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This study of warrants on the London Stock Exchange examines whether they display particular pricing biases and whether investors understand how to value them at the time of issue. In a sample of 72 warrants on closed-end funds (investment trusts) over the 1985--94 period, more than one third of the 12,673 prices are anomalously low. The other two thirds behave like stock options, with lower volatility when they are in-the-money or have a long time until maturity. Despite their frequent undervaluation, it is rational to add warrants to a new equity issue: an examination of 127 new equity issues (95 with warrants) reveals that attaching warrants significantly increases market value. The reason for this appears to be investor confusion: they do not seem to understand that the more the warrants are worth, the less the value of the ordinary shares.  相似文献   

This paper investigates UK privatisation issues as initial public offerings (IPOs) of equities on the International Stock Exchange (London). Excess returns on such issues are compared with private sector initial public offerings. The results, which are unaffected by firm size and underwriting commission, indicate that, on an ex post basis, the issues provide excess returns above those of private sector firms on average by about 31% over a 32-week period. None of the existing theories of underpricing of IPOs is consistent with our results which imply wealth transfer to those who acquired the shares in privatised issues. After-market pricing was, however, found to be consistent with secondary market efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of the level of competition on the order–driven market organised by the London Stock Exchange. In contrast to previous empirical market microstructure studies, we treat the level of competition as an endogenous variable. The statistical nature of the measures of competitive activity used in this paper necessitate use of a count regression model. Using a sample 50 stocks, we find that users of the system tend to follow the lead of other users (termed the 'herding effect') and that competition is greater during the period when the US exchanges are open (termed the 'US effect'). In addition, the level of competition is positively related to the bid–ask spread pertaining to a particular stock (termed the 'spread effect'). The latter result is most likely due to traders following a strategy where trade immediacy is traded off against price advantage. Finally, we find that the magnitude of the herding effect, the spread effect, and the fit of the count regression models (termed the 'fit effect') vary in a predictable manner across the liquidity of stocks.  相似文献   

On the London Stock Exchange the publication of large trades is delayed to give the market-maker concerned time to unwind the change in their inventory. Using trade and quotations data on 42 stocks for two years, a number of different effects are investigated. These include the association between trade size and the traded bid-ask spread, the inventory control policies of individual market-makers around large trades, the size and speed of the price impact of large trades whose publication is delayed, and the effects of delayed publication on the volume and spreads of the traded equity options market.  相似文献   

We study liquidity on the London Stock Exchange. We find that the average bid-ask spread declines, but that the skewness of the spread increases. These results are robust to firm size, trading volume and price level. Our findings hold when the bid-ask spread is estimated utilising high frequency data. We find that the bid-ask spread prior to earnings announcements dates is significantly higher than that of post earnings announcements, suggesting that asymmetric information has driven the increase in liquidity skewness. We also find that the effect of earnings announcements is more pronounced in the 2007 global financial crisis, consistent with the notion that extreme market downturns amplify asymmetric information. Our overall evidence also implies that increased competition and transparent trading environments limit market makers' abilities to cross-subsidize bid-ask spreads between periods of high and low levels of asymmetric information.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A number of events such as the international market crash of October 1987 and the 1997 East Asian crisis show that individual firm liquidity is affected by market-wide factors. However, research in systematic liquidity is still at an embryonic stage and given the gap in the literature, the paper offers first time evidence (to the best of our knowledge) on the presence of systematic liquidity in the UK using FTSE100 and FTSE250 stocks. The unique setting of the London Stock Exchange as regards changes in trading regimes, allows an original answer as to whether changes in the nature of market making from obligatory to non-obligatory, affect commonality in liquidity. Results indicate that commonality is quite strong for FTSE100 stocks at individual and portfolio level, while for the FTSE250 it is strong only at portfolio level. Overall commonality is on average similar across trading regimes, irrespective of the nature of the provision of liquidity.  相似文献   

The extent of non-trading is shown to be much greater in the UK than in the more heavily researched US equity markets. Over the period 1975 to 1995 we find that almost 44% of all stocks in our sample failed to trade on the last day of a given month, a figure which is significantly higher than for stocks in the US (see Foerster and Keim, 1993). In this paper we investigate the relationship between the non-trading of UK stocks and the autoregressive and seasonal behaviour of UK stock returns. In addition, we find that stocks are much more likely to be recorded as not having traded on the last day of the month in the period prior to April 1981 than after this date. We trace this result to a reporting requirement change on the London Stock Exchange and investigate whether the change has any real implications for systematic risk estimates over this period. We also find that alternative methods for calculating betas, in the presence of thin trading, are very sensitive to stock size and to non-trading.  相似文献   

This study examines the asset pricing implications of preferences over the higher moments of returns’ distributions. We show that in a market populated by risk-averse, prudent and temperate investors, firms whose returns exhibit negative coskewness or positive cokurtosis should yield higher premia relative to counterpart firms with positive coskewness and negative cokurtosis respectively. These theoretical predictions are empirically tested using a comprehensive dataset of shares listed on the London Stock Exchange during the period 1986-2008. Our empirical results confirm that coskewness and cokurtosis premia are genuinely priced in the UK market, over and above what covariance risk, size, value and momentum factors can explain. We also show that a theoretically motivated, higher co-moment asset pricing model has significant explanatory ability over the cross-section of coskewness and cokurtosis portfolio returns.  相似文献   

We study the pricing mechanisms and information content of block trades on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) for the six year period from 2003 to 2009.There is an average of about 4% block discount, which is large in magnitude and statistically significant, reflecting compensation for locating counterparties and the cost of negotiating terms. We also examine permanent price impacts of the trades and find that discount block trades (DBTs) have significant negative permanent price impacts for various periods extended up to 60 trading days after the block trades. Conversely, premium block trades (PBTs) have small and statistically insignificant negative permanent price impacts, suggesting that buyers do not possess valuable private information. Finally, we classify the trades into buys and sells using a set of stricter rules and note similar results to those of DBTs and PBTs. Of additional note, block sells on stocks with expirations of restricted shares seem to have significant information content. As these trades are more likely to be originated from insiders, our results suggest that they strategically time the sale of these shares to maximize gains.  相似文献   

伦敦股票交易所("伦交所")是一块肥肉.近年来,几家交易所对伦交所动过心思,有的还正式求好.今年美国人也想对伦交所下手.2006年3月10日,纳斯达克提出以42亿美元收购伦交所,但被伦交所断然拒绝.很快,4月11日纳斯达克卷土重来,以7.82亿美元收购伦交所14.99%股份,成为其第一大的股东.此外,纽约股票交易所("纽交所")也曾有意拿下伦交所.2006年3月8日,纽交所刚刚变身上市,就迫不及待地准备对外扩张,包括考虑收购伦交所.  相似文献   

This study examines the ex-post consequences of CEO compensation for shareholder value. The main objective is to explore whether companies that pay their CEO excessive fees (in comparison to those of peer firms in the same industry and size group) generate superior future returns and better operating performance. Our analysis, which separately considers the cash-based and incentive/equity-based components of CEO compensation, is based on a large sample of UK-listed companies over the period 1998–2010. We find that CEO incentive pay is negatively associated with short-term subsequent returns. Interestingly, firms that pay their CEOs at the bottom of the incentive-pay distribution earn positive abnormal returns and, also, significantly outperform those at the top of the incentive-pay distribution. Further analysis reveals that such outperformance can be largely explained by the excessive exposure of low-incentive-pay firms to idiosyncratic risk. Finally, evidence from panel regressions suggests that, in addition to its negative relationship with returns, incentive pay is also inversely associated with future operating performance.  相似文献   

Stock warrants are often portrayed as securities that yield supernormal returns while their counterpart stocks only earn moderate yields. Those returns seem inconsistent with efficient capital markets. A present-value warrant model is developed in this paper. This model assumes that warrants grow at a rate appropriate to their risk class. The model suggests that warrant values vary directly with growth of the stock and the time remaining to exercise, and vary inversely with the warrant holder's cost of capital.  相似文献   

The identification, management and disclosure of risks have been the subject of recent legislation, directives and reporting standards issued across a number of international jurisdictions. To inform the disclosure debate, this paper provides a detailed analysis of the risk warning disclosures of initial public offering (IPO) companies and the factors that drive such disclosures. We find that risk disclosures of IPO companies contain a greater proportion of forward‐looking information but a lower proportion of information on internal controls and risk management than the disclosures of listed companies. We find evidence that such disclosure has increased across time but that larger directors’ shareholdings are associated with a reduction in risk disclosure.  相似文献   

The signaling or information content hypothesis is amongst the most prominent theories attempting to explain dividend policy decisions. However, no research has, to date, examined the information content of dividends in conjunction with generalized economic adversity. With the majority of the western economies facing the tough reality of the economic recession since late 2007–early 2008, we focus on the possibility of asymmetrical dividend signaling effects between periods of stability and economic adversity. Using data from the London Stock Exchange (LSE), where earnings and dividend news are released simultaneously, we test the dividend signaling hypothesis and the interaction of earnings and dividends under both steady and adverse economic conditions. We document positive and significant average abnormal stock price returns around the dividend/earnings announcements. We also find a significant interaction between economic conditions and the information content of dividends. After testing the dividend signaling hypothesis under both stable and recessionary economic conditions we find that dividends have less information content than earnings in periods of growth and stability, but more in periods of economic adversity.  相似文献   

认股权证的发展及影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来,全球资本市场上各项衍生性金融商品不断推陈出新,国内市场参与者避险以及解决国有股流通等市场新需求的出现,使得认股权证成为我国证券市场衍生产品创新的品种之一,认股权证再次引起市场广泛关注。……  相似文献   

This study provides comprehensive evidence on the pricing of financial constraints (FC) risk on London Stock Exchange during the period 1988–2013. Utilizing a large number of proxies for FC, we find that investors are not compensated with higher premia for holding shares of financially constrained firms. To the contrary, in most of the cases, the most constrained firms significantly underperform, both statistically and economically, the least constrained ones. Focussing on the Whited–Wu index to construct a zero-cost FC factor that goes long the most constrained firms and sells short the least constrained ones, we find that this factor carries a significantly negative premium and it is priced in the cross-section over and above the commonly used risk factors.  相似文献   

The paper examines, by simulation, some characteristics of the Bird model, and finds that they are not consistent with the behavioural features which Bird ascribes to the model. A probable cause of this is argued to be specification error.
Ce papier sonde, par simulation, certains points du modèle Bird, et révèle que ceux-ci ne sont pas compatibles avec l'ensemble du comportement que Bird attribue au modèle. On suppose qu'une erreur de spécification en soit une cause éventuelle.
Mit Hilfe eines Simultationsverfahrens untersucht diese Abhandlung einige Eigenschaften des Bird-Modells. Es wird festgestellt, dass sie mit den Verhaltensaspekten, die Bird dem Modell zuschreibt, nicht übereinstimmen. Es wird behauptet, dass ein möglicher Anlass dafür auf einen Spezifikationsfehler zurückzuführen ist.  相似文献   

Investor Psychology and Asset Pricing   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:46  
The basic paradigm of asset pricing is in vibrant flux. The purely rational approach is being subsumed by a broader approach based upon the psychology of investors. In this approach, security expected returns are determined by both risk and misvaluation . This survey sketches a framework for understanding decision biases, evaluates the a priori arguments and the capital market evidence bearing on the importance of investor psychology for security prices, and reviews recent models.  相似文献   

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