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经济思想史中的理性主义情结 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
西方经济思想史中的理性主义传统源远流长,一以贯之。在理性主义经济哲学的影响下,现代西方经济学把资本主义的自由市场经济当作是合乎理性和人性的,永恒的,和谐的制度,并把理笥主义的抽象演绎法看作经济学的科学方法。它既提高了人们对经济生活的认识水平,从而促进了经济学的发展,又为庸俗经济学家粉饰资本主义制度提供了意识形态支持。 相似文献
庞巴维克曾断言《资本论》的理论体系已经"终结",凯恩斯甚至认为《资本论》毫无价值,但现代西方经济学者对《资本论》并非持同样观点,他们中的很多学者对《资本论》或其第二卷的学术地位及其影响给予了很高评价,还有人认为《资本论》对于现代西方经济学多个研究领域或交叉学科产生重要影响,他们所编著的经济思想史著作都对《资本论》进行了介绍,有的现代西方经济学文献还通过引证《资本论》的相关内容来说明问题,而且他们中不少人对马克思写作《资本论》时严谨的学术态度给予了很高评价。现代西方经济学者对《资本论》持有这样的态度,其根本原因在于,马克思对资本主义的研究相比西方经济学者的影响更加深远。马克思的影响之所以能够更加深远,则在于他站得更高,看得更远。 相似文献
刘英 《湖南经济管理干部学院学报》2011,(5):5-9
1844——1846年的著作集中反映了恩格斯深刻而系统的生态思想。在这些著作中,他生态性地批判了为资本主义制度进行辩护的马尔萨斯的人口理论;以现实性的笔触描述了人与自然关系的现状;提出了发动工人运动是推翻资本主义制度以解决人与自然矛盾的必然途径的观点;批判了以费尔巴哈为代表的旧唯物主义抽象自然观和青年黑格尔派的客观唯心主义自然观,从而确立起以人与自然关系为核心议题的唯物主义自然观。恩格斯这一时期的生态思想对于我们全面把握人与自然关系,人口发展与自然极限,反思工业发展的环境后果具有重要启示。 相似文献
纵观经济思想史上经济危机理论的演化与争论,从否认普遍危机的萨伊定律到指出生产与消费存在矛盾的西斯蒙第,再到因提出有效需求而承认危机的马尔萨斯与凯恩斯,对危机问题的相关论述均未能触及资本主义经济制度的特定框架。相比之下,马克思经济学的危机理论不仅全面剖析了资本主义经济的运行机制,而且为深刻解析此次国际金融危机提供了一个重要的视角,充分表明回归马克思经济学研究基础并将其应用于社会主义市场经济实践的重要意义。 相似文献
在经济思想史上,货币问题的讨论经历了各种复杂争论。根据货币的性质及货币理论与价值理论相结合的分析线索,可以将西方货币理论在经济思想史中的争论划分为货币自然观、货币财富观(重商主义)、货币面纱观(古典与新古典的货币理论)、货币经济观(凯恩斯经济学、后凯恩斯学派、货币主义等)以及货币的宏微观结合(货币理论的新发展)等阶段。从根本上讲,这些争论囿于经济学一贯强调实物经济的两分法传统而无法触及货币问题的核心。相反,建立在劳动价值论基础上的马克思经济学则展示了一个以现实资本主义经济或市场经济关系为分析基础的货币理论,表明现代货币经济的本质是基于社会关系及其利益冲突之上的资本主义竞争与积累,这正是马克思货币理论的研究目的区别于其他理论的根本所在。 相似文献
经济思想和研究方法的演变在某种意义上体现了西方经济学的发展脉络。现代西方经济学的基本思想和分析方法主要集中体现在个体主义与集体主义、哲学与经济学、自然科学与经济学、假设前提的逐步放宽、国家与市场等方面。了解西方经济学方法论的演变,借鉴现代西方经济学的基本思想和分析方法,可以促进我国经济学方法论的创新。 相似文献
唐艳艳 《中南财经政法大学学报》2004,(4):110-114
经济史以及经济史研究方法在恩格斯的经济理论研究中的作用是基础性的,这一点长期被人们所忽视.通过对经济历史的实证分析,恩格斯对古典政治经济学的研究方法、研究对象以及基本理论进行理性的批判,在此基础上架构起经济理论的"大厦".这些对当前的经济史研究仍可以提供理论上的指导和方法上的借鉴. 相似文献
江泽民总书记在谈到西部大开发时,特别强调“加快开发西部地区,要有新的思路。”新思路贵在“新”。新思路的深刻内涵,在于不能沿用过去计划经济的老办法,必须有新目标、新动力、新机制、新策略、新方式、新内容、新投入、新支持。 1、开发目标:由“原料基地”转向“富民兴区”。 相似文献
The paper is the 1980 Böhm-Bawerk-lecture given at the University of Innsbruck. Starting from Böhm-Bawerk's book. ‘Rights and relations from the point of view of the economic theory of goods’ the paper tries to evaluate rights and phenomena like goodwill from the perspective of innovation. A framework of three levels of economic activity is developed. The three levels are: consumption (the lowest level), production and innovation (the highest level). Rights are interpreted as instruments of protection of higher level activity from lower level activity. Focus of attention are industries with very high rates of technical progress and innovation. There the most important positive externality of innovation is the increased potential for even more innovations. It is argued that competition policy, as a rule of thumb, must foster competition by innovation and must discourage competition by imitation. 相似文献
José Luís Cardoso 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2013,20(1):197-214
The main purpose of this survey is to present the results of a questionnaire recently sent to historians of economic thought. This questionnaire — presented in the appendix - was devised so as to provide data on the approaches and experiences of teaching the history of economic thought in a wide range of universities throughout the world. A summary of the most significant results is presented in section 2 of this survey. Section 1 provides a general introduction to the methodological context of the discussion of problems concerning the teaching of the discipline. 相似文献
Kwangsu Kim 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2013,20(1):41-64
Abstract The aim of the paper is to show that Smith has a theory of economic history grounded in a politico-economic modeling (as well as a sort of economic theoretical modeling). In terms of the politico-economic approach, in the Wealth of Nations (Book III.ii–iv) Smith tried to offer a systematic account of economic development from feudalism to capitalism in Europe. These lead to suggest that the seeming internal inconsistency between the natural and the actual courses of progress in Book III may be resolved, and that Smith may be treated as a precursor of Douglass North, who stressed an inextricable link between the polity and the economy in economic history. 相似文献
We provide a new data set on per capita book production as a proxy for advanced literacy skills, and assess this relative
to other measures. While literacy proxies very basic skills, book production per capita is an indicator for more advanced
capabilities. Growth theory suggests that human capital formation plays a significant role in creating the ‘wealth of nations.’
This study tests whether human capital formation has an impact on early-modern growth disparities. In contrast to some previous
studies which denied the role of human capital as a crucial determinant of long-term growth, we confirm its importance.
Luc Marco 《European Journal of Political Economy》1985,1(4):485-508
The study of French bankruptcy archives has resulted in extensive research into the 18th and 19th centuries. No synthesis has been completed yet. A preliminary review of the literature on the subject is presented here, focusing on three stages: the archives, the statistics, and the data utilization. 相似文献
Philippe Steiner 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2019,26(6):1252-1274
AbstractThis paper is organized in three stages. In the first part, I outline the evolution of the notion of altruism with its critical dimension of political economy by following the intellectual sequence from Auguste Comte to Pierre Bourdieu, through Emile Durkheim and Marcel Mauss. In the second, I consider the forms of transaction to which these sociologists report altruism and its derivatives. In the last section, I examine recent developments on altruism as a result of developments on performativity on the one hand and market design on the other. 相似文献
随着我国科技实力及经济实力的同步增长,新兴行业的诞生与发展对传统行业带来了较大冲击,市场竞争力度不断增长,为现代企业的生存及发展带来了较大挑战。经济管理是现代企业在生产运营中不可或缺的一环,然而受企业管理意识、管理方法适应性等多方面因素影响,现代企业的经济管理在一定程度上存在着管理问题,制约着现代企业的经济效益增长。笔者作为青岛西海岸公用事业集团有限公司的一员,现结合实际工作经验分析现代企业经济管理中的现存问题,对解决现代企业经济管理问题的对应策略进行探究,以期为企业工作者提供理论参考。 相似文献
Philippe Steiner 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2013,20(3):503-527
Abstract The present paper begins with a presentation of Foucault's lectures on economic issues. Departing from his previous views on government, Foucault offered a new approach to eighteenth-century liberalism and neo-liberalism, interpreting these political theories in terms of what he called biopolitics. Then the paper endeavours to demonstrate that the line of reasoning pursued by Foucault coincides with that found in Weber's sociology of religion. In as much as Weber studies the relation between the religious and the economic, the paper draws a parallel between the Weberian concept of ‘life conduct’ and the concept of ‘technique of the self’ advanced by Foucault in order to study the moral foundation of the economic agent. 相似文献
Elise S. Brezis 《European Journal of the History of Economic Thought》2016,23(2):246-271
This paper focuses on the evolution of the relationship between population and economic growth from Hume to New Growth Theory. In this paper, we show that there were two main views on the subject. There were those who assumed that the relationship between fertility rate and income was positive. On the other hand, there were those who raised the possibility that this linkage did not occur, and they emphasised that an increase in income did not necessarily lead to having more children. Following from Hicks’ methodological precept, the paper will show that their position on the issue was related to a socio-economic fact: the sibship size effect. We show that those who took the view that an increase in income leads to the desire to have more children did not take into consideration the sibship size effect, while those maintaining that there existed a negative relationship introduced into their utility function a sibship size effect. 相似文献