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我国公司债券市场:问题、环境与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公司债券市场是资本市场的重要组成部分。公司债券市场的发展,可以使企业在发展过程中获得最优资本结构,进而帮助企业实现价值最大化;可以满足投资者风险及收益偏好不同而带来的千差万别的投资需求,从而实现资产的最优配置。由于投资者的集体监督与还本付息的刚性约束,公司债券有着其他金融产品不可替代的优势。  相似文献   

发展公司债券市场是促进直接融资发展的有效举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“发展资本市场,扩大直接融资比重”早已成为我国既定的金融发展战略,但从我国金融改革的实践看,扩大直接融资比重的努力一直成效甚微,通过银行间接融资的比重一直高居不下。笔者认为,导致这种局面的重要原因是我们忽视公司债券市场的发展,片面地将发展资本市场理解成为发展股票市场。央行最近启动短期融资券市场对改善我国的金融结构意义重大。  相似文献   

当前我国正在积极创建多层次的资本市场,扩大企业的直接融资渠道,经过多年的努力,企业股权融资获得了长足的发展,相比而言,我国债券融资,特别是公司债券的发展成为资本市场发展中的最为薄弱的环节,环顾世界资本市场的发展历史以及现状,公司债是一个国家企业融资的最为主要的工具,是构成债券市场的主体。并且,从企业融资的啄食顺序上来看,债券融资也是优先于股权融资的,昕以,无论是从考虑推动企业转制上看,还是完善我国资本市场结构,促进储蓄向投资转化的角度看,我们都必须重视对于公司债券的发展。  相似文献   

附认股权证公司债券可行性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
附认股权证公司债与可转债是属于同一类别具有特定功能的金融产品,具有可分离的独特优势.从我国资本市场的现状及未来的发展趋势看,附认股权证公司债的推出具有较强的现实意义,而且推出的各项条件已经成熟.  相似文献   

上海证交所总经理朱从玖近日指出,中国金融市场改革的深化,需要大力发展公司债券市场。完善的公司债券市场,要有较好的流动性。为了改变我国间接融资权重过大的现状,培育公司债投资者应该开拓商业银行以外的市场参与者。[第一段]  相似文献   

公司债券作为一种直接融资的手段,是资本市场的重要组成部分。在我国经过20年的不断发展,我国企业债从无到有,规模从小到大,数量从少到多,特别是近几年发展较快,品种不断增加,市场逐步规范,创新不断涌现,为我国经济的发展做出了积极的贡献。公司债的存在不仅满足了企业融资手段上的需求,而且也给投资者提供了多元化的投资选择。但与股票市场相比,  相似文献   

发展公司债券市场的几个认识问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大力发展债券市场,是大力发展资本市场的一项重要内容。而大力发展以企业信用为基础的企业债券或公司债券,则是大力发展债券市场的关键。今年1月召开的全国金融工作会议提出,要扩大企业债券的发行规模,大力发展公司债券市场,使发展公司债券成为当前金融改革的一大热点。为正确发展公司债券市场,有必要解决一些基础性的认识问题。这里,我想就有关问题谈一点个人的看法。  相似文献   

长久以来,我国债券市场尤其是公司债券市场的发展比较滞后,债券市场与股票市场、货币市场之间发展不均衡.这不仅影响到融资偏好和资本结构.降低了公司治理的绩效,也影响金融市场的整体效率.不利于货币政策等宏观经济政策的有效传导。因此,应该找好债券市场改进的着力点,使债券市场、股票市场、货币市场之间发展更协调与健康。  相似文献   

韩国早期的金融环境与我国相比有一些相似之处。该文分析了韩国公司债市场的发展历程和当前的现状,并结合我国实际为我国公司债券市场发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Long-term reversals in corporate bonds are economically and statistically significant in a comprehensive sample spanning the period 1977 to 2017. Such reversals are stronger for bonds with high credit risk and more binding regulatory, capital, and funding liquidity constraints. Bond long-term reversal is not a manifestation of the equity counterpart and is mainly driven by long-term losers. A long-term reversal factor carries a sizable premium and is not explained by long-established equity and bond market factors. Thus, past returns capture investors’ ex-ante risk assessment and the degree of institutional constraints they face, so losing bonds command higher expected returns.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to test whether companies use corporate bond reopenings to exploit overvalued debt. Reopenings represent new debt offerings, which are characterized through identical configurations as an already outstanding bond, but with a market-adjusted price. Their advantage lies with the fact that fewer preparations are required compared to a new regular offering. For a set of European companies our results suggest that stockholders respond less positively to the announcements of reopenings than to regular offerings. This effect is stronger, the higher the pre-issue bond price run-up, and the stock price reaction is directly linked to the change in the firm’s debt value. Additionally, the prices of the reopened bonds drop on the announcement day. Therefore, in line with the window of opportunity theory, the firm’s management appears to use reopenings as a fast and inexpensive way to raise debt capital, which leads stockholders and bondholders to suspect an overvaluation and therefore to adjust their price expectations. The analysis also reveals that the redistribution of wealth from bondholders to stockholders is a major determinant for the observed price changes.  相似文献   

This study examines whether investor protection affects capital markets, specifically the development of corporate bond markets versus equity markets. Using a dataset of 42 countries, we show that countries with strong creditor rights have more developed corporate bond markets than equity markets. However, we find only weak evidence that countries with stronger shareholder protection have more developed equity markets than corporate bond markets. Additionally, we find that the effect of financial reforms on capital markets is strongly dependent on the strength of investor protection and on the associated information disclosure in a given country.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(3):203-212
The paper uses a reduced-form vector autoregressive framework to study the effects of quantitative easing and operation “twist”, as well as a conventional monetary expansion, on corporate bond yields and spreads. We construct rating- and maturity-based weekly bond portfolios using TRACE and simulate monetary policies as shocks to the Treasury yield curve. We find that none of the policies can persistently lower corporate spreads, and that operation twist is the only policy capable of lowering corporate yields. This latter finding can be accounted for by the operation twist’s ability to keep the monetary base constant and, therefore, to flatten the riskless yield curve without generating inflationary expectations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of shifting liquidity and institutional trading in the corporate bond market on inferences regarding informational efficiency. We find that when institutional trade dominance and other bond trading features are accounted for, stock leads evidenced in earlier studies surprisingly disappear. Short windows after firm-specific news releases are examined, and bond trading advantages are shown to be pronounced particularly when equity market liquidity is low (during after-market hours). Cross-sectionally, the effect of credit risk and other firm/bond level characteristics are determined. Finally, ‘top bonds’ are identified, and their common ex ante identifiable characteristics are determined.  相似文献   

We use the spreads of emerging market bonds traded in secondary markets to study investors' perception of country risk. Specifically, we ask whether investors apply the “sovereign ceiling,” which says that no firm is more creditworthy than its government. To do this we compare the spreads of bonds issued by firms to those of bonds issued by the firms' home governments. We find several cases where a firm's bond trades at a lower spread than that of the firm's government, indicating that investors do not always apply the sovereign ceiling. Bonds for which this is true tend to have substantial export earnings and/or a close relationship with either a foreign firm or with the home government.  相似文献   

This paper investigates fire sales of downgraded corporate bonds induced by regulatory constraints imposed on insurance companies. As insurance companies hold over one-third of investment-grade corporate bonds, the collective need to divest downgraded issues may be limited by a scarcity of counterparties. Using insurance company transaction data, we find that insurance companies that are relatively more constrained by regulation are more likely to sell downgraded bonds. Bonds subject to a high probability of regulatory-induced selling exhibit price declines and subsequent reversals. These price effects appear larger during periods when the insurance industry is relatively distressed and other potential buyers' carpital is scarce.  相似文献   

We examine recovery rates of defaulted bonds in the US corporate bond market, based on a complete set of traded prices and volumes. A study of the trading microstructure around various types of default events is provided. We document temporary price pressure with high trading volumes on the default day and the following 30 days, and low trading activity thereafter. Based on this analysis, we determine market-based recovery rates and quantify various liquidity measures. We study the relation between the recovery rates and these measures, considering additionally a comprehensive set of bond characteristics, firm fundamentals, and macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

We provide evidence on how corporate bond investors react to a change in yields, and how this behaviour differs in times of market‐wide stress. We also investigate ‘reaching for yield’ across investor types, as well as providing insights into the structure of the corporate bond market. Using proprietary sterling corporate bond transaction data, we show that insurance companies, hedge funds and asset managers are typically net buyers when corporate bond yields rise. Dealer banks clear the market by being net sellers. However, we find evidence for this behaviour reversing in times of stress for some investors. During the 2013 ‘taper tantrum’, asset managers were net sellers of corporate bonds in response to a sharp rise in yields, potentially amplifying price changes. At the same time, dealer banks were net buyers. Finally, we provide evidence that insurers, hedge funds and asset managers tilt their portfolios towards higher risk bonds, consistent with ‘reaching for yield’ behaviour.  相似文献   

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