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五台山是殊道场,位居中国佛教四大名山之首。早在唐代时就成了与印度灵鹫山齐名的世界佛教圣地。因此,它早就受到海内外信众乃至我国历代皇帝的优遇。历史上,有九位皇帝亲临其境,实属罕闻。  相似文献   

中国的科举制源远流长,自唐至清,先后诞生了777名文、武状元。这些状元中,有的成为郡守,有的成为刺史,有的跻身学士,有的跻身翰林,有的官至巡抚,有的官至宰相,而以状元身份能够成为皇帝的却只有一人。他,就是西夏神宗皇帝李遵顼。  相似文献   

江怀  周洁 《当代旅游》2004,(1):53-53
每年的农历二月初二,是中国民间的龙头节.  相似文献   

网络行走,常见呵呵二字。它可以是率性默许,可以是保留意见,可以是偶逢知己会心一笑,可以是发表异议前的情绪缓冲。它代表的意义是如此善变。可是谁曾想到,900多年前,就有人漫不经心留下呵呵二字。越过时空,方知用呵呵最多的是苏东坡。他写信给好友:近作小词,虽无柳七郎风味,亦自是一家。呵呵。显然是对一首新词颇为得意,  相似文献   

一鸣 《旅游时代》2011,(3):34-35
公开出售的玩具泄密20世纪50年代后期,美国秘密研制了北极星弹道导弹核潜艇。这种武器可隐蔽在大洋深处向敌方战略目标发射导弹。美军方对其严格保密,但一位玩具制造商却将这种武器曝了光。1960年4月,曾领导研制世界第一艘核动力潜艇、被誉为核潜艇之父的美海军中将海  相似文献   

唐朝末期,民变蜂起。这些民变,基本上都是被压迫得没有活路所致,目的要么是为了夺取政权,要么是为了讨个说法。但是,有一起民变却什么都不为,让后世人研究来研究去,都无法解释怎么回事。那是唐敬宗时期。在首都长安,有一个叫苏玄明的算命师傅,跟染坊工人张韶关系不错。有一天晚上两人喝  相似文献   

我的“皇帝”假期邱磊承德是个好玩的地方,既有风景园林,又有文物古迹,不像有的旅游地,吹得天花乱坠,到那儿什么都没有,让人扫兴而归。我从1980年至今,已记不起来去了多少次承德,只知道随着交通的发展,我去承德旅游的密度越来越大。80年代初期只坐过很慢的...  相似文献   

居住在香槟区的酒商Claude Moet于1743年建立了香槟事业,他的孙子Jane-Remy Moet使品牌闻名世界,因为他与拿破仑的深厚友谊而使这只香槟一炮而响,从1805年到1841年,他逝世为止的这段时间,Moet(酩悦)成为欧洲最著名葡萄酒商,其顾客有维多利亚女王、普鲁士王子、剑桥公爵等。  相似文献   

手工艺品 泰国手工艺品一向以风格赏心悦目而闻名。 泰国丝绸是最著名的手工艺品。质料亮丽,各式花纹一应俱全。不仅能应用在家具上,也能用于流行时装。柔软的泰式棉布由于耐用而价廉,目前也已逐渐受到欢迎。 泰国国内各地区几乎都拥有自己的手工艺品,而素有“北方玫瑰”之称的清迈则无疑是泰国手工艺品的中心。在这里,细笔绘花纹的技艺已相传数个世纪,手工艺家出产的产品包括精美的漆器、手绘的纸伞、细致的木雕、银器、青瓷。此外,同样量多  相似文献   

The study was designed to examine the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and trip‐related attributes of the outbound Chinese travelers to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand (SMT market) and to compare this particular market with the two groups of Chinese visitors bound for other Asia‐Pacific and outside Asia‐Pacific destinations. The results provide a profile of the SMT Chinese market and identified a number of characteristics and attributes that significantly differentiated the SMT market from the two other markets.  相似文献   

话说乾隆年间,浙江沿海海塘水情告急,为此,乾隆皇帝又进行了第三次规模较大的南巡活动.当浩浩荡荡的南巡船队途经湖州时,喜好江南美食的乾隆皇帝猛然想起“水晶宫阙是湖州“,湖州盛产淡水鱼类,吃鱼在湖州早有盛名.……  相似文献   

This research examines how the economic benefits of working in the ethnic tourism industry affect households in the local minority community, with a special focus on the division of labor and power dynamics of gender complementarity.Household income data gathered from the inner-city communities of the Akha tribal people in Thailand are the primary data used in a linear regression framework. The results show that ethnic tourism provides income to the local minority community. This income, however, is higher for young people and women than for older men, a disparity that disrupts the community’s traditional patriarchal social system. This study contributes to a nested model of multiple marginalization based on ethnicity, gender, and legal status. This case shall contribute to tourism planning and local policymaking in areas where ethnic tourism prospers.  相似文献   

前不久,我随同旅游团首往东南亚,有幸在泰国观看了大象表演,颇有兴趣. 泰国的大象表演是有名的.其中有捕捉野象的表演:先由捕象人的妻子举行宗教仪式,为她的丈夫捕象祈求平安.  相似文献   

李梅 《当代旅游》2003,(6):48-49
每年的圣诞节期间,在信奉基督教的国家里,"圣诞老人"是最受欢迎的了. 圣诞老人,荷兰人称之为桑特·尼古拉;美国人称之为桑达·克劳斯;德国人称之为克里斯·克林克尔.  相似文献   

黑龙江省宾县中北部有座历史名城--宾安镇.它扼守哈同公路之要冲,牵制哈东千里莽原与张广才岭山脉,自哈尔滨东出,经由该镇虎头山可直抵边城同江市.宾安镇原只有几户渔猎人家,由于地理位置重要,在元末明初时,这里属奴尔干都司蜚克图卫管辖.并设有驿站.传说明初皇帝出巡边关,途经此河时,马儿用力拉车,不巧马枷板折断,犯下忌讳,于是大队人马扎住阵角,驻马此地,后人便谓之枷板站了.  相似文献   

现在许多人说汾酒的历史为1500年,其根据就是《二十四史·北齐书》的记载。其实,早在1500年前,汾清便已经成为国家名酒。而这1500年,仅仅是其成名史、名酒史。  相似文献   


The main principles of the tourism policy as established by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports during 2003–2006 is to develop Thailand to be Tourism Capital of Asia within 3 years starting from 2004 to 2006. To achieve the ambitious government target, the success of any tourism development strategy will be determined to a large extent by human resources, which can deliver efficient, high quality services. The travel and tourism education in Thailand at an undergraduate level was offered in the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University in 1955 under the Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a major field of study in “Travel Management.” Prince of Songkla University (PSU) brought the concept of community college from the U.S.A. to put into action by setting up Phuket Community College by offering 2-year diploma program in Hotel and Tourism Management to meet the staff requirement of tourism industry in Phuket in 1977. The findings of 'Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in Tourism and Hospitality Studies in Thailand: The Current Situations, Problems and Future Development' studied by Chaisawat (1997) and Chaisawat (2000) found that the situation of the universities/institutes that offered programs in hospitality and tourism had changed with a lot of quantity improvement in terms of institutions, number of staff, and number of input/output students as well as research projects. But the very important issues that relate directly to the quality of graduates, problems and constraints running in the hospitality/tourism programs still existed. The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) (2004) did an in-depth study of the labour force situation among middle- and high-level personnel within the tourism industry in order to increase productivity and capability of the national competitiveness. Chaisawat and Boonchu (2005) did another study on Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in tourism and hospitality studies in Thailand in 2003. Both studies also found that the quantity of graduates from the educational institutions was sufficiently to serve the demand of the industry. However, there were problems in terms of quality since graduates' qualifications were not up to the standards required by the employers. Finally the paper recommended that Thailand should be positioned as a centre for hospitality and tourism studies and training, locating at major tourism destinations. In terms of strategic implementation of tourism development, tourism educations and training institutions should play the catalyst and coordinating roles with the stakeholders in each region or destination.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a travel demand model of international tourist arrivals to Thailand and to assess the impact of crisis incidents on Thailand's tourism industry. A 20-year (1987–2006) annual time series data of “number of international tourist arrivals”, “exchange rate”, “promotion budget”, and dummy variables of “Asia financial crisis”, “special promotional campaigns”, “SARS” and “tsunami” were used to develop the travel demand model by performing a multiple regression analysis. The results showed that travel demand of international tourist arrivals to Thailand could be explained by “exchange rate”, “promotion budget”, “Asia financial crisis” and “SARS”.  相似文献   

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