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文章以我国中小企业板上市公司为研究对象,从企业经理人追求利润最大化行为出发构建中小企业的投资支出模型。不同于已有文献仅从投资-现金流敏感性角度入手的实证研究,文章的研究方法无需对样本公司进行分组,而且可以定量测度融资约束条件下的公司投资效率问题。实证结果表明:由于融资约束的存在,使得我国中小板上市公司实际投资支出最优水平低;现金流的增加不仅可以缓解融资约束压力,还能够降低融资不确定性,债务融资比例越高,融资约束越大,进一步加剧了未来融资时的不确定性;我国中小板上市公司融资约束程度与企业规模呈负相关关系,且投资效率随时间呈现下降趋势,意味着近年来我国出台的一系列旨在改善中小企业融资难的政策措施,在实践中并没有起到有效缓解融资约束的作用。  相似文献   

企业慈善捐赠是企业履行社会责任的重要体现,也是企业用来提升社会声誉、构建与政府良好关系的重要手段。本文采用我国上市公司的数据,实证检验企业的慈善行为是否会导致分析师关注度的增加,并考虑了企业产权性质以及政治关联、企业规模对这种影响的作用。本文从企业捐赠的"印象管理"理论和"政企纽带"理论出发研究了企业慈善捐赠的影响问题,从企业外部相关者分析师的角度阐述了企业慈善捐赠可能带来的后果。本文的研究结论丰富了分析师预测影响因素的文献,有助于深入理解公司进行的社会捐赠的动因;也有助于分析师了解企业捐赠行为对其盈余预测的影响。  相似文献   

宋波 《中国市场》2015,(6):112-113
会计稳健性是一项重要的财务报告质量属性,是会计确认和计量的一项基本原则。微观层面上,会计稳健性有助于企业及时向股东、债权人传递信号,缓解信息不对称,降低代理成本,保护投资者利益;同时有助于降低融资成本,提高融资效率,减少投资过度和不足,提高公司价值;宏观层面上,会计稳健性作为一种公司治理机制,能有效提升资本市场效率,优化资本市场资源配置能力。本文对会计稳健性的发展趋势及影响因素进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

慈善捐赠作为公司履行社会责任的一种表现形式,越来越受到各方的关注。本文从公司微观角度出发,以我国2006年上市公司慈善排行榜上的公司为样本,从公司特征与治理结构两方面检验了上市公司慈善捐赠的影响因素。实证结果表明:资产负债率与公司捐赠支出呈不显著的负相关;公司规模与捐赠支出呈显著正相关;国有控股公司比非国有控股公司更倾向于慈善捐赠;公司董事会成员平均受教育年限与公司捐赠呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

商业信用对非效率投资的影响:融资抑或治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2003-2012年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,实证检验商业信用对非效率投资的影响。研究发现:上市公司的过度投资行为主要是由代理冲突比较严重且公司存在大量自由现金流而引发,投资不足主要是由融资约束引发,并非由债权代理冲突引发;上市公司的商业信用能够抑制过度投资,发挥治理作用。同时,商业信用又能够缓解投资不足,发挥融资功能。  相似文献   

朱文杰 《消费导刊》2012,(12):63-65
本文基于中国1993~2007年省级面板数据,对地方政府支出与国民收入分配结构之间的关系进行了实证研究,发现政府支出占GDP比例越高,该地区居民劳动收入份额越低。究其原因,本文认为,在现有GDP挂帅的政绩考核下,地方政府支出结构必然倾向于有助于企业和政府收入提高的经济建设,在科教文卫和农业等有助于城乡居民增收方面的投入则相对不足。随着地方政府支出规模的不断扩大,劳动收入份额将降低,以劳动收入为主要来源的居民收入占国民收入的比例将进一步降低,国民收入分配状况将趋于恶化。  相似文献   

利用我国A股非金融类上市公司2008—2017年数据,采用“双向进入”、“交叉任职”两个指标衡量党组织参与企业治理的情况,实证检验其对企业慈善捐赠行为的影响。结果发现,党组织“双向进入”和“交叉任职”与企业是否捐赠、捐赠水平均呈显著正向关系。此外,上述作用在国有企业与非国有企业中均存在,但与中央国有企业相比,党组织参与治理对企业捐赠的促进效应在地方国有企业中更为明显。研究还发现,党组织参与治理对企业慈善捐赠的促进作用并不以损害企业价值为代价,反而会提高公司经营绩效和价值,并且党组织参与治理对企业捐赠的促进作用并非以获取更多的政府补贴为目的。研究表明,党组织参与治理促进了企业的捐赠行为,这一结论有助于进一步理解党组织在公司治理中的地位与作用。  相似文献   

经济新常态下,提高工业资本等要素配置效率是实现经济向高质量增长转变的必然要求。本文在政府主导、投资驱动的工业发展模式下,结合地方债务压力和金融发展差异门限变量,在非线性框架下运用动态面板平滑转换回归模型实证检验地方债务规模与工业资本配置效率的渐进演变关系。研究发现,适度的地方债务规模有助于提高资本配置效率,但随着债务压力增加,举债对资本配置的正效应逐步减弱并产生负效应。究其原因,适度举债能补齐工业基础设施短板,压低土地成本,对工业发展产生杠杆效应,从而提高资本配置效率;但过度举债推升财政风险,占用信贷资源并强化企业融资约束,造成资本配置低效率。此外,研究发现,地方信贷规模提升,能缓解举债的融资约束,促进工业行业间的资本流动;而工业金融深化程度提高,能增强市场竞争机制在要素配置中的作用,缓解举债造成投资错配,从而增强资本配置效率。以上分析结果表明,地方政府举债应更理性、适度、规范。  相似文献   

杨晓丽 《中国物价》2014,(4):21-23,27
本文利用山东省2004—2011年面板数据分析县域金融发展和政府行为对资本配置效率的影响。实证结果显示:县域金融市场规模扩大能够显著促进地区资本配置效率水平;金融市场运行效率的正面效应逐渐显现;政府干预将阻碍县域资本配置效率水平的提高,但这种阻碍作用在考察期内逐渐减弱;政府干预通过金融市场规模对资本配置效率的影响由负转正,通过金融市场运行效率产生的正影响逐渐增大。  相似文献   

终极控制、内部现金流与投资支出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2005-2008年我国A股上市公司的研究样本,以终极控股股东的现金流权、控制权与现金流权分离度作为控股股东与少数股东利益一致程度的代理变量,对投资现金流敏感性进行实证检验,揭示上市公司投资行为特征。研究表明:我国上市公司投资现金流敏感性普遍存在。对于国有终极控股公司,这种敏感性随着终极控股股东现金流权的增加而降低,同时随着控制权与现金流权分离度的增加而增加,支持了自由现金流过度投资假说,也体现了终极控股股东利益趋同效应与侵占效应对投资支出的影响,并且终极控股股东利益侵占效应发生不仅需要能力和动机,还需要公司具有充足现金流这一"机会",较少的现金流能够有效地抑制国有终极控股公司的过度投资行为;而非国有终极控制公司更可能面临着融资约束,但尚未得到严格的实证支持。  相似文献   

本文基于股东间代理问题视角,利用2007~2011年我国A股上市公司数据,实证考察了高管薪酬的过度支付是否会成为控股股东实现控制权私利的一种路径。研究发现:在地方国企中,高管薪酬水平与控股股东的现金流权显著负相关,与控股股东控制权与现金流权的两权分离度显著正相关,但这一结论在央企和民营企业中均不成立。这表明地方国企高管薪酬决定存在明显的掏空效应。本文的研究结论对于深化国企高管薪酬管理制度改革具有政策启示涵义。  相似文献   

We examine how firms change their cash policies in response to the downfall of corrupt politicians in China. We find that firms connected to their local government increase cash holdings when high-profile politician downfalls occur in the government. Consistent with the precautionary saving argument, the effect is stronger for firms that have greater investment opportunities or face greater financial constraints. Compared to unaffected firms, affected firms save more cash out of cash flows and have a higher marginal value of cash holdings. Overall, we show that the collapse of firms' political connections has significant impacts on those firms' financial policies.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between foreign ownership and corporate cash holdings. We utilize a data sample of firms listed on the Ho Chi Minh City stock exchange covering the period 2007–2015. Employing different econometric techniques for panel data, we find that higher foreign ownership is associated with more corporate cash holdings. This finding suggests that foreign investors in the Vietnam stock market are subject to precautionary motive and agency motive forcing firms to hold more cash. However, the outcome suggests potential agency problems because managers might subsequently use this cash reserve for their own advantages. These problems are even more pronounced in emerging markets where investor protection mechanism is weak. Accordingly, this highlights the importance of a monitoring mechanism to refrain corporate managers from investing in value‐destroying projects.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose that giving in cash and non-cash (in-kind) differ in their relation with the giving firm’s future corporate financial performance (CFP) and only cash giving is associated with future CFP. Using a novel dataset from ASSET4 that differentiates corporate giving over a sample period of 2002–2012, we examine three competing hypotheses: (1) agency cost hypothesis that cash giving reflects agency cost and destroys value for shareholders, (2) investment hypothesis that cash giving is an investment by management that aims for better future return, and (3) information hypothesis that cash giving has informational value to shareholders as cash is a critical resource at a firm and giving is a decision by managers who are insiders. We find that indeed, only cash giving is positively associated with future CFP and firm value, measured by Fama–French five-factor abnormal risk-adjusted stock returns, future return on assets, and Tobin’s Q. In addition, we find that the positive association exists only between excess, i.e., unexpected, but not expected cash giving and future CFP. Our empirical findings support the information hypothesis, but neither the agency hypothesis nor the investment hypothesis, and are robust to a number of endogeneity tests, including orthogonalized cash giving, instrumental variable regression using geography-based instruments, and propensity score matching. Furthermore, we show that the positive association between future CFP and unexpected cash giving is only pronounced at firms with good governance and relatively higher sales growth where agency problems are less likely, and at firms with no alternative mechanisms to demonstrate the strength of cash flow. Additionally, we do not find evidence that suggests in-kind giving to possess any informational value.  相似文献   

Theory holds that knowledge has positive economic consequences. While US corporations defend record high level cash holdings citing the precautionary motive in response to changing firm characteristics, I find that knowledge‐based innovation can partially explain these changes. Using distance to the nearest research university as a measure of knowledge intensity, I show that knowledge‐intensive firms hold more cash, even after controlling for firm R&D. Moreover, knowledge‐intensive firms exhibit higher marginal value of cash and save more cash from cash flows than their less knowledge‐intensive counterparts. Overall, the precautionary motive appears to dominate the agency motive, with the effect of knowledge on cash holdings strengthening over time. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

企业捐赠行为与公司价值重构——基于公众价值观的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现代公司而言,社会公众的道德诉求能否与公司经济利益相兼容,是企业捐赠行为研究中难以回避的一个重要问题。由于引入投资者效用函数使得公众利益与"股东"利益保持一致,因而可以通过建模从理论层面上探讨企业捐赠行为与实现公司价值重构的可能性及其相关条件。结果表明:虽然捐赠减少了公司的现金流量,但投资者的价值认同使其在资本市场上依然能够实现较高的公司价值。因此,公众价值观的偏好程度及投资者对公司的溢价激励直接决定了公司价值的高低,即企业捐赠存在的合理与否。而培育理性的公众价值观是实现这种激励的重要保障。  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews the theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of corporate charitable donations and then provides a review of the empirical issues that have arisen in previous studies in this area. The findings of an analysis of charitable donations data from the entire U.K. FTSE index for the years 1985–2000 are then reported. These findings include the observation of a time-related increase in charitable donations, which is compared with an earlier study to give a 24 year history of charitable donations in the U.K. The findings note little responsiveness of the monetary value of charitable donations to the economic performance of firms. An international comparison over time against U.S. trends is also reported and shows how U.S. corporations have traditionally been more generous than U.K. firms, but that the trend in the U.S. is downwards. Membership of a U.K.-based "tithing" club (the PerCent Club) is shown to be associated with higher profit performance against non-members. Members' charitable contributions against profit are shown to be higher than the FTSE mean although short of the 0.5% target figure in "cash" terms. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of these findings in relation to the theoretical positions advanced for corporate philanthropy.  相似文献   

Prior research is not conclusive whether information asymmetries or managerial discretion are the cause of observed investment-cash flow sensitivity. This paper examines the effect of family firms' governance heterogeneity on firm's investment-cash flow sensitivity in Brazil. The Brazilian economic and corporate governance context present several idiosyncratic features, including weak minority shareholder protection, an underdeveloped capital market, macro-economic uncertainties, the presence of controlling shareholders (especially families), and the excessive use of control-enhancing mechanisms, allowing us to explore in greater detail the drivers of investment-cash flow sensitivity. We find that investment is more sensitive to cash flow for firms with a highly entrenched family presence (divergence between corporate control and voting rights coupled with family management) than in less entrenched family firms. This result emerges primarily due to financial constraints from asymmetric information, rather than agency problems of free cash flow from abuse of managerial discretion. Our findings shed new light on the role of excessive control rights in investment decisions, allowing family managers to reallocate capital to cope with financial constraints in times of economic uncertainties.  相似文献   

Firm Growth and Liquidity Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a large unbalanced panel data set of Portuguese manufacturing firms surviving over the period from 1990 to 2001, the purpose of this paper is to examine whether liquidity constraints faced by business firms affect firm growth. We use a GMM-system to estimate a dynamic panel data model of firm growth that incorporates cash flow as a measure of liquidity constraints and persistence of growth. The model is estimated for all size classes, including micro firms. Our findings reveal that smaller and younger firms have higher growth-cash flow sensitivities than larger and more mature firms. This is consistent with the suggestion that financial constraints on firm growth may be relatively more severe for small and young firms. Nevertheless, the same finding can be interpreted in a different way if we consider the more recent literature which interpret the higher investment/cash flow sensitivity of younger and smaller firm in absence of financial market imperfection as the outcome of these firms reaction to the fact that realisation of their cash flows reveals them the direction to go in presence of uncertainty of their growth prospect. Besides, firms that were small and young at the beginning of the sample period exhibited more persistent growth than those that were large and old. Finally, these results have significant policy implications.   相似文献   

In cause-related marketing (CM), companies promise a donation to a cause every time a consumer makes a purchase. We analyze the impact of the size of this donation on brand choice (tactical success) and brand image (strategic success). Our results reveal different effects of donation size on these success measures. For brand choice, the effect of donation size is moderated by a financial trade-off for consumers, whereas the effect on brand image is moderated by donation framing. Specifically, we show that donation size has a positive effect on brand choice if consumers face no financial trade-off; i.e., if they do not have to choose between triggering a donation or saving money. The effect is negative if a trade-off exists such that higher donations come at higher costs. Brand image is enhanced by larger donations if the framing is nonmonetary (e.g., the campaign promises the provision of vaccinations), whereas donation size has a negative effect if donation framing is monetary (e.g., the campaign states the Euro amount). If campaigns use a combination of both frames, the effect of donation size on brand image has an inverted U shape. Our results suggest that CM enhances tactical and strategic success only if firms select the right donation size, taking into account donation framing and financial trade-offs.  相似文献   

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