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马克思的《资本论》在深刻揭露资本主义制度下人和人关系的同时,也分析了人和自然之间的物质变换关系,从而提出了同当今世界热点问题--可持续发展理论密切相关的物质变换理论。在《资本论》中,马克思在揭露资本主义制度下物质变换过程中存在着不可持续发展的严重性的同时,从制度和观念两方面提出了实现,可持续发展的途径。特别是马克思提出的具有生态伦理学意义的善待自然的发展观,是马克思的可持续发展思想的最精采的表述。  相似文献   

第1大变革:对社会形态的认识,从单一的重点论转变到全面论与重点论的统一 马克思主义看待社会形态,至少有两个基本角度:一个是社会制度的角度、经济社会形态(即一定经济基础和相应上层建筑的统一)的角度.此即"五种社会形态"(原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会、资本主义社会、共产主义社会)理论.另一个是生产力角度、技术社会形态的角度.从这个角度看,人类社会迄今大体经历了渔猎社会、农业社会、工业社会、信息社会四个阶段.此外,马克思还从人的发展的角度,把社会历史划分为人的依赖、物的依赖、自由个性三个阶段即"三形态"说.  相似文献   

马克思关于人的全面发展的理论是关于人类发展历史的唯物主义的解读以及对人类发展路径的科学的预测,而这一解读和预测的落脚点是为了阐释人类社会从前资本主义社会发展到资本主义社会的历史进程,以及再由资本主义社会向社会主义社会发展最终再到共产主义社会的必然性.本文将针对马克思对人的定义以及对人的全面发展的方向这两个角度来解读马克思关于人的全面发展的理论.  相似文献   

发展的实质是人的发展,是人类在自然历史演进中不断追求自由而全面发展的过程,或者说,是人类为维持生存、实现独立自主和获得自由而不断增进其力量和价值的自然历史过程.从人类"理性"追求角度引出基于三层次自由的发展含义,进而给出一个推广了的马克思(三域耦合)社会再生产图式,并以此模型作为基础框架,结合马克思主义关于"人的全面发展"学说及1998年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿马蒂亚·森"以自由看发展"的观点,我们可以在宏观动态上描述人类社会经济发展的人本化自由指向,以阐释"发展是拓展人类主体性自由"的人本发展思想,从而使我们得以超越传统发展经济学的局限,构建一种更有普适性和解释力的人本发展经济学理论体系.  相似文献   

马克思经济危机根源理论研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坚持和发展马克思经济危机根源理论,可以从马克思生产关系两重性理论及其方法来认识马克思对经济危机根源的分析.马克思关于简单商品经济中就存在经济危机的可能性的分析,是从生产关系一般的角度阐明了经济危机根源于商品货币关系.马克思关于经济危机根源于资本主义基本矛盾的分析,既是从生产关系两重性关系的角度对商品经济的基本矛盾必然会和怎样会导致经济危机的进一步分析,也是从生产关系特殊的角度强调了社会基本经济制度对经济危机的重大影响.  相似文献   

应对20世纪资本主义全球化带来的生态危机,人们从不同角度不断探求人类与大自然和谐共存的本然状态。发端于西方发达国家、借助马克思主义解决生态问题的生态马克思主义思潮,力图超越资本主义制度,寻找根本化解人与自然的矛盾、实现人类真正自由的途径。  相似文献   

马克思关于人的自由全面发展的学说是在其经济学研究中逐步成熟的。在早期经济学研究中,他的关于人的自由全面发展的学说具有浓厚的社会理想性质。随着科学唯物史观的确立,在《资本论》及其手稿中,揭示了社会经济形态的发展和由此而决定的人类自身的发展是一种自然历史过程,阐述了共产主义阶段人的自由全面发展的内容及其赖以实现的必要前提,提出了个人的自由全面发展和人类理想社会形式的现实途径。  相似文献   

马克思和加尔布雷思都从制度的视角研究了资本主义经济制度以及这一经济制度下的就业问题,但通过对二者就业理论的内容体系加以比较,我们发现由于二者形成的背景和采用的价值判断不同,最终形成了两个完全不同的理论体系:马克思是从历史唯物主义及人的自由与全面发展视角在制度演进中探讨资本主义的失业问题,而加尔布雷思采用的是现世性价值判断,以既定制度为前提研究资本主义的失业问题。  相似文献   

自然生产力思想是马克思生产力理论的重要内容,以往人们在研究马克思生产力思想过程中忽视了其自然生产力思想。在人类陷入严重生态危机的当代,重新审视马克思自然生产力思想既是解决生态危机的理性逻辑必然,又是历史时代的必然。马克思自然生产力思想蕴含了丰富的人与自然的辩证关系,为解决当代生态环境问题,促进人与自然和谐发展,达到社会和谐,提供了新的视角和维度,呈现出巨大的当代价值。  相似文献   

在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中马克思通过异化劳动分析人类社会发展历程,把人类社会历史的发展划分为非异化,异化,异化的扬弃三个阶段,这一划分是三大社会形态思想的萌芽,为三大社会形态的形成奠定了理论基础.深刻理解三大形态理论有助于更科学理解我国社会主义初级阶段理论、市场经济理论和科学发展观等理论.  相似文献   

开发区作为我国对外开放的重要组成部分和具体形式,在推进我国社会主义现代化建设中发挥了重要作用。我国加入WTO之后,意味着国内市场纳入世界统一大市场之中。如何重新审视我国开发区的目标定位,并从宏观、中观及微观的不同层面制订或调整与实施  相似文献   

How important is financial development for economic development? A costly state verification model of financial intermediation is presented to address this question. The model is calibrated to match facts about the U.S. economy, such as the intermediation spreads and the firm-size distributions for 1974 and 2004. It is then used to study the international data using cross-country interest-rate spreads and per-capita GDPs. The analysis suggests a country like Uganda could increase its output by 116 percent if it could adopt the world?s best practice in the financial sector. Still, this amounts to only 29 percent of the gap between Uganda?s potential and actual output.  相似文献   

本文从国际贸易模式的变化出发,结合其对我国劳动力收入差距的影响,分析了贸易与城乡收入差距变化之间的关系和由此带来的农村人力资源开发问题,并就解决农村人力资源开发的问题提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

China's economic growth over the past several decades has been among the highest in the world. It has been fueled by cheap fossil fuel energy so energy consumption has risen rapidly, but there are signs that negative feedbacks in the form of waste and inefficiency may affect future development. If energy throughput exceeds the capacity of the environment to process the inevitable waste from production then the development may not be sustainable. We calculate economic diversity using an energy flow network analysis method to explore the relationships of development policy, energy use, efficiency and sustainable development. China and its provinces are presented as a case study and the development status of each province in China is presented. China's development policy does not appear to be sustainable over the period 1985–1998 because of unsustainable energy consumption trends and declining economic diversity. An energy consumption tax is proposed for increasing diversity and dealing with increasing energy consumption in China.  相似文献   

I provide a summary, reflection and assessment of the current state of economic development in both the policy and academic worlds. In terms of development policy, currently, the primary focus is on policy interventions, namely, foreign aid, aimed at fixing the “deficiencies” of developing countries. Academic research also has a similar focus, except with an emphasis in rigorous evaluation of interventions to estimate causal effects. A standard set of versatile quantitative tools is used, e.g., experimental and quasi‐experimental methods, which can be easily applied in a range of settings to estimate the causal effects of policies, which are typically presumed to be similar across contexts. In this article, I take a step back and ask whether the current practices are the best that we can do. Are foreign aid and policy interventions the best options we have for poverty alleviation? What else can be done? Is our current research strategy, characterized by rigorous but a lack of context‐specific analysis, the best method of analysis? Is there a role for other research methods, for a deeper understanding of the local context and for more collaboration with local scholars?  相似文献   

Death and development   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Analyzing a variety of cross-national and sub-national data, we argue that high adult mortality reduces economic growth by shortening time horizons. Paying careful attention to the age pattern of mortality and to endogeneity issues, we find that a greater risk of death during the prime productive years is associated with higher levels of risky behavior, higher fertility, and lower investment in physical capital, even when controlling for infant mortality. In our regressions, adult mortality explains almost all of Africa’s growth tragedy. This analysis underscores grim forecasts of the long-run economic costs of the ongoing AIDS epidemic. Most of the work for this paper was completed prior to the tragic passing away of our dear friend and colleague John McMillan in March of 2007.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine linkages between social trust and economic development using, for the first time, a panel of data. We confirm earlier cross-sectional studies finding that trust is a significant factor in development and also show for the first time that trust significantly interacts with both investment in physical and human capital. We provide a robustness analysis of our results via a set of jackknife experiments on our main equations, and the trust coefficients and interactions are very tightly distributed, indicating that the results are not highly sample dependent. We also consider whether trust directly influences investment and find that in a panel framework it does not unless we allow for a trust–education interaction in the investment equation.  相似文献   

The Human Development Index (HDI) is widely used as a measure of well‐being. We examine the allocations implied by the maximization of this index using a standard growth model. Maximization leads to consumption (excluding education and health expenditures) being pushed to minimal levels. It also leads to the overaccumulation of education and/or health capital and possibly physical capital, relative to the standard golden rule. We propose an alternative specification for the HDI, where consumption replaces income as a proxy for decent standard of living. Maximization of this alternative implies a ‘human development golden rule’ which balances consumption, education and health expenditure. We advocate the method of optimization subject to constraints for revealing the policy implications of taking an achievement measure and its underlying philosophy seriously.  相似文献   

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