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Conclusions It has been found that for any production function homogeneous of degreem, the tangency point between theLRAPL curve and theSRAPL curve will provide a demarcation between those points that are economic, and hence relevant, and those that are uneconomic and hence irrelevant. As a special case, for a linear homogeneous function, the intersection ofSRAPL withSRMPL also coincides with this boundary.  相似文献   

在工程造价管理中存在两种模式,即全过程与全生命周期工程造价管理,二者都有不同的特点,在项目准备、设计、施工等各个方面起到管理与决策的作用。文章通过综述调研的方式详细说明两种造价管理模式的概念和特征,并对比分析应用效果,提出一些恰当的发展建议,即结合两种管理模式改变我国工程造价管理,以期建立整个完善的工程造价管理体系。  相似文献   

基于规范的公司治理结构确定的战略成本管理,主体层次有股东大会、董事会、总经理或经理部门和职能部门经理。根据公司战略成本管理主体的四个层次所确定的适应和驱动外部环境的成本战略,有股东大会总体战略、董事会总体战略、总经理或经理部门战略和职能部门经理战略。其中,董事会战略按行业生命周期分为投入期战略、成长期战略、成熟期战略和衰退期战略。  相似文献   

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that entry of new firms reduces not only prices but also costs. However, the causal mechanism for this phenomenon is far from clear. This paper investigates three models of how entry may cause cost reduction: managerial incentives, survival of the fittest, and imitation. The models have quite different implications for social welfare.  相似文献   

作业成本法下成本动因的内涵及其正确选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雷 《华东经济管理》2004,18(3):177-178
作业成本法下,成本动因是决定成本发生和资源耗费的真正原因。正确选择成本动因则是精确分配费用进入产品成本的关键,因此,选择正确的成本动因非常重要。  相似文献   

文章从加强合同签订管理、现场施工组织管理、工程材料选用及核价等方面对施工阶段工程造价管理的实施要点进行了阐述,以提高建设单位工程管理职能部门施工阶段的造价管理水平,获得满意的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

严格来说,资本结构的研究应始于企业价值的研究。传统财务理论对资本结构的研究往往局限于企业的综合资金成本和破产成本对企业价值的影响,但资本结构变动影响下代理成本的变动也对企业价值产生重大影响。  相似文献   

我来自青岛市的中国科学院研究室,今天要给大家分享的内容是“腐蚀成本与经济发展”。腐蚀是我们每个人经常遇到的一个问题,也是一个牵扯到国计民生的大问题。下面,我代表研究院就腐蚀方面的研究工作给大家作一个简要的汇报。汇报内容主要分为两个方面:一是腐蚀与经济发展,二是腐蚀控制策略研究。  相似文献   

购物成本与商圈   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商圈是由顾客选择商店的行为形成的,影响顾客择店的主要因素是购物成本,它从根本上决定着商店商圈的大小。购物成本指顾客为获得某种效用必须付出的商品价格之外的代价。顾客能够接受的购物成本与收入水平无关,而与其购买的商品效用有关,即:总购物成本与商品效用呈正相关,平均  相似文献   

本文通过分析市场经济的特点,明确了市场经济的价格调节机制在起作用的过程中必然使各行业的利润率逐步趋于平均利润率的规律,并利用这个规律创建了各行业利润率与平均利润率之离差和指标,最后,利用这个指标来分析中国市场化改革的绩效。  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate average marginal tax rates on factor incomes in Japan from 1963 to 2007. We adapt the method of D.H. Joines [Estimates of effective marginal tax rates on factor incomes. J. Bus. 54 (2), 191-226.] to the Japanese tax and social security system. Average marginal tax rates on labor incomes without social security premiums range from 14% to 21%, whereas the rates on incomes with social security have increased from 21% to 33%. Tax rates on capital incomes have fluctuated between 35% and 58%. We also compare our estimates with average tax rates and the wedges from business cycle accounting.  相似文献   

一、对上市公司职工住房补贴的会计处理。有关企业住房制度改革的财务会计问题,财政部曾经印发过3个文件予以规范,即财政部财企[2000]295号《关于企业住房制度改革中有关财务问题的通知》、财企[2000]878号《关于住房制度改革中有关财务处理问题的补充通知》、财会[200l]5号《企业住房制度改革中有关会计处理问题的规定》。这些文件规定,取消住房周转金管理制度后,企业现有住房周转金余额做调整期初未分配利润处理。  相似文献   

目的:深入分析大型医疗设备成本管理中存在的问题,提出对策及建议.方法:运用案例分析法,分析设备全成本管理体系在GCRM医院的适用性.结果:解决实务管理和价值管理相分离的问题.结论:事前应成立专门管理机构和设备论证小组;事中应提高成本核算精细化程度,建立评价反馈机制;事后应加大设备可控成本控制力度.  相似文献   

河南石油勘探局地质调查处,近几年在经营管理上,以实施低成本战略为主线,扎实地对地震采集推行项目管理,同时强化二线成本控制,使生产经营形成了效率高、质量优、效益好的新局面:自2001~2003年,市埸竞争力不断提高,在实现对外创收零突破的基础上,年均对外创收额0.54万元,占年均劳务总收入的40%以上;效益逐年提高,以2000年为基期,2001~2003年,年产值利润率,分别比基期提高2.7%、9.98%和11.49%。但是,今年初以来,原主要外部市场工作量减少;人工费、施工作业赔偿等费用同比增加。面对困难,在新的经营形势下,如何贯彻低成本战略求发展,需要结…  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors develop "a simple two-country, single-period model to study the effect of quota restrictions on the composition of migrating labor. [They] have divided the migrant population in two general categories called high skilled and low skilled and have shown that free migration of any category of labor occurs if and only if the country's share of world resources is different from its share of the world labor endowment in that category." Two possible outcomes, given differing labor endowments and income differentials, are considered. The potential effect of illegal immigration is also noted. The authors conclude that their model "is applicable not only to 'brain drain' problems, but also to guest worker programs and/or the mass migration of low skilled workers from poor countries to rich countries."  相似文献   

In this research, we investigate trade costs in relation to China-EU trade in agri-food products during 2001–2015. Major components of trade cost include transportation costs, border-related policy barriers such as tariffs, and local distribution costs. Our results indicate that trade costs between China and EU involving agri-food products, although falling, remain abnormally high. Consequently, we find that trade cost reductions contribute to over half of the overall China-EU trade growth. Our decomposition technique demonstrates that economic growth and trade cost reductions are the key drivers of China-EU trade expansion. Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) would reduce high trade costs to increase EU-China bilateral agricultural trade significantly. This is not fully captured in the gravity models where a static distance is usually used as a proxy to trade cost. The BRI will not reduce the distance, but it will cut transportation and other components of trade cost for China-EU trade.  相似文献   

物流成本核算能够为企业提供更加精确的产品成本信息,进而帮助企业及时根据市场情况进行资源分配,做出正确的决策来保障企业的发展。但是由于我国生产企业物流成本核算与控制尚未形成完整的体系,往往由会计部门进行简单的计算和控制,企业物流成本核算不清晰,核算目标不明确,导致许多企业的物流成本仍然较高,严重制约了企业的发展。因此文章从我国生产企业物流成本核算和控制中存在的问题进行分析,从提升核算意识、优化物流系统、重视物流成本等方面提出了针对性的改进措施,希望该研究能够促进企业物流成本核算质量,最终促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

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