150 trade and service points operating in non-urbanized areas. This work made use of statistical summary measures and Z2 independence test. According to the results of the conducted studies, forms of payment used by rural dwellers depend on many variables, of demographic, economic, and psychological character. Cash payments are more frequently used by persons possessing vocational or secondary education, elderly people, old-age pensioners, annuitants, or households with lower incomes. Also, persons who do not trust financial institutions or do not perceive benefits resulting from the use of non-cash instruments prefer cash. It is a group of households which require urgent educational activities in the area of non-cash payment instruments. A significant barrier to using non-cash payment instruments by rural dwellers was a limited access to non-cash channels. It is connected in the first place with a poorer development of financial infrastructure in rural areas (banks or cash points), insufficient Internet access conditioning a possibility to use electronic banking points, and also a worse development of credit card acceptance network. As has been demonstrated by the results of conducted studies, the main reason for a lack of point of sale (POS) terminals in retail and service-providing points operating in rural areas, in the opinion of their owners, is the very high interchange fee (50% indications), which under Polish conditions is one of the highest in the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

In the last two decades, research in human resource management has increasingly focused on the strategic linkage between the activities of the human resource function and the business goals of enterprises. Most of the theoretical and empirical work in this area has focused on the US context. This paper extends this research to a non-US business environment. Specifically, we examine data from 303 state-owned, domestic private and foreign-owned Polish firms to test how strategic and environmental variables are related to the adoption of human resource innovations. This analysis suggests that business strategies, local labour markets and the presence of foreign competition are related to the complexity and extensiveness of firm-level human resource practices.  相似文献   

英国政府高度重视标准化工作,并通过多种方式将标准化的成果应用于法规及相关公共政策的制定中。为此,英国政府发布了许多文件。文章在分析英国标准化的特点及其作用的基础上,着重对政府发表的有关文件进行剖析,并对政府采用民间标准化成果产生的积极作用进行’r综述。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of the recent weakening of Poland's fully funded defined contribution second pension pillar on (i) the long-term sustainability (the deficit and implicit debt) of the full pension system and (ii) the implications for pension benefits (gross replacement rates). Simulation results, based on a stylised version of the Polish pension system, show that, in the baseline scenario, the weakening of the second pillar would permanently lower future pension system debt, chiefly as a result of a cut in replacement rates. But using a combination of pessimistic assumptions including strong population ageing, low real wage growth and an indexation of existing pension benefits on nominal wage growth rather than inflation coupled with bringing in tax expenditures related to the third voluntary pension pillar and an increase in the share of minimum pensioners leads to higher pension system deficits and eventually more public debt at a very long horizon. The simulation results also suggest that if Poland had not transformed its pay-as-you-go first pension pillar into a defined contribution from a defined benefit system, the weakening of the second pillar would deteriorate fiscal sustainability relatively quickly in the baseline scenario. This result suggests that the Hungarian pension reversal would reduce deficit and debt only temporarily, mainly because of Hungary's costly defined benefit first pension pillar: the weakening of the second pillar is tantamount to swapping low current replacement rates (in the defined contribution second pillar) against high future replacement rates in the defined benefit first pension pillar.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the under-researched topic of the use of executive share-based compensation in Poland, and we analyse empirically whether theoretical explanations developed and applied mainly in the context of developed countries also hold in this specific context. Building on agency and institutional theories we study the determinants of using executive share-based pay in 362 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. As a result, we highlight the role of the state in Polish firms and the need to consider specifically principal–principal conflicts typical of emerging economies in post-state-socialist organisational research. Our findings not only reflect particularities of the institutional environment in the country studied but also highlight the limits of the traditional principal–agent lens applied in emerging economies.  相似文献   

广东产业升级与转移过程中的问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳佳  雷红  梁云  左小德 《价值工程》2010,29(5):237-238
本文利用产业转移的相关理论,分析了广东在产业和人力资源双转移过程中存在的问题,并分析了产生这些问题的深层次原因,分析了广东省经济地理区域的比较优劣势。在此基础上,针对性地提出了解决措施和应对策略。  相似文献   

以产量、成本为核心指标的总承包考核激励模式在采油厂的实践已历经了不少的年头,对调动职工积极性,增进油田稳产基础,促进油田持续发展起到了积极的作用。但是,随着油田逐步步入中后期开发阶段,稳产基础薄弱、成本压力大的矛盾日益突出,这种考核激励模式渐渐显现出一些难以克服的矛盾,如何通过细化完善考核激励政策,以消除或缓解这些矛盾,充分调动人的潜能,促进油田和谐有效发展,作者对此做一些适度的探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,国家出台各种政策措施促进再制造产业发展,但是由于多方面原因,客户在产品选择上往往将再制造产品列为下策。本研究采用扎根理论分析客户采购关注点对再制造产品购买意愿的影响,并检验了政府促进政策的调节效应。研究发现,客户对品牌的信任、质量感知、成本控制意识对再制造产品购买意愿有正向影响,而客户的社会责任观对再制造产品购买意愿影响不显著。此外,政府的促进政策对客户的品牌信任、质量感知、社会责任观和再制造产品购买意愿之间的关系有正向调节效应,但是在政府的促进政策中,直接补贴对成本控制意识和再制造产品购买意愿之间的关系没有调节效应,而“以旧换再”对这两者有正向调节效应。该研究结论的理论意义在于从再制造这一特殊工业品角度研究了购买意愿的影响因素及其调节机制,有助于完善组织市场购买行为理论;实践意义为有助于再制造企业更好地吸引客户购买,有助于提高政府促进政策的有效性提供指导建议。  相似文献   

盛磊 《价值工程》2010,29(4):5-5
本文介绍了会计政策的含义,条件及变更,以及其处理方法。  相似文献   

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