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股权控制是母公司实现对子公司控制的基本模式,不同的股权关系所形成的控制力和影响存在差异。按与母公司所形成的不同股权关系,子公司可以分为全资子公司、控股子公司和参股子公司。母子公司之间产品价格的实施既会影响到集团整体战略,也会影响到集团各方利益。因此,母公司会对子公司的定价行为进行控制来实现集团的整体利益。  相似文献   

母公司对子公司的控制,更多的体现为以资本为纽带,股权控制为基础,通过对子公司的治理结构产生影响,达到控制的目的。母公司对子公司的控制具体可以体现为战略、人事、财务等方面。但这些控制手段的实施,必须依赖董事会,经营层等。而母公司对董事会、经营层的控制影响,又受到母公司占有子公司的股权比例的影响。  相似文献   

财会便[2009]14号和财会[2010]15号规范了母公司出售子公司股权的会计处理。本文从交易的实质(损益性交易或权益性交易)对此进行解读:在未丧失控制权的情况下,就个别主体(母公司)而言该项交易为损益性交易,而合并主体(企业集团)而言则为权益性交易;在丧失控制权的情况下,无论是个别主体还是合并主体均为损益性交易,但个别主体的损益仅为出售部分股权的损益,而合并主体的损益则为出售整个子公司的损益。  相似文献   

庞艳 《商业会计》2012,(2):92-93
随着兼并的日益盛行,企业长期股权投资核算的作用也越来越突出。本文将主要对子公司长期股权投资的核算方法进行探讨分析。通过对购买子公司少数股权前后同一控制和非同一控制两种类型下对子公司长期股权投资会计处理的现行做法的比较分析,揭示购买少数股权前后子公司长期股权投资核算方法在成本确认基础、交易费用处理及相关合并事项处理方面的不一致问题,并进一步提出了关于完善子公司长期股权投资核算方法的初步构想。  相似文献   

股权收购,是指一家企业(以下称为收购企业)购买另一家企业(以下称为被收购企业)的股权,以实现对被收购企业控制的交易。收购企业支付对价的形式包括股权支付、非股权支付和两者的组合。需要注意的是,收购股权必须对被收购企业实施控制(即纳入合并会计报表的范围),收购后,投资方将成为被收购企业的第一大股东。如果不能对被收购企业实施控制,则不能作为股权收购重组对待,而是一般的股权购买业务。本文结合案例对股权收购业务的会计及税务处理进行解析。  相似文献   

鲁昱 《消费导刊》2010,(4):109-109
2006年2月15日,中华人民共和国财政部颁布了企业会计准则,其中长期股权投资准则是新准则的重要组成部分,与旧准则相比,变化也较大。长期股权投资的初始计量包括企业合并和非企业合并两种情况。新准则对同一控制和非同一控制下企业合并的长期股权投资做出了不同的会计处理。企业合并形成的长期股权投资在理论上较难理解,因此本文对企业合并形成的长期股权投资按同一控制与非同一控制两种类型从概念、会计处理等若干方面进行了比较分析,并评价其优劣及提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

以2011年~2017年沪深A股上市公司为样本,检验了内部控制、股权激励与企业创新绩效的作用。实证结果表明:(1)股权激励与创新绩效呈正相关关系;(2)内部控制对股权激励与创新绩效的关系起到正向的调节作用。  相似文献   

法人股流动性折价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于中国目前的证券市场,企业价值水平在理论上至少应包括四个层次,即流动性控股股权、非流动性控股股权、流动性少数股权及非流动性少数股权。通过对法人股协议转让的实证研究,法人股的流动性折价平均值为81.43%,而且上市年限、流通股性质、股权控制程度、股权转让排名、总价款、转让股权数量、股东权益、股权集中度、法人股比例和净利润率对流动性折价具有重要的影响。这项研究对我国兼并、收购和股权转让过程中上市公司非流通股定价以及非上市公司股权定价均会提供有意义的参考。  相似文献   

将近年来国内外学者对股权激励的相关研究进行归纳整理。按照股权激励的相关机制,将这些研究划分至三个主要方面:首先,沿着利益趋同假说和壕沟效应假说两条主线,讨论了股权激励对公司价值的影响;其次,就股权激励与盈余管理、择时效应和投融资这3个热点视角,论述了股权激励对高层管理者行为决策的影响;最后,从大股东控制权和国有非国有控股等方面分析了股权激励中股东对管理者的约束。  相似文献   

一、合并程序问题 《企业会计准则第2号—长期股权投资》第5条规定,投资企业对子公司的长期股权投资应当采用本准则规定的成本法核算,编制合并财务报表时按照权益法进行调整。因此,母公司对子公司的长期股权投资在母公司的账簿体系和单个报表中按照成本法核算,在母公司编制的合并报表中按照权益法反映。  相似文献   

合资企业契约的不完备性决定了控制问题是合资企业的核心问题,合理的控制权结构可以帮助合资企业的母公司实现自己的战略目标,并且保持竞争优势。与之前研究不同的是,本文通过引入分割控制的概念,利用106家中外合资企业的数据对控制权分配与绩效之间的关系进行了实证检验。研究发现,合资企业的中方只对某些经营活动进行控制的分割控制,最有利于合资企业的中方实现战略意图。  相似文献   

Based on the findings of a questionnaire survey of 132 Sino-Singaporean equity joint ventures (EJVs) and personal interviews of senior level executives from 35 firms involved in EJVs, this paper analyzed four issues: first, criteria employed by Singaporean firms to select their prospective Chinese partners; second, relationships between Singaporean parent firms’ ownership, their right to appoint officers to key EJV positions, their level of control over EJVs, and their satisfaction level with EJV performance; third, relationships between Singaporean and Chinese partners; last, strategies employed by Singaporean parent firms to run their EJV operations.  相似文献   

近几年外商在中外合资合作企业中当年未按合同出资的比例占40%和50%左右,违约行为相当严重。本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。该研究对我国企业和政府具有借鉴意义,有助于我国企业更正以往的错误操作,确定合理的合资合作策略,同时有助于政府明确管理合资合作经营的政策取向。  相似文献   


This study analyzes the Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries of Western MNCs located in Russia and Poland. Different hypotheses are developed, testing whether or not MNCs are more likely to implement standardized practices in Poland and Russia. The effects on HRM practices of MNC equity share, non-financial resources provided by MNCs to the focal unit, and mode of establishment of the foreign unit are also investigated. Implications for future research and managers are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore several factors affecting the amount of control that foreign companies have over their joint ventures in China. Managers working in sixty-seven international joint ventures were asked to report the share of equity held by the Chinese and foreign partners; the extent to which each partner had contributed important non-capital resources; the ratio of IJV board members appointed by each partner; the nationality of managers holding key executive positions in the IJVs; and the amount of strategic and operational control that each partner enjoyed. Results showed that equity share is the major lever for the exercise of strategic control and also influences operational control through its effects on the appointment of board members and appointments to key executive positions. Results also showed that providing non-capital resources has a direct effect on operational control in addition to its indirect effect through appointments to key executive positions.  相似文献   

The study explores parent companies' use of control mechanisms in their international joint venture (IJV), IJV knowledge acquisition and IJVs' performance. Traditionally, control mechanisms are criticized for potentially limiting autonomous learning. However, we propose that knowledge-oriented control mechanisms used by the parent company on its subsidiaries could facilitate knowledge acquisition and learning. This study takes samples from 104 Sino-foreign joint ventures in service industries in Taiwan. The results of the study indicate that in IJV, parent companies require a ‘personnel training’ control mechanism as a guide for gaining codified knowledge from foreign partners. MNCs should apply ‘culture’ and ‘performance’ control mechanisms to gain non-codified knowledge. In turn, the tacit knowledge of IJV results in a better economic, competency-based performance, while explicit knowledge more significantly influences the synthetic performance.  相似文献   


This study took an integrated approach to managerial control in international joint ventures (IJVs). The various control mechanisms used in U.S.-Chinese joint ventures were examined. The linkage between control and performance was empirically tested using a sample of U.S.-Chinese joint ventures established in China during the period of 1979–1989. The findings support the hypothesis that effective managerial control exercised by the U.S. partner over the joint venture operation is positively related to its performance. U.S.-dominant joint ventures significantly outperformed Chinese-dominant joint ventures, but no significant performance differences were found between U.S.-dominant joint ventures and shared management joint ventures.  相似文献   

Little has been reported on the characteristics and performance of affiliates of small and medium-sized multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in emerging markets. The paper has two research objectives: to assess characteristics of Korean affiliates of small and medium-sized MNEs, and identify the determinants of performance. Seven hypotheses were formulated and tested on a sample of Korean subsidiaries of small and medium-sized MNEs by using a bootstrap method of regression analysis. We found that: affiliates of small and medium-sized MNEs in Korea favored joint ventures with local firms rather than wholly-owned subsidiaries; ownership rate was directly related to the degree of control from the parent firm; and performance was determined significantly by the degree of control exercised by parent firms and their exporting levels. Age, size, and R&D expenditures had no relationship with the performance of affiliates of small and medium-size MNEs in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on intra- and inter-firm knowledge transfer by examining knowledge acquisition by Korean international joint ventures from their foreign parents. A conceptual model is presented which identifies the factors that have been found to influence knowledge transfer, organised into variables related to the local recipient firm, the foreign sender firm and the relationship between the two. The model is examined by means of a series of multiple regressions using a sample of 128 Korean international joint ventures. We find that: (1) the international joint ventures intent to learn and international experience; (2) the level of trust between parents and their business relatedness; and (3) the active managerial engagement of the foreign parent are the most important factors explaining the level of knowledge acquisition within the international joint ventures.  相似文献   


This paper examines international equity joint ventures (IJVs) in West Africa, presenting data from 45 British and French alliances with local partners in Ghana and Cote D'Ivoire. A comparison with prior studies finds remarkable consistency in the characteristics of IJVs between firms from DCs and LDCs in the following dimensions: motives, instability, asymmetry in equity distribution, frequency of government association, source of CEO, autonomy in management. Differences in IJVs between developed and less developed countries appear cursory rather than fundamental and focus on MNEs' dissatisfaction with IJV performance, the control relationship, and level of equity.  相似文献   

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