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本文以建筑工程建设中的施工阶段中的造价控制与管理为对象展开了研究,详细的分析了建筑工程造价的控制特点,控制原则以及控制策略,主要包括工程进行中的合同签订以及管理、建筑材料以及设施的购买以及运用、工程建设中的变更审查以及批准、工程建设中的索赔问题以及竣工之后的造价结算五个方面的分析与说明,以期促进建筑工程正式施工中的有效造价控制,以及提升建筑工程施工单位的效益。  相似文献   

文章综述了国内外降解塑料的研究现状,介绍了降解塑料的定义、评价标准以及降解塑料的分类,以及光降解塑料,生物降解塑料以及光/生物双降解塑料的研究动态,展望了降解塑料的光明前景。  相似文献   

电力系统产业以及科技发展日新月异,本文综述了国内外在电力工业、电力专家系统、供电稳定性以及控制系统的发展情况以及未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

祝娟  吴跃芳 《企业导报》2014,(24):110-110
分析了企业市场营销观念落后、市场营销策略缺乏特色以及缺乏市场营销创新能力等当前企业市场营销存在问题,同时提出了注重市场营销观念创新、落实营销策略优化以及创新市场营销管理等提升企业市场营销竞争力的有效途径,促进企业的健康、稳定以及可持续发展。  相似文献   

计量机构出据的计量鉴定证书、校准证书以及检测报告的准确性以及可靠性不仅关系到顾客的切身利益,更关系到计量部门自身的形象和信誉.因此,在质量管理体系中做好证书以及报告的管理尤其重要.本文通过介绍证书以及报告的格式、内容、修改以及变更等,对今后做其管理工作提供了一点经验.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,计算机以及网络被广泛地应用于社会的各个领域并使人们的生活、学习、生产方式发生了较大的变革。而随着计算机以及网络应用的深入发展,网络安全问题逐渐引起了社会的重视,在计算机安全体系构建中,防火墙的使用是提高计算机以及互联网安全的有效方式。本文对防火墙的概念、特性以及功能作出了阐述,同时在对防火墙技术原理作出分析的基础上对计算机安全体系构建中防火墙的部署措施进行了研究。  相似文献   

人事档案是在劳动、人事以及组织等人事管理的过程中形成的,主要记录、反映个人的健康情况、品德思想、工作业绩以及业务能力等,是管理和考察员工的主要依据。随着社会的迅速发展,劳动用工制度在不断完善以及变化,导致人事档案在管理中出现了一定问题和矛盾。本篇文章主要分析了人事档案管理的意义、目前存在的问题以及对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

宋艳艳 《科技与企业》2013,(13):372-373
飞剪设备是中小型轧钢生产线上不可缺少的关键设备之一,在轧钢生产过程中具有十分重要的作用。本文概述了飞剪设备的命名、特点、构造以及工作原理,介绍了中小型轧钢生产线上的飞剪设备以及飞剪设备的应用以及发展情况,希望能为飞剪设备的研究以及发展提供一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

王江红 《民营科技》2013,(8):225-225
主要讲述了历史遗留下来的各种物品以及文博作业七个方面存在的问题开展了检讨以及思索,同时提出了相关的建议、新观点、新思绪。  相似文献   

计算机网络随着计算机信息化的发展为企业办公以及人们的生活都带来了极大的便捷,如实时进行生产控制、财务、营销以及设备管理等办公自动化系统。Internet对外的使用更加广泛,如收发邮件、查找资料以及发布web信息等,都离不开计算机网络平台。虽然计算机网络为企业的管理、运营以及统计等带来了前所未有的高效和快捷,但是随之而来的计算机网络安全问题也将提高企业的一个重要位置。  相似文献   

本文通过对某大学设计院的发展历程,对企业成长中遇到的困难和问题进行深入剖析,阐述企业 转型期的战略对企业的飞跃的重要性以及对转型期企业战略的制定规则,并通过对企业的SWOT分析,利 用迈克尔·波特五力模型分析,制定出企业转型期的战略及战略目标,并提出具体的实施措施,以期对处于 转型期的科研院所有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper develops a sequential decision-making model for assisting law enforcement officials in allocating resources during a crackdown operation on illicit drug markets. The sequential crackdown model (SCM) considers a probabilistic framework, where the probability of incarceration of a dealer and the probability of dealing are modeled as a function of the size of a drug market, crackdown enforcement level, drug dealer's financial hardship, and other market characteristics.The model was developed and tested in consultation with enforcement officials from Philadelphia, PA and Camden, NJ. We present a detailed, step-by-step implementation scheme for updating parameters on each day of the crackdown. Parameter estimation along with examples of model usage is provided. Through these examples, we illustrate how the SCM could be helpful in understanding the response of illicit drug markets to various enforcement strategies. We further show conditions under which an alternating crackdown policy (referred to as a crackdown-backoff) or a consistent use of maximum possible enforcement would be optimal strategies for managing a drug crackdown operation. Within the context of the model and parameter estimates, we show that a much quicker and less costly collapse could be implemented if the available enforcement resources are increased. Finally, the model provides possible conditions under which a crackdown operation would be unsuccessful in eliminating a drug market.  相似文献   

董洛明  刘清华 《价值工程》2010,29(24):98-99
近年来,样板房设计几乎成为一个专门的领域。但是样板房不同于一个花瓶,不只是作为简单的展示,而是楼盘风格与文化的一种再现,透过样板房,能让购房者感受到一种良好的居家氛围,一种使人倍感舒适的生活方式。因此,好的设计师会把真实与想象空间二合为一,具体来讲就是运用和可以感觉到的光线与影像去表达设计意念,为了强化设计构思也常常使用新的材料、新技术,但主要着力点在于不断追寻新的创意,不断地挖掘楼盘本身的文化内涵。  相似文献   

覃巍 《商品储运与养护》2014,(5):247-248,199
道路原因是造成营运出租车与摩托车相撞的一个重要方面。作为两轮车,摩托车更易受因道路设计、施工、养护和路面情况等道路环境的影响。根据某市的营运出租车与摩托车事故责任认定分析获知,没有对道路环境问题导致事故责任的认定。但这并不能说明该市的道路环境对交通事故无任何影响,只是说明该市交通部门在事故统计中考虑问题的角度不同,所以对于道路的研究也是预防营运出租车与摩托车相撞事故发生的一个重要方面。文中通过某市一路段近年来营运出租车与摩托车发生的交通事故案件,总结和分析研究引起事故的成因,在此基础上研究并构建基于道路环境的营运出租车与摩托车相撞事故的防范体系,由此可有效防范和减少营运出租车与摩托车的相撞事故,降低事故死亡率、减少经济损失,有效遏制重、特大事故。  相似文献   

基于RFID技术的信息流和物资流的同步融合架构的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨志和  李业荣 《物流科技》2006,29(2):99-102
RFID技术是一种非接触式的自动识别技术.它具有使用寿命长、读取距离大、标签上数据可以加密、存储数据容量大、存储信息更改自如等优点.也是一种市场前景和应用规模巨大的高新技术。本文分析了物流中实物流与信息流同步融合的迫切性.应用RFID技术构建了实物流与信息流同步融合模型,设计了生产物流RFID化和RFID仓库的信息融合架构。  相似文献   

Based on interviews with Beirut intellectuals and architects, this essay endeavours to trace the contours for a phenomenology or anthropology of civil war. Thomas Hobbes serves as a guide, with his idea of civil war representing a relapse into the ‘state of nature’; as absence of sovereignty resulting in a ‘war of everybody against everybody’. The effects of ever-latent civil war in Beirut are far-reaching: the fragmentation of urban space and the disappearance of public space, the loss of memory and the fragmentation of time, even the reification of language. In the collective imagination and in the arts, Beirut appears as a ghost town, a spectral city with a spectral civility. What we discover is a city, its inhabitants, its social behaviour, but also its art and literature, in the grip of post-traumatic stress syndrome. From all this, we take home two things: first, any city can (at least in principle) relapse into a similar state of nature — Beirut can become a paradigm of latent civil war; and second, the traumatic modernity of Beirut mirrors the traumatic artistic expressions of modernism — the shock of modernity is also always a modernity of shock.  相似文献   

This paper studies direct systems of finite, that is with finitely many agents, communication structures, finite (balanced and superadditive) NTU games and finite economies. The inductive limit of such a system is again a communication structure, an NTU game or an economy, this time possibly with infinitely many agents. As a matter of fact, each infinite communication structure, each infinite NTU game and each infinite economy, is the inductive limit of a direct system of finite communication structures, finite NTU games and finite economies. A communication game is an NTU game with a communication structure on the set of players. To each economy, there corresponds a balanced and superadditive NTU game. To each economy with a communication structure on the set of agents, there corresponds a communication game. In the paper it is proved that the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of communication games is not empty and in fact the intersection of the cores of the finite communication games of the direct system. It follows that each infinite economy (with or without a communication structure on the set of agents) has a nonempty core. A direct system of economies is a generalisation of the Debreu and Scarf [Debreu, G., Scarf, H. A limit theorem on the core of an economy, International Economic Review 4, pp. 235–246.] example of `replica economies'. The proof of the nonemptiness of the core of the inductive limit of a direct system of economies is along the lines of the proof by Debreu and Scarf. As by-product it is shown that an NTU game is totally balanced if and only if all its finite subgames are balanced.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of a “successful” IPO from a corporate governance perspective upon a representative sample of European listings from 2000 to 2015. We use an extensive dataset of market performance, financial data, and corporate governance characteristics to run the investigation. Differently from previous studies, our analysis embraces both a short‐term perspective and a medium–long‐term perspective, where the board of directors seems to perform different tasks, moving from a value creation to a value protection strategy. Among the others, we find that board size, board independence, and their qualifications, together with their experience in other boards, are associated with a positive performance of the IPO in a short‐term horizon and in the medium–long‐term period, although significant differences emerge among those time perspectives.  相似文献   

To understand how a supplier helps a buying company create value through innovations, studies have focused on a supplier's internal resources or its relationship with a buying company. Building upon this body of literature, we develop a theory of supplier network-based innovation value in this conceptual paper. This theory explains how a supplier's upstream and downstream value network can be a source of competitive advantage for a buying company. Specifically, it proposes that the levels and types of supplier innovation value is contingent on the configuration of a dual-ego value network, characterized by the locus and degree of buyer-supplier structural equivalence. This theory also explains how a supplier's ties with a buying firm's competitors can pose both opportunity and risk to buying company innovation. This theory contributes to the literature by showing when “seemingly undesirable” suppliers, due to a lack of technical capability or strong relationship with a buying company, might still be valuable to a buying company's innovation.  相似文献   

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