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In this Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model, production of a pollutive good damages production of another good within the same country. Unilateral and bilateral shifts from laissez faire to Pigouvian policy are numerically simulated for cases of low emissions and a high volume of trade, high emissions and a high volume of trade, and finally, high emissions and a low volume of trade. A country can be worse off when it becomes Pigouvian and it can be worse off when its trading partner becomes Pigouvian. Nevertheless, a simple game theory version of the model suggests a race to the top, in which all countries become Pigouvian.  相似文献   

Summary A small trading economy which produces and trades an arbitrary, but finite, number of goods and faces given terms of trade in combination with an uncertain volume of trade is studied. An exogenous probability of trade disruption forces both public and private decision-makers to specialize to a lesser extent in accordance with their comparative advantage. A unique optimal point of production exists for each probability of trade disruption. A private competitive economy will not produce at this point: it produces too much of the good with a comparative advantage.Notation C 2 class of twice continuously differentiable functions - C i consumption of goodi - f free-trade utility function - g autarky utility function - p international relative price of goody - p d domestic relative price of goody - Q solution set of - U utility function - U marginal utility of goodi - U x marginal utilities of lastn goods - x goodx - x * autarky production of goodx - x free-trade production of goodx - x pr private production of goodx - x 0 optimal production of goodx - x m maximal production of goodx - y goody - Y income function - private economy equilibrium function - difference function - production possibility function - x derivative of - probability that free trade occurs - indirect utility function - solution function to optimality problem - c consumption vector - p relative price vector - x goods vector - t transpose - R + n n-dimensional positive orthant This article communicates the opinion of the author. The views expressed herein are not necessarily shared by his employer.Comments by Willem Buiter, Casper de Vries and participants at the Buiter Workshop Series at the University of Groningen (May 1989) were very useful.  相似文献   

Endogenous Symmetry of Shocks in a Monetary Union   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The monetary union issue, when assessed with the traditional inferences for optimal currency areas, misses an important dimension. Increased specialisation induced by reduced transaction costs, suggested by Krugman's lessons of Massachusetts, is only a part of the story. Even if agglomeration and inter-industry trade may occur as a result of reduced transaction costs, this tendency may be counteracted by the elimination of uncertainty associated with bilateral exchange rate variability within the monetary union.Thus, in contradiction to what is generally assumed on the basis of the reduction in transaction costs only, the European Monetary Union (EMU) is likely to foster intra-industry trade in Europe, leading to more symmetric shocks between member states. The monetary union will endogenously create the conditions of its success. Empirical evidence is provided for EU countries' bilateral trade over the period 1980–1994, using disaggregated trade data.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a simple general equilibrium two-country model with flexible exchange rates, specialization in production, and oligopolistic firms. The model is simulated in order to investigate how returns to scale and imperfect competition influence the process through which the aggregate demand and trade policy effects are transmitted internationally. The possibility that aggregate demand and trade policies enacted by one country can have beggar my neighbor effects on the other country cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

I provide an economic interpretation of the long swings of the dollar in the 1980s. I use the fully modified estimator method to analyze the long-run behavior of the dollar/sterling exchange rate over the period 1979–1989, detecting a structural shift in February–March 1985. In the 1979–1985 subperiod economic agents have reacted to a reduced set of fundamentals only, a finding that might corroborate the irrational behavior interpretation of the dollar upswing. In the 1985–1989 subperiod economic agents have associated the equilibrium value of the dollar with the behavior of a more balanced set of fundamentals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between the real trade balance and the real exchange rate for bilateral trade in merchandise goods between Singapore, Korea, and Malaysia and the USA and Japan on a quarterly basis over the period 1970 to 1996 using the partial reduced form model of Rose and Yellen (1989) derived from the two-country imperfect substitutes model. With the exception of Korean trade with the USA, and in line with recent work using a similar methodology, our findings suggest that the real exchange rate does not have a significant impact on the real trade balance, and for Singapore and Malaysia we can find no persuasive evidence for J-curves. For Korea, however, the data were consistent with some J-curve effects with respect to both Japan and the USA. Moreover, it is possible that for Korea these effects were being masked or muted by small country pricing of exports in foreign currency, but there was no evidence that imports subsequently fell as the lag length on the real exchange rate increased, which would be required to support a strict interpretation of the J-curve.  相似文献   

The present paper examines export and import pricing behavior following exchange rate changes in small, open economies. Using a monopolistic model, this study reveals that export and import prices should change but not in proportion to exchange rate movements. The policy implication of the results is that the pricing to market phenomenon could be a critical factor in explaining the evolution of the external trade balance with strategic interaction present in the case of prices on tradable goods. Consequently, the use of an exchange rate policy in the case of external imbalances should be a central issue within the broader context of how market structure and conduct affect the optimal traded goods prices.  相似文献   

The actual discussion on the Betuwe-line and the construction of this new railway for freight transportation from Rotterdam to Germany is placed into a historical perspective. Right from the beginning of railway history in the Netherlands, the construction of an Iron Rhine was disputed. As analytical tool, the social saving approach is used. The conclusion of this cost-benefit analysis is that it did not and does not matter that much for the level of welfare in the Low Countries or the Rhineland whether the goods from major coastal ports are transported on the river Rhine or by the four Iron Rhines.  相似文献   

Productivity, innovation and ICT in Old and New Europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the productivity performance of CEE countries vis-à-vis the EU-15 during the 1990s to detect sources of convergence between the two regions. The paper shows that changes in labour intensity have been an important source of productivity convergence during the 1990s, and are likely to remain so in the near future. It is also found that despite lower income levels, ICT capital in the CEE-10 has contributed as much to labour productivity growth as in the EU-15. Industry analysis shows that manufacturing industries that have invested heavily in ICT have been key to the restructuring process. As such ICT may therefore have been an important source of growth but probably temporary source of convergence. In the longer run the impact of ICT on growth will have to come primarily from its productive use in services. The paper therefore includes a New Economy Indicator that reflects the existence of conducive environment for continued ICT investment and diffusion. It shows that further reforms are much needed for CEE countries to enter a second convergence phase in the coming decades.This paper is written as part of a project on Information & Communication Technologies as Drivers of Economic Development in Post-Communist Countries sponsored by USAid (Grant No. 220/001.6). The industry data for the EU-15 (section 4) are updated estimates derived from a study sponsored by DG Enterprise of the European Union (OMahony and van Ark 2003). We are grateful to Robert Inklaar and Edwin Stuivenwold for statistical assistance, and to various commentators on this paper at seminars and workshops. We benefited in particular from comments by Bart Los and Marcel Timmer. The authors are solely responsible for the results presented and any remaining omissions.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we have critically examined the macroeconomic model developed by Benavie as a generalization of the beginning-of-period model of Tobin and of Patinkin's end-of-period approach. We have focused our attention on the ambiguous effects on income of government spending changes and tax changes that result from this model. Our conclusions are twofold. First, with respect to the effects of government spending on equilibrium income, we find that, if the demand function for money is decreasing in the interest rate, then the effect of government spending onY is unambiguously positive for any value of. The ambiguity discovered by Benavie is a result of his implicit assumption that money has the characteristics of a Giffen good. Second, in the case of the tax ambiguity, we find the source of the problem to be in the particular formulation of Benavie's asset demand functions. Benavie specifies his asset demand functions in such a way that tax changes impinge directly on these demands. If both stock and flow demands depend upon gross income and not taxes, then there isno ambiguity with respect to tax changes regardless of the value of. However, if both stock and flow demands depend upon disposable income, and hence taxes, the effect of tax changes on equilibrium income becomes ambiguous, but again independently of the value of.  相似文献   

When the disutility of global pollution is measured in units of a numeraire good that is polluting in consumption, the marginal rates of substitution in consumption are generally weighted differently in each countrys calculation of marginal damages. In that case, it is inefficient to control global warming by tradable emission permits, which in theory trade at a unique international equilibrium price. This conclusion is derived from a model of Shibata (1996) in which consumption is pervasively polluting in global warming gases. Shibata dubiously based the inefficiency he discovered on the reciprocal external damages of global warming emissions rather than on the nullibicity he posed for a non-polluting numeraire good.JEL Classification Numbers: F02, Q4, Q25  相似文献   

The paper analyses the effects of innovations, technological specialisation and technology diffusion on economic growth and convergence of the EU countries from 1969 to 1998. The empirical analysis is based on a panel data model, which enables us to assess the impacts of these three factors as well as of the usual production factors on long-term economic growth, and to calculate their partial contributions to - and -convergence of labour productivities within the EU. The results show that besides capital accumulation, transferable technical knowledge is a driving force of growth for catching-up EU countries, while it is the level of Ricardian technological specialisation for advanced EU countries.A previous version of the paper was prepared while the author was a Visiting Fellow at the Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, EU Commission. I gratefully acknowledge the stimulating research atmosphere at DG ECFIN and would like to thank Werner Röger and Klaus Wälde for helpful comments. Furthermore, I would like to thank Jürgen Wolters, FU Berlin, for further helpful comments at the workshop for the special issue of this journal in Brussels, February 6–8, 2004.  相似文献   

This paper considers the innovation dynamics in OECD countries since the beginning of the 1990s. Special attention is given to German firms that had the exceptional opportunity and burden to develop an innovative regime in the former GDR. The economic slump in the new decade had everywhere a negative impact on the propensity of companies to invest in new innovative products and processes. Among the OECD countries leading in innovation, Europe is loosing strength, although R&D has doubtlessly become more important in the innovation process of the manufacturing sector, but in particular in the service sector. The EU and some member countries have recognized this and formulated an ambitious objective: R&D expenditure is to be increased to 3% of GDP by 2010. Despite this joint target, countries differ in many respects. Export-oriented countries in high technology products suffer less from a weak economic momentum in their domestic markets. A further distinction needs to be made between the industry and the service sector. Industrial innovators focus more on the world market. After the trade diversion of West German high technology from international markets to the absorbing East German markets was over, in the second half of the 1990s, Germany has managed to get slightly ahead of Japan as an exporter of R&D-intensive goods and in international patent activities. However, the foreign trade success that the German technology sector enjoyed is mainly based on the automobile sector. Increasing problems in the long term are the decline in the number of qualified manpower entering the labour market. It will exacerbate the shortage of qualified staff in innovating companies.This is an updated and completely revised version of an earlier contribution to the Symposium on Entrepreneurship – Innovation – Marketing, Benchmarking the Technological Competitiveness of German Enterprises in Times of low Growth, Karlsruhe, October 2003.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to identify the determinants of the multinational enterprises decision to locate value chain activities, such as R&D, procurement, production, and distribution, among the source and the host countries. Using data of foreign firms in Japanese manufacturing, the statistical analysis found that the determinants of direct investment in one business activity are not necessarily the same as the determinants for another activity, while they are linked each other through complex mechanisms. For example, foreign subsidiaries in R&D intensive industries in Japan are more likely to import intermediate goods, use contractors for production, and distribute through fragmented distribution system. It appears that the traditional transaction-cost model is less consistent with the pattern of investments in R&D, productions, and distribution at least for the sample used in this paper.I would like to thank Werner Pascha and the editors, Paul Welfens and David Audretsch, for thoughtful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

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