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10000t/a聚甲醛 1 产品简介 聚甲醛是一种工程塑料,广泛应用于电子、电气、机械、轻工、汽车等行业,其消费量在五大工程塑料中列第三位。 2 市场状况和预测 1996年,国内聚甲醛生产能力3500t/a,而消费量超过了35000吨,1997年,聚甲醛进口量超过6万吨,预计2000年国内需求量为6~7万吨,目前有少数厂家正在筹建新装置,但都没有投产。  相似文献   

高耐磨超高分子量聚乙烯 超高分子量聚乙烯(简称UHMW PE)是综合性能优良的工程塑料,抗冲击强度为各种工程塑料之首,耐磨性优于尼龙,聚甲醛和许多金属材料,具有自润滑性,摩控系数和聚  相似文献   

工程塑料和通用塑料相比,在机械性能、耐热性、耐久性、耐腐蚀性等方面能达到更高的要求,加工更为方便,可替代金属等材料,因而在汽车、通讯设备、建筑材料、家用电器乃至航空航天等方面有着广阔的用途。聚酰胺(PA)、聚碳酸酯(PC)、聚甲醛(POM)、聚苯醚(PPE)和热塑性聚酯树脂(PBT)因应用广泛、性能卓越,被合称为五大工程塑料。  相似文献   

玻纤是工程塑料用量最大的材料,工程塑料的发展离不开玻纤行业的支持与协助。近年来,用于工程塑料增强的玻纤品种不断增加,用量也在逐年增长。2005年国内使用量为7万t,2006年达到9万t,2007年用量超过14万t,3a内用于工程塑料增强的玻纤量几乎增长了300%。预计2010年国内工程塑料树脂需求量将分别达到新的水平,其中:尼龙树脂50万t,聚碳酸酯150万t,聚甲醛30万t,  相似文献   

沙特拟建一套甲醛生产装置沙特阿拉伯私营企业埃尔巴布塔伊恩阿拉伯公司(Al-Babtain)计划投资6000万里亚尔(约合1600万美元)在沙特朱拜勒石油化工区建设一套生产能力为80 kt/a的甲醛生产装置,以后将逐步增加到100 kt/a。该项目日前已经开始动工兴建,预计在2003年底投入生产。该项目投产后,将可以生产甲醛及一些衍生物,如UF-85、甲醛尿素、三聚氰胺和尿素树脂、上光粉和聚甲醛等。工厂的原料将来自于沙特阿拉伯基础工业公司(Sabic)和位于朱拜勒石油化工区的某些私有企业。  相似文献   

普通的塑料遇到高温就会变形,可有一种塑料,它的强度很高,具备某些金属性能,有良好的机械性和尺寸稳定性,在高低温下其优良性能仍能保持。它就是工程上应用的—类高分子合成材料——工程塑料。目前,工程塑料主要包括聚酰胺(尼龙、PA)、聚碳酸酯(聚碳、PC)、聚甲醛(POM)、聚酯(主要 PBT)及聚苯醚(PPO)五种。它们能代替金属用于机器制造、仪器仪表工业、交通运输、建筑及尖端科技中的宇宙飞船部件。近几十年,世界工程塑料行业发展迅速,从70年代开始,工程塑料的增长率就超过普通塑料,年平均增长率达到15%,比普通塑料高—倍多。随着我国国民经济的不断发展,各种产业对工程塑料的需求不断扩大,可预见我国工程塑料市场将会呈现一派新的气象。  相似文献   

本文分析了电子商务对市场营销理念带来的变化,电子商务环境对市场营销带来的的变化,阐述了电子商务改变了企业运营过程,介绍了电子商务对企业客户服务的影响,提出了电子商务对市场营销的影响.  相似文献   

新会计准则对《企业会计准则第9号--职工薪酬》进行了修订,对职工薪酬的理念进行了扩展,提高了企业职工薪酬核算的准确性和全面性,对职工薪酬的会计处理和各种薪酬信息的披露方式进行了规范,对企业职工薪酬核算产生了较大影响,本文对就此产生的问题进行了分析探讨,并提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

文章对项目管理做了简要思考,对项目及项目管理的特性做了基本定义,对我国现阶段项目管理的失败的做了基本分析,从项目管理的重要性入手对我国项目管理的对策进行了简要思考与探讨,依照项目管理的成功经验及借鉴,并在此基础上对项目管理的发展趋势做了相应预测,以期能对企业的实际工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

文章对项目管理做了简要思考,对项目及项目管理的特性做了基本定义,对我国现阶段项目管理的失败的做了基本分析,从项目管理的重要性入手对我国项目管理的对策进行了简要思考与探讨,依照项目管理的成功经验及借鉴,并在此基础上对项目管理的发展趋势做了相应预测,以期能对企业的实际工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

We propose that Generation Y college students’ motivations to study abroad are rooted in the desire for individual growth, which, combined with other motivation factors—gender, parents’ educational level, prior international experience, age, and household income—drives the intent to study abroad. The study samples juniors and seniors in business majors, thereby attempting to shorten the temporal distance between study abroad intent and action. A significant number of students declare intent to study abroad as freshmen, yet fail to act on those intentions when the opportunity presents itself a year or two later. Results showed that the desire for individual growth was significantly and positively related to Gen Y business students’ intention to study abroad. Students’ prior experience visiting foreign countries and younger age positively moderated the effect of the desire for individual growth on intent to study abroad. The time lag between intent and action, and the fact that study abroad is a high involvement activity creates promotional challenges on how to best promote study abroad to Gen Y students. The article suggests practical implications and suggests how schools might increase study abroad participation among Gen Y college students.  相似文献   

Despite a low rate of student participation in study abroad programs in the Caribbean, there is insufficient research about the individual factors that help determine business students’ willingness to study or to participate in internship programs abroad. This study aims to explore business students’ attitudes toward study abroad. The positive perceptions of students toward study or internship abroad raises questions about individual factors for business students’ outflow to study or participate in an internship abroad. This study also explores business students’ preferences for short- and long-term international study or internship abroad, as well as certification programs in international business. Moreover, it provides some insight into the segments of business students that are more likely to support these programs.  相似文献   

Changes in ethnocentrism, intercultural communication apprehension, international awareness and activities were examined in business students participating in a 16-day consulting program abroad and compared to a control group of students at the home university. Anticipated changes in the study abroad students were found; however, when compared to the control group, the changes had little significance. Study abroad students had higher ethnocentrism, intercultural communication apprehension and lower intercultural awareness prior to going abroad; thus, the study abroad experience brought the STSA participants to the post-test levels of the control group. Implications for STSA programs and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

高等教育境外消费服务贸易的结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
境外消费是教育服务贸易的一种主要形式,本文从进出口贸易两个角度分别阐述中国近年来境外消费服务贸易的结构特征,并在进一步优化境外消费服务贸易结构方面提出了一些针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

通过对进口石脑油国内外双方检验结果分析:有100%批次的环烷烃、88.89%批次的烷烃、77.78%批次的初馏点、88.89%批次的硫含量为负偏差,有88.89%批次的烯烃、100%批次的相对密度为正偏差;个别批次的初馏点、相对密度、硫含量内外检验结果差值及对应项目的内外检验结果平均差值相对较大;芳烃、10%馏出温度、50%馏出温度、90%馏出温度及终馏点内外测定结果各有大小;实际胶质和辛烷值内外检验结果较相近;个别批次中的饱和蒸汽压我方结果有大于外方结果的现象;铅含量检验结果我方比外方结果相对精确。  相似文献   

Increased activity by U.S. students to study abroad has invited several studies that have investigated the reasons for U.S. students to study abroad. Literature in the context of study abroad choices has been fragmented, with each study presenting an ad-hoc set of factors the author/s deem as important or that have been shown to be important in previous literature. However, no study to date has attempted to identify a theoretical framework that explains why these factors should be important in explaining the intention to participate in a study abroad program. In this study, we use the theoretical background of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and trait theory to unify the existing body of literature and arrive at a model that predicts study abroad intentions. We test this model by means of a survey administered in a U.S. university.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess how studying abroad impacts the development of intercultural competence and the moderating role of student’s personality. This research uses a pre-post design with a sample of 264 undergraduate students from four Colombian universities; it includes a group of students who participated in a one semester study-abroad program and a control group who did not travel. The average level of increase in intercultural competence for the students who went abroad was 0.511 standard deviations above the average of those who had not studied abroad. The results from hierarchical linear regression did not yield any evidence that supports the moderating effects of the personality factors on the relation between study abroad and intercultural competence.  相似文献   

Companies wish for universities to provide business students with international education and awareness. Short- and long-term study-abroad programs are an effective method by which this is accomplished, but relatively few American students study abroad. In response to these facts, this study develops hypotheses that predict student willingness to study abroad and tests the hypotheses using a survey of over 300 primarily business undergraduate students at a public Midwestern university. Results indicate a significant difference between student willingness to study abroad short-term versus long-term. Results also show that personal, situational, and location variables influence students' willingness to study abroad, though completing an international business class had no effect. Implications for international business scholars are discussed.  相似文献   

随着贸易、投资自由化的蓬勃发展,我国上市企业对外投资越来越明显。本文采用以财务指标为基础的综合评价方法来衡量上市企业对外投资前后的业绩变动,并以此分析和检验了2002-2005年间我国上市企业对外投资的绩效。分析结果表明:我国上市企业对外投资绩效在整体上有一个先升后降的过程,尽管上市企业对外投资后第一年经营业绩会有一定的提升,但提升缺乏长期性;不同对外投资类型绩效不相一致,其中战略联盟对企业绩效有显著提升;民营控股上市企业的对外投资效果要优于国有控股的上市企业以及集体控股企业。  相似文献   

This study furthers our understanding of how corruption affects the decision-making process of allocating foreign direct investment. Drawing on the responses of 28 managers in charge of establishing operations in a highly corrupt host country, we argue that those firms based in home countries with low levels of corruption are more proactive in preparing to face corruption abroad than those based in countries with high corruption levels. This means that firms from less corrupt home countries have strategies in place to deal with high corruption abroad. This finding is based on the fact that these firms have stronger pressures to not engage in corruption from their home stakeholders. Also, these firms might not have the experience of dealing with corruption at home, which hinders their potential to deal with corruption abroad. On the other hand, those firms based in highly corrupt home countries do not have clear strategies to deal with corruption abroad. This assertion is based on the fact that these firms might have familiarity in dealing with corruption and thus, might not see it as an obstacle to operating abroad.  相似文献   

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